Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 228 No one can succeed casually (3/4)

Returning to the office, he took off his heavy clothes, poured himself a cup of tea, sat in his seat, glanced at Ye Zihua, and said, "You arrange your own affairs, and pour tea yourself."

"I know, bro, you don't even have a book here!" Ye Zihua wanted to pass the time, but found that the office didn't even have a book.

Ye Zishu wants to read books, and he doesn't need to buy real books. He usually reads books in the virtual library.

As for showing off, he doesn't need it either, only the more empty-headed a person is, the more he wants to prove that he is knowledgeable. If someone says that he is ignorant, he will just smile.

Reading is one's own business, there is no need to let others know, only those who want to profit from it will desperately want to show it to the outside world.

"It's not that you don't understand my habits. Did you see that I used to take books at school?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Zishu, not to mention Ye Zihua, has forgotten this point. Anyway, since childhood, Ye Zishu always went to school empty-handed, and returned home empty-handed. Other than that, he just slept.

If it weren't for his surprisingly good grades, he would have been beaten up by the teacher many times for this kind of behavior, and his parents would have shouted at him many times.

"If you want to read a book to pass the time, you can go to the administration department to borrow one, remember whose book it is so you can return it!" Ye Zishu said.

"Oh!" Ye Zihua agreed, and then went out of the office to borrow books from the administration department.

The reason why he emphasized who borrowed it was because he was afraid that if he didn't know how to return it, the people from the administration department would definitely not come to ask for it.

Leaving these things aside, Ye Zishu started working, although Ren Zhengfei had already come to him, wanting him to pay attention to the chip business of Qinglong Technology Company.

But in his view, it is not particularly urgent at present. On the one hand, the chip production line of Xuanwu Technology Company will not be completed until after the year, and it is estimated that it will not be until March when it includes debugging and other work.

On the other hand, the chip R \u0026 D personnel of Qinglong Technology Company are not ready yet, and it will not be too late to wait until they are familiar with the chip design software.

The chip design software developed by Suzaku Software Company, Ye Zishu provides the support of intelligent technology. Compared with the current chip design software, the efficiency is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

If there is no such high-efficiency support, it is not enough to rely on the one or two hundred people recruited by Ren Zhengfei, let alone the CPU and GPU.

Even ordinary industrial chips may not be able to be designed in a short time.

Even if the leaf book provides the chip instruction set and architecture, just drawing pictures on it, the amount of engineering is huge. Someone in the previous life made a metaphor that there is no difference between chip design and redesign of a large city.

If you really want to draw on it step by step, with one or two hundred people, it is estimated that the design may not be completed in a year, but what he intends to do is to produce the finished product within a month.

And it is all kinds of chips involved in communication equipment. From here, we can see how efficient the chip design software with smart technology is.

So he didn't worry about the lack of time at all, and he could wait until those chip designers became familiar with the chip design software, and then it would not be too late to start.

He now wants to give priority to managing the materials needed by Wancheng Jiye's building materials industry chain, because this is more urgent in his opinion.

Chip design is just about design. As long as there is no problem with the design, it can immediately enter the production process because there is already a foundation for this.

However, in the building materials industry, there are many things that are not available in China, or even in the world. It is not an easy task to produce and manufacture, and a series of supporting industries are needed to support them.

In addition to the main building materials, there are many architectural functional equipment and systems, as well as materials and technologies that can bring a better experience.

For example, the elevators used for buildings with a height of more than 400 meters must be different from the elevators used in residential buildings, but domestic elevator technology may not even be available for residential buildings.

Another example is the outer glass of a high-rise building, which needs to be durable and heat-insulating, but he wants to make photovoltaic glass.

Although using glass for photovoltaic power generation, the power generation efficiency is much lower, but it also depends on the person. The photovoltaic power generation glass he produced is also much more efficient than silicon crystal power generation.

This kind of glass, the stronger the light coming in from the outside, the stronger the absorption and blocking of light, which can ensure that the indoor light is always in a moderate state, and at the same time can increase the power generation of photovoltaic glass.

At night, these glasses are almost completely transparent, and at the same time have high hardness, and will not cause fragments to fall when broken, so the safety is guaranteed.

It is precisely because the building materials are not just steel and concrete, so he has been getting them one after another until now, but he has not finished all of them.

It’s just that according to the time node of Wancheng Foundation’s demand for materials, the material technology given before is the main building material technology, so that they can build these basic material industry chains based on these materials.

Moreover, if these industries want to develop and prosper, it is not suitable to just recruit ordinary workers to work, and they also need a lot of professional supporting technicians.

At present, Wancheng Foundation has entrusted New Oriental Vocational Education and Training School to train a group of talents with construction skills for them, which is very important for future development.

