Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 240 Variety Show Power (3/4)

"Why are you here?" Ye Zishu looked up at Guo Dongmei and asked.

"Why, do you still need approval to come to Mr. Ye?" Guo Dongmei said with a smile.

"Others must approve it. Of course you don't need it. Find a seat for yourself and I'll finish my work soon." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Zishu came to the office early in the morning to work on time, and was sorting out the technology related to high-rise curtain wall screens. This technology is widely used in urban buildings.

Originally, related technologies were easy to implement, but he wanted to install photovoltaic glass on high-rise buildings. Ordinary building curtain wall screens would affect the power generation rate of photovoltaic glass.

So he hopes to come up with a transparent curtain wall screen with a light transmittance of nearly 100%, so that it will not have a great impact on photovoltaic power generation when used with photovoltaic glass.

After finishing the work at hand, Ye Zishu stood up, poured a cup of tea for Guo Dongmei who was sitting on the sofa reading, and refilled his cup at the same time.

Sitting opposite to Guo Dongmei, he said, "Is there anything good that you want to come here?"

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's the album you promised. So far, there's no sign of it. If I don't come, you may really not remember it." Guo Dongmei said.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu thought of this incident, but there were too many things to do later, and none of them were more important than writing an album, so he postponed it.

"You don't have to be so anxious, I will take time to finish this matter during the Spring Festival holiday." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"That's about the same. Don't blame me for rushing. If you don't release a new song, your audience will forget about you." Guo Dongmei said.

Although other stars don't release new songs, they always appear on TV and other public places, so as to maintain the star's exposure in the eyes of the audience.

Ye Shu obviously can't do this, so his popularity is maintained entirely by songs, among which new songs play an important role in promoting popularity.

Unless Ye Zishu doesn't eat this bowl of rice at all, but Ye Zishu feels that it is very necessary to maintain his star status at present, and it is also a kind of protection for himself.

Especially the last English music album, which made his influence more extensive. With an album with more than 50 million sales, he has completely become one of the international superstars.

The previous influence was only in East Asia and Southeast Asia,

Now his influence has spread all over the world. If he can attend events as frequently as other stars, it is estimated that the popularity will be much higher than it is now.

"That's all?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Of course not. This time I came here mainly to report to you the business situation of Shengshi Records in the past year. I have never seen a boss like you who doesn't care about the business status of his company." Guo Dongmei complained.

"You should know how busy I am, I really can't get away!" Ye Zishu said.

"It is precisely because I know that I came here to report myself." Guo Dongmei said with a blank look.

"Okay, tell me, I'm listening!" Ye Zishu said with a wry smile.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongmei sat up straight and said, "Last year, we achieved a gross operating profit of 3 billion yuan, of which your music album accounted for nearly 2 billion yuan.

The income from commercial performances of its artists is 100 million yuan for the company's interests, and the sales income of its artists' records is 200 million yuan.

In addition to your record income, the second largest income is agency record income, which brought us a total of 300 million yuan last year.

The rest is our new business, revenue from variety shows, which brought us a total of 400 million yuan in revenue last year, and a net profit of 2.4 billion yuan for the year. "

Hearing the revenue structure of Shengshi Records, Ye Shu felt that the proportion of revenue generated by himself was still too high, but it was not easy to quickly increase the revenue generated by other artists in the company.

Now Ye Zishu's music market is global, because the explosion of English music albums has also driven the sales of his Chinese albums overseas.

The influence of its artists is basically in the country, at most it radiates to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Chinese groups in other places, and has little influence on other ethnic groups.

This means that the income from albums is doomed to be very limited, but the current income structure is much better than before. Before that, his income accounted for more than 80%.

"The company's variety shows are developing well." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Guo Dongmei smiled and said: "If you don't enter the field of variety shows, you don't know how to make money. Last year we just tried a small knife, and this year we plan to do it big.

Last year we produced a total of two variety shows, one national singer talent show. Although the preparation and planning of the whole program took us a lot of energy, the ratings were also the highest.

We not only get benefits from cooperation with TV stations, but also get huge benefits from advertisers through program sponsorship and title naming.

Last year was the first time, and there are still flaws in some places. This year, we are confident that we will make this variety show more popular, and the revenue will definitely be higher.

The second variety show is an outdoor food variety show. It was inspired by the cartoon "China's Little Master", and the effect is not bad. Although the ratings of the previous variety show are not as high, the income is also good.

This year we plan to add 4 new variety shows, involving talk, Chinese history, world culture, and outdoor travel. "

After Ye Zishu heard about it, although he didn't agree with the so-called variety show they arranged this year, in his opinion, the talk and cultural shows are not actually variety shows, they can only be regarded as TV shows.

However, he didn't intend to correct it. When they produced more and more programs, the classification of the programs would become clearer. Everything has a development process.

But I still agree with their active efforts to develop new variety shows. The most criticized thing about the current TV stations is that there are too few programs.

Let alone four new variety shows, even 40 new variety shows may not necessarily meet the needs of the domestic market.

"Are you currently only cooperating with CCTV?" Ye Zishu asked.

Guo Dongmei nodded and said: "Currently, cooperation with CCTV is the most profitable. Other TV stations have not yet been broadcast, and the programs can only have influence in this province.

However, as the number of programs increases, we will gradually cooperate with local and provincial stations. After all, some programs may not be suitable for CCTV, but we have to do it. "

"Is our variety show broadcast in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We have not carried out promotion in this area, and we judge that the promotion effect may not be very good. There are many variety shows on the other side, and there is no shortage of content in this area.

As for Hong Kong and Macau, there is still a big difference between the concepts of our mainland and many places that we think are good, but they may not understand. " Guo Dongmei said.

After Ye Zishu heard about it, she didn't say that it must be promoted. What she said was the truth, but it was actually caused by economic strength. The economic strength of the mainland is not strong, so no matter how you look at it, you are a countryman.

If the mainland is strong, even if it is rubbish, others have to try to understand it, just like many people say that movies made in the United States are good-looking, but in fact, psychological troubles are more involved.

Just like when we read other people's books, we always over-interpret them. If we don't over-interpret, we won't be able to reflect our own level. In fact, even the author doesn't have this idea. He just wrote it out without any special meaning.

Not everything in the work has special meaning, and "nonsense literature" is very common in many fields.

"In addition to continuing to focus on variety shows, you also need to strengthen other business models for artists, because the record industry is about to change." Ye Shu said.

"?" Guo Dongmei looked at Ye Zishu with a question mark on her face.

"It may not be clear to tell you, let me show you something!"

Ye Zishu stood up, took Guo Dongmei to see the power of the intelligent music production system, and then explained to her the operation mode of the Internet music platform.

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