Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 229 Completion of chip design software system (4/4)

For the next four days, Ye Zishu spent the day at Phoenix Special Effects Company, guiding the staff of the animation project team to set the style and character design of the three animation films.

In the evening, he returned to his office and went to bed around 4:00 in the morning, and followed his Ye Zi painting all the way. Seeing his brother in such a working state had a huge impact on his mind.

Words are worse than words, Ye Zishu has been carrying Ye Zihua these days, in fact, he also has this purpose, he doesn't want Ye Zihua to work as hard as himself.

Ye Shu's body is a bit special, such high-intensity work will not bring a lot of burden, but if Ye Zihua does this, it will definitely not be able to bear it.

He just told Ye Zihua a truth that if you want to succeed, you have to work hard. The so-called successful people you see are extremely prominent in front of others, and they definitely don't lack for hard work in the future.

Especially Ye Zishu is still very successful now, according to his wealth, there is absolutely no problem in becoming the richest man in the country.

Before Ye Zihua was in the countryside, she might still have tenacity. After arriving in the city, seeing the colorful world, she would inevitably lose herself, especially after she has a rich brother. This situation is more likely to happen.

Once such an idea arises and you get used to the changed life, it will be even more difficult to change it. "It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal."

Even Ye Zihua’s tuition and living expenses were paid by his parents, but Ye Zishu didn’t give him any money. According to Ye Zishu’s thinking, he would rather give the money to his parents, and then through his parents, give pocket money to his younger brothers and sisters.

Because it is his duty to honor his parents, it is normal for parents to give their children living expenses, but the older brother is not obliged to give money to his younger siblings, unless the younger siblings are underage.

Although Ye Zishu gave the family a lot of money, it was only to live a good life, not to live a luxurious life. Coupled with the frugal habits of rural people, Ye Zihua’s monthly living expenses were only 50 yuan.

The living expenses are definitely enough for daily consumption on campus, but it is absolutely impossible to live in luxury.

Ye Zihua had never been to Ye Zi Shu's company before, so she didn't know much about Ye Zi Shu's specific situation, and she wasn't particularly interested in it.

When he saw the endless buildings, all of which belonged to Ye Zishu's company assets, the impact on his soul was absolutely shocking.

Ye Zishu also wants to use his words and deeds to teach him that the current success is not easy to achieve, and requires hard work and hard work, so as to avoid his wrong perception.

The actual effect is really good. At the beginning, Ye Zihua just followed Ye Zishu around, and his attention was only focused on the handsomeness of Ye Zishu's domineering president.

But after getting along with Ye Zishu for the past few days, Ye Zihua began to become more silent, following Ye Zishu's side, and began to listen carefully to how he communicated with employees, discussed problems, and how to solve problems.

Although it is impossible for him to learn all these abilities of Ye Zishu, as long as he learns a little bit, it is enough for him to benefit endlessly, and it will definitely be beneficial to his future development.

On January 18th, all the companies under him started their official holidays, and Luyuan's employees can pack their bags in advance to end this year's work.

Employees who are close to home can continue to work, which is regarded as overtime, and the company will pay double the salary. If they work overtime on holidays stipulated by the state, they will pay three times the salary.

On January 19th, Ye Zishu went to Suzaku Software Company, because their chip design software was officially completed, and he came here just to express his importance to this matter.

The research and development of chip design software is not easy, especially the level of chip design in my country is not high, coupled with the shortage of chip design talents, most of these chip design software developers are laymen.

In order to develop chip design software, they have to learn chip design-related knowledge from scratch. Even before entering the company, some people have never even learned programming, and they have to learn programming languages ​​​​from scratch.

It can be said that since the establishment of this software project, all employees have been working overtime, working while studying, and leaving get off work after 11 pm every day.

In order to speed up their learning pace, improve their programming ability and knowledge related to chip design, there will be two hours of group learning and group learning every day.

Sometimes Ye Zishu would give them lectures in person, especially for the new knowledge on chip design and the difficulties in software development. His personal explanations are more easy to understand.

