Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 281 The Sound Effect System That Cannot Be Ignored (4/4)

Ye Zishu actually understands why Ren Zhengfei did this. As a non-technical person, if he wants to develop the company well, he is still a high-tech company.

Only by attracting top talents with the top salaries, and even using shares to bind employees to work for the company in the previous life, this is the reason for Huawei's success in the previous life.

"Has everyone in the chip research and development project team arrived?" Ye Zishu asked.

"All have arrived, and currently have a total of 212 employees." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Did you recruit so many people during this time?" Ye Zishu asked in surprise.

"Actually, our country also had a lot of research and all chip research plans before, and there were some results, but it was too far behind foreign countries, and the competitiveness was much worse.

In addition, the domestic economy was relatively difficult at that time, and the country was more willing to invest funds in short, flat and fast fields, so chip research and development basically stopped later.

I rely on the relationship to collect talents from these domestic research institutes. Although many people have not been engaged in chip research and development for many years, the foundation is still there. "Ren Zhengfei said.

This makes sense. In fact, chips are logic gate circuits. Anyone who understands logic gate circuits has the basic ability to develop chips.

As for the more in-depth chip instruction set and architecture design, he can complete it. These solid-foundation R\u0026D personnel can also benefit a lot from the information he provides.

"Then let's go to the chip research and development project team now." Ye Zishu simply stood up and said directly.

He was very tight on time and always acted vigorously. Ren Zhengfei was used to it and didn't say much. He also stood up and took Ye Zishu to the office of the chip research and development project team.

This is Ye Zishu's first visit here. There are more than 200 people in the project team, occupying an entire floor, where all office equipment is readily available, and all kinds of computer equipment are neatly placed.

In order to improve efficiency, the computers purchased by the chip project team are all minicomputers. The performance of current personal computers is still not enough to run functions such as chip simulation.

Even if it is barely running, it will take a long time. It is better to spend more money to buy a minicomputer. After all, time is the most precious.

After entering the office of the project team, Ye Zishu glanced at the employees on site, and found that nearly half of the employees were in their forties.

Some even have gray hair.

These people haven't touched chip-related research and development for many years, and Ye Zishu has no idea whether it will work or not, so he thought of the old method.

In order to understand the ability level of all employees, he prepared a set of test papers, and then through their answers to the questions, he could know their approximate ability level.

When arranging tasks in this way, they can be allocated according to their actual capabilities, so that they can work more efficiently, which is very important.

Quite a few of the on-site employees knew Ye Zishu. After all, they had seen Ye Zishu when they went to Suzaku Software Company for training.

However, there are also employees who have just come in, but they have never seen Ye Zishu. Seeing Ren Zhengfei's position, they also feel that Ye Zishu's status should be higher than Ren Zhengfei.

Ren Zhengfei stood in front and clapped his hands, and said, "This is the boss of our company, Mr. Ye Zishu, who came here today to guide you in chip research and development."

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, there was warm applause at the scene, but no one knows how much of it is sincere.

Technical personnel generally look down on pure management personnel. Before Ye Zishu showed his strength in chip research and development, it should be more perfunctory or just a formality.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. I will send you a test paper later. Everyone can answer it as long as they can, and don't skip it. The main thing is to know which part everyone is good at, so that we can assign tasks." Ye Zishu said .

After speaking, Ye Zishu returned to the office that Ren Zhengfei arranged for him, and then began to draw up the questions for the test paper. The whole test paper had 100 questions and was finished quickly.

Then let the administrative staff copy the test papers and send them to these R\u0026D personnel. During this process, Ren Zhengfei has been sitting in the office of Ye Zishu, and has no intention of leaving.

"Old Ren, are you supervising my work?" Ye Zishu smiled angrily.

"That's impossible, I just want to see how Mr. Ye carries out scientific research projects, so that I, a layman, can learn Sinology." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

"While there is still some time, let me talk about some things." Ye Zishu said.

"Oh, please give me your advice, Mr. Ye." Ren Zhengfei said something in a polite manner.

"We have always paid attention to the communication and semiconductor-related industries, but neglected an equally important field, which is the research and development in the field of sound effects." Ye Shu said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Ren Zhengfei thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, the audio speakers for the products we want to develop can be purchased from outside, and there is no need to do research and development by ourselves."

"Your thinking is absurd. Sound effects are actually a very important field. The scale of output value is not low, and the technical content is not low. It is not a low-tech job as we think.

Whether it is a computer, a music player, or the TV behind it, etc., all need the support of the sound system. In this regard, the relevant research in our country is also very weak.

Moreover, high-end sound effects equipment and systems are also expensive for a set, and the profit margin is also very high. Qinglong Technology's main business is consumer electronics, and research and development in this area cannot be left behind. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei changed his mind, not because he had a deep understanding of it, but because he felt that the boss asked R\u0026D to be done.

If there is no leaf book, Ren Zhengfei may have more trade-offs when he chooses to enter a new business field, but with the leaf book, the situation is completely different.

Because Leaf Book will provide advanced technical materials, it will be very easy for them to enter unfamiliar fields, which is the fundamental reason why he nodded in agreement.

The reason why Ye Zishu thought of this was mainly because of the business of Shengshi Culture Company. If he wanted to gain a competitive advantage with other karaoke industries, he had to have a good technical advantage.

Everyone can learn from each other in terms of operation and other aspects, and there is no way to form a unique competitive advantage. That's why he wanted to develop a very advanced system for Shengshi Culture Company.

The most important of these is the sound effect system. After all, the customers who come to consume are for singing, and they are also most concerned about this aspect.

Moreover, if music players want to gain a competitive advantage, they also need a very good sound system blessing, which is also an important gap between their music players and players from other companies in the future.

"Since you have no objections, let's recruit domestically experienced sound effect R\u0026D personnel or related professionals, because the research and development tasks in this area are also not light." Ye Zishu said.

"After I go back, I will arrange people from the personnel department to act immediately." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Sound effect business is also a large business category, and there are many types of products, such as earphones, speakers, etc. for small ones, home theater systems for medium ones, and sound effect systems for cinemas, etc. for large ones.

If done well, it can bring us tens of billions of yuan in revenue every year. Of course, it is not easy to achieve this, and you need to work hard. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, if the intelligent music production system written by Ye Zi can be supported by a very good sound effect system, the effect will be much better.

At present, it is completely relying on intelligent simulation, and the effect is actually not very good. After all, using ordinary hardware, no matter how powerful he is, he can't play well.

If there is a set of specialized sound equipment system to cooperate with the intelligent music production system, he is confident that the intelligent music production system can completely get rid of the shackles of traditional musical instruments and realize the ability of full electronic production.

It can even produce many musical elements that traditional musical instruments cannot provide, which is very beneficial to the diversified development of the music field.

The selling price of such a set of sound effect equipment is also not cheap, with a minimum of 100,000 yuan, and high-level ones may reach millions of yuan, which is also a big market.

When Ye Zishu and Ren Zhengfei were discussing the issue of sound effects, two hours passed without realizing it. After the administration department collected the test papers, they handed them over to Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu quickly read through more than 200 test papers, and he already had a good idea, while Ren Zhengfei asked nervously: "How are the standards of these employees?"

"It's okay, the basic knowledge is quite solid." Ye Zishu replied.

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