Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 278: High-Level Meeting of the Shengshi Clan (1/4)

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu laughed to himself. Before, he thought that Taiji Group had such a strong ability to make money, and thought it was difficult to spend it, but now it seems that his thinking is a bit naive.

It's just the beginning of the new year, and there is a large amount of money to be spent, and it will take a certain amount of time for the Taiji Group to earn back, and the Taiji Group's own business may also be affected to a certain extent.

After all, they also plan to enter the fields of medicine, medical treatment and medicinal planting. Since these are also high-tech industries, the investment will not be small.

At present, I don't have time to care about these things. When I have time to spare, I will properly support the pharmaceutical industry of Taiji Group.

If they completely rely on their own research and development of medicine, it is basically impossible to develop heavyweight results in a short period of time. In the field of pharmaceutical research and development in three to five years, it would be good to take a chance.

He is unwilling to wait that long. On the one hand, the domestic economy is developing rapidly, and the people have higher requirements for high-quality medical care. If he does not occupy it, it will only be cheaper for the international medical giants.

On the other hand, medical R\u0026D costs a lot. He doesn't have much money to spend on it. He can produce results as soon as possible, and continue to serve as a cash cow for himself.

After hanging up Wu Chaoqiang's phone, Ye Zishu immediately called Pei Qing, told him about the situation of Xuanwu Technology Company, and asked him to prepare the funds.

Compared with the development of other fields, it is obvious that investing in Xuanwu Technology Company can get returns faster. In the case of insufficient funds, of course, it is to take care of industries that can bring a lot of benefits in the short term.

In the morning of the next day, the heads of various subsidiaries of the Shengshi Department came to Phoenix Software Company for a meeting one after another, and Chen Xiaoxu from Shengshi Advertising Company also came to attend the meeting.

When the administration department notified Ye Zishu that all the personnel had arrived, Ye Zishu finished the work at hand and went to the conference room to attend the meeting.

"Let's not talk nonsense. Our meeting this time is mainly about two things. The first thing is personnel adjustment, and the second thing is to start new business." Ye Zishu said.

Guo Dongmei and Zhang Guoli were relatively calm when they heard this. They hadn't received any relevant news before, so this personnel adjustment must have little to do with them.

When Wang Changtian heard this, he felt a little bit in his heart, and at the same time, he glanced at Chen Xiaoxu, because Ye Zishu had mentioned this before, but there seemed to be no further text.

"You also know,

Shengshi Records Company, Shengshi Film and Television Company and Shengshi Advertising Company are all subsidiaries of Shengshi Culture Company.

Since the business of each subsidiary has just started, self-development is enough, and resource integration in multiple fields has not yet been involved, so Shengshi Culture Company is basically an empty shell.

Now that the development of each subsidiary has reached a certain level, relying solely on the subsidiary itself will be subject to more and more restrictions, and the competition in the cultural field will become more and more fierce in the future.

How to maintain competitiveness will be our key research direction. I think resource integration is a trend in addition to the efforts of each subsidiary.

You have also carried out some resource cooperation before, but the scale of this cooperation is still limited. If resources are integrated at a higher level, the effect may be better.

So I am going to build the structure of Shengshi Culture Company. The main purpose is to integrate the resources of its subsidiaries and make the cooperation between each subsidiary more smooth.

Although Shengshi Advertising Company may have a large gap with film and television companies in terms of revenue, it is very eye-catching in terms of development speed and independence.

Everyone should understand what I mean, so I have great trust in Wang Changtian's ability. In addition, he was from the news media before, and his understanding of the entire cultural industry is relatively more professional.

So I plan to let Wang Changtian be the person in charge of Shengshi Culture Company, and let Chen Xiaoxu from Shengshi Advertising Company be the person in charge of Shengshi Advertising Company.

If you have any opinions on this arrangement, please speak up! "Leaf Book said.

He didn't say the last sentence casually. If the other person in charge really has more sufficient reasons to deny Wang Changtian, he will think about it seriously.

After all, he is not a roundworm in Wang Changtian's stomach, and he may not be very clear about some things. If someone raises an objection, as long as there are good reasons, he doesn't mind overturning his decision.

Although Guo Dongmei and Zhang Guoli were a little uncomfortable with the sudden addition of a "mother-in-law" on their heads, what Ye Zishu said was true. After all, the integration of the cultural industry is the general trend.

Not to mention the domestic situation, just take the old and beautiful Hollywood giants, they all carry out resource integration, and the effect is much stronger than fighting alone.

In particular, Shengshi Records is still facing the juncture of transformation. Although it feels uncomfortable to have an extra "mother-in-law", it can also borrow a lot of strength from "mother-in-law", which is very beneficial to the transformation.

As for the situation of Shengshi Film and Television Company, Zhang Guoli is also aware that although the revenue is indeed the best among the three companies, most of the contribution here comes from the boss, and there are not many projects that really make money inside them.

Therefore, the current state of Shengshi Film and Television Company is puffy. At least before the separation of domestic production and broadcasting and the reform of the film distribution system, it is difficult for them to do more.

As for the Shengshi advertising company that Wang Changtian was in charge of, except for Ye Zishu's negotiation with CCTV's advertising resource agency at the beginning, it basically didn't manage it.

It is the company he has least worried about, but its development speed is not slow at all, and its revenue continues to increase. It is just to seize more advertising resources. Ye Zishu rarely takes money from advertising companies.

Because the preemption of advertising resources is a very important action, once the window period is missed, the cost of obtaining resources will be even greater, so most of the money earned is invested in it.

Once the advertising company completes the layout of domestic advertising resources, it will gain huge profits in the future, and it has the possibility of becoming a domestic super advertising giant.

When Chen Xiaoxu heard that she had taken over as the head of Shengshi Advertising Company, she was not surprised or happy, and she was also psychologically prepared for this.

She's not stupid either. Since she came to Shengshi Advertising Company, she basically worked in one department for a few months and then transferred to another department. The job changes are too frequent.

In this case, either the leader deliberately made things difficult, or he wanted to reuse her, and the possibility of making things difficult was too low, because it was too obvious to do so.

What's more, she was personally invited by Ye Zishu to join her. No matter how bad Wang Changtian was, he would not make things difficult in such a way, so the only thing left was reuse.

Ye Zishu waited for a few minutes, but no one spoke at the scene, so he pretended that everyone had no objection, so he said: "Since everyone has no objection, then please support each other in the future to develop the Shengshi family industry well."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, everyone at the scene expressed their support for Wang Changtian's work. Wang Changtian was also very humble, and finally completed the adjustment of personnel in a harmonious environment.

"Mr. Wang, you need to hand over the work of the advertising company to Mr. Chen, especially about the development strategy of the advertising company. You need to explain clearly." Ye Zishu said to Wang Changtian.

"Mr. Ye, please don't worry. I will explain this matter to Mr. Chen in detail. If Mr. Chen doesn't understand anything, you can just ask me. I will know everything without saying anything." Wang Changtian said.

"After Mr. Wang takes office, he needs to set up the management organization of Shengshi Culture Company as soon as possible, hoping to start working as soon as possible." Ye Zishu said to Wang Changtian.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will try my best to do a good job in this matter." Wang Changtian said.

"For you, I'm at ease. The branching of Shengshi Culture Company this time is of course the need for resource integration, and more importantly, the development of new businesses.

Next, I will talk about the new business that Shengshi Culture Company needs to develop. I hope that everyone can work together to develop the new business well. "Leaf Book said.

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