Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 245 You have great responsibilities! (four four)

I don't know what's going on, it seems that everyone has discussed it, and they have to take advantage of the year to come to him to hang around. Just as Guo Dongmei went back, Yu Minhong ran over.

"Old Yu, you didn't go back to your hometown during Chinese New Year?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I brought my mother from my hometown." Yu Minhong said with a smile.

"It's pretty good. After a lifetime of hard work, I finally lived a good life." Ye Zishu said.

Ye Zishu also wants to bring the whole family here, but his parents are a bit stubborn, so he has no choice but to come and live with him when he is a little older.

"Thanks to Mr. Ye for his support!" Yu Minhong said gratefully.

Hearing what Yu Minhong said, Ye Zishu waved his hands and said, "Don't say that in the future, everything is the result of your own hard work, and only those who help themselves will be blessed by God."

Although Ye Zishu said so, Yu Minhong knew how he got to the sky in one step. It can be said that the pie fell from the sky.

Before I was invited by my boss, I was just a teacher in a small training institution. The poor could only rent a house, and I didn't even dare to mention marriage with my girlfriend who had been with me for many years.

Yu Minhong took out a red-covered invitation card from his pocket and handed it to Ye Zishu, saying, "I'm getting married on the third day of the Lunar New Year. This is an invitation card. I hope Mr. Ye can come to the scene when the time comes."

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu hurriedly stood up halfway, took the invitation with both hands, and said, "Old Yu, you are finally married, congratulations on your wedding, and hope that you will have a baby soon.

I will definitely go there at that time, you can't spare this glass of wedding wine, this year my brother Ye Zihua is also celebrating the New Year here, so I will take him there with me when the time comes. "

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu made an internal call to the lounge and asked Ye Zihua to come over and let him meet Yu Minhong.

Ye Zihua came over shortly after receiving the call. Ye Zishu said, "This is my younger brother Ye Zihua, who is currently studying financial management at Tsinghua University. This is Yu Minhong, the president of New Oriental Education Group. Just call him Brother Yu."

Then he told about Yu Minhong's marriage, and asked Ye Zihua to attend Yu Minhong's wedding with him on the third day of the Lunar New Year.

"Lao Yu, you don't have many relatives here in the capital, so is the wedding still held in your hometown?" Ye Zishu asked.

According to the rules, it is generally necessary to hold the wedding in the hometown,

Let alone this era, even decades later, this rule still exists.

"There will be another event in my hometown. The capital is mainly to invite friends from here." Yu Minhong said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "Since it's a wedding, it must be lively, so I'll recommend a few more people to attend your wedding here."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu picked up a pen and paper, and wrote down the contact information of the heads of the companies under him. The most important purpose of doing this was to let the heads of the companies under him get to know each other.

New Oriental Education Group, as his vocational education institution, shoulders the responsibility of delivering talents for his companies, and it is very important to know the person in charge of his companies.

Of course, so many bosses went there to support Yu Minhong. After all, the greater the relationship in the man's family, the higher his status in the family, and vice versa.

After finishing writing, he handed the paper to Yu Minhong, and said, "This is the person in charge of my other companies, such as Pei Qing from Taiji Group, Ren Zhengfei from Qinglong Group, Wu Chaoqiang from Xuanwu Group, Wang Chuanfu from Huanyu Group, and Wang Changtian from Shengshi Culture Group. , Guo Dongsheng of Wancheng Foundation.

There are also some principals of important subsidiaries. After you get to know each other, it will be of great benefit to the education and training cooperation between you. "

Although Wang Changtian has not yet served as the person in charge of Shengshi Culture Company, it will only be a year later, so there is nothing wrong with him saying that.

At present, the business of New Oriental Education Group is still relatively simple, mainly the software talent training entrusted by Phoenix Technology Company, and the training of electronics industry workers of Xuanwu Technology Company.

The training of animation talents may be expanded in the future, but Ye Zishu himself did not pay attention to this area, and Shengshi Film and Television Company will be responsible for the cooperation.

