Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 291 That shows that I am more right (2/4)

"During the development process, have you encountered any difficulties, can you tell us about them?" Bai Yansong asked.

Entrepreneurs generally have to talk about some inspirational plots when facing this problem, which must reflect that they have gone through untold hardships, finally overcome difficulties, and finally achieved success.

Ye Zishu had seen too many such sensational plots in his previous life. When he heard this sentence, many famous scenes immediately appeared in his mind.

He did experience some problems in starting a business, but in his opinion, these were nothing, and it went very smoothly on the whole.

"Except for the need to earn money to subsidize technology research and development and industrial layout in the early stage of entrepreneurship, there are no other particularly difficult things.

If you have to say it, it is a matter of talents. Due to the rapid expansion of the enterprise, there are many projects that need to be researched and developed, and the talents are generally in a state of tension.

Moreover, most of our industries are high-tech industries, and our talent training in this area was very lacking before, resulting in an insufficient number of talents.

Even so, there are still a considerable number of talents who have been booked in advance by state-owned enterprises and government institutions, and talents will also be a long-term problem for us. "Leaf Book said.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu thought of the chip project team. If it weren't for his ready-made technical materials and advanced software tools, it would not be enough to rely on so few people.

"Then what solution do you have?" Bai Yansong asked.

"It's impossible for private companies to completely solve this problem. The state needs to do this, especially in the construction of colleges and universities. I hope to achieve something," Ye Zishu said.

"The country has proposed the '211 Plan', which is to solve the problem of talent shortage in the process of my country's economic development." Bai Yansong took advantage of the opportunity to publicize a wave of national policies.

In fact, the country still pays more attention to the cultivation of talents, but because of the short time, there is still a long way to go to meet his requirements.

In his industries, the capabilities of R\u0026D personnel can only be said to be barely enough. It is definitely no problem to let them do some of the work at hand, but it is a bit embarrassing to expect them to do innovative work.

Of course, China is so big, there are still top talents, but it is impossible for such top talents to work in his company, and they have long been locked by the state unit.

In this regard, no matter how high the treatment he gave,

It is also impossible to compete with the country for these top talents. This is determined by the traditional thinking of our country, and he has no way to change it.

"I know this, but the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst. In order to solve the shortage of talents, we also invested in the establishment of an education and training institution.

There are three main purposes of this educational institution. The first purpose is to enable the surplus labor force in rural areas to work in cities in an orderly manner, instead of being in a state of blind obedience as it is now.

This idea is what I got from Guangzhou Railway Station. The reason for the chaos there is because many people came to Guangzhou blindly, thinking that Guangzhou is full of gold.

As a result, after the past, they found that it was not as good as they imagined. Not to mention making a lot of money, it was difficult to find a job, and some people even got so mixed up that they didn't even have enough travel expenses to go home.

If there is an organization that can orderly organize surplus rural labor to work in cities according to the actual needs of social positions, this situation can be avoided.

Of course, this function is currently limited to the companies under my umbrella. We dare not easily provide human resources services to other companies when the labor security is not in place and the legal construction is not sound enough.

The second purpose is to solve the problem of vocational skills of these migrant workers. Many of them did not have industrial production skills before. If they want to adapt to the urban industrialization environment, they need to carry out necessary training.

We don't just want cheap labor, but we want them to have more potential for development. If they have a skill, they will have the capital to settle down.

If they can not forget to study in the follow-up work, then the future development prospects will be limitless, so that they will have the capital to make a leap in life.

I know that many foreign companies and private companies just regard my country as a supplier of cheap labor, but doing so is not a state of sustainable development.

The third purpose is to solve our relative shortage of high-end talents. Like our Phoenix Technology Company, even if it recruits from major universities across the country, it still cannot meet our demand for software talents.

It is impossible for us to wait until there are enough talents to develop. We can only cultivate some software talents by ourselves. The targets of these training are generally high school graduates.

At present, if high school graduates have not been admitted to university, the employment situation is much worse than that of technical secondary school students. Our training plan can be regarded as providing another choice for many high school graduates.

