Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 290 This kind of thinking is bad (1/4)

"What do you mean by the transportation industry you just mentioned?" Bai Yansong asked.

"It literally means that all industries related to transportation, such as motorcycles, automobiles, ships, airplanes, etc., are all part of this business." Ye Shu said.

He didn't know why Bai Yansong asked such a silly question, but he answered it anyway, and Bai Yansong was surprised when he heard it.

"Are you still planning to make airplanes?" Bai Yansong asked in surprise.

"The question is, airplanes are not unattainable things, why should we want to make them, but at present we are focusing on the construction of cars and ships first.

Because in my opinion, the automobile industry and the ship industry can bring more jobs. These two industries can provide millions of jobs, and may even reach tens of millions of jobs. "Leaf Book said.

"Are there so many?" Bai Yansong asked with a suspicious expression.

"How many jobs can be provided depends on strength. The global scale of the automobile market and ship market is enough to provide so many jobs.

It's just that our country's current auto industry is too backward and belongs to the party harvested by international capital. Naturally, it cannot provide so many jobs through the auto industry.

And we never do low-end industries, nor do we just assemble incoming materials. This kind of work without technical content is not very interesting to do.

What's more, we don't have the habit of eating leftovers. Either we don't do it, or we do it. If we want to do it, we must be the leader and become the industry rule maker.

In the communications industry like ours, everything is aimed at overturning the existing structure, and we have achieved this at present. The signed communications equipment orders have reached hundreds of billions of yuan. "Leaf Book said.

As for whether Bai Yansong believes it or not, it is not his consideration, as long as the key people believe it, it will open the way for the development of automobiles, ships, and even aircraft manufacturing business.

At present, the state still has restrictions on the industries that private enterprises can enter, and automobile manufacturing has to be licensed. It stands to reason that this is a completely competitive industry, and there is no need to do so.

Of course, the strength of Ye Zishu's enterprises is obvious to all. If it weren't for the complicated establishment of automobile-related industries, his subsidiary started from scratch.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to start with motorcycles,

But Wang Chuanfu is much more anxious than him, and has already applied for a car manufacturing license, and the current approval process is very smooth.

It's just that Ye Zishu hasn't had time to sort out the technical information related to the car. He still wants to wait until Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company get rid of the current predicament as the main purpose.

After solving the problem of Qinglong Technology Company, the things he has at hand will be greatly reduced, and Xuanwu Technology Company can be fully activated. The two companies will bring him great profits and provide huge jobs at the same time. .

"Then when do you expect to be able to manufacture our own large aircraft?" Bai Yansong asked.

It seems that he is more concerned about this matter. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, aircraft is a high-end industry, and it may even be considered an unattainable industry.

"It's still not possible to give an accurate timetable. It should be five or six years. By then, we will have enough industrial foundation and talents, and we will get twice the result with half the effort." Ye Zishu said.

At present, his companies are gradually building basic industries and cultivating talents in basic industries, which is crucial to the development of high-end manufacturing.

It's just that there are too few high-end technical talents at present, and even the number of skilled workers is stretched. He is not a country. With so many resources, he can only cultivate them slowly.

However, he predicts that in about five years, skilled workers and engineering talents should be almost cultivated, even if their creativity is not very strong, it doesn't matter much.

Because he can provide technical information, as long as they turn the things in the technical information into reality in a step-by-step manner, the difficulty will be much lower.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Bai Yansong solemnly wrote it down in the notebook in his hand. After finishing writing, he smiled and said, "I can wait for the day when Mr. Ye fulfills his promise."

He didn't care much about Bai Yansong's words. Since he dared to speak out, he was sure of fulfilling his promise. Let alone five or six years later, if he really wanted to do it, he could start now.

It's just that he doesn't think it's necessary. The current domestic aircraft market is not that big, and the people are generally poor. How can they have so much money to fly? Generally, only public servants fly.

But five or six years later, with his participation, the country's economy will improve a lot, at least it is possible to double the economic growth rate.

At that time, although the domestic people were generally not particularly rich, they were much stronger than they are now, and more importantly, the number of people who became rich would increase significantly.

Even if he emphasizes increasing the income of the people at the bottom, there will always be a group of people in society who will get rich first. This is an objective law that cannot be restricted or prevented.

"The speed of technological development in the next ten to twenty years will far exceed the speed of tens or hundreds of years in the past. For what I said, I am still sure to complete it, as long as there are no restrictions on policies.

It's just that in the era of turbulent changes, more problems will inevitably arise, which also puts forward higher requirements for our social governance capabilities. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, he really wanted to talk about the transformation of the government's functions, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He hadn't reached that position yet, so it wasn't appropriate to say it.

Although he is still a little accomplished, he has not yet reached the level of conferring a god. If people want to listen to what he says, they will listen to it, and if they don't want to listen, they will pretend that they have never said it.

Instead of this, it's better not to say it, and when the problem comes to an end, they will definitely find a way to solve the problem, and he thinks it is acceptable to be in a moment of chaos.

"Is Mr. Ye's future industrial layout aimed at providing more jobs?" Bai Yansong asked.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "You can think so, at least for now."

He dare not speak too much, sometimes the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and if there is a change, he will not stick to it blindly.

"Then according to Mr. Ye's plan, the number of migrant workers will increase sharply in the future, and public resources such as education, housing, and medical care will bring huge pressure to the city." Bai Yansong asked.

"Then what do you think should be done? Prevent farmers from migrating to cities to work? China's more than 9.6 million square kilometers of land is owned by the whole people, and cities are not the exclusive territory of urban residents.

Could it be that because urban residents occupy the position in the advanced city, others are not allowed to enter? I can't understand this kind of thinking mode. If anyone finds a relevant theory, please tell me!

It is not a positive attitude to not solve problems when encountering problems, but to block them blindly. As long as society is functioning, there will be no problems.

At present, our country still has a serious sense of regionalism. It feels that cities provide education, medical care and other public services for migrant populations, which is to reduce their own interests. This kind of thinking is unacceptable.

Farmers migrating to work in the city also make a huge contribution to the economic development of the city. Is it because they came to the city later that they should be treated differently?

A city develops because of its people. Without people, it cannot be called a city. A city without fresh blood will eventually become increasingly lonely.

At present, the goal is to increase employment. After this stage, the goal is to improve the happiness index of the people. All measures that affect this goal will be swept into the garbage dump of history. "Leaf Book said.

At present, he can't change many things. Taking his industrial layout as an example, he doesn't have much choice. He can only concentrate in coastal cities or a few big cities.

Because the traffic conditions do not allow it, and the policies are very different. When the traffic conditions improve in the future and the policies are similar, he does not mind moving the industry from big cities to small and medium-sized cities that are more livable.

In his view, since cities are unwilling to provide more public services, they should move directly to cities that are willing to provide these public services. Anyway, with such a large land area, there are always cities that are willing to undertake more for economic development.

His last sentence was actually a warning in disguise, but he said it in a more subtle way, because his industry does not have that much influence at present. If he said it clearly, others would only say it was arrogant.

But when his industry is fully developed, he can easily determine the rise and fall of a city, and then some people will seriously think about the meaning of his words.

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