Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 255 A Slightly Awkward Meeting (2/4)

"Your courtyard is quite big!" Ye Zishu said to Pei Qing.

"It's okay, but the place we lived in was very crowded before. There are actually 10 families living in such a courtyard." Pei Qing said.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, it was quite crowded, with an average household of only more than 50 square meters, which still had to be counted as the space built randomly in the yard.

"Then you spent a lot of money to keep them from moving?" Ye Zishu asked.

"A total of 400,000 yuan was spent, and each household basically compensated more than 40,000 yuan." Pei Qing said.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu nodded. The cost of the courtyard house he bought was much higher than that of the courtyard house he bought before. It's not that the courtyard house is worth so much money, but that without this money, it would be difficult for others to get a new house to live in.

Pei Qing and his family have been neighbors for many years. Unlike the courtyard house bought by Ye Zishu, Guo Dongsheng tries to buy a courtyard house with a small number of residents. Generally, he is unwilling to buy such a crowded courtyard house.

Because it is very troublesome to deal with the relationship, as long as there is one family who is unwilling to move, it is basically abolished, and the previous energy is wasted.

But Guo Dongsheng was unwilling to spend such a high price on the acquisition like Pei Qing, because it was obviously beyond the market price. If it cost so much, what would he do with Guo Dongsheng? Anyone can do it.

The 10 million yuan that was handed over to Guo Dongsheng to buy the courtyard house had already been spent, and Ye Zishu gave another nearly 100 million yuan.

Now the residents of the capital still yearn to live in high-rise buildings. In the original large courtyards, many units raised funds to build houses, and they moved out one after another. Some people got rich and moved out.

In the future, there will be fewer and fewer people living in courtyard houses, and the crowded but very lively courtyards will gradually become deserted.

These funds can be used to continue to buy courtyard houses with better locations. Anyway, keeping the money in your hands is of no use, and can only be put in the bank to earn interest.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu took a look at Ye Zihua, thinking about whether to use some money in his personal account to his younger brother to operate, to see if it can increase the value.

Even if you can’t add value or lose it, you can still exercise Ye Zihua. Financial elites are not learned from books, but they have to be developed in the financial market with real swords and guns.

Only those who have survived the treacherous financial market are qualified to become financial elites, otherwise they can only become cannon fodder.

However, Ye Zihua has only studied for half a year, and has not finished learning the basic theory, so it doesn't make much sense to hand it over to him, so after thinking about it, let it go.

When Ye Zihua was in his junior or senior year, he could give him a sum of money for financial practice. It didn't matter whether he made a profit or a loss, it just gave him more practical experience.

"What are you thinking about? You already have enough courtyard houses in your hand, so there's no need to even look at my courtyard house, right?" Pei Qing jokingly said when she saw Ye Zishu's ecstasy.

"No, I just thought of something else." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"That's good. If you throw money at me and ask me to sell the courtyard house to you, I might not be able to handle it, so I will sell it!" Pei Qing joked.

"Are girls in the capital also so talkative?" Ye Zishu asked helplessly.

"That's not it!" Pei Qing shrugged and said.

"Okay, take me to meet your parents and family." Ye Zishu changed the subject and said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing blushed slightly, stomped her feet, and then started to walk in front, followed by Ye Zihua, who tugged on Ye Zishu's sleeve.

Said: "Brother, be careful what you say, Sister Qing might misunderstand."

When Ye Zishu heard Ye Zihua's words, he also found that what he said was a bit ambiguous, but there was nothing wrong with it. If he understood it this way, he would not be able to speak nonsense in every sentence of Chinese.

Just like in the previous life, no matter how prohibited, new words are always invented to refer to the original words. This not only failed to achieve the purpose of purifying the environment, but made Chinese full of problematic words.

Therefore, Ye Zishu was not interested in blindly forbidden words in his previous life. This will not have any effect, it will only turn the originally clean words into dirty, which will bring very bad results.

Gu "Okay, you're the smart one!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

I didn't expect this kid to be so sensitive to this kind of thing. Could it be that he spent a lot of time thinking about the thoughts of his female classmates when he was in college?

Seeing her brother's impatience, Ye Zihua wisely chose to shut up, followed silently, and carefully looked at every part of the courtyard.

Compared with buildings, if you pay attention to courtyards, there are still many interesting things. The design of each place has a special purpose and meaning, and it reflects the traditional culture of our country everywhere.

The three quickly passed through the courtyard and came to the main hall. There were four people sitting in it. Ye Zishu didn't dare to misidentify them, so he waited for Pei Qing's introduction.

But before Pei Qing could speak, two young people among the four people who were sitting stood up, walked towards the three of them, and said as they walked, "I think this is Mr. Ye, this should be Mrs. Draw bro."

Seeing this posture, Pei Qing hurriedly said: "Let me introduce, this is my eldest brother, Pei Xu, this is my second brother Pei, our family is three brothers and sisters."

Ye Zishu didn't wait for Pei Qing to introduce himself, he directly shook hands with Pei Qing's two older brothers, and said, "I'm Ye Zishu, and this is my brother Ye Zihua, I'm here to disturb you this time."

The reason why he was so polite and even shook hands was because he didn't want to be too close, because currently Pei Qing was just his subordinate and partner, and it was better to keep a certain distance from their family members.

Sure enough, after Ye Zishu shook hands with them respectively, their original familiar enthusiasm became restrained, even a little stiff.

However, this kind of behavior made Pei Qing a little bit uncomfortable, and said: "Come to my house to play, don't be so polite, it makes everyone stiff."

"That's right, I'm just out of habit, I'm sorry." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although the atmosphere was better after the words were spoken, it was not much better. In addition, Ye Zishu was Pei Qing's boss, so it was normal that they couldn't let go completely.

Pei Qing didn't pay any attention to these, and brought Ye Zishu to the two older people, and said, "This is my grandfather, and this is my father.

My grandma is helping my mother cook in the kitchen, and I will take you to recognize it later. "

"Hello, grandpa, hello uncle!" Ye Zishu said politely, and Ye Zihua also shouted.

Pei Qing's grandfather didn't stand up, but the two of them nodded, while Pei Qing's father stood up and shook hands with Ye Zishu.

Said: "Mr. Ye comes here, and treats this place as his home."

Afterwards, Ye Zishu chatted with Pei Qing's family members, and Pei Qing could see that the atmosphere of the conversation was a bit awkward, so she said, "I'll take Mr. Ye and Zihua to see grandma and mother."

Following Pei Qing out of the main room, Pei Qing said: "Don't be so polite, my family is very nice, just say what you want, no one will mind."

"It's mainly the first time, so it's unavoidable to be a little nervous." Ye Shu explained.

In fact, Ye Zishu didn't know why, but he always felt that there was a gap in everything he talked about, and he was not as comfortable as being with Guo Dongsheng's mother.

Ye Zishu felt that it was caused by the relationship at the family level. The working family of Pei Qing's family did not have a good life, but they were definitely much better than farmers.

Although Guo Dongsheng's family lived in the city for a lot of time before, they actually lived a relatively poor life, which is a bit in tune with Ye Zishu's peasant family background.

So when talking about things, we can basically chat together. Although Guo Dongsheng's mother doesn't speak Mandarin well, there is no barrier in the chat.

Following Ye Zishu to the kitchen, they saw her grandma and mother, and they were also very enthusiastic when they saw Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua, but they felt more harmonious than her grandfather and father.

This is really a strange phenomenon!


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