Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 282 Chip project group research and development (1/4)

Hearing that Ye Zishu said it was okay, Ren Zhengfei was relieved. Although this evaluation is not too high, as long as the foundation is solid, he can rest assured.

There is a boss to control the overall situation. As long as the employees have a solid foundation, they can basically complete the tasks step by step according to the requirements, and there will be no loss of the chain.

Ye Zishu quickly selected 21 team leaders from among the many people based on their test scores, with 10 people in each team.

These groups will be responsible for the design of the internal units of different chips. If there is any problem, let them discuss it internally. If you still can't understand it, you can ask him.

This is how the Phoenix operating system was developed, and the effect is not bad. It not only reduces the disturbance to him, but also improves the research and development efficiency. At the same time, the members of the team can also improve together.

"Old Ren, let the 21 team leaders go to the conference room for a meeting, and at the same time prepare a huge venue for technical training for all members of the chip project team." Ye Shu said.

After Ren Zhengfei took the list from Ye Zishu, he immediately left and prepared to go, while Ye Zishu took out the prepared floppy disk and put the documents and materials he had organized on the confidential server.

In the future, chip developers can view the content of these documents according to their own authority. As for the technologies involved in this, they are already applying for patents.

Now he has a team dedicated to patent applications, which is responsible for the global patent applications of all his companies, and their work ability is still very recognized by Yeshu.

After a while, Ren Zhengfei came back and said, "I have already summoned the people and are waiting in the meeting room. As for the training venue, it will be ready tomorrow."

After hearing this, Ye Zishu said, "Then let's start the training tomorrow. Now let's go to the meeting."

When we came to the meeting room, there were already 21 people sitting in it, Ye Zishu sat down directly at the top, and said: "The 21 of you have passed the written test, and your scores in all aspects are relatively good.

In the future, the chip project team will be divided into 21 groups, basically a group of 10 people. The group should help each other and improve together. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, try to solve them internally. If you don’t understand, you can come and ask me. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu gave the 21 team leaders the prepared group list, all of which were assigned according to their abilities, which was the grouping method he thought could improve work efficiency.

"Due to the limited number of talents in the field of chip design in our country,

And Qinglong Technology Company has a lot of chip research and development projects, so you will become very busy this year, and you need to be mentally prepared. "Leaf Book said.

"Since we are here, we are already mentally prepared for this." An employee said.

"That's good, but it's only been a busy year, and it will be much better in the future. The company really has nothing to do, and you know the domestic situation.

Of course, your overtime company will pay double the overtime fee and triple the overtime fee on holidays, hoping to compensate you. "Leaf Book said.

Seeing everyone's understanding expressions, Ye Zishu feels that the current employees are much better than those in the previous life. As long as the company's requirements are reasonable, they can still understand.

"Next, let's talk about the chip research and development plan. This year we need to develop a lot of chip projects, including communication chips, general-purpose CPUs and GPUs, as well as photosensitive chips and audio chips, etc.

Our first batch of chip projects are communication chips. Everyone knows that Lingtong Technology, a subsidiary of Qinglong Technology Company, has a communication equipment business and needs to use a large number of communication chips.

The international market has imposed an embargo on Lingtong Technology's chips. If we cannot produce available chips in a short time, it will affect the development of Lingtong Technology.

Lingtong Technology Company is a business under Qinglong Technology Company that can make money quickly. After all, their orders have signed more than 100 billion yuan.

Therefore, revitalizing the business of Lingtong Technology Company is tantamount to revitalizing the entire Qinglong Technology Company. Everyone knows the importance of communication chips to Qinglong Technology Company. "Leaf Book said.

Some of them entered the company earlier, and some entered the company later, but they had a limited understanding of other businesses of Qinglong Technology.

What's more, the two communication companies exist in a relatively independent manner. If you don't investigate deliberately, you don't even know that the two companies belong to Qinglong Technology Company.

After Ye Zishu said this, the 21 team leaders at the scene immediately felt a lot of pressure. After all, their work is related to a business worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Ordinary people have never seen so much money.

After they digested the information, Ye Shu continued: "You don't need to be too nervous, in fact, I have sorted out the technical information related to various communication chips before coming here.

Compared with the design of chips such as CPU and GPU, the design of communication chips is relatively simpler. You only need to follow the tasks assigned by me and work step by step.

As for the technical information, you can log in to the company's confidential server with your own name as an account to view it, and you can set the login password yourself. "

When you log in to the confidential server for the first time, you only need to use the account to set the password. After setting the password, you can enter the system. The account is set in advance and assigned permissions in the background.

"Here I want to reiterate the company's confidentiality system. All work must and can only be done in the company. You cannot take any information from the company with you after get off work.

In front of your family and friends, you can't casually disclose your work content. I hope you can abide by the company's confidentiality system. I also want to work with you for a long time. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, there is nothing special about the communication chip, and he has no plans to come up with black technology. The secrecy is not particularly strong, and the superior performance is obtained entirely by virtue of advanced process technology.

However, many advanced technologies are used in CPU, GPU, photosensitive chip, audio chip, etc., so the confidentiality is very high, and a very strict confidentiality system management is required.

"Let's end this meeting here. After you go back, organize the team to learn the content of the technical materials first. I will organize related training tomorrow." Ye Zishu said.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu returned to his office and found that Ren Zhengfei hadn't left yet, so he smiled and said, "Old Ren, you don't mean to live with me!"

"No way, I just want to ask if I want to prepare a bed for you to rest in." Ren Zhengfei said.

Leaf Book is now known for its hard work within the company. It used to have a folding bed in the office, and later moved to the new headquarters and has its own independent lounge.

"You can just get me a folding bed. As for the other people in the chip project, there is no need to prepare." Ye Shu said.

Although he said just now that they would be very busy, it wasn't to the point where they would have to stay up all night. Usually they would be busy until after ten o'clock in the evening, and they would definitely be off work before 11 o'clock.

In addition, their residence is next to the employee community, and it takes only ten minutes to walk back, and the cycling time is even shorter.

No matter how late it is, he should try to go home and rest as much as possible. He himself has nothing to worry about, which is why he can be so free and easy. If he really gets married in the future, he will definitely go back no matter how late it is.

Both work and family must be balanced as much as possible. He does not advocate working hard and disregarding the family situation. This kind of thinking itself has problems.

They are not engaged in work that is related to the fate of the country, and they have not yet reached the point where they have to work hard. Even if the project is a few days late, it is not a big deal.

After Ren Zhengfei left, Ye Zishu opened the electronic circuit design software and prepared to draw important circuit diagrams such as computer motherboard circuit diagrams, music player circuit diagrams, and LCD TVs.

In addition, there are overall design drawings of various products, so that Xuanwu Technology can make preparations in advance.

The products he designed are all very aesthetically pleasing in industrial design and have extremely high requirements for industrial processing capabilities. If you do not prepare in advance, a lot of time will be wasted in the middle.

Take the case of high-end notebooks, which are not ordinary plastic or ordinary steel, but various light alloy materials. The development and production of these materials cannot be completed in a short period of time.

He wants to wait for the chips to be produced before they can be assembled in large quantities, instead of waiting for all the parts to be in place before starting to produce products, and mass production will not be possible until next year.

Then hand it over to Xuanwu Technology Company, let them produce these parts in advance, and find work for their employees. Before the chip comes out, this work can only be done by him.

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