Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 226 Constructing a Virtual Universe (1/4)

After hearing what the person in charge of the special effects department said, Ye Shu fell into deep thought. Now the special effects department has only one special effects blockbuster, and that is "Titanic".

As for the previous "Legend of the White Snake", although computer special effects were also used, they were rarely used, and the value of the film and television special effects software system could not be reflected at all.

Now "Titanic" is in full swing. According to the feedback from Shengshi Film and Television Company, this movie has sold well overseas.

It has occupied the top spot on the global box office charts for three consecutive weeks, and this sign has not diminished at all, and will maintain the top spot at the box office for a longer week.

Although this movie is about love, the excellent special effects must have attracted the attention of other film companies, but I don't know if they understand the shooting process.

If you understand the shooting process, you will have a deeper understanding of the special effects technology of Phoenix Special Effects, which may bring more special effects production business to Phoenix Special Effects.

But this is the best situation, and the worst situation is that people don't pay attention at all, because their own special effects technology is not too bad, but the cost is much higher in comparison.

However, Ye Shu also disagrees with Phoenix Special Effects Company to reduce the production cost of special effects. It is fine to reduce it appropriately. If you want to reduce it too much, don't even think about it.

Although this can shut down other special effects production companies, how much benefit can I get? The number of special effects blockbusters is limited every year.

Even if it dominates the entire market and the unit price is lowered, the overall profit will not be much higher. As for raising the price after a monopoly, this is a matter of shame.

In the previous life, those memory manufacturers who wanted to raise prices had to find a reason, either because the factory was burned, or because of other problems, such as reduced production capacity, they would never raise market prices for no reason.

The production cost of special effects is easier to calculate, and there are no sudden factors such as natural disasters. It is difficult to find a reason to increase the price. If there is no suitable reason to increase the price, it is likely to be collectively targeted by the film and television industry.

However, the problem of insufficient special effects production business does exist. Even if the excellent performance of "Titanic" has increased the special effects production business, it will not maintain a full load on the whole.

He doesn't mind supporting idlers, but he is very concerned that idlers not only fail to make progress, but because of long-term idleness, they lead to slack in work and gradually become a cancer in the company's management.

So he had to find a long-term job and let the special effects production team do it.

In the future, as long as they are free, they can do this.

But what can have such characteristics? Not only must it never be completed, but it must also greatly improve the ability of employees, and at the same time, it is best to bring benefits to the company.

Ye Zishu sat on the chair and thought about it, and a wonderful idea appeared in his mind, which started with the live-action Hollywood film made by Shengshi Film and Television Company.

The scene of filming "Titanic" is still vivid in his memory. In order to be able to move so many foreign ensemble actors to Hainan, not to mention the salary, he feels distressed about the transportation expenses.

Even in order to avoid the skyrocketing value of Xiao Lizi after "Titanic" became popular, which would lead to high cost of cooperation with him, he had to think carefully and sign a gambling agreement with Xiao Lizi and Winslet.

Not long ago, he also provided the script of "Pirates of the Caribbean" to Shengshi Film and Television Company. Since there will be many sequels later, it is necessary to prevent the actors from being overpaid in the future or having to shoot continuously due to unexpected accidents.

This can not only reduce the overall shooting cost, but also minimize the risk, which is actually a helpless move.

There are so many series of film and television dramas in the previous life, because of the change of the protagonist, there is no good continuity, the stability is much worse, and in the end they can only be left alone.

Even without these factors, people will age slowly over time. The roles that were suitable for playing before are no longer suitable due to age and physical condition.

Since the use of real actors has so many disadvantages, why not directly design virtual actors, and in the future live-action blockbusters can gradually use virtual actors to act, so there will be no such problems.

Most importantly, the use of virtual actors can reduce the troubles in the shooting process, and everything can be done on the computer, regardless of the risk and cost, will be reduced to the limit.

Of course, this cost reduction is for Phoenix Special Effects. If other companies do this, they might as well hire real people to perform, and the cost will only be higher.

Just by doing so, Ye Shu is not sure how well the outside world will accept movies that are completely played by virtual characters. You can only know by trying.

Moreover, no matter how well the virtual characters are done, they will be unfamiliar to the audience, unless they keep shooting film and television dramas, so that the audience will gradually become familiar with the virtual images.

It's just that he has to think about whether doing so will have a great impact on the existing entertainment industry, and more seriously, whether it will be boycotted by the entire industry.

Because this will definitely seriously affect the interests of the actors, and the actors are related to the interests of the film and television company, it is easy for them to reach an agreement, unless the Phoenix Special Effects Company sells more benefits to the film and television company in terms of production content.

But this is not what he wants, so the appearance of these virtual characters needs to find a suitable opportunity or scene to make it easier for people in the real world to accept.

This reminded him of the Marvel Universe in his previous life. By constructing a complete and unified virtual world, and then arranging a personal character in it, each character has its own story.

Then there will be a lot of intersections between these characters, which will bring new stories, so there will be endless Marvel blockbusters.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu opened his eyes, and said to the person in charge of the special effects department: "The film and television dramas that require special effects production show a world different from the real world, and the scenes, characters, and relationships in it are all full of fantasy.

That being the case, why don't we build a virtual world, or universe, and then constantly supplement our settings in it.

Then, according to the settings inside, the virtual characters are constantly added, and each virtual character is set with a background, personality traits, etc., and treats it as a living, real person.

Characters can be expressed in the form of human beings, beasts, or other forms, but they all must have unique personalities.

You said, if such an illusory universe is completed, how much benefit can we get from it? "

The person in charge of the special effects department was shocked when he heard what he said. It is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do it.

Marvel spent decades and drew so many comics before finally thinking about building a complete and unified universe, which they commonly call the restart plan, or zero plan.

But according to the experience of previous lives, the universe built by Marvel is still the tip of the iceberg, and there are still many things that have not had time to be perfected. From here, we can see how difficult it is.

But once it takes shape, or has a certain scale, the benefits will also be huge, especially when this universe is gradually accepted by the audience, it will be a steady stream of wealth.

Seeing the shocked look of the person in charge, Ye Zishu continued: "Based on these settings, we can publish comics, publish, make animations, and make movies.

Even through these settings, we can make games, build theme parks, etc., around this virtual universe, we can create a whole set of cultural industry chains.

And as this virtual universe becomes more and more perfect and more and more accepted by the audience, Phoenix Special Effects Company may also become the world's largest film and television company. "

"Mr. Ye is right, but to construct such a huge universe, not only requires a strong imagination, but also must not have particularly serious bugs.

It will not be very difficult to do at the beginning, after all, the story line is relatively short, and it can still be sorted out, but as the story and background increase, the difficulty will increase geometrically.

At that time, relying on manpower will find it more and more difficult to continue playing, and it will only end in collapse. " said the person in charge of the special effects department.

What he said is also a practical problem. When manpower is limited, as the number of stories increases, there will be intersections between stories. It cannot be a single story without connection, so that it will not have any attraction.

As time goes by, it becomes so complicated that the original team can't continue to build it. They either stop building or just let this virtual universe collapse.

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