Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 286: Accepting an Interview (1/4)

On February 15th, Ye Zishu suddenly received a call from Guo Dongmei, talking about what he had agreed to be interviewed by CCTV's "Oriental Time and Space" program.

She didn't say that Ye Zishu almost forgot about this matter. More than 20 days have passed, and there has been no movement. In addition, this matter is not particularly important to him, so he doesn't take it to heart at all.

"How are they planning to interview?" Ye Zishu asked.

In his previous life, when he saw the sub-column "Children of the East" of "Oriental Time and Space", he usually found a relatively private space, and then began to record the program in the form of conversations with guests.

That was more than twenty years later. The mainstream talk shows at that time were basically like this. He didn't pay attention to how to do it now, and he didn't watch TV much.

"They are going to interview you at Phoenix Software Company tomorrow, do you have time?" Guo Dongmei said.

Hearing that they came to interview, Ye Zishu had no objection, so that he would save himself from running out and wasting time on the road.

"No problem, I hope to come over for an interview tomorrow morning, and I will set aside time to come out then." Ye Shu said.

Guo Dongmei was very happy when she heard Ye Zishu's words. Guo Dongmei knew how busy Ye Zishu was, and it was quite good to set aside a whole morning for interviews.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Zishu went to the headquarters office of Phoenix Software Company to work. The chip research and development department of Qinglong Technology Company is currently in a confidential state.

At present, those communication companies in Laomei should be very happy, because Lingtong Technology Company has such a large order, but it has not delivered the goods until now, and not a single order has been completed.

They haven't launched an attack on the order issue yet, but Ye Zishu is expected to start an attack on Lingtong Technology Company about the delivery of the order in June of the middle of the year.

Because in their view, the time is more than halfway through, even if Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. has all the hands and eyes, it will not be able to complete all the orders in the second half of the year. After all, the orders of more than 100 billion yuan are not so easy to complete.

Under such circumstances, Ye Zishu intends to let them continue to be proud for a while, and some of them will cry at that time. This year, they will purchase more than 100 billion yuan, and they will purchase at least this amount next year.

With so much investment going on, they have actually been bound to Lingtong Technology Company, and even if they want to purchase products from other companies in the future, it is already impossible.

At present, the technical patents and standards of Lingtong Technology Company have not been authorized. There will be some compatibility problems between the products of other Internet equipment companies and the products of Lingtong Technology Company.

So what can be shown to the public at present is Phoenix Software Company, and he will not even disclose the situation of other subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology Company easily.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the administration department came to tell him that a CCTV program team had come to interview him, and Ye Zishu asked them to invite the program team to his office.

In this day and age, CCTV's programs are quite frugal. There are only two people who come in, one is a photographer and the other is a reporter.

"Hi Mr. Ye, I'm glad you took the time to accept our interview." The reporter said.

Ye Zishu carefully identified it, and found that the reporter was Bai Yansong. The young Bai Yansong was quite different from the middle-aged uncle he had seen before.

"You don't need to be so polite, can we start now?" Ye Zishu asked.

Bai Yansong glanced at the photographer, and found that the photographer gave an OK gesture, then turned to look at Ye Zishu, and said, "We are ready, the interview can begin."

"Reporter Bai, please ask me!" Ye Zishu said.

"We all know that Mr. Ye is a student at Tsinghua University, a famous singer in my country, and now runs his own business. With so many identities, do you have any focus in your work and study?" Bai Yansong asked.

"As a student, I'm definitely not a good student. Apart from taking some classes in the first semester, I seldom go to class after that." Ye Shu said.

"Are you busy?" Bai Yansong asked.

"It's not entirely a matter of being busy. The main reason is that it is difficult to acquire more knowledge through class. Now learning is mainly based on self-study. You can learn whatever knowledge you need in your work.

If I can learn useful knowledge in class, I will go to class no matter how busy I am. If I can’t learn it, it’s a waste of time to go. "Leaf Book said.

"If you don't go to class, how do you acquire knowledge and skills? Do you rely entirely on self-study?" Bai Yansong asked.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "Basically, I haven't taken music courses, and I only learned some basic knowledge by myself, and then figured it out on my own.

In fact, the same is true for computer science. As long as you understand the basic knowledge, it is not particularly difficult to deduce more advanced knowledge on this basis. "

He said this not purely for pretending, but to explain the source of the technology he took out. The meaning is very clear. He can deduce advanced knowledge based on basic theoretical knowledge.

