Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 244 Invitation (3/4)

It is not an exaggeration to say that Tai Chi Healthcare is the most profitable company in China. According to historical results, last year's GDP was only 2.3 trillion yuan.

If a company's profit can reach hundreds of billions of yuan, then the scale of revenue will definitely be larger, and it can account for at least 5% of GDP, which is very scary.

However, such a company with terrible revenue does not have much reputation, because in the eyes of many people, health care products are not so great.

In addition, Tai Chi Health's business model is completely different from the current conventional business model, all of which adopt a direct sales model, which makes it difficult for the outside world to understand the company's revenue.

If the method of agency sales is adopted, as long as there is a caring person to investigate, you can still get a general understanding of the company's revenue. Direct sales operations are not so easy to investigate.

All data is confidential to the outside world, and the only thing that can be queried is taxation, but taxation actually cannot truly reflect the revenue of a company, because there are many situations that have a great impact on taxation.

And if you want to investigate taxes, most people don't have the ability. The tax situation of a company can be regarded as a company's commercial secrets.

Guo Dongmei, who was still a little uncomfortable before, lost her temper after hearing the true strength of the Taiji Group. She was treated as a subsidiary of this group, and she was not wronged at all.

"After I go back, I will communicate with my brother well, and there will be absolutely no problems!" Guo Dongmei finally said.

Hearing Guo Dongmei's words, Ye Zishu finally showed a satisfied smile on his face. No matter what their considerations were, since they agreed, if they messed up, don't blame him for being rude.

In the discussion stage of a matter, he can accept any rebuttal from his subordinates, as long as it makes sense, he will decisively adopt it, but once there is no opinion and a resolution is formed, he can't fix any moths.

This set of overt obedience and overt violation absolutely cannot exist in business operations. Once discovered, it must be cleaned up, because it will cause great harm to the business operation of the company.

This is also why he spared no effort to communicate with Guo Dongmei, even at the expense of luring her, the purpose is to get her to agree personally, as long as she agrees personally, there will be no psychological obstacles in dealing with some things in the future.

"As long as I actually run the company and develop the company well, I will naturally see it in my eyes and keep it in my heart." Ye Zishu said.

Originally, what he wanted to say was that as long as they lived up to his expectations, he would not let them down, but he changed his words temporarily.

Because he felt that saying so,

The habits of the rivers and lakes are too heavy. In the process of business operation, the most dreaded thing is to use the tricks of the rivers and lakes. The harm outweighs the benefits.

And he can't give absolute promises. The business operation is changing rapidly. Sometimes hard work may not necessarily lead to good results, but it depends on the specific situation and the overall development plan.

Guo Dongmei still believes in his words, at least he has not broken his promise so far, and he is still very good to Guo Dongsheng on the whole. Guo Dongsheng's ability to reach his current position is definitely the result of his care.

Since Guo Dongmei agreed, there is a way to get Guo Dongsheng to agree. After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu thought that the work matters should be finished.

But Guo Dongmei said: "CCTV wants me to ask you, they want to invite you to participate in their "Oriental Time and Space" column, and want to talk to you face to face."

In the previous life, "Oriental Time and Space" premiered on May 1, 1993. Obviously, it is much earlier now. It seems that the pace of CCTV reform is much faster than in the previous life.

It's just that Ye Zishu doesn't really want to accept interview programs in his heart. He hopes to maintain his identity as a celebrity to the outside world, and wants to hide his commercial identity.

After the southern tour last year, the atmosphere of reform was further stimulated, but it was not all smooth sailing, and he didn't want to be in the limelight.

As I said before, when a person has no money, he desperately wants to prove that he has money, because in this way he can obtain resources that were originally difficult to obtain, so as to really realize the process of going from poor to rich.

But when you are really rich, you want to hide your wealth desperately. It is not to treasure your wealth, but to avoid unnecessary public opinion and make a fortune silently. This is the golden advice of the ancestors.

"Oriental Time and Space" wanted him to be on the show, but it definitely didn't interview him as a star. Although CCTV is also a media, a star can't get into their eyes.

What bothers Ye Zishu is that if he accepts an interview, it will also be beneficial. It can attract the attention of the upper class, which will be very beneficial to expand his industrial territory.

Now that we are in a critical period of reform and opening up, the country naturally hopes to set up a banner of reform, strengthen the signal of reform to the outside world, and let more people participate in the tide of reform.

Moreover, this banner is not only for internal purposes, but also externally. Setting up such a banner also conveys a strong belief in reform to the outside world, which is very important for the development of international trade.

