Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 234 Adopting a Cooperative Planting Model (1/4)

Now it is indeed very difficult to contract large tracts of arable land. There are so many farmers in the country who rely on land to survive, and there are not enough of them. How can it be possible to contract a large amount of land to outsiders.

It is estimated that the contractable land in the inland mentioned by Pei Qing is not a good land. If you want to use it, you also need to invest a lot of money to transform the land.

From this point of view, tidal flats are more suitable places. my country has a long coastline, and the total area of ​​coastal tidal flats is not small. Due to the serious salinization of the land, it is not suitable for farming.

It is not difficult to contract such land, which is very suitable for the development of hydroponic planting. As for the transformation of the land, and then soil planting, the cost will be much higher, and the gain outweighs the gain.

Regardless of whether it is the cultivation of medicinal materials or food materials, the profits generated cannot cover the cost of land renovation, and even if it is sorted out, it will be salinized again.

The reason why he mentioned the contracting of sandy land was mainly due to the influence of his previous life. Our country has achieved good results in sand control, which shows that deserts are not impossible to control.

At least some acquired deserts and sandy lands are recoverable to a certain extent, because climate factors are not the main factor in the formation of these sandy lands and deserts, but human factors account for a large proportion.

As long as it is governed properly, it is not impossible to restore it. For example, Baizi City in the north of Jingbian County in the south of the Mu Us Sandy Land was still the political and economic center of the Huns in the 5th century AD.

Since it can be a political and economic center, it means that the aquatic plants here are very rich and the environmental conditions are also very good, otherwise nomads would not use this place as a political and economic center.

It's just that desert control takes a long time and requires strong technology. He is not afraid of technology, but he can't wait for time, and he has more uses for funds now.

At present, what the country needs most is to improve its economic strength and make the people rich as soon as possible. Funds will naturally flow to places with more income, and the funds are not enough to invest in desert control.

The country is currently only subsidizing local residents to prevent further expansion of the desert. It has not thought about eradicating the existing desert, because the government's funds must also flow to places with better benefits.

It was more than ten years later that the desert was really reduced. The country’s finances were relatively ample, coupled with more policy support, and the public’s concern about desertification made a big change.

He is now contracting the desert and then managing it. Unless he really manages the desert into the south of the Yangtze River, he will only attract ridicule and incomprehension, and he will not get much policy support.

As for the question of what people eat,

In fact, industrial methods can be used to solve the problem. The land in our country is mainly used to grow staple food. If the staple food can be produced directly in the factory, there will be no problem of food shortage.

The remaining land is completely sufficient for growing vegetables, raising meat and poultry, etc. Therefore, apart from improving the environment, controlling the desert has little economic benefit in his opinion.

He can come up with the industrial technology of producing rice and wheat now, and can continuously produce a large amount of food. Just doing so will do great harm to the current farmers.

Now he is troubled by the shortage of jobs, and it is impossible to make more farmers unemployed. In this case, even if he has the technology, the state will not support him to invest in construction.

Sometimes the pursuit of efficiency is not the first priority. Social stability is the top priority no matter what era it is, and he is no exception. Only in a stable environment can the business grow.

"You said, if we cooperate with farmers, they will provide land and manpower, and we will provide technology and equipment, do you think it is feasible?" Ye Zishu asked.

Since there are many difficulties in direct management, it is better to cooperate with farmers and improve their unit land efficiency through the support of advanced technology and equipment, so that farmers can increase their income.

Although it is inevitable for farmers to migrate to cities, he hopes that the income of the remaining farmers will not be worse than that of urban jobs, so that they can maintain their conscience.

It's just that there are too many farmers at present, resulting in too little average land ownership. Even with the use of new technologies and equipment, the average income of farmers is still relatively limited.

However, this situation will be greatly improved as my country's economy continues to develop, because as more and more people enter the city, the arable land per unit of farmers will continue to increase.

"This kind of cooperation is not impossible, but the cost of our equipment is too high for ordinary farmers to afford.

Unless we provide these equipment and technologies free of charge, or lend them for use, when we purchase their products, they will be converted into the price.

But there is also a problem, that is, management is more difficult. What we want are completely pollution-free products, and the quality requirements are very high.

If they secretly use illegal methods when planting, we will buy or not. If we don't buy, it will be difficult to recover because the cost has already been invested.

Even in extreme cases, if we do not purchase, the previously invested equipment is likely to be damaged, and it will be very troublesome to pursue the responsibility. "Pei Qing said.