After talking about the wedding, Yu Minhong said: "This time I came to see Mr. Ye, on the one hand, to send invitations, and on the other hand, I want to report to you the development of New Oriental Education Group."

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu sat upright and said, "Okay, I also want to know about the development of New Oriental Education Group."

"Since we founded New Oriental Education Group and understood the purpose of Mr. Ye in establishing this company, we first set up our own course content research institute.

During this period of time, we have invited professors and experts from well-known domestic universities, and even foreign professors and experts, to start compiling teaching content for various industries in the industrial field of our country.

Although it has not been fully completed yet, there are still many achievements. For example, the software development tutorial has basically been completed, and other content is also being written. "

When Yu Minhong said this, Ye Zishu interrupted him and said: "Your arrangement is very good, but if you rely entirely on school professors and experts, will there be any ungrounded situation.

Their level is very high, but the content they write should be more theoretical than practical. If your training objects are college students, of course there is no problem.

However, most of your future training targets are students who have graduated from junior high school, so in terms of teaching content, you must be more down-to-earth, focusing on practice and ignoring theory.

Of course, this is not absolute. The content of the training depends on the knowledge level of the personnel participating in your training, so the teaching content should not be too rigid.

To solve this problem, I think it is necessary to expand the scope of information in the compilation of teaching content. You can invite actual staff in the enterprise to participate in the compilation of practical content.

Some things are beautiful in theory, but the actual operation is completely different. In addition to explaining the basic operating principles, you also need to learn how to adapt to local conditions. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Yu Minhong realized that he might have made a major mistake, that is, ignoring the actual situation of education.

So he recorded the situation and said, "What Mr. Ye said is that this is our negligence."

"You are a high-achieving student at Peking University, and you still do things with the mindset of cultivating elites. Now that you can correct it in time, it is not a big problem." Ye Zishu said.

"It's just that if we increase the practice content in a large amount, we need to buy a lot of equipment, and the effect will not be very good if we only teach practice from books." Yu Minhong said.

When Ye Zishu heard what he said, he knew what he meant. Isn't it just spending money? Before, he might not be able to search well, but now he has the confidence to spend more money on education.

"I promised last year that I would give you 1 billion yuan this year, mainly for the purpose of building schools in various county-level divisions and extending vocational education to rural areas.

In this way, I will give you 5 billion yuan this year. In addition to the school construction mentioned above, it will be used to purchase teaching equipment and build high-level teaching staff.

However, when it comes to purchasing teaching equipment, I think it needs to be purchased according to the actual situation of the entrusted training company, so that the trainees can operate proficiently as soon as they start their jobs. Even if they are familiar with it, the time will be much shorter. "Leaf Book said.

Yu Minhong was shocked when he heard that Ye Zishu suddenly increased the funding to 5 billion yuan. He felt that it would be great to get the promised 1 billion yuan, but he didn't expect it to increase so much.

"Old Yu, I'm not stingy with money, but I must see real results!" Ye Zishu said solemnly.

He was afraid that they would lose themselves after getting so much money, but they would forget the original intention of this educational institution and their own responsibilities.

Of course, the reason why he took out 5 billion yuan was not just taking it casually, but he hoped that New Oriental Education Group's schools would be spread all over the country as soon as possible. In addition to teaching equipment, it would require a lot of money.

Especially teaching equipment, some equipment is very expensive, and the funds spent are even much higher than the construction of school buildings.

Of course, it is not that there is 5 billion yuan of financial support every year. This year, so much money is allocated mainly to speed up their development, and the scale of education funding will be gradually reduced in the future.

In addition to reducing the consumption of infrastructure funds, on the other hand, they are forced to bear the responsibility of supporting themselves, and blood transfusion alone cannot be sustained.

"We will definitely live up to Mr. Ye's expectations!" Yu Minhong said.

"This is not just my expectation, but it is related to the livelihood and future of tens of thousands of people in the country. You have a great responsibility!" Ye Zishu said.


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