Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 292: True Charity and False Charity (3/4)

"If the news I got is not too inaccurate, Mr. Ye should be the richest man in our country based on the size of your assets.

I see that in foreign countries, there are many rich people who are keen on charity. As the richest man in our country, Mr. Ye has his own charity plan? "Bai Yansong asked.

Hearing Bai Yansong's question, Ye Zishu was a little glad that Pei Qing had mentioned charity. If Pei Qing didn't remind him, he would definitely forget about it.

If there is really no action, his words will be difficult to answer, although he believes that the greatest charity is to provide enough employment so that the people can support themselves.

But others don't believe this. Ordinary people only think that you are so rich, but they are unwilling to spend a little money for charity. They belong to the "Grandet" type of person.

"I think the reporter has misunderstood the philanthropy of rich foreign people. In fact, they use their own assets to set up charitable foundations. The fundamental purpose is to avoid taxes.

Foreign countries are different from our country. They have inheritance tax, and the ratio is not low. In order to pass on the assets under their own name to future generations as much as possible, it is the most convenient way to establish a charitable organization.

In fact, generally only 5% of charitable organizations need to be used for charitable expenditures every year, and their 5% of charitable expenditures do not need to be donated to charitable organizations.

They can completely donate to major laboratories or commercial groups, which means that the 5%, although nominally charitable, is actually still a commercial act.

So don't think that foreign rich people donate all their wealth generously. This is not in line with human nature at all. Their donation is just another form of wealth transfer.

I know that many people in China are trying their best to introduce various systems and news abroad, as if all foreign people are pure and good people.

As ordinary people, it is difficult to tell the truth from the falsehood, nor can they say that what they said is wrong, but they only selectively say a part, but deliberately hide the part that is inconvenient to show.

Take foreign charity as an example, I bet 99% of them are for tax avoidance, and there are very few people who really want to donate. Charity is just a convenient door for the inheritance tax of the rich That's all.

This seems to be nothing, like our country does not even have an inheritance tax, people who think so are too naive, because it will appear unfair.

Rich people have the ability to use their own assets to set up charitable organizations,

Then you control this charitable organization by yourself, and use it for investment and other activities, which is almost the same as a business.

But for the middle class, it is very unfair. They have certain assets, but they have not yet reached that level and cannot independently establish charitable organizations.

As a result, they cannot use charitable organizations to avoid taxes reasonably, and can only pay inheritance tax honestly. The consequence of this is that the rich have nothing to lose, but the middle class has to suffer huge losses.

In fact, the more complicated the tax system is, the more beneficial it is to the rich, because the rich can hire many professional financial personnel to help them avoid taxes reasonably.

However, people in the middle class and below do not have the financial resources to hire professional financial personnel to formulate their tax plans, and cannot avoid taxes as reasonably as the rich.

In the end, there will be a strange phenomenon. The rich pay much less tax, and the middle class pay more tax than the rich. Do you think this is a reasonable phenomenon?

In addition, there is a big difference between Chinese and foreign tax systems. In developed countries, personal tax is the mainstream, accounting for a very large proportion of their fiscal revenue.

In my country's taxation, personal tax accounts for a very small proportion, and indirect taxes such as corporate tax and value-added tax are still the main types, and few direct taxes are levied on individuals.

Therefore, our residents feel that they rarely pay taxes in their daily life. In fact, every item we buy is paid tax.

The root cause of this phenomenon is that the cost of direct taxation is too high, and it is difficult to collect it. Indirect taxation is still more in line with my country's national conditions.

But indirect tax also has disadvantages, that is, it will lead to double taxation, especially in the case of complex circulation, the phenomenon of double taxation is very serious, and eventually the final product price is very high. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, anyone who has a good understanding of the situation abroad knows the charitable tricks of foreign billionaires, but some people purposely ignore the deeper reasons.

This is also the reason why it is becoming more and more difficult for those well-known people to fool people in the era of self-media, because in the era of self-media, the right to speak is gradually transferred to the hands of ordinary people, and is no longer controlled by a small group of people.

"In our country, real money is used for charity. If the funds are not donated to designated public welfare funds, taxes must be paid for charity.

Of course, I also understand why this is done, because charity is difficult to distinguish between real charity and fake charity. Only donations to public welfare funds recognized by the state are exempt from paying taxes.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent money laundering or tax avoidance, which I support, but there are still great obstacles to establishing a personal charitable fund.