Now legal awareness is very weak, whether it is in rural areas or cities, this situation exists, and it will be very difficult to pursue legal responsibility.

This is also the reason why he decided to do it himself, but now he finds that if he wants to do it himself, it is difficult to solve the land, and the government does not necessarily support such a behavior of competing with the people for profit.

"Then if we cooperate with the government, we will provide technology and equipment, and the government will provide part of the funds, and farmers will provide part of the funds to establish planting bases.

We promise that as long as the products meet our requirements, we will purchase them according to the market price, so that our risks will be greatly reduced. After the government and farmers contribute, they will not break the contract casually. "Leaf Book said.

"This is a way, we can try it." Pei Qing said.

"You send more people to various counties to see, if the county government supports this cooperation model, we will cooperate, if they have no intention of cooperation, forget it.

I believe that there are so many county governments in China, there is always a long-term vision and a government that wants to do something practical, and there should be no shortage of partners for cooperation. "Leaf Book said.

Coastal areas have natural advantages in developing industries. It is unrealistic for the mainland to develop industries in the short term. At least the traffic problem is a big constraint.

All he can think of is the development of agriculture. If the cooperation is very pleasant, he doesn't mind launching larger-scale cooperation, and he can also take advantage of the trend to enter the food processing industry.

Even with the current cooperation, they can carry out the primary product processing industry in the local area and provide a lot of jobs for the local area.

Because the transportation cost of fresh goods is too high, and the transportation in many places in the mainland is inconvenient, after the initial processing, the transportation cost can be reduced.

For example, medicinal materials can be made locally into required semi-finished products, and then transported to the general production plant of Tai Chi Health Care Company for final production.

Another example is the dehydration treatment of vegetables, which can not only reduce transportation costs, but also play a role in harmless preservation. After transportation to the destination, it can be restored and restored.

In the technical information he gave to Taiji Group, there are fast and harmless fresh-keeping and dehydration technologies, as well as rapid water replenishment and recovery technologies, the purpose of which is to solve the problem of global transportation.

After talking about this topic, Ye Zishu said: "You will establish a Taiji pharmaceutical company under the Taiji Group in the next year. It is time for us to enter the pharmaceutical industry."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing became more interested. She was a medical student herself, so she must have more affection for the pharmaceutical industry.

"I will go to register the company in the next year." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "In addition to registering a pharmaceutical company, we also registered a medical equipment company. Our country is also far behind in this respect."

"Are you still providing the technology?" Pei Qing asked.

This is very important, she has seen the magic of Ye Zishu before, without the formula provided by him, it is impossible for Tai Chi Health Company to develop so fast.

Similarly, she also hopes that Leaf Book can provide assistance in the technology of medicine and medical equipment, so as to speed up the development of these two industries.

"Your thinking is bad. It's not good to rely too much on me. No matter how capable I am, I'm still alone. If you want to develop well, you still have to rely on your own R\u0026D team." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I definitely understand the truth. It's just that our country's technical level is at this level. Even if we recruit researchers, it will be difficult to produce good results in a short period of time." Pei Qing said helplessly.

What Pei Qing said is right, the improvement of the overall technology does not rely on spending money to improve in a short time, it requires a process of practice.

"What you have to do now is to recruit a large number of pharmaceutical researchers and medical device researchers, analyze the market first, and formulate R\u0026D plans by yourself.

Research in the field of medicine is itself a long-term investment project, and eager pursuit of success does not conform to the law of development of things. You should understand this truth.

As for me, I have a lot of things in my hands now, and I don't have time to take care of them at all. When I am free, I will look at the situation. "Leaf Book said.

Pharmaceutical R\u0026D is much more stringent than that of health care products. After the product comes out, it needs to go through a long period of experimental verification. A new drug will be launched very smoothly within 5 years, and it is not uncommon for a delay of 10 or 20 years.

It is precisely because it takes too long for pharmaceutical research and development to go to market, so he suggested to establish a pharmaceutical company now, and the sooner you start, the sooner you will benefit.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing had no choice. All she could do was to establish a research and development team, and at the same time analyze the pharmaceutical market and disease conditions to determine the research direction.

They are businessmen who run enterprises, and they must give priority to the research and development of drugs with greater market prospects, especially blank markets, which are their primary research and development goals.

Seeing Pei Qing's expression, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Okay, let's talk about things first, let's call Shang Zihua, go shopping first, and have dinner by the way."


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