Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 283 Chip Design Training Course (2/4)

\u003c!--go--\u003e Early the next morning, Ren Zhengfei came and said that the training venue was ready, and he arranged for all the people to do it overnight. It seemed that Ren Zhengfei meant that he didn't want to delay for a moment.

Originally, I planned to be busy with the things at hand in the morning. Yesterday, the people in the chip project team just got the technical documents related to chip design and architecture, and I guess they haven't read much.

Reading technical documents is not like reading a novel. It will be very slow to read, and even every word needs to be carefully pondered to understand the meaning behind it.

Ye Zishu thinks that before the training, it is best to let them read the relevant technical materials in advance, so that he may understand more deeply when he talks about it again.

But seeing Ren Zhengfei's anxious look, Ye Zishu felt that if he was so leisurely, he had to be in a hurry with himself.

"Okay, you go to the place where the chip project team is organized for training, I'll be right there." Ye Zishu said.

After Ren Zhengfei left, Ye Zishu was thinking about the sequence of chip development. There are many types of communication chips, such as point-to-point short-distance wireless communication chips, which are similar to Bluetooth in the previous life.

There is also a bit-to-many short-distance wireless communication chip, similar to WIFI in the previous life, and a shorter-distance wireless communication chip, similar to NFC in the previous life.

There are also medium and long-distance trunking wireless communication chips, such as handheld walkie-talkies, vehicle-mounted walkie-talkies, and other large-scale equipment wireless communication group communication technologies.

In view of the wide range of operating scenarios of wireless communication technology, Leaf Book provides a complete set of wireless communication technologies for panoramic wireless application scenarios in human life.

If there is already a similar technology in the world, Ye Zishu can guarantee that the wireless communication technology he provides is better, if not, he will be even more impolite.

Lingtong Technology has applied for more than 20,000 patents, and is still applying at a faster speed. This is not just a casual statement. Their patents cover all aspects of human communication.

When Lingtong Technology's 3G communication technology research and development is completed, the number of their patents may exceed 50,000. With these patents alone, if they are only authorized, they can live happily.

In the communication technology provided by Leaf Book, chips can be said to be ubiquitous, and there are various types. The reason for doing this is because the chip is highly integrated and its stability is much better than that of ordinary circuits.

Fortunately, most chips are not particularly complex,

Otherwise, relying on their R\u0026D personnel, it would not be enough to see at all. Of course, his confidence also comes from the support of the intelligent chip design software system.

With the support of the chip design software developed by Suzaku Software, the efficiency of chip design will be increased by dozens or hundreds of times. Even if you are not proficient at the beginning, you can also increase the work efficiency by ten times.

And using this chip design software, it is not easy to make mistakes, because it has excellent self-testing ability and simulation ability, if there is a logic error, it can be easily detected.

In addition to their ability to divide and cooperate, the chip design software system can realize simultaneous design, simultaneous detection, combined detection and other functions.

This ensures that even if dozens or hundreds of people design the same chip project, they can still communicate with each other, find problems at any time, and avoid greater risks caused by the large number of people in the project.

To put it bluntly, dozens of hundreds of people can work together, and the complexity of working with one person is similar. This function is very powerful.

The so-called risk of a large project is greater. In fact, the complexity of project management has increased. It seems that everyone has done a very good job. As a result, when the project is merged, it is found that there are problems everywhere.

If the problem accumulates to a certain extent, it will be unusable when the project is merged, which means that the project has actually failed, and the workload of modification is even greater than starting from scratch.

So this function, in the larger the project, the greater the advantage will be, and the small communication chip like this is not particularly obvious. When designing complex chips such as CPU, it can exert powerful capabilities. .

In fact, this idea has achieved universality in the industrial software of Suzaku Software Company, with the purpose of improving work efficiency in large-scale industrial engineering and other fields.

However, this function is currently limited to internal use, and this function has not been added to the external version. Maybe these functions will be gradually added in later upgrades, depending on the market situation.

Ye Zishu quickly dealt with the work at hand. After about 10 minutes, he left the office and went to the training site to train the members of the chip research and development project team.

He plans to spend 5 days training on the basic design concept of the chip, which will not involve the design content of the specific chip, because these groups will have different chip design tasks.

When they arrived at the scene, they found that all the members of the chip project had come, and Ren Zhengfei also sat seriously in the corner in front, preparing to listen to Ye Zishu's lecture.

Although he is not a technical professional and has no foundation in this area, but listening to the chip design concept will give him a general understanding of chip design.

The training venue is dressed up like a university lecture hall, which is good for people behind to see what is written on the blackboard in front, and also allows the lecturers to see everyone in the room clearly.

Ye Zishu came to the podium empty-handed, and said: "Yesterday, all members have been divided into groups, and you should have logged into the background system to know your next research and development tasks.

There are detailed technical materials in it to guide you in chip design. This big class will not involve specific chip design content, but mainly discusses common problems in chip design.

In addition, it is to systematically explain the chip design concepts and technologies that have not yet been born, so that everyone can understand these new chip knowledge. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu wrote the word gate circuit on the blackboard, and then said: "The gate circuit is the foundation of the chip, everyone should be familiar with this, otherwise everyone would not be able to sit here.

Although the gate circuit has been developed for a very long time and there are many related theories, what I want to talk about here is more advanced gate circuit design technology.

The reason why I want to talk about this is because you will often encounter it in our chip design in the future, and understanding these contents will be very beneficial to your future work. "

The basis of the gate circuit is very simple, that is, the four basic logic gate circuits of NOT gate, AND gate, OR gate, and XOR gate. What he talked about is definitely not this basic thing, but how to use this basic gate circuit to construct Advanced and complex functions.

This involves a lot of advanced design ideas, and at the same time, it is necessary to introduce why the design is done in this way, so in order to speed up the time, he talked very quickly.

In fact, a considerable part of what he said has been mentioned in the chip design outline and basic theory documents, but they may not be able to understand the essence of it when they read it.

Leaf Book uses the method of lectures to speed up the lectures on the contents mentioned in the documents, and explain in detail the contents not mentioned in it.

The content of the training on the first day was all related to these gate circuits. Apart from eating, they were basically lecturing. Even the 10-minute break between classes was spent in discussions.

They have been busy until 10 o'clock in the evening, and today's training content is finally finished, but if they want to use today's lecture content proficiently, they need to think more and practice more.

In the next few days, the training content gradually deepened, and finally the design principles of the chip instruction set and the design principles of the chip architecture were covered.

Ren Zhengfei, except for the first day he came to listen to the class, did not come later, because the more he listened to the later, the more confused he was, and it was useless to come to listen.

The 5-day training course was finished quickly. After the training, they were not asked to start designing chips immediately, but they were given two days to discuss the content of the 5-day class internally to deepen their impression and understanding. \u003c!--over--\u003e

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