Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 256 The era of comprehensive liquid crystals is opened by oneself (3/4)

"Both of you, sit in the living room first, and we'll have dinner after we're done." Pei Qing's mother said with a smile.

To be honest, Ye Zishu felt that staying in the kitchen and chatting with Pei Qing's mother and grandma would make her happier, but returning to the living room would be a bit awkward, and she didn't know what to say.

"Auntie, let's help you!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing who was next to him hurriedly tugged on his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing here to join in the fun?"

Originally, he wanted to refute that he was not very good at cooking, but Ye Zihua's cooking was very good. In the past, Ye Zihua was the main force of cooking in his hometown.

Parents in rural areas are relatively busy, and children in the family usually learn to cook from an early age. He can only say that his cooking is not bad, but it is still a little far from delicious.

But Ye Zihua is obviously much more talented than him in cooking. Since then, Ye Zihua has been the main cook in the family, and Ye Zishu has completely reduced to the role of cooking fire.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't refute. As a guest, no matter how embarrassing he was, he still had to face it, and staying here was a bit of a hindrance in the eyes of the host.

"Qing'er, what are you talking about!" Pei Qing's mother said.

When Pei Qing heard her mother's words, she stuck out her tongue mischievously, and hurriedly pulled Ye Zishu out of the kitchen, and came to the yard. There were several trees planted in the yard, as well as some rockery.

It's just that it's winter now, and I'm not in the mood to appreciate the scenery in the yard. Perhaps Pei Qing could also see that he was a little embarrassed, so she pulled her to sit in her room.

"Go sit in my room." Pei Qing said with a blushing face.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zihua on the side hurriedly said: "Then you two go, I think it's more interesting to chat with Uncle and the others."

As soon as he finished speaking, he went straight to the living room without waiting for the two of them to react, leaving Ye Zishu behind to follow her to the living room, or follow Pei Qing to her boudoir.

After hesitating for a while, she finally followed Pei Qing to her boudoir. There was a thick curtain outside the door to isolate the cold air from outside, and a carved red door inside, which was quite exquisite in workmanship.

Open the door and enter. The room is very large and divided into two compartments. The outside is a small living room and study, and the inside is a sleeping place. The decoration is very warm.

The most criticized thing about the current courtyard house is that life is not very convenient.

There is no common toilet in the previous life, and the dirty things need to be taken to the nearby toilet every day.

In addition, other living facilities are not particularly complete, which is why many people like to live in buildings. Of course, the large area per person in buildings is also a reason.

"You also bought a computer to keep at home?" Ye Zishu asked when he saw the big ass monitor on the desk.

"The boss is a software genius. As a subordinate, if I don't know how to use a computer, wouldn't it be embarrassing." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Most of the computer users in China are used by scientific researchers, and the frequency of use by personnel in other positions is too low, and they are basically decorations.

Today's computers are not like the computers of later generations. They don't have many entertainment functions, and they are basically not very useful except for work.

In the past, if you wanted to use it, you had to enter commands, and the threshold for using it was higher. Now that the Phoenix operating system has come out, the situation has been greatly improved.

The only downside is that there are relatively few entertainment software, which is also an important reason why computers have not become daily products, but this situation will soon be greatly improved.

Sea-gull Interactive Entertainment is working hard to produce various game products, and these games will be launched on Qinglong Technology's home game console platform and Phoenix operating system platform at the same time.

"Informatization is an unstoppable trend. In the future, no matter what job you are in, you will be required to have a certain ability to operate computers, and you are good at learning.

It's just a pity, your money is probably wasted, and you may have to buy a new one soon. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing heard him say that and asked, "Why?"

"If you had a computer that you could take away, would you use such a bulky computer?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Produced by your company?" Pei Qing asked.

In her opinion, since the boss said so, it must be that his company has developed such a product, and the products developed by others cannot span such a large span.

"My Qinglong Technology Company focuses on the research and development of various electronic products. Although there are no products yet, you may see specific products in the middle of this year." Ye Zishu said.

He saw the progress report sent to him by Wu Chaoqiang. All the equipment related to chip manufacturing has been developed, and he is currently working hard to use these equipment to build a chip production line.

It is estimated that the completion time will be in early March, that is to say, there is still more than a month, chip manufacturing will no longer be a bottleneck, and the development of my country's electronics industry will usher in spring.

"Congratulations boss, another industry has entered the harvest period." Pei Qing congratulated with a smile.

This is true. After hearing Ye Zishu's description, Pei Qing knew how much impact such a product would have on the existing personal computer market once it entered the market.

In fact, there are also laptops now, but the screens are black and white, and they are very bulky, weighing ten to twenty kilograms. It can only be said to be slightly stronger than desktop computers, but it is not very convenient.

When Qinglong Technology's ultra-thin notebook comes out, it will definitely beat the products of any personal computer manufacturer in the world. This is a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Currently, besides building a chip production line, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is also intensively developing LCD screen products. With the technology provided by him, it is not difficult to do so.

However, according to their progress, the first production line may not be built until the middle of the year, but they have no so-called generation lines.

Ye Zishu didn't know how the LCD production line was done in his previous life. Anyway, he took out the LCD screen production technology from the virtual library, and the size of the LCD screen can be adjusted freely.

According to the technology he gave now, a large 100-inch LCD screen can be produced now, but the price of this kind of screen is very high, and few people can afford it after production.

Of course, there is also splicing screen technology, which uses many small screen modules to assemble a large screen, which is very practical for scenes with huge screen requirements.

The reason why such a technology is developed is to save costs, a production line can cover the world, instead of constantly upgrading the algebra of the production line, the investment cost is too high.

"Xuanwu Technology is currently developing LCD screen manufacturing technology, and it is expected that the first production line will be completed and put into operation by the middle of the year, but the investment in this production line is large.

Previously, Xuanwu Technology's capital was supported by Phoenix Software. Now that they have increased the manufacturing industry of semiconductors and LCD screens, Phoenix Software is a bit unable to support it.

At that time, part of the funds from Taiji Health Care Company will need to be allocated to Xuanwu Technology Company for emergency. Both of their industries are high-end manufacturing industries with very high profit margins and a very large market size, so the payback cycle will not be too long. "

After hearing this, Pei Qing nodded and asked, "How much will it cost?"

"Because all technologies are self-owned, the cost of establishing a production line is relatively low, and the total capital requirement needs to be about 30 billion yuan.

I promised to give Wancheng Foundation the investment funds in the early stage, as long as they don't delay the establishment of their industrial chain, and the capital for buying land will be postponed temporarily. "Leaf Book said.

The reason for borrowing so much money is mainly to cope with the strong demand in the future and avoid insufficient production capacity to meet market demand.

He is preparing to rely on advanced technology to win the chip and LCD screen market, without giving competitors a chance to react. Coupled with the cost advantage, the probability of winning is still very high.

When Pei Qing heard that only 30 billion yuan was needed, she asked, "Is the money enough?"

"It's almost there. At least it can meet the market demand this year. The expansion of the market also needs a process. By then, they will also be able to make money themselves and basically be able to expand themselves." Ye Shu said.

In the previous life in 2006, a 32-inch LCD TV cost tens of thousands of yuan, and the price was a bit ridiculously high. Although the profit per unit was high, the overall market size was small.

Xuanwu Technology Company has a cost advantage, and it will drive the price below the profit and loss point of other LCD screen manufacturers, completely driving them out of the market, and Xuanwu Technology Company will still have a large profit margin.

He wants to kick off the prelude to fully enter the liquid crystal era!


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