Although it feels unbelievable, because most people need to learn from the experience of their predecessors before they can innovate, but when he explained it like this, everyone couldn't refute it, so they could only blame him for being too genius.

Sure enough, when Bai Yansong heard what he said, he didn't know how to respond. He was silent for a while, and he could only say: "Everyone says that Ye is always a genius. Now I understand how genius is defined."

"No matter how others define me, I am still me. As for the identity of a singer, I don't really care about it. If I can bring some joy to everyone's life, it can be regarded as a contribution.

But now I'm busy with work, and I don't have much energy to focus on music production. Some time ago, I handed over the produced album to Shengshi Records for release, and it may be my last few albums.

I will bid farewell to the music world temporarily, and may bid farewell to the music world forever, and devote more energy and time to technical research. "Leaf Book said.

"Why do you suddenly become interested in technical research when you are doing well in the music field?" Bai Yansong asked.

"The main reason is that for the country and the people, there is not much difference between one more singer like me and one less.

No matter how successful I am on the road to stardom, it only makes my life easier, and it is difficult to benefit more people.

Therefore, in the future, business management will need to spend more time and energy to run the business as well as possible. Therefore, in the case of trade-offs, we can only make such a choice.

The reason for doing scientific research is mainly because I think it should be more important to the country and the people, otherwise everyone would not be able to use the Phoenix operating system. "Leaf Book said.

"I'm also using your company's Phoenix operating system, and it's really easy to use. But according to my understanding, Mr. Ye, you also own a real estate company, which seems to have nothing to do with scientific research." Bai Yansong asked.

This remark was a bit embarrassing to him, and Ye Zishu didn't know if it was because he sang a high-profile just now to make the other party unhappy, or it was because of other reasons, or there was no other meaning at all.

"What do you think is the most important task for our country at present?" Ye Zishu asked rhetorically.

"It should be economic development!" Bai Yansong said.

"You are right to say that, after all, the economy is a display of a country's comprehensive strength, but specifically, I think it is scientific research and employment.

Real estate is a traditional industry, and many people don't think it is high-end. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. There are not a few high-tech technologies used in real estate.

It's just that our eyes are always on the past. The buildings in the past were mainly reinforced concrete, but the buildings in the future are not just like this.

To give an example, in order to achieve super-seismic ability of the building, it can still not cause serious damage to the main structure of the building under an earthquake of magnitude 9.

For this reason, we have developed a passive anti-seismic device. The buildings built on this device have strong earthquake resistance.

Future buildings are mainly high-rise buildings. How to deal with earthquake disasters will be a problem for high-rise buildings, and it is also a problem that residents are particularly concerned about.

Without this device, the building itself would rely entirely on the structure of the building itself to resist the earthquake. Even if it resisted, the building itself would suffer great damage, and the residents would be in fear. "Leaf Book said.

"There is such a device? I don't know when it will be used?" Bai Yansong asked in surprise.

"If it is fast, it may be used this year. If it is slow, it will be used next year. My Wancheng Foundation will first apply these new technologies in Shanghai's Lujiazui Financial Center City.

The anti-seismic device has super pressure-bearing capacity, and the height of buildings built on it can reach more than 800 meters. This is a master of precision machinery and material science. "Leaf Book said.

"An anti-seismic device that can support skyscrapers should be very expensive." Bai Yansong asked.

"How to put it this way, it mainly depends on the height and weight of the building. For buildings over 800 meters, the requirements for anti-seismic devices must be very high, and the price must be expensive.

However, there should not be many such tall buildings in the world. Generally, super high-rise buildings will be within 400 meters, and the price will be much lower. "Leaf Book said.

Leaf Book did not disclose the specific price, because the specific pricing depends on market demand. If the market cannot accept the high price, they will definitely not stick to the price without adjusting it.

"So although real estate is a traditional industry, it depends on how you understand it. Let me give you an example. We all know that high-rise buildings abroad have many glass curtain walls.

But the glass on the glass curtain wall is not so simple. Wancheng Jiye has developed a photovoltaic glass, which can realize solar power generation and provide power supply for buildings. "Leaf Book continued.

"There is such a miraculous glass?" Bai Yansong opened his eyes. He did not expect that the field of building materials is full of high technology.

"It's not a big deal. In order to make the building have a longer service life, instead of having a life span of less than 100 years like the current concrete building, we have also specially developed a new main building material.

The use of this material mixed with concrete can effectively increase the lifespan of the building, increasing the lifespan of the building by at least 10 times. It is also possible that the lifespan of the building will exceed 1,000 years. "Leaf Book said.

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