Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 236 Cooperation with Project Hope (3/4)

"Tai Chi Group allocates 1 billion yuan every year for the construction of rural schools, with an average of 200,000 yuan per primary school, and 5,000 schools can be built every year.

An additional 1 billion yuan will be allocated each year for the construction of rural junior high schools. On average, each junior high school will spend 2 million yuan, and 500 junior high schools can be built each year.

Then there is the teacher subsidy. I am not sure about this. You need to investigate the actual situation. As for the out-of-school children, we can provide tuition and miscellaneous subsidies, and special circumstances can provide food and beverage subsidies.

However, the scope of our subsidies to rural teachers and to out-of-school children cannot be limited to the schools we donate to build, and the scope is much wider.

Therefore, I suggest that 1 billion yuan should be used every year as a subsidy for rural teachers, and 500 million yuan should be used as an education subsidy for rural out-of-school children. "Leaf Book said.

With such a simple calculation, 3.5 billion yuan will be spent on it every year. Pei Qing was also shocked when she heard Ye Zishu's words.

Although she proposed to do charity, she never thought of spending so much money for charity. In this era, 3.5 billion yuan is the entire net worth of many rich people.

The Taiji Group’s charity plan is continuous. According to Ye Zishu, this plan needs to last for at least 10 years. It will not be fundamentally changed until the country’s economy is prosperous and the finances are rich.

"It's better to build a teaching building, basically it's a one-off deal, but will these subsidies make the local government dependent on us.

Seeing that we give so many subsidies to rural teachers, and then the government reduces the financial expenditure on rural education, this will cause even bigger problems. "Pei Qing said.

Not to mention, the question Pei Qing raised is very realistic. In previous lives, many local governments misappropriated teachers' salaries. This phenomenon is not impossible, but very possible.

Once this happens, it will be very difficult for Taiji Group. If the subsidy is stopped and the local government is forced to take their responsibilities, it will be tantamount to offending the local government, and may even offend these teachers.

If the subsidy is not stopped, the other party may have nothing to worry about. As a result, teachers still receive their original salaries, and the education situation has not improved much. Instead, the local government has shunned its responsibility completely.

At that time, it will make the Taiji Group not a human being. Before, he thought that those rich people were only keen to donate teaching buildings, but now he found that this is the smartest way.

Donating the teaching building will not only gain more fame and fortune, but also don't worry about the above problems.

It is the most beneficial way in educational charitable donations.

Moreover, there is also the problem of execution. It is impossible for the Taiji Group to verify who the money is given to. It may be a messy account to be handled by the people below.

At that time, those who should be subsidized will not be subsidized, and those who do not need to be subsidized will become the objects of subsidy, and instead benefit those who should not benefit, which obviously violates his original intention.

It seems that when you do things, you can't take wishful thinking for granted, and you know how difficult the work below is, and even the state has no way to stop it, let alone a private enterprise.

Ye Zishu thought for a while, and then said: "In this way, the school construction plan is in accordance with what I said above, and it will be very helpful to expand the popularity of Taiji Group.

The donated schools must have the words of Tai Chi or Tai Chi Group. We spend so much money, there must be something in return.

As for teacher subsidies and subsidies for out-of-school children, you still donate 1.5 billion yuan to the Hope Project every year, and specify the purpose of the money, so that you spend less energy and the Hope Project can run better. "

If all the donations are donated to Project Hope, Taiji Group will not get any benefit at all. A company is not an individual. Even if it is doing charity, it must expand the influence of the company. If it is not an individual, it can rely on its kindness without considering anything in return.

The Hope Project was initiated by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the China Youth Development Foundation in 1989. It has made great contributions to rural education in previous lives.

Ye Zishu is quite relieved to hand over 1.5 billion yuan of funds per year to them, and the amount of funds donated to the Hope Project must be limited now, after all, everyone is not rich now.

This annual donation of 1.5 billion yuan can greatly improve the development of Project Hope, and also allow Taiji Group to establish a good relationship with relevant departments.

The local government may not be interested in private enterprises, but it does not dare to be so blatant about the organizational activities initiated by the central government, so he thinks this is the best result.

Gu "I think that the construction of the teaching building can also cooperate with the Hope Project. I believe they have no objection with a few more words." Pei Qing said.

If it is a small-scale donation, it is very unlikely that you want to sign the name of the teaching building or the school, but for such a large-scale donation, I hope that the project will agree.

In this way, the influence of the Hope Project can continue to expand, and the Taiji Group can not only gain the reputation it deserves, but also further reduce additional expenses and spend less energy.

"Your suggestion is very good. I will do it according to your idea. After a year, I will contact Hope Project to see what they think about this matter. If there is no problem, I will operate according to this model." Ye Shu finally said.

Ye Zishu doesn't mind spending money on charity. Anyway, after making money, he always spends it. What's the use of having so much wealth for him personally, and too much concentration of wealth is not a good thing for social stability.

As long as the society is in turmoil, the wealth in his hand will be a life-threatening talisman, so he is not afraid of spending money, but he is afraid that the wrong way to spend money will not play its due role.

If the money is not spent in the right place, it will not only be a loss of money, but also a serious challenge to social fairness and justice, and even further strengthen the situation of the gap between the rich and the poor. If a good thing is not done, it will become a bad thing.

Now that he has come to this point, Ye Zishu thought for a while and continued: "If Taiji Group's income is really so much this year, even Wancheng Foundation will not be able to consume so much money.

At that time, there will definitely be a large amount of funds stranded in the company's account. This is a great waste, and we must spend it as soon as possible. Do you have any good suggestions? "

Although he wants to establish industrial chains such as motorcycles, automobiles, and airplanes, and even the textile and clothing industry chain that has not yet started, these are sustainable and profitable industries, and the cost of the funds is not too much.

Compared with the huge income of Taiji Group, the consumption of funds by these industries is a bit insufficient, so he wanted to find a new direction for business development.

"Aren't we going to enter the pharmaceutical industry and the medical device industry? The investment scale of these two industries is also not small, especially the research and development of new drugs, which cost a lot of money." Pei Qing said.

Although what she said was correct, Ye Zishu didn't think so. Unless he really let all the R\u0026D personnel under him explore by themselves, the R\u0026D cost and other expenses would be very high.

If he participates, the situation will change greatly, and a new drug can be developed and completed in a short period of time, the cost will be very low, but the profit will be huge.

"How about we build a medical group by ourselves?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Although the state does not prohibit private capital from entering the medical field, the current medical market is not completely open, and many state-owned enterprises have established links with public hospitals.

This is why there were private medical institutions in the 1980s, but the speed of development was not fast, because the market was occupied by public hospitals. "Pei Qing said.

"Although what you said is true, our goal is not to immediately expand operations and occupy the market, but to use medical institutions as a carrier to research new medical technologies and promote the development of overall domestic medical technology.

Moreover, if our medicines and medical devices want to get close to the market, understand the needs, and explore the frontier, we must have our own medical institutions, so that we can develop faster and be more targeted. "Leaf Book said.

"If this is the case, then it can be done. If the medical market is opened up in the future, we can also rely on our solid accumulation to quickly occupy the market." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu’s move is to build a whole medical industry chain in China, realize the linkage of pharmaceutical research and development, medical device research and development, and hospitals. If the medical insurance industry is added later, the situation will be completely different.

This is also in line with Ye Zishu's idea of ​​building the entire industry chain. Although this approach is very domineering, it can form a system of its own. This is also a manifestation of his unwillingness to be controlled by others.

"Then you can make relevant plans and find the right time to enter." Ye Zishu said.

"Well, I know how to do it." Pei Qing responded.


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