Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 242 To be twisted into 1 strand of rope (1/4)

Hearing that her tone was so firm, Ye Zishu would not stop her, and one was in charge of online and the other was in charge of offline, which complemented each other perfectly.

If the two cooperate well, Shengshi Records will not only not decline, but will also take advantage of the momentum, from a domestic record giant to a global star factory.

At that time, with a huge star resource in hand, it will naturally bring huge benefits to Shengshi Records, and the benefits will be much higher than now.

Those celebrities in the previous life were paid millions of dollars for appearances. As an operating company, they can get most of the income, because the company needs to support more professionals, while celebrities only need to support themselves, their agents and assistants.

"If you do this, I have no objection. Do it boldly!" Ye Zishu said.

"It's just this model, and other record companies can follow suit. Kunpeng Information Technology Company can't stop them from uploading their music library to the platform.

Then they can rely on the music platform online, make image packaging for stars offline, and also conduct commercial operations, even more professional than Shengshi Records. "Leaf Book reminded.

As an open Internet music platform, Kunpeng Information Technology Company will never require musicians to sign a prostitution agreement.

The most is to require that their online music copyright must be shared with the music platform, and there will not be too many restrictions offline, otherwise such a platform will not develop at all.

Guo Dongmei nodded upon hearing Ye Zishu's reminder, agreeing with this point. It is very difficult to monopolize the offline market, so they can only develop as much as possible.

In fact, if you want to become a star, you only need to have two characteristics. The first is a beautiful appearance. This is the reason why the audience likes stars at first sight. No matter what country they are from, they are all members of the "Appearance Association".

The second is to have real strength. If you don't have real strength, you will be a traffic star at most. Unless you are as deformed as in your previous life and can make quick money, you don't have much future for development.

In fact, he can use advanced technology to solve these two factors, such as appearance, which can be solved by advanced medical aesthetics, and even height can be increased by technology.

Even the medical beauty technology he brought out, for the people receiving the treatment, did not have as much side effects as in the previous life, and it was not even as painful as in the previous life.

This allows many capable but unremarkable people to have the important potential to become stars. For Shengshi Records,

It is very beneficial and can distance itself from other record companies.

As for the improvement of strength, there can only be strict training for artists. He believes that the trainee system in Korea in his previous life still has a certain reference value.

Although the mass-produced artists lack individuality and are all carved out of the same mold, their professional ability is much stronger than the so-called small fresh meat in China.

Although he can't ask for the same as the Korean interns, he hopes to learn professional skills and not just become a vase. Such a person will not bring long-term benefits to the company.

Moreover, our country has a very strong awareness of equality. It is definitely not possible to use the Korean method. It is necessary to formulate training plans according to the actual conditions of each country, and one size fits all.

"Tai Chi Health Care Company, you should know about it." Ye Zishu asked.

Guo Dongmei nodded, and looked at Ye Zishu suspiciously. She didn't know why he mentioned Taiji Group for no reason, but she still knew how powerful this company was.

The variety show produced by Shengshi Records Company has the product naming rights of Taiji Health Care Company, otherwise, whoever is willing to spend so much money for advertising will be able to catch up with the price of CCTV's standard king.

Moreover, Wancheng Foundation, which her brother Guo Dongsheng is in charge of, is funded by Taiji Health Care Company, and she supports her brother's career behind the scenes, so she needs to know more about Tai Chi Health Care Company.

"Although they are currently focusing on the health care products business, they will soon diversify, and medicine, medical equipment, and hospitals will be the focus of their next development.

These businesses will all belong to their parent company, Taiji Group, and one of them is very helpful to build a star factory. "Leaf Book said.

"What business?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"Medical beauty is to make people who are not very good-looking, through medical technology, turn them into beautiful or handsome people, and even increase their height.

You should be clear about the necessary conditions for a star. The appearance that makes people like it at first glance, coupled with strength, the combination of the two is very important for you to create a star, and it can achieve twice the result with half the effort. "Leaf Book said.

Guo Dongmei has heard about medical aesthetics. In fact, medical aesthetics started quite early, but the speed of development is not particularly fast. The related technologies are not very mature, and the side effects are very serious.

Even decades later, there are still big problems with medical aesthetics technology, not to mention the death-death situation, even if it was done very well at the time, but as time goes by, the side effects will gradually be reflected.

The current medical and aesthetics industry in China has just started, the scale of the industry is not large, and there are not many places that can be done, but as a person in the entertainment industry, Guo Dongmei is no stranger.

"Is it reliable? I don't want to ruin the rest of other people's lives just because of the pursuit of profit!" Guo Dongmei asked.

"You don't have to believe other people, but I don't believe it yet. I care about this more than you. Since it can be used, the technology must be very mature, and the side effects are almost negligible." Ye Shu said.

Hearing his words, although Guo Dongmei really wanted to refute and dispel his enthusiasm, but after searching and searching, she couldn't find a suitable reason to refute.

Ye Zishu ignored Guo Dongmei's reaction and continued: "If you want to turn Shengshi Records into a global star factory, you need to do a lot of work.

It needs to be stronger in terms of market demand analysis, celebrity image design, artist training, marketing promotion, resource utilization, etc.

In order to get closer to the market, keep abreast of local market needs, and tap local artist resources, you need to set up branches in major market regions and countries.

I can't teach you how to do it specifically, you need to think about it yourself, but I think it still needs to be adapted to local conditions.

Only by adapting measures to local conditions can we do a good job in the local market. In the process of internationalization, you must not be one size fits all. Of course, you also need to find commonalities from them. This way you can turn artists into international stars and benefit more. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongmei nodded in agreement. If the culture cannot be integrated into the local area, it will be difficult to expand. Unlike technology products, which have global commonality.

This topic ends here, there is no need to continue the chat, if you want to really do a good job in this area, you need to adjust through continuous practice, rather than talking about it here.

However, Ye Zishu thought about the entire cultural industry. As the parent company of the Shengshi family, Shengshi Culture Company is still an empty shell.

The current cooperation is communication between various companies, but such an efficiency, he feels that it is still close, and it is necessary to make the parent company Shengshi Culture Company truly operate.

If the parent company integrates the resources of the entire subsidiary, the effect of resource interoperability will be better, and the concerted cooperation will be very beneficial to the development of overseas markets.

Now they are fighting on their own. Although each company has been given more freedom, it is not conducive to the development of the overall cultural industry overseas. The individual strength is still too weak, and it is impossible to form a resource exchange overseas.

It seems that Wang Changtian is going to be promoted, but he does not know whether Chen Xiaoxu can take charge of Shengshi Advertising Company alone, because the role that this company will play in the future is also very important.

If the cultural industry can be well integrated and twisted into a single rope, then the development situation will be completely changed. Not only the existing cultural industry, but also the undeveloped physical entertainment industry also has a lot of room for development.


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