As long as they pass the graduation assessment of the training institution and enter my company, they have the same opportunities as college graduates. How they will develop in the future depends on whether they work hard. "Leaf Book said.

He is a typical example of asking for others rather than himself. He will try his best to remove any obstacles that stand in front of him. New Oriental Education Group will be an important part of his talent training.

Bai Yansong was also very surprised to hear that he even invested in vocational education, because this move is very bold in China, and it can even be said to be a pioneering work.

"The labor force from rural areas is generally relatively poor, so they probably don't have much money to participate in training?" Bai Yansong asked.

In Bai Yansong's view, there is no way to receive education without spending money. Not to mention private educational institutions, even state educational institutions also cost money. If you don't spend money, you can't go to school.

"Our vocational education and training institutions currently do not collect any tuition fees from the students, and if they are in financial difficulties, even miscellaneous fees will be waived.

We run this vocational education institution not to make money, but to solve the problem of talent shortage and to train more professionals for the country and ourselves. "Leaf Book said.

"That should cost a lot of money?" Bai Yansong asked.

"It does require a lot of money. Last year we spent 500 million yuan, and this year we plan to invest 5 billion yuan. As for how much we need to invest in the future, it depends on the actual situation." Ye Zishu said.

At first, Bai Yansong thought that only tens of millions of dollars would be enough, but he didn't expect that Ye Zishu would spend 5.5 billion yuan in less than two years, which is a bit of a prodigal.

You must know that in this era, a university with a budget of 100 million yuan is not bad, but he spent such a huge price for vocational education.

Seeing Bai Yansong's expression, Ye Zishu continued: "Education itself is an expensive industry, which should be shared by the state and society.

It's just that the country doesn't pay enough attention to vocational education at present. In terms of talent selection, there is still some discrimination against students who have graduated from vocational education.

As for other private companies, they will not invest money in this industry, but some large state-owned enterprises support the education work in this industry, and they also have some specialized schools.

If the country wants to get rid of the current predicament of low-end manufacturing, talents are always the top priority, and the cornerstone of the country's economic development is these thousands of ordinary workers.

If the top talents are not doing well in China, they will go overseas at worst, and still live a chic life. There are even quite a few students from top prestigious schools who never come back after studying abroad.

We spend a lot of manpower and material resources, and the result is to cultivate talents for others. In my opinion, the loss outweighs the gain. Therefore, I suggest that in the allocation of college resources, we should properly favor medium-sized colleges and universities. "

"Boss Ye, you are also a student of Tsinghua University, aren't you afraid of offending the school by saying this?" Bai Yansong asked.

Tsinghua University has always received top-notch education funding. As a student of Tsinghua University, Ye Zishu publicly sings against the tune, which is indeed contrary to common sense.

"I'm just stating a fact. If I offend you by saying this, it means I'm right." Ye Shu said.

In fact, since the reform and opening up of our country, we have been facing the situation of brain drain continuously. Not only the top college students do everything possible to go abroad, but even the talents of some national units also want to go abroad.

In his view, instead of giving most of the resources to the first few colleges and universities, it is better to allocate more resources to secondary colleges and universities, so that more talents will be left for the country.

Of course, this is just a suggestion. As for whether he listens to it or not, he doesn't care. Anyway, he is currently cultivating his own talents with peace of mind. If he has more money in the future, he doesn't mind continuing to strengthen investment in his educational institutions.

If not, the students trained by New Oriental Vocational Education will be more useful than the students trained by colleges and universities in the future. This situation is very likely to happen in the future.

At present, it only focuses on low-end vocational training. In the future, in order to meet the new social demand for talents, it will definitely increase the vocational training of high-end talents.

Compared with the rigid education system of colleges and universities, vocational education is much more flexible, and it can better display the talents of students, and the probability of success may be higher.

When Bai Yansong heard his words, he still admired him from the bottom of his heart. No matter what era he was in, he paid attention to the relationship between teachers and successors. In the midst of social competition, there is also the phenomenon of colleges and universities clumping together.

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