Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 201 Is the world changing so fast? (four four)

It didn't take long to open the bid. The staff of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications only introduced the main technical parameters of the winning bidder. Those present were all insiders, and based on the parameters, they could understand whose technology was advanced.

As for the internal information of the system, it is generally not mentioned, and the bidding documents will not be written in detail, as long as it meets the standards of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications for the overall network system.

As for how to realize the details, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications does not need to know. The luck of all the communication equipment manufacturers on the scene also came from this. They hoped that Lingtong Technology Company would exaggerate the parameters, but it could not be realized in reality.

The bid opening work was completed, and the communication equipment bidding meeting officially came to an end, but everyone did not leave, but looked at Ren Zhengfei with all eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, Ren Zhengfei stood up and said, "Seeing that everyone is in such a hurry, let's go there together."

Not only the major communication equipment suppliers on site, but also the staff of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications followed. After all, everyone is willing to watch the slap in the face.

The hotel is not far from the venue, only tens of meters away. A group of nearly 60 people came out of the venue in a mighty manner and walked towards the nearby hotel on foot.

Ren Zhengfei led everyone into the hotel and went straight to the hotel conference room. When the door of the conference room opened, it was full of various machines and equipment.

Although it is a relatively simple communication simulation system, its functions are quite complete, and there are various types of devices of various sizes, including three-in-one communication mode and independent communication mode.

Due to the large number of machines and the large overall power consumption, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. took over the entire hotel on this day to avoid unstable power supply caused by power consumption in other places.

"Everyone, this is the temporary communication system built by our Lingtong Technology Company. First, our technicians will introduce our system to you." Ren Zhengfei said.

And the eloquent technician who had been prepared for a long time stood up and started to talk about each equipment. It took two hours to talk about the equipment of the entire system.

But the listeners did not feel bored or physically tired at all, because these devices have opened their eyes and refreshed their understanding of current technology.

Of course, some people listened to the staff of Lingtong Technology Company with a smile on their faces, while others frowned more and more as they listened. Obviously, their hearts were quite complicated.

After the equipment was finished, the temporary lecturer began to explain some problems on system integration.

However, the details are not particularly detailed, they are generalized and do not involve confidential things.

It was another hour, and it was time for dinner, but everyone didn't stop to eat, and wanted to continue listening to the explanation of Lingtong Technology Company's lecturer.

Although at this point, they no longer have the fluke mentality just now, but being able to learn more about the world's advanced technology is also very important for their future development.

Especially the national communication giants, even if they lose their domestic market, they will not be injured, and the company can still survive.

But if they fail to catch up on the road of technology in the future, it means that their market share will gradually lose, and eventually they will change from a large company to a small company, and the small company will directly face bankruptcy.

So they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about Lingtong Technology's technology, and some even wanted to inquire about more confidential information, but they were all rejected on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.

The next step is the experience session. For professionals, the previous session can be barely understood, but for others, it is a blur.

But the experience link is much simpler. Lingtong Technology has prepared phones, computers, and even a TV for everyone, so that everyone can experience the effects of these three communication networks on the spot.

The first is to make a phone call. Since optical fiber is used for data transmission in the middle, the transmission is a digital signal. Compared with the analog signal, the digital signal still has great advantages.

The analog signal has poor confidentiality, weak anti-interference, and is very easy to be stolen by others. Moreover, the sound heard by the terminal has a lot of noise, and the signal is not very stable and has high distortion.

However, the digital signal solves the shortcomings of the analog signal very well. Therefore, when using the phone of Lingtong Technology Company to communicate, the sound can be heard very clearly without any noise, and the sound heard is no different from the original sound.

This point alone is currently beyond the reach of these communication equipment companies. Some of them also have digital communication equipment, but the effect is still far behind that of Lingtong Technology.

The most important thing is that as the technicians just said, their system can perform encrypted communication on a certain channel of communication as needed, which can greatly improve communication security.

This is a revenue-generating opportunity for communication operators. It can provide such services to companies with high confidentiality requirements, and it is also a business with certain market prospects.

In fact, encrypted communication is not particularly unusual, and all major communication companies on the scene can do it, but the encryption of Linktone Technology Company is random, and it is very difficult to crack.

Of course, this is the core secret of Lingtong Technology Company, and it is impossible to tell the outside the specific encryption algorithm, so the people at the scene did not have a clear understanding of the confidential phone, and thought it was similar to their technology.

The reason why we attach importance to confidentiality is not only the market demand, but also the need to provide secure communications for various countries. Now basically different networks are used to isolate the network to avoid information theft.

But for many small countries, it is very difficult to do this. Using this function, it is possible to conduct confidential communications with the key communication equipment of key national figures to avoid being eavesdropped by others.

In the previous life, the United States, as a major eavesdropping country, posed a huge threat to global communication security. With this function, it will not be so easy for them to eavesdrop on information easily.

With this function, the network communication that could only be used for civilian purposes can be used for both military and civilian purposes in an instant. This is very attractive to many countries, and it can also reduce their input costs.

Then there are radio and television programs, here is just a simulation, but from the perspective of TV fluency and picture clarity, the effect is also very good, but the advantages are not so obvious.

The resolution of the current TV screen itself is not high, and the configuration of the TV is not very good. Even if the gap is obvious, ordinary people can't feel it.

But one thing can be proved, the telephone signal, radio and television signal, and Internet signal all come out of one line, and then are divided into three signals at the home end through equipment.

The last is the Internet communication experience. Although the technicians have said that the communication network speed can reach the highest level of 100MB/s, after the actual experience, there are still people exclaiming.

The current Internet speed can exceed 1MB/s, which is already considered good. The current Internet applications only send emails and look at static web pages.

There is not as rich and colorful Internet content as later generations, so such a low network speed is barely enough to handle these Internet communications with small data transmission.

For example, it will take more than ten years for my country's household registration to reach the level of 4MB/s. Although it is generally lagging behind other pioneering countries at that time, it is not far behind, and other countries are also not much better.

Of course, this is in the current test environment. During actual operation, it is impossible to provide such a high inbound network speed, because this will seriously increase the communication pressure on the network backbone.

The actual network access speed can reach more than 4MB/s, which is enough to meet most Internet applications. If it can reach 10MB/s, it can basically provide a smooth user experience.

The speed of home access depends on the capability of home communication equipment. According to the current electronic semiconductor technology, it can only achieve this level. There are also many advanced technologies of Lingtong Technology Company.

If it is done by other communication equipment companies, they may not be able to produce such a high network communication speed with the same hardware.

In fact, the current personal computer network card cannot achieve such a high data communication speed. The computer I experienced was specially processed to break through the limitations of the hardware.

Seeing such a high network transmission speed, everyone has no words to express except feeling incredible, and these three communication devices are used at the same time without any interference.

After many of them experienced it, they had serious self-doubt in their hearts, "Is the world changing so fast?"

Before they had time to adapt to walking, Lingtong Technology Company had already started to run.

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