Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 224 We Are Not Passers-by (3/4)

Now there is only more than a week before the Chinese New Year. Due to too many things at work, he has no plans to go home for the Chinese New Year. In addition, the way back is too difficult, and he is unwilling to experience it again.

He plans to go home when he is free in the middle of the year, especially during the Spring Festival travel period. Taking the train can crush people's bones, and the railway security is also the most chaotic period. And there was an airplane accident in July, so he didn't want to take the airplane either.

Ye Zihua saw that her brother wasn't going home, and she didn't plan to go home this year. She planned to spend the Spring Festival with her brother and go back next summer. Their parents said a few words, but they didn't have that kind of strong yearning either.

His parents are not very old. Although there are two less people in the family, the excitement will be much less, but it is okay, just let the two of them take care of themselves outside.

This year's Spring Festival Gala also invited Ye Shu, but he refused. The two consecutive Spring Festival Gala is enough, and there is no need to occupy the quota of the Spring Festival Gala all the time.

He entered the entertainment industry not really to take root in it, but to accumulate initial funds. Now that he has a huge industry, there is no need to occupy more resources.

Of course, the resources of the Spring Festival Gala are indeed more important. Although he didn't go, he proposed that his Shengshi Records company send singers to perform.

After the reform of Shengshi Records, the speed of development is much faster than before. Although the main source of income is his record income, the proportion is gradually shrinking.

This is a good phenomenon. Any company or business model that relies on a few people to succeed is unstable.

The most stable state is that no matter who is missing, the company can operate and develop normally, which shows that the company has formed a strong internal development motivation and has the ability of self-development.

Moreover, Shengshi Records has gradually produced singers with certain influence, and has also gradually developed multi-habitats. This is also the path that artists must take.

The record industry is destined to be doomed. Since Ye Zishu intends to ruin the lives of other record companies, it will naturally ruin the life of Shengshi Record Company. Even if Ye Shu doesn't want to see this situation, he can't stop the torrent of history.

"Brother, your company is too big. Will you get lost if you walk in it?" Ye Zihua followed Ye Zishu, looking around.

"Don't worry about that, how is the exam going?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it!" Ye Zihua assured, patting her chest.

"It's okay to pass the exam,

Or is it okay to take the first place? "Leaf Book asked.

"It must be no problem to take the first place!" Ye Zihua hesitated for a moment, and then said firmly.

Ye Zihua majored in financial management, which was suggested by Ye Zishu. It stands to reason that Ye Zihua's science is very good, and scientific research still has a certain future.

It’s just that in Ye Zishu’s view, as long as Ye Zi can’t become a top scientist, there is no shortage of ordinary scientists in the country.

However, there is currently a lack of top-level financial management talents in China. Even in the domestic financial system, there is a lack of talents with international financial vision.

Ye Zishu can do a good job of technological development by himself, but he is not particularly relieved to entrust others with financial matters.

At present, it seems that there is no need for him to get involved in the financial field, and the Internet financial company he established is only for Internet payment business, which is not particularly related to finance.

But after a few years, his huge assets may require necessary financial operations, which is more conducive to the efficient use of funds.

Of course he hoped that Ye Zihua would come to help him after he finished his studies, but if he had his own ideas, Ye Zishu would not stop him, he just felt that it would be safer to hand over the financial affairs to his close relatives.

Seeing Ye Zihua's confident expression, Ye Zishu felt that no matter whether he could get the first place in the exam, at least it would not be too bad. Ye Zihua never lied to him once.

Now Ye Zishu is a third-year student at Tsinghua University, but now it is just a name, he has no time to go to class at all, and sometimes even has no time for exams.

He thought he would be warned and punished by the school. In fact, everyone seemed to have forgotten about it. Anyway, Ye Zishu was in his third year for no reason.

He also asked the class teacher about this, and the answer he got was that the school thought his professional ability was enough, and it didn't matter whether he came to class or not.

In fact, Ye Zishu is already ready to drop out of school. His current success does not require academic qualifications to prove himself. Even if he fails in the end, his former glory still cannot be obliterated by others.

It was just unexpected that Tsinghua University would adopt such a method, leaving Ye Shu who was planning to drop out of school without any reason. According to this rhythm, he only needs to submit his graduation thesis in the end to graduate from university.

Bringing Ye Zihua to his office, he said, "I'm busy and I don't have time to stay with you all the time. What do you plan to do?"

"I don't need you to worry about it, it's just where I live, you won't let me live in the school dormitory?" Ye Zihua asked.

"That's not necessary. I have a rest room on this floor. If you don't want to squeeze, you can go to the hotel next door to rest." Ye Zishu said.

He and Ye Zihua grew up squeezed together in the same bed. Although they are both grown up now, there is still no conflict if they squeeze together, but it depends on Ye Zihua's meaning.

"Then I'd better squeeze with you, what a waste to stay in a hotel!" Ye Zihua said.

"The hotel belongs to the company, but it's a little bit far from here, and you have to walk a few more steps. Usually, employees get off work late and don't want to go home, so they can stay in the hotel for one night." Ye Zishu said.

"Your company still has its own hotel?" Ye Zihua asked in surprise.

"Is this surprising? It's just to make it easier for employees to rest. It's very common for company employees to work overtime. They work so hard, so I can't be too picky." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ye Zihua approached quietly and asked, "Brother, can you tell me how much money your company makes?"

Ye Zishu glanced at Ye Zihua and said, "You don't have to worry about that, just study hard."

Although Ye Zihua is not a broken-mouthed person, but his personality is much more active than his own. If you tell him, there may be mistakes. You can just know how much money you make, and there is no need to let others know.

And let Ye Zihua know that her brother is so rich, afraid of a huge change in his temperament, "wealth is charming", this sentence is not for nothing.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ye Zihua curled his lips, looking very unhappy about keeping Ye Zishu a secret, which made Ye Zishu feel the need to talk to him.

"Zi Hua, you're an adult now, you're no longer the kid who followed me, you're already an independent adult," Ye Zishu said.

"Brother, what are you talking about, you will always be my brother!" Ye Zihua asked strangely.

"It's true that I am your brother, but you are also an independent person. You still need to walk your own way in the future. I can help you, but I won't always support you. You are not anyone's vassal." Ye Zishu said .

Seeing Ye Zishu's serious expression, Ye Zihua smiled and said, "Brother, are you afraid that I will become a dude?"

"Hey, do you still know about dandies?" Ye Zishu asked.

"To be honest, there are such people among my classmates, but I don't have much contact with them, and I don't know much about them." Ye Zihua said.

Hearing what Ye Zihua said, Ye Zishu was also a little surprised. Didn't he expect that there are dandy students in colleges and universities now? Such things were quite common in previous lives.

Those who can go to Tsinghua University to major in financial management must either pass the exam based on their ability or connections, but in this day and age, those who go on the basis of connections do have the capital to become a dandy.

"For such a person, you should neither conflict nor get too close!" Ye Zishu warned Ye Zihua.

"I know, we are not the same way!" Ye Zihua said lightly.

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