Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 293 Seems to be omnipotent (four/four)

According to his thinking, either don't do it, or do it to achieve the ideal state. He would rather spend more money to do it than just show his love, and he doesn't care about the result.

If the country allows him to set up such a charitable organization, he is ready to wait until Qinglong Technology Company becomes profitable before doing so.

As for Xuanwu Technology Company, there is no such plan for the time being, because the manufacturing industry has meager profits, and it has to bear a lot of employment responsibilities, so charity is not the most important thing.

How to provide more jobs and how to increase the salaries of its employees are the priorities of manufacturing companies such as Xuanwu Technology Company.

Moreover, Qinglong Technology Company is different. Many of their products are high-tech products with very high profit margins, but they cannot provide a large number of jobs.

After all, there is a high technical threshold for entering Qinglong Technology Company, which means that the number of employees of Qinglong Technology Company is limited. It is remarkable to have more than a hundred thousand people.

Therefore, he thinks it is more appropriate for Qinglong Technology Company to use the money for charity, and it is also capable of undertaking large charitable expenditures.

Although Ye Zishu looks down on other charitable organizations both inside and out, he has to say that Bai Yansong admires him for being able to spend 3.5 billion yuan for charity.

We must know that 3.5 billion yuan is enough for the birth of a super rich man in China. Except for Ye Zishu, no other rich man has such a high net worth, and even the top ten may not have so much.

And according to Ye Zishu, the 3.5 billion yuan is not the final figure. In the future, we will continue to invest funds in the public welfare and charity activities of the Hope Project. The accumulated amount will be a very impressive figure.

Regardless of whether Ye Shu's words sound good or not, but he really donated a huge amount of money to charity, it's really hard for others to tell. If someone dares to talk too much, just ask them to donate too.

"Only in this way, more abandoned babies will exist, and it will also cause great difficulties and obstacles to the implementation of the national family planning." Bai Yansong asked.

There is no need to think about this situation, it will definitely exist, and even parents with slightly difficult families will choose to throw their children into the orphanage, where life may be better than at home.

This is tantamount to Yezishu paying for these people to raise their children. This kind of trend cannot be encouraged, because what children need is not only the improvement of material life, but also the company of their parents.

No matter how good the welfare home is,

It can't replace the role of parents. Bai Yansong's words can be regarded as asking the root of the question, and it is a question that cannot be ignored.

In fact, Ye Zishu himself didn't care much about it. He just regarded it as cultivating his own people from a young age. Compared with recruited people, these people who were cultivated from a young age were more loyal.

He is also willing to spend more money for this. Anyway, after earning so much money, he will always spend it, and making money will become easier and easier for him, and spending more money will not be a burden for him.

But this kind of atmosphere cannot be encouraged, it will cause a series of social problems, so if you want to do it well, you need some policy support to avoid things from expanding.

"So I hope the government can make legislation in this regard, so that there are evidences to follow, and avoiding the expansion of the phenomenon of abandoned babies is also an important measure to do a good job in the construction of children's welfare." Ye Shu said.

In the previous life, many parents abandoned their babies, and then came to look for them when they grew up. This is a very shameless practice, and it also makes it difficult for adoptive parents to be human.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide protection for adoptive parents from the legal level, and it is also the cost of raising the cost of abandoning babies by biological parents.

He believes that most parents are not so cruel to their children. There should be very few people who do this on purpose. We cannot deny the significance of the existence of orphanages just because a few people do this.

In fact, many abandoned babies in our country are adopted by foreign people. Once adopted, they have nothing to do with their biological parents at all, and it is impossible to find them back.

The topic of charity has reached this point, and there is no way to continue the chat, because if the chat continues, the content may not be broadcast. Who knows if Ye Zishu will talk about it in depth.

So Bai Yansong changed the subject and asked, "What high-tech development plans will Mr. Ye have in the future?"

He came to interview this time to understand the development of my country's high-tech enterprises, give a boost to science and technology practitioners across the country, and show that my country can also make achievements in the high-tech field.

