Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 235 Charity (2/4)

Just when Ye Zishu stood up and was about to put on his coat, Pei Qing suddenly said, "Boss Ye, do we want to use some money for charity?"

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu suddenly smiled and said, "Why do you suddenly have this idea?"

There are quite a few profitable companies under him, and no person in charge has suggested that he use the money for charity, so he really wants to know Pei Qing's real thoughts.

It's not that Yeshu has never thought about this matter, but he believes that compared with donations, the biggest charity is to provide more jobs so that more people can support themselves.

This is much better than simply giving alms. "Teaching people to fish is worse than giving them fish." In this way, they will have more dignity when taking money, and their hearts will be healthier.

Many well-meaning people sponsored poor students in previous lives. Most of the sponsored students stopped contacting the sponsors after graduation. The reasons for this are very complicated.

It cannot be explained by simple "ungratefulness". People's hearts are complicated. For poor students, long-term charity is actually a kind of inner torment.

Accepting funding is just a balance between reality and inner struggle. Are they willing to accept funding? I think most of them don't really want to, it's just a helpless choice.

Coupled with the increasing development of the Internet, funding seems to have become an open matter, and poor students can be given a little privacy, but in the end they are often punished in front of the public, and the inner suffering can be imagined.

If you are holding a grant with a gift, in fact, what you get is often not what you want. The other party is not a doll for the sponsor to express kindness, but a real person, and they have their own feelings.

If you really want to do charity, there are two best ways to do it. One is to do charity in the name of the collective, so that it is not doing charity to others, but doing charity to the public or people to the public and public to people. The moral constraints are much weaker.

For example, if he wants to donate to charity, it is definitely not a charitable donation to an individual in his own name.

Although doing so seems to make him Guang Zhengwei, in fact, he does not consider the feelings of the recipients at all, and only considers himself, which is also a manifestation of selfishness.

It's just that this is "selfishness" that only the rich can afford, but the poor can only passively accept this kind of "goodwill".

The other is completely anonymous donations, such as Ningbo's "Let It Take Its Nature". He can donate anonymously for decades.


From the perspective of survival, no matter what kind of philanthropy is done, it is worth encouraging, but from the nature of philanthropy, many philanthropies are not true philanthropy.

"To be honest, Taiji Health Care Company makes so much money, it scares me a little!" Pei Qing said while looking at Ye Zishu.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu felt very interesting. It stands to reason that Pei Qing is only the person in charge of this company, not the owner, and how much money she makes has nothing to do with her.

However, her feelings and thoughts obviously did not regard herself as a real professional manager, but instead ran the company with the mentality of a business owner.

He didn't know what was the source of this mentality. If it was someone else, they might be wary of such subordinates, but Ye Zishu didn't have such an idea.

Although he did provide capital and technology to Pei Qing, but this company was built by Pei Qing from scratch, and it is only natural that he poured more affection into her than him.

As long as a person puts more effort into a certain thing, he will have more affection for it. Otherwise, people will not have a sense of closeness, just because of the amount of dedication.

Although this reason is a bit ridiculous, Tai Chi Health Care Company does not steal or rob, and pays taxes legally. The money it gets can be said to be clean and clean, so there is no need to have a psychological burden.

However, Pei Qing's words also reminded him that the profitability of Taiji Health Care Company is fully capable of doing some charity properly, and it will not affect the company's operation at all.

Therefore, according to Pei Qing's suggestion, it is not impossible to do charity in the name of Taiji Group, although he hopes to improve the living conditions of the general public through a large number of jobs.

But this is a long-term goal. In the short term, no matter how rich he is, it will be difficult to benefit everyone through industrial development.

Because it takes a process for money to become an industry, it is not something that can be developed immediately after spending money. Even this year, he still has to worry about how to spend the extra money.

"You, my boss is not afraid, but you are afraid?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"However, what you said is also true. Taiji Health Care Company's profit-making speed has obviously exceeded my expectations, and it is only natural for enterprises to make money and repay the society appropriately.