This is also the reason why there are relatively few personal charity funds in our country. There are advantages and disadvantages in doing so. The advantage is to avoid fake charity under the guise of charity, and the disadvantage is that it will cause serious corruption in public welfare funds.

Since it is difficult for ordinary people to set up personal charitable funds, they can only choose a few charitable organizations if they want to donate. This has formed a monopoly of resources. It is not clear at all how they use the donated money.

Donors also have no right to supervise the use of their donations. It is completely a black box operation. It is not bad if 20 of the 100 yuan that may be donated can be actually used for charity.

In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem, that is, national auditing. Anyone registered as a charitable foundation organization must be audited by the national civil affairs department every year, so that we can know whether it is true charity or fake charity.

Now that we are about to enter the Internet age, it is entirely possible for charitable organizations to publish their charity list, donation usage and other information on the Internet, so that donors can know how the money is used.

Any place that hides filth cannot withstand auditing and information disclosure. Under the supervision of the whole people and an effective accountability system, corruption in charitable organizations can be effectively avoided. "Leaf Book said.

Bai Yansong didn't expect that he just raised this question according to the general way of thinking, but it caused Ye Zishu to bombard domestic charitable organizations, and even foreign charitable organizations were not spared.

However, he couldn't refute Ye Zishu's question, because logically speaking, what he said should be correct, even though Bai Yansong didn't know the truth of the matter.

It takes a lot of energy to analyze the understanding of foreign charitable organizations, but there are very few people who go abroad in China, and even those who praise foreign charities have never even gone abroad.

It’s just that after reading foreign articles, one waved his hand and made an article without in-depth investigation at all. This phenomenon not only exists now, but will also occur in the future.

As for whether there is corruption in domestic charitable organizations, although Bai Yansong wants to deny it, he doesn't really believe that there is no such thing at all, and there is nothing clean behind any black box operations.

Even if it is clean at the beginning, after a long time and complicated personnel, it will slowly develop in the direction of corruption, which is an inevitable result.

"Although I think the greatest charity is not charity, but to provide opportunities for the people to support themselves, which is the jobs I repeatedly emphasized earlier.

But I also know that with my current ability, it is still beyond my reach to benefit more people, so the necessary charity will help improve the impoverished people that my industry cannot reach for the time being.

So after making money last year, I feel that I have more energy, so I plan to spend 3.5 billion yuan this year to cooperate with the Hope Project.

It is used for the construction of teaching facilities in the compulsory education stage in poverty-stricken areas, teacher training, donations for poor students, donations for out-of-school children, etc.

This is just an initial plan. In the future, as the profits of my companies increase, I will carry out more extensive charitable activities, such as children's welfare homes.

Family planning has resulted in a lot of abandoned babies, and most of them are female babies. If the babies are lucky, they may be adopted by well-meaning people, but if they are unlucky, their lives may be threatened.

I don't want to accuse these parents of being cruel, but I want to avoid this humanitarian disaster as much as possible and save the lives of abandoned babies as much as possible.

In fact, the current family planning policy will inevitably lead to an imbalance in the ratio of men and women in our country. In the future, problems caused by conflicts between men and women will become important social problems.

In addition, there are widowed and lonely old people, whose lives are also very difficult, and they may also be properly cared for if they do not affect business operations.

It's just that there are no charitable organizations specifically targeting this area, and I don't trust so-called charitable organizations, because neither babies nor the elderly have the ability to defend their rights.

If there is a problem of corruption, it will be a very serious problem, and it is also an undetectable problem, so I hope that the country will open up to personal charitable funds.

I am willing to accept the audit of the relevant state departments, and at the same time disclose information on the entire network, and be transparent, and accept supervision from the government and society at any time. "Leaf Book said.

Bai Yansong was a bit afraid to let him continue talking, anyway, in his eyes, there was nothing that could satisfy him, even the national family planning policy, he was quite critical.

But the problem he mentioned exists objectively. If a baby is born, it can’t be stuffed back. However, facing serious punishments such as fines and losing jobs, the phenomenon of abandoned babies will inevitably exist.

In fact, there are abandoned babies not only in rural areas, but also in cities. Ye Zishu established the orphanage to solve this problem.

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