If it is really set up as a banner of reform, then the resources obtained will naturally be very large, and many things that were difficult to do before may be much easier to do.

For example, he wanted to enter the automobile industry. Before that, he wanted to establish the motorcycle industry first. On the one hand, he wanted to accumulate industrial strength in this area, and on the other hand, he wanted to send a signal to the relevant departments, telling them that he was not without foundation in making automobiles.

There is also the Internet financial license he wants to obtain, and even physical financial licenses, such as banks and insurance, which may be easier.

If you want to become a large consortium, you can't rely on industry alone. It is not casual to say that finance directs the real economy. Although it does not create wealth, it has a great impact on the real economy.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu decided to agree. Although it was against his original intention, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages after a comprehensive balance.

It's like some people are taciturn and introverted in private, but they can talk freely in various business situations. This is probably his current state.

The most taboo thing about business management is the mentality that looks good at present. As long as there is such a mentality, it will be the time when the company will go downhill.

Therefore, the secret to maintaining the long-term survival of the enterprise is to never be satisfied. No matter how good the current performance is, we still have to find new industrial directions instead of being satisfied with the existing achievements.

"I accept the invitation, when is the interview?" Ye Zishu agreed and asked.

Guo Dongmei was a little surprised when she saw Ye Zishu after thinking for a while before agreeing, because it was too difficult to get him to appear in public.

She had attended CCTV's Spring Festival Gala before, but now she doesn't even want to go to the Spring Festival Gala. If she doesn't remind her, she probably won't even write a music album.

But she didn't say anything, but said: "The exact time is still uncertain, it should be during the Spring Festival."

"Oriental Time and Space" was created as a comprehensive TV magazine. It has many sub-columns, personal interview talk shows, and is called "Son of the East". I don't know if it is arranged like this now.

At this moment, Ye Zihua, who was sent by Ye Zishu to open the door for the cleaning staff, finally came back, opened the door and saw a guest, and planned to read a book obediently on the sofa.

But seeing that the visitor was Guo Dongmei, Ye Zihua said, "Sister! Why are you here?"

Hearing Ye Zihua's words, Ye Zishu asked with a smile, "Do you know each other?"

Both Ye Zihua and Guo Dongmei nodded, and Guo Dongmei spoke first, "When I heard Ye Zihua's name before, I thought it had something to do with you, but I didn't expect it to be. Zi Hua is your younger brother?"

Ye Zishu nodded, and then said, "How do you know each other?"

"Zihua's grades in school are very good, and it's hard not to attract attention." Guo Dongmei said with a smile.

However, Ye Zihua's words were different, saying: "Sister Dongmei is a famous figure in school now, and she is the president of the popular Shengshi Record Company before she graduated. She is very well-known, and it's hard to know."

"You guys are heroes and cherish heroes!" Ye Zishu laughed.

After saying this, both Guo Dongmei and Ye Zihua smiled embarrassedly. Although both of them have made some achievements, they are far behind Ye Zishu. When he said these words, it was more like a joke. .

Seeing them like this, Ye Zishu stopped teasing them, but said, "Your sister Dongmei came here to talk to me about some work matters."

"Brother, wouldn't Shengshi Records Company also belong to your business?" Ye Zihua asked in a low voice.

Seeing his younger brother's funny look, Ye Zishu patted the back of his head and said, "You're quite wide-ranging, so don't inquire about anything."

I didn't get the answer from Ye Zishu, but Guo Dongmei smiled and said, "You're right, I'm also working for your brother."

Among young people, the influence of entertainment companies is obviously not small, and the pursuit of entertainment in this era is also not small, even more powerful than decades later.

"Okay, is the room cleaned?" Ye Zishu asked, changing the subject.

"After the cleaning, the bedding has been laid out, so we can live there." Ye Zihua said.

"Almost forgot, my mother heard that you are still celebrating New Year in the capital this year, and she wanted to invite you to my house for New Year's Eve, so she happened to bring Zi Hua with her, so it would be more lively." Guo Dongmei said.

When Ye Zihua heard Guo Dongmei's words, she immediately blinked at Ye Zishu. She didn't expect her brother to be alone during the New Year here.

Ye Zishu directly ignored Ye Zihua's expression, and said to Guo Dongmei, "That's fine, I'll have to trouble Auntie again then."

"You don't need to be so polite. My mother must be very happy to see you passing by. This happiness will make her health better." Guo Dongmei said with a smile.

Now that Pei Qing has agreed to go to her house for dinner at noon on New Year's Eve, it is not easy to refuse Guo Dongmei's mother's invitation, and since he has had New Year's Eve dinner there for two consecutive years, he will not resist it.


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