Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 287 Next year you will be able to drink factory-produced milk (2/4)

What Ye Zishu said about the field of architecture has completely refreshed Bai Yansong's three views. It turns out that it is not that the industry has no technological content because of its tradition, but that human beings can only do so much before.

"Let's talk about employment again. Most of the employees in cities are employees of state-owned enterprises or work in state institutions and administrative units.

It seems that urban residents do not have much employment troubles, but in fact, many educated youths who return to the city find it difficult to find a decent job in the city.

And in my opinion, the current state-owned enterprise system is not without problems. Before long, a large number of state-owned enterprise employees will be laid off. As for whether they can be reemployed, it depends on whether there are enough jobs.

Don't ask me whether there is any basis for this judgment. It happens that you are journalists. If you are interested, you can investigate the actual situation, which is more convincing than what I said. "Leaf Book said.

He said the last sentence after seeing Bai Yansong's unbelievable expression. His judgment was based on the data of his previous life. He couldn't come up with detailed arguments even if he had him. will take.

After all, he is a businessman, so there is no need to get involved here. Whether it is right or wrong, he will be in trouble. More importantly, he doesn't want to waste too much energy and time because of this matter.

"Aside from the demand for jobs by urban residents, the number of migrant workers from rural areas will also show explosive growth in the future, and it is likely that hundreds of millions of rural laborers will enter the cities to work.

These farmers are definitely unable to enter the state-owned enterprises to work, so how they can find employment in the city will be a question worth thinking about.

At present, most of the people who go to work in cities go to Guangzhou, and Guangzhou currently cannot provide enough jobs at all.

However, we cannot criticize farmers for going to cities to work, because they also have the right to pursue their own happiness, and forcing farmers to death in farming is the deprivation of the farmers' most right to pursue happiness.

I was born as a farmer, and I deeply understand how hard it is for farmers. Each person only has a small amount of land, and they can’t grow much throughout the year. They have to pay high agricultural taxes. The part left for themselves is simply not enough for the family to eat. of.

Many people have not had mud on their feet for a long time, and they cannot understand how hard it is to be a farmer, but as the son of a farmer, I cannot turn a blind eye. "

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu's voice has changed a little.

There are no guarantees when you are old.

There are also people who say shamelessly that farmers have not paid social security, and do not look at when my country had social security. Did the workers before that pay? Have those government and public institution employees paid?

"Farmers don't just know how to farm. Many farmers have special skills. They are also carpenters, stonemasons, coppersmiths, blacksmiths, etc. They are not so much farmers as they are professionals.

How to make full use of these crafts to earn more economic benefits, so that they can win more living space besides land.

I think real estate is a very suitable industry for them. This is also my original intention to enter real estate. I hope that through real estate, a large number of rural surplus labor can be absorbed for employment. "Leaf Book said.

When Bai Yansong heard what he said, he asked, "If a large number of farmers move into the city, there will be no one to cultivate the land, and there may be a food crisis in our country. How to solve this problem?"

Ye Zishu glanced at Bai Yansong and asked, "Are farmers only able to farm? Even if there is a food crisis because farmers don't farm, it's not the farmers' fault, but the society's fault.

We are not qualified to sit in a large office and accuse the hungry farmers of taking responsibility for this country. This is a very shameless approach in my opinion.

Some people have only been planting land for a few years after going to the mountains and countryside, and they complain endlessly, while farmers have to do high-intensity labor all their lives. How many people can understand their suffering? "

Bai Yansong was left speechless by Ye Zishu's question, and didn't know how to answer. After a moment of silence, he said, "But the food problem must be solved, right?"

"Mankind's desire to pursue a happy life is irreversible. To solve this problem, more policies must be introduced to give farmers a sense of gain.

For example, the agricultural tax can be considered to be stopped, and when the country’s finances are ample, it may even be considered to subsidize the farmers who cultivate the land.

Of course, with the improvement of agricultural planting technology and the implementation of mechanized farming, the efficiency and output of agricultural planting will be greatly improved.

In addition, industrial technology can also be used to realize agricultural production. This is the only way to completely solve the plight of our country with too many people and too little land, and to truly feed more than one billion people, or even more. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu proposes to abolish the agricultural tax because he believes that the national economy will show a better development in the future, and the proportion of agricultural tax in the national fiscal revenue will decline rapidly.

It is possible to formulate policies related to the abolition of agricultural tax in advance. If the agricultural tax is abolished in advance, it will also make the lives of peasant families much easier.

Bai Yansong was obviously more interested in the industrial production of agricultural products, so he asked, "If I understand correctly, Mr. Ye means producing agricultural products in factories?"

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "You understand correctly, that's what I mean, in fact, this matter is not difficult, but there are too many people who rely on agriculture for survival.

Doing so will seriously squeeze the living space of the farmers. I am more cautious about this until there are not many jobs available.

Although as a businessman, I can get huge benefits from the industrialized production of agricultural products, but as an ordinary person with a conscience, I know that I can't do it, at least not right now. "

"I think Ye is always overthinking. Although this idea is good and has great prospects, it is not so easy to develop it.

It may not be developed for more than ten years, or even decades. By then, the number of farmers who rely solely on farming should not be many. " Bai Yansong said.

"There is some truth in what you said, but you still have certain limitations in the development of science and technology. In fact, it is not difficult to do so.

Maybe next year, you will be able to drink factory-produced milk, goat milk and other dairy products, even higher in quality than the dairy products you get from cows and sheep. "Leaf Book said.

His words are not aimless. Since he intends to sort out protein fiber technology, he must study artificially synthesized protein, and of course protein can also be extracted from plants.

It’s just that he feels that this is not industrialized enough, and the per capita protein consumption in our country is very low. If the industry occupies these shares, the per capita protein consumption will be even lower, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of the domestic people.

But Ye Zishu's understatement of a few words refreshed Bai Yansong's three views. He thought that this kind of technology was still very far away, but the young man in front of him told him that it would be realized next year.

my country's current per capita consumption of dairy products is very low. First, economic income limits consumption in this area. Many people can't even eat enough to eat, so how can they have the ability to consume dairy products.

Second, the current output of dairy products in my country is very low. Unless there are special circumstances, such as mothers who lack breast milk, they will buy alternative dairy products such as milk, and the price is not cheap.

"How did you do it?" Bai Yansong asked eagerly.

"How to do it is a commercial secret, but in the final analysis, whether it is protein, starch, or even various nutritional vitamins, they are all hydrocarbons and oxygen compounds.

As long as a suitable method is found, inorganic substances can be transformed into organic substances by extracting carbon elements from the air, hydrogen elements and oxygen elements from water, and undergoing a series of chemical biosynthesis.

The only continuous consumption here is energy. Energy prices determine the cost of these products and our future viability, so everything comes down to energy.

It's just that traditional energy sources, such as petroleum and coal, will generate a lot of pollution and do not have the potential for sustainable development. In the future, clean energy will be an important research topic in the energy field.

Just like the photovoltaic glass I mentioned earlier, using solar energy to generate electricity is a kind of clean energy, and the ideal clean energy is controllable nuclear fusion. "Leaf Book said.

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