Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 285 Who said that the textile industry is not high-tech? (four four)

Ye Zishu lived his previous life again. During his working hours, he spent most of his energy in guiding the research and development of various chip groups. Especially in the early days, his guidance played a very important role.

During off-duty hours, he is basically busy with the things at hand. In addition to providing technical data for the upcoming business of Qinglong Technology Company, he also organizes technical data for the textile and garment industry.

Regardless of our feeling that the textile and garment industry has no technical content, it actually depends on how to do it. The high-end textile and garment industry is also a high-tech industry.

In particular, advanced textile and garment machinery and equipment have a certain level of precision, which is not lower than that of electronic semiconductor equipment, and the price of one piece is also very high.

Now, not to mention the high-end textile industry in China, it is basically based on the processing of raw materials, and even the fabrics of the clothing industry need to be imported.

Ye Zishu wants to build a textile and garment industry chain, not only needs to sort out technical materials such as equipment, but also sorts out related technical materials such as textile raw materials and fabrics.

A few words are enough, but if we really want to get involved in this field, we need to do a lot of work. What he wants is not the ordinary textile and garment industry, but the ability to quickly occupy the market with absolute technological advantages.

This involves the application of unprecedented technology, such as our commonly used woolen textiles, many of which have very expensive animal fur, resulting in high prices for finished products.

But in the final analysis, animal hair is composed of protein, so can the protein be artificially synthesized into fibers like animal hair, so as to get rid of the dependence of the human textile industry on animal fur.

By extension, the proteins we obtain are all extracted from animals or plants, so is there any way to directly use industrial methods to artificially produce various proteins?

The same principle also exists in plant fibers. If such an industrialized fiber manufacturing industry chain is opened up, it means that human beings can further get rid of the demand for natural resources and be able to achieve more autonomy.

Following such a train of thought, he gradually straightened out the related technologies of the textile industry chain, and at the same time considered the cost. If the cost of industrial production is higher than the cost obtained from nature, there will be no great development prospects.

Therefore, the technology that can also industrially manufacture artificial fibers requires him to compare various solutions to find the most cost-effective solution.

In addition to protein fibers, there are also sugar fibers. Many of the plant fibers we use are sugar fibers. Can this also be done using industrial methods?

Reduce reliance on agriculture.

In addition, whether our common petrochemical fibers can also be produced by industrial means, so that we can get rid of our dependence on oil.

In fact, all of the above fiber types are carbon-based fibers, and as long as they play with carbon-related chemical applications, they can be manufactured theoretically.

In his view, there is no way out, but it takes more time to find relevant technical solutions from the virtual library.

The second is cost. If you want to gain an advantage in the competition, cost will always be a topic that cannot be avoided. If there is no cost advantage, it is meaningless to take it out.

Given his own limited energy, he may not be able to find a suitable solution from the virtual library in a short time, so he is currently focusing on the industrial manufacturing of high-value fibers.

For example, the mink fur coats that we people in Northeast China like, real mink fur coats are very expensive. If industrialized manufacturing technology is realized, it may not be a problem for everyone to own a mink fur coat in the future.

There are many others, such as goose down. High-quality goose down is also not cheap, because a large goose cannot produce much high-quality goose down, and the output makes the price very expensive.

If industrialized manufacturing is realized, it will not only be of higher quality than goose down collected from big geese, but also because of the realization of industrialized production, the price will drop significantly.

In addition to the industrial manufacturing technology of these existing textile raw materials, he is more concerned about new textile materials, because the benefits will be higher.

If it is only industrialized for existing textile materials, it does not have complete pricing power, because once the price is too high, it will cause others to obtain raw materials from other channels.

And he also needs to think about whether if the price is too low, many people engaged in textile material cultivation will lose their jobs. After all, one of his original intentions for establishing the textile and garment industry is to increase domestic employment.

Therefore, even if the industrialized manufacturing of textile materials has the ability to achieve large-scale production, it needs to be weighed, and it cannot be directly squeezed out to make many domestic agricultural workers unemployed.

