Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 279 Entering the Media and Entertainment Industry (2/4)

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, everyone sat upright unconsciously, and Ye Zishu didn't pause, and continued: "We have now involved music records, film and television, and commercials.

These three categories are relatively mainstream cultural industries, but they are not widely covered. I believe everyone knows that the reason why these three industries were first established is that they are relatively easy to do. "

Ye Shu said that it is easy to do, not that these three are really easy, but that he can play a very important role in it. The record company and film and television company are all brought up by him.

Although he did not contribute much to the advertising company, the development strategy he provided played a key role and pointed out the direction for the development of the advertising company.

However, businesses such as newspapers, magazines, and books are not so easy to do, and it is impossible for him to provide much help, and at most he will provide financial support.

It's just that he had to get funds from these three companies before, let alone invest in these three companies, so he never mentioned this.

Although with the development of the Internet, the development of newspapers and magazines has been hit hard, it does not mean that their value does not exist.

Although Ye Shu doesn't want to control public opinion, he also hopes that when necessary, there will be a media that speaks for him, and he can't expect other media to speak with conscience.

From this point of view, even if the newspaper and magazine business is at a loss, it must continue. What's more, if it is done well, although it cannot make large-scale profits, at least it will not suffer serious losses.

"The new business of Shengshi Culture Company, I think it is mainly three, or two, the first is to continue to cultivate the cultural industry.

In fact, at the beginning, I also wanted to enter the fields of publishing magazines and book publishing, but I was short of money at the time, and the substantive help I provided myself would not be very great.

If I want to do this well, I can't make a lot of money just by providing a script like film and television, and it's not like music albums where I can show my ability.

If you want to publish newspapers, magazines and books well, you still need employees to show their ingenuity, so this business is delayed until now.

So I am going to set up a Shengshi Media Company under the Shengshi Culture Company to focus on publishing newspapers, magazines and books, and the work in this area will be handed over to Mr. Wang.

It just so happens that Mr. Wang majored in news media and has also worked in this field. He has a strong network in the field of newspapers and magazines.

It can be regarded as a professional counterpart, so the person in charge of this company is also handed over to Mr. Wang to help find it. "

When Wang Changtian heard Ye Zishu's words, he nodded and said, "I will do my best to handle this matter well, but newspapers and magazines are destined to go downhill. This industry cannot bring us a broad market prospect."

Ye Zishu had previously told him that the traditional media had no great future, and Wang Changtian felt that something was wrong when he turned around and started such a business on his own.

"President Wang is right, what I value is the influence of traditional media on public opinion, making money is second, and the most important thing is to let our media have a wide range of influence.

The market is in a turbulent environment. We need both profitable business to maintain the development of the enterprise and non-profitable business to protect our own interests.

At least until our interests have been violated for no reason, we must ensure that we have the weapons to fight back, otherwise it will be entirely up to others, even if it does not cause us much loss, it will disgust us to death.

Of course, we cannot spread rumors without factual basis, and the professional ethics of media professionals must be maintained. "Leaf Book said.

The meaning of his words is very clear, and everyone can understand it very well. One of the reasons for entering the media industry is for self-defense. You cannot let others spout you without the ability to fight back.

The second is the need to manage the practitioners in the media industry well. What he hopes to establish is an enterprise with a sense of media responsibility, not just for eyeballs.

Like many newspapers and magazines in the previous life, many reports are actually not based on facts. Newspapers and magazines are better, especially magazines, which have ulterior motives and are all based on imagination.

For example, many short stories in "Reader" magazine are actually fabricated. They first confirm the theme, and then make up stories according to the theme, and they tell it with nose and eyes.

Moreover, most of the stories happened abroad. On the one hand, they took advantage of the domestic people's curiosity or yearning for foreign countries at that time, and on the other hand, the stories that happened abroad were basically undocumented.

He doesn't know much about media management, so he just mentioned that he must abide by the basic professional ethics of media practitioners. As for how to do it, I still leave it to Wang Changtian.

For things that he is not very clear about or is not good at, he can interfere as little as possible, and let professional people do professional things.

"The second is the entertainment industry. As the domestic people's material life gradually enriches, the demand for entertainment consumption gradually increases, which is irreversible.

And the entertainment industry I am talking about does not refer to the music, film and television that you are currently operating, but the offline entertainment industry, such as Internet cafes, bars, bars, cultural clubs and other industries.

But here I want to emphasize once again that we are doing serious business, and we must never touch anything that violates the law and discipline, especially when we see others making a lot of money and are jealous, we must know how to restrain ourselves.

I know that the entertainment industry in some cities is already a bit of a mess, but I think there are still many clean people who need a clean place for entertainment consumption.

So I think that the clean entertainment industry is not without development prospects, but that we need to identify our own positioning and develop our own brand, which can enhance our brand recognition in this area.

And this time you are focusing on Internet cafes and industries. In fact, I have thought of these two businesses very early. However, the technology is not mature, and we can only wait for the technology to mature.

Now my subordinate Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company can complete technical preparations this year, and the domestic Internet development has entered a new stage of development.

This has laid the foundation for the development of our Internet cafe industry. At present, there is no similar commercial enterprise in the world, and we are the only one.

This means that we take the lead in the development of Internet cafes, which is our advantage, so I hope to use this gap period to develop rapidly. "Leaf Book said

Ye Zishu said so much, but Wang Changtian asked: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, what exactly is an Internet cafe?"

This is very embarrassing, he was spitting all over the place just now, but the people listening below did not understand, Ye Zishu had to explain: "Internet cafes are places for consumers to surf the Internet.

The reason why Internet cafes exist is that the price of computers is very high, and individuals are under great pressure to buy them. Internet cafes are places that provide personal computers and the Internet. Consumers can enjoy the joy of surfing the Internet with a small amount of money.

The joy of surfing the Internet comes from online content, such as games, online news, online social networking, online music, online video and so on.

Therefore, the golden period for the development of Internet cafes will not be very long. The sooner you enter this field, the sooner you can make money. Especially in my country, the golden period for the development of Internet cafes is about 10 years. "

"Is it that Internet cafes are more difficult to develop in foreign countries, especially in developed countries, with their income, the pressure to buy personal computers is not particularly high." Wang Changtian asked.

"It depends on how you understand it. You know bars, so why can't they drink at home, so Internet cafes still have development prospects abroad.

It's just different from domestic Internet cafes, which mainly use Internet access, while foreign Internet cafes will provide additional services, so that consumers can obtain an experience beyond that at home. "Leaf Book said.

It just seems too general to say that. Fortunately, he has written a business plan, which has different business strategies for different countries and regions.

"For specific operations, I wrote a plan, and you can take it back and read it later," Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Wang Changtian heaved a sigh of relief. He really doesn't know much about this. How can he develop quickly if he tries to figure it out by himself? The risk will only be greater.

"It is the abbreviation of Kala OK TV. Now there is a similar karaoke industry in China, but it still uses the business method of Japan.

There are still some differences from what I imagined. I also wrote a business plan, and you can take it to see later. "Leaf Book said.

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly in a few words, which is also the purpose of his business plan, which clearly states its definition, operation mode, and technical requirements.

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