Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 288 Silence does not mean non-existence (3/4)

In fact, Ye Zishu is also thinking about a question, that is, whether the large-scale application of controllable nuclear fusion will cause the temperature of the earth to rise.

There will definitely be no problems in the short term, but in the long run, it may have an impact. After all, nuclear fusion is constantly increasing energy.

When the earth's energy radiates to space at a rate slower than the earth's self-produced energy, energy accumulation will continue to be generated, and the energy accumulation will eventually exist in the form of heat energy.

In contrast, solar energy does not have such problems. After all, solar energy is built within the existing energy system, but it is just a more fully utilized solar energy.

But when he thought of this, he felt that he was worrying unfoundedly. If he wanted to have a greater impact, he didn't know how many billions of years it would take to achieve it.

Because as the temperature of the earth increases, the intensity of heat radiation will also increase, and the energy loss from the earth to space will also accelerate. Human beings make full use of solar energy, which is also a way to reduce the energy radiation of the earth.

In the final analysis, it is not much different from nuclear fusion. This kind of complicated problem cannot be calculated by human beings at present, so we can only take one step at a time.

"According to what you said, our current agricultural technology development doesn't make much sense?" Bai Yansong asked.

"It's still very meaningful. It doesn't mean that with better science and technology, it can be widely used immediately. In addition to the problems of the technology itself, there are many social factors that need to be considered.

For example, I now have the technology for large-scale food production, but if I use it now, it seems to be able to solve the food problem of the Chinese people.

However, it will lead to more unemployment of farmers. Even if there is no unemployment, it is barely maintained. When there are not a lot of jobs for them, they should be cautious enough.

Moreover, it also involves the issue of social security. At present, the social structure of urban and rural areas is still implemented, and the social security that farmers can obtain is very little.

Even if these peasants go to the city to work, it is even more difficult to obtain legal urban resident status. They are just passers-by in the city, and the city just treats them as wage earners.

When they can no longer work in the city, they still have to return to the countryside with all their injuries, but social security cannot cover them, and they have to grow their own one-third of an acre of land if they want to retire.

I sometimes think that this kind of differential treatment due to different household registrations,

Whether it will cause serious injustice to social development, because household registration is inherent.

Even if a college student from a peasant background comes to the city, if he wants to achieve the same standard of living as a person from a city background, he still needs to put in more effort.

Therefore, if we want to come up with the technology of industrialized production of agricultural products, we need to solve many social problems, and the proportion of urban population must reach at least 60%, basically completing the urbanization transformation.

Prior to this, the work of agricultural scientists in our country is very meaningful. Through their research, the efficiency of agricultural production has been improved, the amount of agricultural yield per unit area has been increased, and it has positive significance for farmers to increase their income.

You can't make the fifth bread feel full, so let's deny the role of the first four breads. "

At the end of Ye Zishu, he used Bai Yansong's own famous quotes from his previous life to make a conclusion. Every era has its own particularity, and everyone's contribution in their own era has positive meaning.

"I see that you are particularly concerned about the peasant community. What prompted you to be so concerned?" Bai Yansong said.

"Whether it is in the family or in society, being able to speak well will take a lot of advantage. The so-called crying children have milk, and the same is true.

The per capita education level of urban residents is relatively high, and they also have sufficient media resources to publicize their ideas, and they have much lower voice than farmers.

As farmers who don't have much right to speak, they seem to be an invisible group in society, and as the urban economy becomes more prosperous, farmers' right to speak will be covered up by the superficial prosperity.

But they kept silent and said that they do not exist. If they are ignored for a long time, it will only bring about bigger social problems. As a person from the countryside, even I don’t pay attention, so can I count on others?

Moreover, the three rural issues will be an important task in our country for a long time. Even if the economy is very developed, the existence of the three rural issues cannot be ignored.

Do you know why the ranking of social class status in ancient times was 'Scholar, Farmer, Businessman'? "Ye Zishu asked back.

"Because the ancient times were farming societies, the ruling structure determined that their status was different," Bai Yansong said.

"You are not wrong, this status ranking is indeed caused by different ruling structures, but I think the fundamental reason is determined by the cornerstone of society.

Most taxis in ancient times came from the landlord class, and their property was represented by land. Without land, they would have no economic base to rely on.

The survival of farmers also depends on the land. Without land, it is difficult for farmers to survive. Both of them are inseparable from the land.

Then the key lies in the word 'land'. The land cannot be moved away and belongs to this country forever. This means that their destiny is bound to this country.

This is also one of the important foundations for our country to last for 5,000 years. In the face of foreign invasion, the class that relies on the land for survival will be the most steadfast resistance force.

And workers rely on their own skills to eat, which belong to the survival skills that can be taken away at any time, so no matter where they are, they can survive very well.

The same is true for businessmen. They have a lot of money, and this money is also a liquid asset and is very easy to take away. "Leaf Book said.

"This is determined by the economic structure in ancient times, but it is very different from ancient times, and we cannot generalize it," Bai Yansong said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "That's true, but I don't think there is much difference in essence, it's just a different form."

There are generally two rules for the operation of society, one is the moral restraint system on the surface, and everyone can talk about moral articles, and the other is the hidden deeper interests, which is also the essential rule that determines the operation of society.

Of course, he would not have any prejudice against this. It would be too cruel to talk about interests regardless of morality. The society would also not be stable. Talking about morality regardless of interests would be outright lies and deceit.

The above words in Ye Zishu are just thinking about this issue from the perspective of interests. All superficial moral articles are driven by the interests behind them, and they are just presented in front of the world with morality.

So he just scratched the surface, unwilling to discuss this issue in depth, and even more unwilling to use the past to explain the present. This is not good for him, nor is it helpful for what he wants to do.

A good drum doesn't need a heavy hammer. If it really works, what he said above is enough. If it doesn't work, no matter how deep he said, it won't have much effect.

Bai Yansong saw that Ye Zishu was unwilling to discuss this issue in depth, and he did not continue to dwell on this issue ignorantly, but said: "Now I understand why you want to enter the real estate industry."

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "The above is just one of the reasons for entering real estate. In fact, I am more cautious about developing real estate.

Clothing, food, housing and transportation are the basic needs of human beings, which shows that real estate has a great development prospect, but how to develop is a very deliberate issue.

To be honest, I am not in favor of complete marketization of industries that are related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, because it will lead to serious social problems.

If the price of a house is so high that many people cannot afford it in their lifetime, or it takes a lifetime of frugality to afford it, it will definitely lead to a lack of vitality in society.

The family planning that is being implemented now will not be able to be achieved in the future even if it is to ask the people to have children, which means that it is likely to face a social situation of getting old before getting rich.

Therefore, in areas related to the national economy and people's livelihood, we must prevent industrial financialization. Once financialized, it means that the functional attributes of products are ignored, and the financial attributes of products are strengthened.

Take the house as an example. If it is financialized, everyone will ignore the essence of the house for living, but use the house as a commodity to preserve value.

So rich people hold hundreds of houses, and then wait for the appreciation of the house to double their value. In the middle, they can also charge high rents.

And those who work hard in the industry are not as profitable as those who easily speculate in real estate. In fact, everyone knows that such consequences are very dangerous.

Others include education, medical care, etc. These are not industries that can be over-marketized. "

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