Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 200 The Expected Scenario (3/4)

Although the headquarters of Lingtong Technology Company is in the capital, the team did not return to the company immediately, but opened a room in a hotel near the bidding venue.

And they rented the conference room of the hotel. When Ren Zhengfei and the others returned to the hotel, they immediately came to the conference room. There were several staff members of Lingtong Technology Company operating the equipment.

"When will the construction be completed?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

"It will be finished tomorrow!" said the person in charge of the site.

Hearing this, he nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I'm relieved. After you finish building, check carefully to make sure there are no accidents."

"Understood!" said the person in charge.

The reason why Ren Zhengfei wanted to build an on-site simulation system in a hotel near the bidding meeting was to convince all communication equipment vendors participating in the bidding.

The bidding standard formulated by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications this time is almost tailor-made for Lingtong Technology Company. Among all the equipment manufacturers who came to bid, only Lingtong Technology Company met the requirements.

At that time, when Lingtong Technology Company obtains the largest share, there will definitely be objections from many communication equipment manufacturers, especially the international communication giants.

Because in their view, they themselves cannot fully meet the requirements. How can this little-known small company be able to do so?

In fact, the technical strength is not very good. When the time comes to make a fuss, although there will be an explanation, it will inevitably embarrass the people in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

After all, you can write whatever you want on the tender document, but whether you can do it is another matter. If you don't want to make the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications look bad, then you have to prove that you have the strength to meet the standards required by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

At the same time, it was also the first time for Lingtong Technology to show their technological achievements in front of their global counterparts, announcing the birth of a new international communication giant, and it was also a way to completely shut up the other party.

After leaving the meeting room, Ren Zhengfei asked the team members to communicate with the hotel to ensure that the power supply of this meeting room is absolutely safe and reliable.

At the same time, it also arranged for the personnel on duty in the next night to prevent anyone from tampering with it. Someone must be watching at all times.

Three days later, all the communication equipment suppliers who submitted the bids came to the meeting place prepared by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications last time, and this time it was the day of the bid opening.

All equipment suppliers are sitting quietly in their positions,

Waiting for the staff of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on the stage to announce the winning bid.

"This time our communication equipment bidding meeting, a total of 20 bidding documents were valid for delivery. After intense review and comparison in the past few days, the following equipment suppliers that meet our requirements were selected." The staff on the stage said.

When everyone heard this, the expressions of the communication equipment suppliers on the scene were different, and other domestic equipment suppliers all showed apprehension.

On the other hand, foreign communication equipment suppliers look relaxed, although they come from different countries and different companies, and they are all in a competitive relationship.

But in their view, no matter who gets the biggest share in the end, they will always get a certain share more or less in these companies.

After all, the gap between them is very small, and when they came to bid, they had already communicated with each other to avoid price wars among them and made some negotiations.

Therefore, in the bidding documents they wrote, the price basically maintained the previous price without any drop, because in their view, there is no strong competitor in the country.

"The first communication equipment supplier to win the bid is Lingtong Technology from China, and their three-in-one communication system solution fully meets our bidding standards.

Not only did their technology and solutions meet our requirements for building the Internet, telecommunication networks, and broadcasting networks, but their prices also met our requirements. Among all the tenders, their comprehensive scores were the highest.

Therefore, we decided to hand over 19 billion yuan of the procurement contract out of the 20 billion yuan of the total bidding amount to Lingtong Technology Company. " said the staff on the stage.

In fact, the staff hadn't finished singing the bid yet, and many manufacturers sitting in the auditorium suddenly became noisy, not to mention foreign communication equipment suppliers, even domestic communication equipment suppliers could not sit still.

The root of everything is Lingtong Technology Company, which no one has ever heard of. Such a small transparency in front of the peers turned out to be the biggest winning bidder.

No one could accept this, but the domestic communication equipment suppliers just whispered to each other, asking people around them if they knew about this company, and the discipline of the venue was relatively well maintained.

However, these foreign communication equipment suppliers stood up directly to express their anger, and some people even bluntly said that this is the darkest bidding meeting.

Their behavior made the meeting a little out of control, and even the meeting was a bit difficult to continue, but it was a bit inappropriate to invite people out like this, and I didn't know what would happen if they did this.

Seeing this situation, Ren Zhengfei had to stand up, walked to the front desk, picked up the microphone, and said, "Excuse me, I am the person in charge of Lingtong Technology Company, and my name is Ren Zhengfei."

For Ren Zhengfei, there are still people who know the people at the scene. Although the annual turnover of Huawei Technologies is very small, everyone still has some impressions that it has made splashes in the market after all.

It’s just that everyone knows that he is the boss of Huawei Technology Company, and he has nothing to do with Lingtong Technology Company. Many people are puzzled by this, but it’s not easy to ask directly.

"Although Lingtong Technology Company was established relatively late, we have been committed to the research and development of advanced communication technology, and we are a provider of advanced Internet communication, telephone communication and broadcast communication system solutions.

When I say this, you may think that I am bragging, and you know that if we win the bid, there will be many doubts, so we rented a meeting room in a hotel near the site.

There are simulation scenes specially built by us. If you are interested, you can go and have a look with me. You will never be disappointed.

We are still at the site of the bidding meeting, and I still hope that everyone can abide by the discipline of the venue and avoid delaying everyone's time, thank you! "Ren Zhengfei said.

After speaking, he handed over the microphone to the staff, then stepped off the stage gracefully, and returned to his seat, but the scene gradually became quiet.

Although there were still whispers, everyone didn't show as much anger as before, because it was a mule or a horse, and they could understand if they went to have a look, and they could still wait for this little time.

Then the staff continued to announce the winning bidders, including domestic and foreign companies. It seemed that each company had a share, but the total amount of these shares was only 1 billion yuan.

According to the staff of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, these purchases are mainly to replace old equipment in the existing system, which belongs to routine maintenance.

This is mainly because Lingtong Technology's equipment cannot be spread all over the country at once, and the existing communication network needs to be maintained.

So according to this idea, there are still orders of 1 billion yuan this year, and in the next few years, there may be no orders of 1 billion yuan every year.

Because with the establishment of new communication systems, these old systems will gradually withdraw from the stage of history, which also announced that many domestic communication equipment companies will gradually withdraw from the domestic market.

Therefore, many equipment suppliers on site, not only did not have any joy of winning the bid, but their faces were full of worries, especially foreign suppliers, whose gloomy faces could drip water.

As for domestic communication equipment suppliers, their faces are not good. Although they have never thought about eating the biggest cake, they are not so few.

What's more, this is a dangerous signal. If Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. is really allowed to fight in the country, they will really not be able to continue to survive in this field.

Now all of them are counting on the discrepancy between the actual situation of Lingtong Technology Company and the description in the bidding documents, so that they have a chance to turn the tables.

Just looking at Ren Zhengfei's confident smile just now, and their preparations for this, to be honest, their confidence is not enough, it's just a fluke.

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