Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 273 Far in the sky, close in sight (4/4)

It's just that what he understands is limited to the level of ordinary electronic manufacturing. As for other more confidential information, he can't get it. Ye Shu didn't intend to make a big publicity.

At least until the mass production of Qinglong Technology's chips, it will be announced that Xuanwu Technology has broken through the bottleneck of chip manufacturing and achieved leapfrog development.

The purpose of doing this is, of course, to make it easier for the subsidiaries of Xuanwu Technology to sell equipment. For this, Ye Zishu does not intend to cherish itself, because it will only be counterproductive.

Anyway, chip manufacturing is not only a problem of equipment, but also the manufacturing process and other aspects, which will also affect the level of chip manufacturing, so he doesn't worry much about selling equipment.

He even intends to let Xuanwu Technology Company produce chips for other companies. This can completely cut off the chip manufacturing capabilities of other countries, and it will not be so easy for them to get them back.

What's more, the increase in chip orders will bring greater benefits to Xuanwu Technology, and at the same time provide more jobs. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Even if foreign chip manufacturing companies use Xuanwu Technology's chip equipment to improve the process flow, they have reached the level of Xuanwu Technology's chip manufacturing.

It also cannot cause a substantial blow to Qinglong Technology's chip industry, because Qinglong Technology's chips are far ahead in architecture, and there is still a huge gap in performance at the same manufacturing level.

Hearing Ni Guangnan's knowledge of this company, Ye Zishu said: "President Ni may only know about the ordinary electronics manufacturing business of Xuanwu Technology Company.

In fact, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. started the research and development of chip manufacturing technology shortly after its establishment, and all related research and development work has been successful so far.

Just over a month away, Xuanwu Technology will complete the construction of the chip manufacturing production line in March and conduct trial production of chips.

So Mr. Ni, you are worried about our lack of determination to invest in chips. It doesn't exist at all. We have been sparing no effort in developing my country's high-end manufacturing industry. "

Ni Guangnan was shocked when he heard that Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. had deployed the chip manufacturing industry very early, because it was so incredible.

Ni Guangnan is very clear about how difficult chip manufacturing is. He also studied abroad, and his research field is also in the field of electronic information, so he is no stranger to chip manufacturing.

my country also had research and development plans related to chips before.

It's just that because the technology is always in a relatively backward state, the project is unsustainable and has to be abandoned in the end.

Of course, it is also related to the rise of the thought trend of "making is worse than buying". This kind of thinking was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s, and it also led to the suspension of many national-level projects. It is a pity.

However, Xuanwu Technology Company has built a complete set of chip manufacturing industry chain without making a sound, and the shock it has brought is quite large.

Because Ni Guangnan knew after thinking about it for a while, it is very difficult to build a chip manufacturing production line quietly, because it will use the country's foreign exchange and go through customs at the same time.

If Xuanwu Technology Corporation imports chip manufacturing equipment on a large scale, it is impossible for the country to fail to respond, and as a top expert in this field, Ni Guangnan will definitely receive the news.

But he has not received any news, and even the relevant people he is familiar with have no news, so there is only one result, that is, all the equipment for producing chips is owned by Xuanwu Technology.

Moreover, it is not easy for our country to purchase the world's most advanced chip manufacturing equipment. Many advanced equipment cannot be bought with money.

However, Ni Guangnan still asked worriedly: "Is the chip manufacturing industry chain all developed by you?"

Ye Shu shrugged and said, "Can we still sell very advanced chip manufacturing equipment? If it's not the most advanced chip equipment, what's the use of buying it.

Maybe Mr. Ni doesn't know much about our company's corporate culture. Our corporate culture is to either do nothing or do it with top-notch technology, and the manufacturing industry is no exception.

Because we are very clear that if we want to break through the large market network built by industrial countries using advanced technology, it is difficult to rely on ordinary technology, and we must be far ahead of their level.

Only by directly crushing their technology and products with the momentum and strength of "Taishan Overwhelming" can we quickly reverse the situation, and even make them have to purchase our products. "

"Then how many process chips can you produce at present?" Ni Guangnan heard Ye Zishu's rhetoric, although he also felt the passion, but still did not forget to ask about the specific situation.

"We have developed a lithography machine with a 193nm light source, and using advanced technology, we have the ability to manufacture 130nm chips.

In fact, this is just the beginning, because the global chip manufacturing technology is still at 800 nanometers, and even if the next generation of chip manufacturing technology is developed, it will only be 500 nanometers.

We judge that the process technology of 193nm to 130nm is enough to crush the main competitors in the world, and there is no need to come up with more powerful manufacturing technology at the beginning.

In fact, using existing equipment, or slightly improved equipment, we can achieve 28-nanometer level, or even 14-nanometer level, depending on whether we need it or not. "Leaf Book said.

Although it is possible to manufacture higher-process chips by using a 193nm lithography machine for multiple exposures, other equipment still needs corresponding improvements, such as etching machines, which need to be further improved.

So it is not to say that Xuanwu Technology can achieve whatever level of chip it wants to achieve, and it still needs to do related research and development work.

However, his words are not aimless. If there is a real need, there is already a mature R\u0026D team. As long as he provides the technology, he can come up with relevant R\u0026D results in a short time.

But this self-confidence still made Ni Guangnan feel a big impact, especially he thought that it was acceptable to be on par with the world's advanced chip manufacturing level, or even a little behind.

Unexpectedly, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. relied on its own research and development strength to complete the catch-up and surpass the world's advanced chip manufacturing technology, and even surpassed it too much.

If what Ye Zishu said is true, then Moore's Law will be completely underfoot. According to Moore's Law, on a chip of the same size, the number of transistors can be doubled every 18 to 24 months. Spend.

The number of chip transistors, on the one hand, is affected by the chip process technology, and it is the most intuitive effect, on the other hand, it is also affected by the chip design architecture.

Advanced chip architecture, under the same chip process technology, can realize the integration of more transistors in the same area, so as to have more powerful performance.

In addition, different chip architectures also involve different implementations of computing methods inside the chip, which will also affect the performance of the chip.

Although these news sounds a little unbelievable, but these words came from Ye Zishu's mouth, the possibility of nonsense is too low, so it should be the truth.

"How did you achieve it?" Ni Guangnan said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu smiled awkwardly, because this question is difficult to answer, if whoever developed it first, he can put the hat on his head, anyway, this is the truth.

But if he wants to ask for specific details, he can't just disclose that Ni Guangnan hasn't joined his banner yet, even if he joins his banner, it depends on which company he is in.

Although Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company belong to his industries, they are two independent companies after all, and they have not yet reached the level of technical interoperability.

It belongs to the company's core technical secrets, even if it is asked by a brother company, it will not be said casually. This is the reliance of the company's survival and cannot be easily shown to others.

Seeing Ye Zishu, he smiled awkwardly, while Ren Zhengfei, who was on the side, looked at his nose, his nose, his nose, and his heart, as if he didn't hear Ni Guangnan's question.

Ni Guangnan instantly knew that there was something wrong with his question, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "What I want to ask is not the technical details, but the chip research and development of Xuanwu Technology Company. Who is in charge?"

Regarding Ni Guangnan's words, Ye Zishu believed it. The so-called hero cherishes heroes. He can go from a poor to a leading level in chip manufacturing. The person in charge of this work is definitely a genius.

Ni Guangnan obviously wanted to know about such a person, but Ye Zishu pointed at himself embarrassedly when he heard his words, and said, "It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us!"

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