From which aspect do you think it is more appropriate for us to do charity, and what method should we adopt to do charity? "Leaf Book asked.

"I think it is better to donate to the education field in the name of the boss, so that the image of the boss will be more positive, which is beneficial to the development of the industries under the boss." Pei Qing suggested.

Pei Qing suggested donating in the name of an individual. He understood that many celebrities in the previous life donated in the name of an individual, and even donated with great fanfare.

Ye Zishu can understand their feelings, people have to leave something in their lives, and no one wants to pass on the reputation of a miser and miser to future generations.

Is there anything easier to gain a good reputation than doing charity in your own name? Especially the older people, the more they have such thoughts.

Ye Zishu shook his head and said: "What do I want to be so famous for? Could it be that I can protect myself with Dharma? As long as I don't go deep into the evil place, I won't be infected by evil spirits. Even if I have Dharma protection, I don't need it.

Let’s donate in the name of Taiji Group. Compared with individuals, the duration of the enterprise may be longer, and the reputation of the enterprise is also very important to the development of the enterprise.

Moreover, donating in the name of the company can make the company proud. If I donate in my own name, it will only add to my personal honor, and it will not do any good for the development of the company. "

How does the corporate culture come about? It is not just slogans, but the practice of the company with its own actions, so that all employees agree with the behavior of the company, and thus identify with the company, thus giving birth to the corporate culture.

If a company treats you miserly and does not assume any social responsibility, the employees of this company will never have a strong sense of identity with such a company.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu say this, although she still hoped that Ye Zishu would donate in his own name, what he said made sense, so she nodded in agreement.

"Just now you said that you donate to education, how do you want to do it, donate school buildings, or support out-of-school children?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's better to donate the teaching building, so we will spend a lot less energy." Pei Qing said.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu shook his head and said: "I don't think this is a good way of charity. The reason why we do charity is not just for fame and fortune, but to really benefit people.

In my opinion, the construction of teaching buildings is certainly useful, but it is not the fundamental purpose of education. The fundamental purpose of education is to educate people. Can a well-built teaching building enable students to learn more knowledge?

At least in my opinion, it is not positively related, but to let educational resources benefit poor areas and rural areas, among which teacher resources are the most important. "

"Then what should we do?" Pei Qing was said to be confused instead.

"Since we have to do it, we must do it well. The charity funds are divided into two parts. One part is to build a larger and more modern teaching building, so that we can have a better teaching environment and provide more teaching venues.

A good teaching environment will also make more teachers willing to stay and teach, and it will also improve the living and learning conditions of students to a certain extent.

The other part of the funds subsidizes teachers. Teachers' salaries in rural areas are generally much lower. My primary school teachers all teach while farming.

If only relying on the income from teaching, it is impossible to maintain the expenses of the whole family. Instead, teaching is just a sideline job, and half of the time is spent on farming every day.

In addition to subsidizing teachers in poor areas, this part of the funds also provides necessary subsidies to out-of-school children so that they can afford to go to school. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing was a little surprised when Ye Zishu said that her primary school teacher had to teach while farming. Her family is from the capital, so she doesn't know much about the education situation in rural areas.

In elementary schools in rural areas, there are usually only two subjects, namely Chinese and mathematics. Usually, one class is taught throughout the morning, and the other teacher works at home to farm, and then changes in the afternoon.

"Then how much money do we spend on this matter each year?" Pei Qing asked.

The construction of the teaching building is a one-time donation. According to the normal logic, a fixed amount of funds should be used every year to donate to the construction of the teaching building, but Ye Zishu does not see it that way.

He hoped that more funds would be spent on the construction of teaching buildings in the early stage, so that more impoverished areas could be benefited as soon as possible, so that more students could enroll in school in time, because if they missed it, they might lose the opportunity to go to school forever.

Therefore, he plans to allocate more funds in the early stage to build teaching buildings and subsidize teachers and school daily expenses. After the teaching buildings are completed, only necessary subsidies will be required later, but the scale of funds will be reduced.


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