Of course, how to formulate such a strategy is not something he can imagine sitting here. It needs professional research and analysis before he can draw some conclusions.

In contrast, new textile materials, especially new textile materials with more excellent properties, are more promising in his view. At least because of their uniqueness, he has completely independent pricing power.

In this way, the originally expensive textile materials can be made into medium-priced textile materials, and then the high-end textile materials can be filled by his new textile materials, which can be described as a perfect solution.

The birth of such a new type of textile material may require the support of a complete set of industrialized supporting equipment, some of which are already available in China, and some are not.

In addition to textile materials, there are also products such as weaving materials into various fabrics that can be used in clothing manufacturing, which also have certain technical content.

In addition to sorting out the existing textile technology, he also needs to sort out the technical data of the textile technology that has not appeared before.

The complexity of this matter even exceeded Ye Zishu's previous expectations. The work that I thought would only take a short period of time to complete, now I think it is a bit too naive.

Now he feels that being able to do this to a similar extent in the middle of the year is already a remarkable work achievement, so he plans to work hard to do this well during the chip research and development period.

Since Ni Guangnan came to Qinglong Technology Company, he has been inseparable from Ye Zishu. When Ye Zishu went to guide the chip research and development personnel, he followed and listened.

Compared with the general chip research and development personnel, Ni Guangnan's progress is undoubtedly much faster. Unexpectedly, Ni Guangnan, who is already in his fifties, still maintains a strong learning energy.

So during working hours, even if Ye Zishu no longer instructs the chip R\u0026D personnel and sits in the office, Ni Guangnan still has a lot of questions to ask him, so he doesn't have much time for personal work during the day.

Even so, Ye Zishu did not feel impatient, thinking that Ni Guangnan interrupted his work, because it seemed to delay his work now, but in the long run, it was a kind of liberation for him.

When Ni Guangnan's level reaches a certain level, it means that Ye Zishu will not need to focus on this business in the future, and the chip upgrade work in the future can be handed over.

Even in the communication with Ni Guangnan, Ye Zishu will often throw out more advanced chip design concepts, or new chip materials, etc., which are much more advanced than the materials he presented.

However, it is not an easy task to realize these advanced technological concepts in his mouth. It requires continuous investment of funds and manpower in research and development. At least there is no such plan at present.

After Qinglong Technology Company earns a lot of money, it will invest in such research and development, and Ye Zishu will gradually reduce its sense of existence.

Although doing so means that higher research and development funds will be spent, it will be able to cultivate more talents and have a huge effect on the overall improvement of our country's technology.

Ni Guangnan followed Ye Zishu for a while, and found that no matter how late he came home, Ye Zishu was the last one to leave, and no matter how early he came, Ye Zishu was also the first one in the office.

So he asked curiously: "Mr. Ye, you have to pay attention to your body. Don't just take advantage of your youth to cherish it. If you have any health problems, it will be a huge loss to the company and the country."

There is nothing wrong with this, at least Ye Zishu feels very comfortable, but he is aware of his own situation, and said: "Thank you, Mr. Ni, for your concern. I will pay attention to this matter myself."

"How many hours do you sleep a day?" Ni Guangnan asked.

"Usually four hours." Ye Zishu replied.

In fact, during this period of time, his sleeping time was slightly extended by two hours, reaching six hours, mainly for collecting textile-related materials in the virtual library.

Unlike the electronic semiconductor industry, the textile industry is very price-sensitive. It needs to choose the most cost-effective solution from many solutions, which consumes more energy than the semiconductor industry.

"Have you ever been to a doctor, you sleep so little a day, but your energy is not sluggish, it feels abnormal." Ni Guangnan said.

Although these words were a bit disrespectful, Ye Zishu didn't take it as disobedience. Only those who cared would say that, but he couldn't explain it well.

In fact, he himself couldn't explain it clearly, but he just thought that deep sleep might be more conducive to the recovery of mental state and physical state.

Ye Zishu could only say: "I feel in good condition at the moment, I'll check it out when I'm free."

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