As a result, the purpose of this interview was too far away while chatting, and Bai Yansong's questioning brought the topic back.

"This should be said to be a commercial secret, and it is impossible to talk in detail, but we will give priority to technology research and development and research in weak domestic areas.

At the same time, efforts will be made to research and develop technologies that limit my country's resources. For example, my country's per capita forest area is relatively low, and with the development of industrialization, vegetation protection will receive more and more attention.

However, the timber-related economy is particularly dependent on the supply of trees. We have only two choices, either to import from abroad, or to use technological means to industrialize the production of timber.

The former only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Although our own vegetation has been protected, the vegetation in other countries is still facing a lot of deforestation. Overall, the vegetation of the global forest is still decreasing.

We all live on the same earth, and the protection of vegetation in one country alone cannot improve the global climate and environment.

Therefore, the second solution is the fundamental method, and at the same time, it can also lift the restrictions on my country's huge demand for timber. There are many similar things.

For example, my country's current grain is relatively insufficient, and it may also enter the industrialized grain production plan as an effective supplement to my country's current grain production.

In the future, we can gradually increase the supply of grain production according to our country's agricultural production situation. In fact, farmers can't make much money from grain production, so they might as well plant more valuable cash crops.

If industrialized grain production can be realized, it means that a considerable area of ​​land in our country will be released, and farmers' land management will be more diversified and autonomous.

In addition, my country's per capita energy reserves are relatively insufficient. We also want to use technology to solve the problem of my country's per capita energy shortage.

In addition, I will consider entering more business fields that can provide employment opportunities. These fields are not necessarily high-tech, but they can solve huge employment.

For example, in the textile and garment industry, although our country is developing very fast, it is basically still in the low-end industrial chain, and it is developing in full swing entirely because of our country's large population.

But in my opinion, this situation must be changed. Only through more advanced technology and irreplaceable textile raw material technology can we get rid of the squeeze on manpower and can offer higher salaries to employees. "

Bai Yansong was a little dumbfounded when he heard Ye Zishu's few examples. This is a big rhythm. If industrialized grain production can really be realized, it will change the pattern of the world.

No matter how developed the economy is, food is always the most basic product and the cornerstone of a country's stability. Whoever controls food is equivalent to controlling the whole world.

In fact, Ye Shu really wants to enter the energy field, especially the oil field, but he knows that it is not the time to enter now, and it is a very dangerous move to do so before he has enough strength.

In his previous life, there were examples of Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. He was quite cautious about this, because once the industrialized production of gasoline, diesel and other products was realized, the foundation of the old American financial hegemony would be completely shaken.

In fact, his industrial production of food has already touched a corner of the global hegemony of the old United States. They rely on oil, food and military to maintain their hegemony.

Oil resources are realized by controlling many oil countries in the Middle East, and the food hegemony of the United States can do it by itself. The food they produce can supply 40% of the world.

If Leaf Book really realizes industrial production, the cost will be lower than them, and it will not be limited by the land, so the production will be as much as possible.

Then the so-called food hegemony will disintegrate in an instant, and on the contrary, their own country's food production will be severely hit, and the right to speak about food will be in the hands of our country.

It’s no wonder that Bai Yansong has this expression. He said earlier that he would be able to drink industrialized milk next year, but now he says he wants industrialized grain production. This has refreshed his three views again and again.

Will agriculture really disappear completely in the process of industrialization? If he really wanted to do it, Ye Zishu would tell him that it could really be done, but it wasn't necessary.

Products such as fruits and vegetables can actually be produced industrially, but I feel that there is not much need at present. When the food problem in our country is solved, there will be enough land to grow fruits and vegetables.

At that time, the prices of fruits and vegetables will also be very cheap, unless no one is willing to do even this kind of agricultural work in the future, or he is sure that the industrial production of these products can provide more jobs, and he does not mind doing it.

Bai Yansong didn't know how to evaluate his words, as if he was omnipotent, but he couldn't refute it, so he could only let time to verify the truth.

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