Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 289 Ten thousand jobs at every turn (4/4)

Ye Zishu's remarks run counter to today's mainstream economic thinking. Market-oriented operations are rampant in today's society, and many economists advocate market-oriented operations.

It's just that the government is more cautious about this. Even if it wants to marketize, it will open up slowly and dare not open up too quickly. It needs to look at the situation before deciding on the next move.

"Your thinking runs counter to the current mainstream economic thinking." Bai Yansong said.

"No matter how advanced the economic thought is, it must be combined with the actual situation of our country. If it is not an economic thought tailored to local conditions, it is nothing more than picking up the wisdom of others.

As I said before, even if I have advanced technology, I need to look at the current actual situation when I use it. Advanced does not mean it is suitable, but it may be counterproductive. "Leaf Book said.

"Isn't a more open and market-oriented economic policy more beneficial to businessmen like you? Why do you still oppose marketization?" Bai Yansong asked.

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way. Not all money can be earned, and I don't lack places to make money. There is no need to compete with the people for profit.

There is still a big difference between entrepreneurs and businessmen. Entrepreneurs focus on product development and production, and generally play a positive feedback role on society.

And businessmen are just blindly making money, and what they do may not necessarily have a great promotion to society. It is very likely that they just take the wealth of the people or the country into their own pockets.

Now society has begun to admire wealth. No matter how other people's wealth comes from, as long as they have money, they have skills.

I do not agree with this mentality. There is still an essential difference between the wealth created and the wealth obtained by plundering. The former should be respected, while the latter must be severely cracked down.

As mentioned above, the state-owned enterprises are struggling to operate. At that time, privatization will definitely be advocated, or the state-owned enterprises will be sold to private individuals, or internal high-level shareholders will hold shares, etc.

This process must be full of chaos. For ordinary workers, this is not a good thing. It is very likely that they will be laid off, and even after they are laid off, they will not even get compensation and will not reach the hands of the laid-off workers.

For the other part, of course, they are usually people with positions, that is, a feast of wealth, who has changed from a national enterprise cadre to a private enterprise boss.

The originally dying enterprise was revitalized in an instant. The same assets, the same people, why changed a bit, the situation changed 180 degrees,

This is a question worth pondering. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu's words offended people. It was much more serious than the previous disagreement with many economists. Those who can embezzle state assets are people with connections and status. It is impossible for ordinary people to have this opportunity.

And Bai Yansong was also young and fearless, so he asked stupidly: "Then what do you think is the reason?"

"How can working for the country have the motivation to work for yourself?

What's more, I can write a book like "108 Ways to Make a Business Loss". If you want to make a well-run company lose money, there are many ways.

That's why I say that the employees of state-owned enterprises are the most innocent. They work hard and work according to the requirements, but the company is inexplicably bankrupt. The job that I thought was a solid job is suddenly about to be laid off. "Leaf Book said.

"Aren't you being a bit serious? We haven't seen large-scale layoffs yet," Bai Yansong said.

"If it's an ordinary person saying that, I don't care about it, and reporter Bai is an intellectual after all, and should have the ability to see the small things, rather than just feel that there is a problem when the situation is imminent.

Before anything happens, there are various signs, some can be resolved through means, and some cannot be resolved and can only be resisted.

As a result of stubborn resistance, a large number of people have to make sacrifices. Obviously, in the state-owned economic system, workers are the group most likely to be sacrificed.

It can even be said that in the next ten years, the number of laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises will reach as high as 70 million, and the affected population will reach at least 210 million. "Leaf Book said.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu saw Bai Yansong shook his head, expressing a disbelieving expression, Ye Zishu said: "I also hope that my judgment is wrong.

Although this would be detrimental to my reputation and might end up being a mouthful, it is a good thing for the majority of workers.

It's just that I think it's best to pin our hopes on luck, but to plan for the worst situation. It's best to resolve it in advance. If it can't be resolved in advance, there must be a reasonable and least expensive solution.

All things are forewarned, and nothing is foregone. People like me can only prepare for the problems we are about to face within the scope of our ability. "

"Is your approach to increase employment?" Bai Yansong asked.

Because Ye Zishu mentioned earlier that the most urgent task at present is to increase jobs, so Bai Yansong guessed that Ye Zishu's method is to increase jobs.

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "You guessed it right, we must strive to increase jobs and use real estate to help the surplus labor force in rural areas find jobs.

In the future, I will continue to invest in real estate. When the real estate industry chain is completed, it is estimated that tens of millions of jobs will be created every year. "

Ye Zishu wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Bai Yansong, asking: "If it is really necessary to provide tens of millions of jobs, it means a huge investment scale, how to solve the money?"

Although the question was about money, in fact he didn't quite believe that Ye Zishu was rich, but in the perception of many people, he was not rich to this extent.

Because to provide tens of millions of jobs, it means that the scale of investment must reach hundreds of billions of yuan. I have never heard of private companies being able to spend so much money.

As for bank loans, I'm sorry, the loans inside are basically emptied by state-owned enterprises. Many state-owned enterprises are operating in debt, and they owe more and more money to banks.

In the previous life, the state injected 1.2 trillion yuan into the bank to solve the banking crisis, which is equivalent to helping many state-owned enterprises repay their debts, so that state-owned enterprises can carry out relevant reforms with ease.

"Money naturally has a solution. It is not difficult for me to make money, but how to flow the money earned into the pockets of the general public in a reasonable way.

The infrastructure in rural areas of our country is weak, and the investment environment is not very good. It is impossible to rely on industrial investment to drive employment of the rural population and allow rural areas to benefit from economic development in a short period of time.

Real estate is what I think is a reasonable way to transfer the money I earn to farmers through real estate projects.

As for whether I can do it, as long as there is a certain amount of support from the policy, it will be fine at that time. It is meaningless to say more here. "Leaf Book said.

Bai Yansong didn't know about Ye Zishu's property status, but the state department was very easy to investigate. Whether he was bragging or not, the relevant state department was clear about it.

What he said was actually to appeal to the relevant departments. After all, real estate is not very open at present, and the acquisition of land depends entirely on whether the local government has the courage.

If Wancheng Jiye cannot obtain enough land, no matter how rich he is, it will be difficult to expand the scale of real estate operations, and naturally he will not be able to provide sufficient jobs.

So what he meant is obvious, if you want real estate to solve tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of jobs, you need to give some policy support.

In contrast, to support his actions, the country doesn't have to take too much risk, it's just some land, and it doesn't have to bear huge financial risks like in the previous life.

"For the urban working class, jobs can be provided by establishing emerging industries, such as the electronic semiconductor industry under my umbrella, which will provide nearly ten million jobs in the future.

There is also the transportation industry that is being established, which will also provide millions or even tens of millions of jobs in the future. These are concrete measures.

In my opinion, the problem of my country's large population is not the problem, but the lack of high-end industries. Many companies are lingering in the low-end field, and the involution is too serious, mainly relying on the advantages of labor force to win some competitive opportunities. "Leaf Book said.

When Bai Yansong heard Ye Zishu say this, he was already a little numb, as if millions of jobs were as simple as adding three or five jobs to him.

Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to Bai Yansong's opinion, because he didn't say what he said for him, but wanted to tell people who could understand through his program.

Some departments know better than Bai Yansong whether he is capable or not, so he doesn't need to talk a lot of nonsense.

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