Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 241 Record Company Transformation (4/4)

"The Internet is the future development trend. In order to occupy the Internet music market in advance, let Kunpeng Information Technology Company enter the Internet music field.

But you are also aware of the situation. Most of the music copyrights are in the hands of top music giants. It is difficult for us to reach a cooperation with them.

Now is the peak period of the record industry. Regardless of whether it can be acquired or not, even the acquisition funds are very huge. With the advent of the Internet music era, spending huge sums of money on acquisitions will eventually depreciate in value, which is not worthwhile.

In order to solve this dilemma, I developed this intelligent music production system. Using this system, you only need a little knowledge of music to make music independently.

If you are a music major, one person can easily complete the work of the entire music production team using this system.

This will greatly reduce the threshold for music production, and also reduce the dependence of singers and musicians on record companies. Cooperating with Internet music platforms, it can realize a set of dragon services from production to distribution.

In addition, Qinglong Technology's consumer electronics subsidiary will most likely launch its own music player this year, which can directly download music from music platforms without using physical records.

This further reduces the dependence on offline music retail channels. Such a system is a complete blow to the existing music recording system.

At that time, it will become more and more difficult for traditional singers to rely on the traditional record model. In addition, the entry threshold for independent music creators will be lowered, and the market competition will become more intense.

Although traditional music companies may have an advantage in music quality, the quantity and creativity will definitely be completely defeated by independent musicians with thousands of dollars.

Moreover, for independent musicians, the cost of making music is very low, and what they earn belongs to themselves, while the cost of music record companies is very high, which further puts them at a competitive disadvantage.

That's why I suggest that Shengshi Records should transform, abandon the current revenue model dominated by record revenue, and carry out diversified development. Although it may not necessarily become stronger, at least it will not completely wither. "Leaf Book said.

Guo Dongmei started to operate the intelligent music production system while listening to Ye Zishu's words. Guo Dongmei herself was not a music major.

The only knowledge about music is just general knowledge of music, and I learned a little after working in Shengshi Records, not even a half-baked level.

However, through the intelligent music production system, she actually relied on the music knowledge that is not even half-level,

Just made a song that sounds pretty good.

This is even less difficult if it is left to a slightly professional person. No wonder the boss said that with this system, he can summon thousands of dollars and horses, and defeat traditional music record companies.

It sounded a bit exaggerated just now, but after she tried it out herself, she felt a chill in her heart. With this system coupled with an Internet music platform, who can resist it.

In the end, they can only join forces, and the major record companies also move the music in their own music libraries to this platform, at least they can survive for a while with their huge music libraries.

But over time, with so many independent musicians, their so-called music library will become less and less relevant.

Because every generation has songs from every generation, when the new generation grows up, the old music library is not so attractive.

As soon as this model came out, the singers in the record company also greatly weakened their dependence on the company, and the same was true for other songwriters.

Then record companies can no longer squeeze singers like they are now. Even if they want to release songs on the platform, they still have to share.

But after all, it is more free, and the income does not need to be shared with a huge team, it all belongs to the individual, and overall it is still more cost-effective than signing with a record company.

"You are going to kill all record companies!" Guo Dongmei said with emotion.

If there is no intelligent music production system, maybe the record company would not be in such a miserable situation because of the music platform. After all, they are much stronger in terms of professionalism.

But with the intelligent music production system, the gap between professional teams and ordinary musicians has been evened out, and in terms of creativity, relying on crowd tactics, there are more teams than record company teams.

Don't underestimate the creativity of ordinary people. It's just that the lack of professional knowledge made it difficult to express the ideas in their minds. They can only keep spinning in their own minds until they are finally forgotten in the corner.

With an intelligent music production system, it only takes a little thought to slowly turn the ideas in your mind into reality. Although it may take a lot of time, it will eventually become a reality.

If there are more than 10 million people using this system, and each person contributes one piece of music with decent quality every year, it will be enough to beat all the record companies in the world.

"The emergence of new technologies will inevitably bring about a new industrial revolution. We are in this era. We must either change ourselves or be eliminated. The torrent of the times is unstoppable." Ye Zishu said.

Guo Dongmei did not think about letting Kunpeng Information Technology Company stop this plan, because it is unrealistic. If there is no Kunpeng Information Technology Company to do it, there will be other Internet companies.

The only difference is that other Internet music platforms do not have this artifact-like intelligent music production system, but this trend will not change, it is just a matter of speed.

As a high-achieving student majoring in business management at Tsinghua University, coupled with rich management experience, I still have a clear understanding of this issue.

As for asking Ye Zishu not to release this smart music production system, she never thought about it, because this product is the core competitiveness of Kunpeng Information Technology's music platform.

Only with this weapon can we completely defeat other Internet music platforms and become the world's largest Internet platform.

From the perspective of the Shengshi Records Company she manages, although it is cruel, but from the perspective of the boss, the benefits brought by Shengshi Records are not as huge as the benefits brought by dominating the global music distribution market.

Anyone who understands this account will know it, not to mention that she is unwilling to persuade, even if she persuades, Ye Zishu will not agree. There is no reason to throw watermelons to pick sesame seeds.

Guo Dongmei's eyes are fixed on the intelligent music production system, but her mind is constantly thinking about the future development direction. It is impossible to stop it, so she can only find vitality in the new environment.

After a while, she stood up suddenly and said, "I think Shengshi Records has a new direction for development."

"Oh, tell me!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Kunpeng Information Technology Company is an Internet company after all. It mainly focuses on online business. For them, offline business is both troublesome and difficult to manage. We, Shengshi Records, can cooperate with them.

They can select high-quality products from thousands of music works through online music platforms, and there must be musicians with real talents who stand out.

For these capable musicians, although the online income is enough for them to live well, no one will dislike their income more.

In addition, just publishing songs on online platforms does not bring obvious star effect, and it is impossible to use star effect to make more money. You can only make money by releasing songs continuously, and the speed of making money will be much slower.

If Shengshi Records cooperates with Kunpeng Information Technology Company, it will carry out offline packaging for the top musicians on the music platform and organize offline commercial activities for them.

Hold concerts for them, attend commercial events, participate in various celebrations, participate in TV shows, etc., and turn ordinary musicians into stars, so that all three parties can benefit.

Shengshi Records can get a share of remuneration by organizing such activities, and musicians will also have a star effect due to their increased status, making it easier to make money.

And Kunpeng Information Technology Company is to make musicians more sticky to the platform, so that their music platform is no longer an ordinary platform, but a new star-making factory.

And because there are more and more stars on the platform, they will become more and more attractive to ordinary listeners, thus continuously providing fresh blood to the platform.

This kind of cooperation between the three parties is beneficial. I think it should have great development prospects. What does the boss think? "

Unexpectedly, Guo Dongmei saw the prospect of this market, but it is not so easy to do, Ye Zishu said: "The idea is correct and reasonable, but it is not easy to do."

"Although it is difficult, we have to do this and turn Shengshi Records into a star factory. Only in this way can we have a chance of survival." Guo Dongmei said firmly.

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