Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 227 Brother, you are so handsome! (two/four)

To solve this problem, Ye Shu believes that it still needs to use technical means to solve it. The human brain is not good at this kind of work, and computers can play their due role in this aspect.

Just using traditional computer software systems is nothing more than recording complex relationships, but when the amount of data is large, the construction of subsequent stories will become slower and slower.

Because every time a story is constructed, it is necessary to query the previous story clues. When a story involves a lot, it is a complicated matter to clarify the relationship.

What Yeshu wants to build is not a simple universe like the Marvel Universe. Although they also have many heroes, the number is still very limited and the complexity is not high.

Of course, it was impossible for Phoenix Special Effects Company to construct such a complex universe and story relationship in the early days, but as a long-term consideration, it must use technical solutions to manage it now.

"In the early stage, it will definitely not be that complicated. You don't have to worry about this problem. As for the future, you can use technical means to solve it, so you don't have to worry too much." Ye Shu said.

He can come up with more intelligent technology to solve this problem now, but he feels that there is no need to do so at present.

On the one hand, he didn't have so much time to do this, and on the other hand, he was not in a hurry. Even if they were given five to ten years, the world they built would not necessarily be very complicated.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the person in charge of the special effects department didn't say any more, as long as the boss knew it well, he still trusted the boss's technology.

"Then what kind of virtual world should we build?" asked the person in charge of the special effects department.

These words were not only addressed to Ye Zishu, but also to everyone present. After Ye Zishu heard this, he didn't speak immediately, but looked at other people's opinions.

"If a virtual world wants to attract people, it must be different from the real world. The real world is seen every day, so it must not be very attractive.

Many fairy tales have been born in our country since ancient times, and these stories have been connected in series, and there is already a world context. We can try to start from this aspect.

This can also improve traditional myths and stories, and can also promote our traditional culture, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. "Suggested by an animation project team leader.

This is not to say that it can’t be done, but Ye Zishu thinks that doing so is not original enough, and many things in it do not belong to the original property rights of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

If a very attractive virtual world is really constructed,

Other companies can also come up to take a share, and they may not win the lawsuit at that time.

Sure enough, as soon as the words were finished, another person in charge said: "Although this will save trouble, it can also promote the mythical characters of our country.

But how do you do intellectual property rights? At that time, others can come up to the heat, or even copy the gourd and make one yourself. As long as it is not exactly the same, there is no way to sue.

What's more, we are targeting the world market, and traditional culture alone may not be accepted by others, so we need to build a more open and inclusive virtual universe. "

"Isn't that just a hodgepodge of the world of magic, the world of oriental cultivating immortals, the world of Buddhism, the world of supernatural powers, the world of martial arts, the world of technology, etc., and then various characters in it will have a big fight?" someone asked.

"It's not impossible, what kind of world is actually not the key, the key is to tell the story well, be logically self-consistent, and make people believe it is true.

You can recruit some people who are good storytellers. They must tell good stories, have strong logical thinking ability, and have a deep understanding of various cultures. It is best to also dabble in technology and science fiction.

These people all need to have one characteristic, that is, imagination like a powerful and unconstrained style. Although the virtual universe can find relevant story traces from reality, it must also go beyond the real world.

This is like art, it comes from life, but it has to go beyond life, otherwise it is not art, you should all understand this truth.

Get these people together and form a story department, and in addition to letting them flesh out the stories in this virtual universe, they can also write individual stories for you.

You can produce relevant content based on these stories. Anyway, the production cost is not particularly high, and there is no need to be afraid of failure.

If the produced effect is not ideal, it can be pushed to redo, and we should be able to afford this cost. "Leaf Book said.

Some stories look beautiful in text, but the effect may not be very good when they are made into film and television dramas. How to adapt them needs to test the adaptor's ability.

He believes that there should be no shortage of people who can tell stories in China, but whether they have unconstrained imagination remains to be verified. Anyone's vision will be limited by the affairs he is in contact with.

It is not an easy task to break through this limitation, and it is even more difficult to break through in an all-round way.

However, he is not particularly worried. There are so many wild and unconstrained stories on the Internet in his previous life, which were also thought up by people, but the talents in this field have not been discovered yet.

This made him think whether it is necessary to establish an online website so that people in the whole society can work together, so as to provide more nutrients for Phoenix Special Effects.

However, this idea is only a momentary thing. If it is established now, it is estimated that a lot of realistic themes will be harvested. Now many writers like this tone.

As for ordinary people, they are now running around for their livelihood, so how can they have time to do this kind of work, and there may not be many readers now, so it is impossible to provide authors with considerable income.

Unless he provides a large amount of subsidies for the author, if he just does this, he is not very sure about the effect. He thinks it is better to wait a year or two.

The reason why he proposed this idea was mainly to find something for the special effects department to do, and it didn't have to be effective immediately. As for how far they could do it, Ye Shu didn't really care much about it.

As mentioned earlier, any large company will have many projects that seem useless and cannot bring immediate benefits. Although Phoenix Special Effects is not particularly large, there is still not much pressure to support such projects.

If it fails, it is just a loss of some personnel costs. If it succeeds, the benefits will be huge, and it is a project worth taking risks.

"Let's stop here. You can discuss it among yourself, and this meeting will end here." Ye Zishu ended the meeting directly.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu began to communicate with the "Frozen" animation film project team. This time he didn't go up directly, but asked the project team to come up with their own ideas to see how the effect would be.

The other two animation film project teams also operate in the same way, but if they do it themselves, the efficiency will be much lower, and with the boss watching, the efficiency will not increase, but will decrease a lot.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu directly gave them a day to try to formulate the style of the animation movie and the design of the characters. He will come over tomorrow to take a look.

Taking Ye Zi to draw the office location of Phoenix Special Effects Company, Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua on the way: "How do you feel?"

"Brother, I think you are so handsome!" Ye Zihua said adoringly.

His words almost choked Ye Zishu, he thought that his younger brother had a lot of thoughts, but he didn't expect it to be these words.

"Seriously, you don't need to tell me whether I'm handsome or not!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"Well, I can't tell you the details, but I think it's very difficult to run a company. How did you come up with the idea of ​​building a virtual universe? I didn't have this idea at the time." Ye Zihua said.

Hearing Ye Zihua's words, Ye Zishu felt that he still needed to hone his skills. This kind of understanding was too superficial, and he didn't even see what the motivation for the virtual universe was.

In corporate management, there is a set of documents, projects, and personnel arrangements on the surface, and there must be a set of motivations behind it that not many people can understand.

Only by understanding the motivation behind the other party can we know the logic behind the company's behavior. If it is someone inside the company, it can better fulfill the company's intentions.

If people outside the company understand it, they can carry out related plans, maybe they can get a ride, maybe they can push behind them, and accelerate the death of rival companies.

Only those who have the ability to see through the logic behind it can become a qualified business manager, otherwise they would not even understand how they died.

"From now on, read more, learn more, think more, and talk less!" Ye Zishu warned.

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