The cultivation of such talents requires at least a high school graduation. This year, 3.03 million people across the country took the college entrance examination, and 750,000 people were admitted, with an admission rate of 24.8%. There are quite a lot of people who graduated from high school.

The recruitment of high school students is mainly to solve the middle and low-level management personnel in the construction management process, while high-level technical personnel need to recruit talents who have graduated from colleges and universities.

Before, he thought that Wancheng Jiye's building could be handed over to other companies for construction, instead of going into battle himself, just like Phoenix Software's headquarters, which handed over the building construction to a state-owned construction company.

But later he changed his mind. The most important thing is that only his own construction company can be more assured of the control of construction quality. In addition to the chaos in the construction field in his previous life, he did not want it to happen in his construction projects.

Ye Zihua borrowed a book from the staff of the administration department, saw Ye Zishu working, and didn't bother her, just sat on the sofa and read it.

At lunch and dinner time, Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to go to the cafeteria to help him bring meals. Before, these tasks were done by people from the administration department, and Ye Zihua was asked to do it, just to let him familiarize himself with the environment.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Zihua saw that Ye Zishu still had no intention of leaving get off work, so she said, "Brother, don't you take a break? It's past nine o'clock now."

"Go to sleep if you are sleepy, I have to work for a while!" Ye Zishu said to Ye Zihua.

"Oh, go to bed early too, don't work too late." Ye Zihua stood up and said.

"Yeah, I know!" Ye Zishu raised his head in response, and then started to work again.

Seeing her brother like this, Ye Zihua couldn't say much, and went straight out of the office to the lounge on the same floor. Ye Zishu was still typing on the keyboard.

This kind of working status is basically his daily life. In the early stage of industrial development, there are too many places where he needs to provide information. I hope this situation can be improved after the industry develops.

If he has more personal time, he will have more time to study. Although the process of sorting out materials is also a process of learning, such learning is not very in-depth.

According to the rules of the virtual library, in order to obtain a higher technology, one needs to have a certain understanding of the lower technology level. Now the technology he presents is not graded.

In other words, there are no restrictions, and limited technologies are basically all black technology now. Currently, he can only obtain higher-level technologies in the software field.

The smart technologies he showed are higher-level software technologies. These smart technologies are not only used in smart music production systems, but in chip design software.

It's just that he didn't learn much about these deeper technologies, because at that time he had already passed the college entrance examination and went to university, and then he was working non-stop, so he didn't have time to read books at all.

Fortunately, the current books and technical materials are enough for Ye Zishu to use at present, because everyone's level is not high, and these technologies can also beat competitors.

"Brother, you haven't slept yet?"

Ye Zishu heard a voice coming from the office door, looked up and found Ye Zihua in pajamas, looking at him with sleepy eyes.

He glanced at the time, it was already three thirty in the morning, and said, "Go to bed right away, don't worry about me."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ye Zihua went into the office, sat in front of Ye Zishu's desk, and said, "Brother, I've never seen you work so hard before!"

"If I work hard, I still want to show you? If I didn't work hard, I could have achieved such good results at that time, and if I didn't work hard, could I have established such a large enterprise in such a short period of time?

You can't just look at the surface of a person. No one's success can be separated from hard work. It's just that some people have many connections and are relatively easy to succeed. Some people have no connections and can only work harder.

But no matter who they are, they just have different degrees of hard work, and they definitely can't succeed just by playing around! "Leaf Book said.

"Oh!" Ye Zihua replied shyly.

He thinks that his elder brother is good at everything, but he likes to preach, especially to his younger siblings, he will speak the truth whenever he gets the chance.

Fortunately, they usually stop talking and don't chatter, otherwise he and his two younger sisters would not be able to bear it.

Seeing Ye Zihua's expression, he knew what was going on in his heart. Ye Zishu stopped talking, stood up directly, and said, "Let's go, go to sleep, don't catch a cold."

Seeing Ye Zishu standing up, Ye Zihua also stood up, followed Ye Zishu out of the office, and went back to sleep.

After a brief wash, Ye Zishu lay beside Ye Zihua, ready to go to bed, but saw Ye Zihua looking at him, as if he had something to ask.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Brother, do you go to bed so late every day?"

"Mostly, if things are not busy, they will still go to bed early. Don't think about things, go to bed quickly, I'm sleepy." After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he closed his eyes immediately.

After seeing Ye Zishu, he fell asleep after a while, while Ye Zihua looked at the ceiling in the dark, thinking about how his brother used to be, which was completely different from what he is now.

This is also why Ye Zihua felt as if she knew her brother again. The old brother used to sleep as long as there was nothing to do, but now the brother is just the opposite.

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