There are more than 500 R\u0026D personnel in this project team. When their day and night work results were recognized by Ye Zishu, some people even shed tears of excitement.

Only those who participated in the research and development of this project know how much effort they have put in for it. In just over half a year, they abruptly changed themselves from a chip novice to a chip design expert.

Now their understanding of chip design knowledge is definitely better than the chip designers hired by Ren Zhengfei with a high salary. At least they are far ahead of the basic knowledge of chips and the future chip design ideas provided by Ye Zishu.

The chip designers of Qinglong Technology Company came here for training, not only to learn the use of chip design software, but also to accept a wave of basic chip knowledge and innovative knowledge.

Ren Zhengfei hired them with high salaries before, making them feel that their knowledge should be very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to give such high salaries.

But after coming here, their self-confidence was greatly hit. They have been engaged in chip design for many years, but they were beaten by Xiaobai half a year ago.

The pride they had before was completely shattered under such a gap in reality. The reason why they can get high salaries is not because of how good their skills are, but purely because of the scarcity of talents.

As long as Qinglong Technology Company cultivates chip design talents for one or two years, the improvement it gets is much better than those who have been working for many years. If they don't continue to work hard, they will be completely surpassed by newcomers.

This is because they have not accepted the education and baptism of Ye Zishu. If they follow Ye Zishu to formally design the chip, it is estimated that their three views will be refreshed again.

The basic knowledge of chip design is only what chip designers must understand. The only thing that is more technical is the forward-looking thinking in the field of chip design.

The previous forward-looking thinking about chip design and the future direction of chip development were provided by Ye Zishu. These R\u0026D personnel who have become monks absolutely do not have this thinking ability.

But these knowledge and thinking, and the ability to design high-performance chips are not at the same level. Neither the chip instruction set nor the chip architecture can be completed by ordinary chip designers.

What's more, the gap between these technologies is also very different. Under the same manufacturing technology, different instruction sets and chip architectures have very large performance gaps.

Regardless of the fact that the first-generation chip that Yeshu intends to launch has a manufacturing process of 130 nanometers, in fact, under the same manufacturing conditions, the performance of the chip architecture he designed is five times higher than that of the current architecture technology.

Moreover, the current chip manufacturing process in the world is 800 nanometers. In terms of chip manufacturing process, Xuanwu Technology Company is far ahead. Coupled with the advanced chip architecture provided by Yeshu, the leading advantage is even greater.

What he wants is to slap all the competitors as soon as he comes out, and only with such an achievement can he kill all the competitors with a thunderbolt.

If it is only a little bit ahead, it is very difficult to quickly defeat the opponent, and the opponent can organize a force to counterattack, making his plan aborted.

It is not to say that a slight advance in technology can gain an absolute advantage. They have been in business for decades, and even if they are temporarily behind in technology, they can make up for it in other ways. It is very difficult to seize the market from them.

But if they lead too much, it can even be said to be a black technology, then it will be a blow to dimensionality reduction, and no matter how they operate, they will not be able to change the pattern.

Because the technology and test results will not lie, no matter how many years they have been in business and how many contacts they have accumulated, at most they can only resist for a while, and absolutely cannot be completely killed.

Because refusing advanced technology means that they are willing to lag behind. If they can catch up in a short time, the consequences will not be too great.

But after three to five years, if they are still at a technological disadvantage, then other countries that use advanced technologies and products will have a very obvious competitive advantage unless they close their doors.

But in this era of globalization, closing the country is tantamount to suicide, not to mention that those developed countries are harvesting the world, and closing the country is seriously inconsistent with the ideas they advocate.

The most is to increase tariffs, but such an approach will raise the cost of their domestic products, and he can divide the chips into three grades: high, medium and low. The price of the low grade is low, but the performance is also unstoppable.

The chip design software is divided into two versions, one version is for sale, which can harvest the global market, and the other version is for internal use, integrating intelligent technology, which is much more efficient and greatly reduces the probability of errors.

This kind of practice is very common within them. Advanced technologies are used by themselves, and technologies that are slightly more advanced than those of the outside world are sold to the outside world. Only in this way can they maintain the leading edge of their companies.

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