Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 274 What do you want me to do (1/4)

Ni Guangnan looked at Ye Zishu and didn't come back to his senses for a long time, because he really didn't believe that the young man in front of him had rich experience in the field of electronic semiconductors.

And this is not just about electronic semiconductors. The construction of the entire industrial chain involves so many fields that one person can't be involved in all of them.

It involves knowledge of materials, optics, chemistry, physics, and precision instruments. It is one of the peak works of human industry and a master of industrial civilization.

Otherwise, there will not be only a few developed countries that have the ability to enter the field of chip manufacturing, and even multiple countries cooperate to jointly establish the entire industrial chain.

But the young man in front of him told him that the chip industry chain of Xuanwu Technology Company was all produced by him. Even if he did not carry out specific research and development, just providing research and development ideas would be a remarkable thing.

Seeing that Ni Guangnan hadn't spoken for a long time, Ye Zishu said: "It's not that I put a high hat on myself, and of course I won't prove that I did it, everything speaks with facts.

Mr. Ni is someone I admire, so I will tell the truth. After going out of this door, I will not admit that I did it, because even Mr. Ni doubts it, let alone ordinary people.

What I want is to establish our independent high-end manufacturing industry. As for the false name, I don't care too much. I even think that explaining this is actually a waste of life. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Ni Guangnan felt that his behavior just now was a bit inappropriate, so he suddenly laughed twice to ease the embarrassment just now.

As Ye Zishu said, arguing about who deserves the most credit is actually meaningless, at least from a larger perspective.

The most important thing is the result, and the result is naturally that Xuanwu Technology has achieved a huge leap in my country's chip manufacturing field by itself, making it possible for my country to become a global chip power in one fell swoop.

The reason why it is possible is because chip manufacturing is only a part, and chip design also plays a very important role. If it is only manufacturing, it is not considered a big semiconductor chip country.

That's why there is Qinglong Technology's chip independent research and development plan. The combination of the two is the complete form of becoming a chip power.

Ni Guangnan is currently unable to verify whether what Ye Zishu said is correct. After all, he is neither an employee of Ye Zishu's company, nor has anything to do with Xuanwu Technology Company.

So Ni Guangnan withdrew his previous state and said seriously: "As for Mr. Ye's words,

I still believe it, since Xuanwu Technology has built a high-level chip manufacturing industry chain.

It shows that my country does have the foundation to develop the chip industry, but chip manufacturing alone does not mean that good chips can be made, and very advanced chip design capabilities are also required.

In this regard, our country's strength is also not strong. How Mr. Ye wants to solve this problem, if he develops step by step, it may take 10 hours to catch up. "

Hearing Ni Guangnan's words, Ye Zishu glanced at Ren Zhengfei, Ren Zhengfei obviously understood what he meant, and said, "Actually, we have also made preparations in chip design.

At present, Suzaku Software Company has completed the research and development of industrial software systems related to chip design, and the chip designers of Qinglong Technology Company have been studying for a period of time, and the effect is very good.

Mr. Ye is personally responsible for the chip instruction set and chip architecture. I don't know much about this aspect, so let Mr. Ye talk about it. "

Hearing Ren Zhengfei's words, Ni Guangnan was shocked again, and couldn't help asking: "This Suzaku software company, why haven't I heard of it, actually has advanced industrial software systems related to chip design."

Hearing Ni Guangnan's words, Ye Zishu laughed and said, "Suzaku Software is a subsidiary of Phoenix Technology, and the main business of Phoenix Technology is to develop various software.

For example, Phoenix Software Company is mainly responsible for the research and development of operating system and other related software, focusing on more basic software fields, which is the foundation for the development of my country's software industry.

The main business of Suzaku Software is the research and development of various industrial software, with the purpose of improving my country's technical strength in the field of industrial manufacturing, especially the development of mid-to-high-end manufacturing.

Mr. Ni should be clear that the more high-end manufacturing is involved, the more sophisticated design is required. Whether it is mechanical equipment or product production, it is inseparable from the support of industrial software.

The previous method of relying on experience and manual drawing is no longer suitable for the needs of modern industrial development. The proportion of industrial software used in the industrial field will become larger and larger.

As an enterprise determined to establish domestic high-end manufacturing development, it is impossible for us to forget to develop our own industrial software, which is also a research field that cannot be avoided on the road of our industrial development.

Therefore, the research and development content of Suzaku Software Company is not only the industrial software system related to chip design, but also the research and development of industrial software related to CAD, CAM, CAE and so on. "

Ni Guangnan was shocked because the research and development of industrial software, especially the chip industrial software system, is not a simple matter, and the difficulty of research and development is also very high.

It can be said that with chip manufacturing capabilities and a professional chip design software system, the only thing left is chip instruction set and chip architecture design capabilities.

As long as these three get together, it will be like summoning a dragon, and the entire chip-related industry will be completely opened up, and the future will be bright and smooth.

"No wonder you want to build such a huge software industrial park. I thought it was too extravagant and wasteful just now!" Ni Guangnan said with a self-deprecating smile.

"In fact, the scale of Phoenix Technology is even bigger than Mr. Ni imagined. We have established 10 headquarters like Phoenix Software Company across the country.

It will serve as the headquarters of each subsidiary of Phoenix Technology, and it is also a measure to make use of human resources across the country to facilitate the employment of talents across the country.

We are also serious about developing the domestic software industry. It can even be said that I take a very serious attitude towards any industry.

Either fight for the first place, or don't do it. "Ye Zishu said domineeringly.

Ye Zishu didn't wait for Ni Guangnan to speak, stood up, and said: "Since we have chip manufacturing and chip design software, how can we miss the research on chip instruction set and architecture.

It happened to be in my office, so I showed Mr. Ni the instruction set and architecture design of the chip I was responsible for designing. I believe that Mr. Ni will not have any problems after reading it. "

After talking about Ye Zishu, he invited Ni Guangnan to his office computer, and clicked on the general overview of the communication chip. It is inconvenient to show the specific details, after all, he is not an employee of his company.

"This document is a summary of the design and architecture of the communication chip. It is to break the chip embargo imposed by the United States on Lingtong Technology. It belongs to the chip category that needs to be implemented first in Qinglong Technology." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Ren Zhengfei became even more excited. Ye Zishu didn't do anything. He was very worried, but there was nothing he could do.

Now I finally know that Mr. Ye has not forgotten this matter, and even the technical information has been sorted out, can you not make him happy, but he looks at the text on the screen with a dazed expression.

However, Ni Guangnan quickly scanned the contents of the document, but he felt a different feeling in his heart. Although there were no details involved, there were still design goals, and he could still understand the level of the parameters.

If the parameters mentioned in this summary can be realized, it means that the performance of the chip has achieved a substantial increase compared with its peers, and it is no longer at the same level.

After Ni Guangnan read the document, Ye Zishu said: "This is just an appetizer for the chip research and development of Qinglong Technology Company. Later, there will be research and development of sensor chips such as CPU, GPU, industrial chips, and CMOS photosensitive chips."

But Ye Zishu did not expect that when Ni Guangnan heard what he said, he would say: "You have already reached this level, what is the use of me, you can continue to do it."

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