Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 223 Hope is just an example (2/4)

In fact, Ye Zishu was already very careful. He chose software at first mainly because although the development of software in Europe and the United States has begun to take shape, compared with other industries, it is still very weak.

This means that the number of employees in the software industry is not very large. Many companies have more than a dozen employees, and most of them have no more than a hundred employees.

Under such circumstances, he believes that even if these software companies are hit hard, they will not cause a strong rebound. After all, software capital is not that strong yet.

In fact, such a guess is correct. When the Phoenix operating system appeared with a cross-generational attitude, most of the existing operating system software manufacturers were silent, and did not immediately come out to trouble the Phoenix software company.

On the one hand, their products are too far behind. No matter how loud they are, they will not be able to change consumers' choices in the end. This is the impact brought by cross-generational products.

On the other hand, their capital cannot push the power of the state to limit it, and they may not be able to limit it in the face of such cross-age products.

They can only lick their wounds silently, and the operating system software vendors and application software vendors are linked together, hoping to fight back from the Jedi.

The reason why the application software manufacturers cooperate so much is that apart from the promise of the operating system manufacturers to transfer benefits after success, the most important thing is that they also know that their future development may not be smooth on other people's platforms.

Mastering the platform is equivalent to mastering the lifeblood of others. Of course, this lifeblood is hoped to be in the hands of your own people, so that you can feel more at ease.

Although Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. has proposed a three-in-one network solution, in fact, it still mainly sells Internet equipment abroad.

In the field of Internet equipment, the strength of the United States is not particularly strong, at least there have been no super giants, and the scale of the industry is not particularly strong.

The period when the Internet in the United States really developed at a high speed was after the new president came to power this year, and the high-speed information highway plan was launched, and the development of the Internet industry began to accelerate.

Related equipment industries and Internet giants have only emerged one after another. Without a real opponent with absolute strength, he thought he would be able to live in peace.

It's just that they didn't expect that they targeted Lingtong Technology Company this time, not only for commercial intrigue, but even for the government to get involved. This kind of situation is relatively rare.

As mentioned earlier, what is being promoted now is based on the theory of "neo-liberalism", trying to establish a social picture of "small government, big market".

Generally speaking, this kind of commercial competition,

The government will not intervene excessively. Obviously, what they are doing now violates the consensus they have reached, which is a bit abnormal.

According to the analysis by Ye Zishu, the most likely reason is that Lingtong Technology Company moved the cheese of the new U.S. government, so they had to end it in person and wanted to kill Lingtong Technology Company.

However, Lingtong Technology Company is very advanced in Internet solutions, so it thinks that it can take these technologies as its own.

This coincides with their plan to develop the Internet information superhighway, and they are unwilling to let their Internet information superhighway be occupied by equipment from other countries.

However, it is impossible to suppress it technically. If you do not use the products of Lingtong Technology Company, you will have no face to call it an information superhighway.

As the largest country in the world, it is natural that it does not want the Internet speed of its own country to be worse than that of other backward countries. Isn't this a slap in the face of the politicians who proposed the information superhighway?

So they thought that through this method, they could not only kill Lingtong Technology Company, but also obtain advanced Internet communication technology, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It's just that they didn't expect that Ye Zishu had already started to establish the entire electronic semiconductor industry chain, but due to the short time, Xuanwu Technology Company had not yet built a semiconductor production line.

It is also because Xuanwu Technology's plan is being carried out in secret, that the outside world doesn't understand the actual situation at all, and thinks that Lingtong Technology's fate has been grasped.

What he hopes now is that this incident is just an exception. If it happens every now and then, although he will still have a way to bypass it, doing it this way will annoy him.

Putting this matter aside, Ye Zishu continued to immerse himself in his work. The following things piled up so that he did not dare to relax in the slightest. He might never have the opportunity to live a leisurely life like other rich people.

Because even if he is busy with the things at hand, he will still think about entering new fields, "As long as the world is running, capital will never stop."

Originally, he planned to write the smart music production system by himself, but now, in order to save time, he had to call 10 software developers to help.

Since his office is large enough, and he doesn't have too many things to do at ordinary times, he directly let 10 technicians work in his office.

As a result, the originally tall office has instantly turned into a busy public office space. If people see it, they will inevitably be surprised.

But Ye Zishu didn't care about these, and handed over all the parts that others could do. He just focused on the research and development of core technologies.

In addition, Kunpeng Information Technology Company developed some background frameworks before, which saved him a lot of time in building background applications.

The work that was originally planned to be completed before the Spring Festival has been shortened by 10 days after this process. On January 11, the writing of the code was completed.

Then after a day of testing and modification, the existing BUG was corrected, and the intelligent music production system was finally completed, which was directly handed over to Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

However, this cannot be directly listed. It needs to use a huge music sample library to train artificial intelligence to reach a certain level of intelligence before it can be listed.

The length of training required is mainly determined by two factors. The first is the hardware computing power. Learning also requires a lot of computing power.

Moreover, when this level of artificial intelligence training is calculated, simple calculations are repeated continuously, which is why GPUs are used for artificial intelligence training.

Because the biggest advantage of the GPU is its strong throughput for simple and repetitive calculations, the CPU has a great disadvantage in this regard.

Kunpeng has its own headquarters in various regions. When purchasing GPUs this time, it does not need to go through Lenovo's agent and purchase directly from manufacturers, which also saves a lot of costs.

As for building such a training platform, it is actually not difficult. The operating system uses the Phoenix server operating system. The biggest advantage of this operating system is that it can integrate many hardware computing resources.

From this perspective, the Phoenix server operating system already has the prototype of a supercomputer system. As long as it continues to improve and optimize, it can be directly used as a supercomputer operating system.

At present, the Phoenix server operating system has been written, but it has not been introduced to the market, mainly because the current server market basically uses the server manufacturer's own operating system.

For example, IBM and SUN's server products use their own server operating systems, and other server manufacturers are basically in the same situation.

Even if it is introduced to the market now, it will not bring great benefits to Phoenix Software Company. When the server operating system was written, there was no such plan.

His idea is to wait until the semiconductor industry of Xuanwu Technology Company develops, and then let Qinglong Technology Company develop its own server, and then the Phoenix server operating system can be used.

At that time, relying on the powerful functions of the Phoenix server operating system, as well as operating habits similar to the personal version, there will be a lot of software support.

The servers of Qinglong Technology Company can gain a relative advantage in the market competition. The powerful cluster function of the Phoenix server operating system is much more powerful than ordinary server operating systems.

His cluster function is not just a simple accumulation of computing power, but the integration of all computer hardware resources in the cluster to form a complete whole.

In other words, not only the superposition of computing power has been improved, but also the throughput of data and information has also been superimposed, and various types of servers can seamlessly join the cluster.

This means that the old servers can still be used. Although the individual computing power can no longer keep up with the times, it can use the cluster method to provide higher computing power to the outside world and break through the bottleneck of a single server.

At present, the search engine server of Kunpeng Information Technology Company uses this operating system, and it is running very stable, without a single systemic problem.

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