Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 297 Building a new industrial base (4/4)

The time for Ye Zishu to sort out these materials passed, and the time came to March 10. The chip research and development project team finally completed all the research and development work of the communication chip.

Through the intelligent chip design software system, there were no problems after the test. Ye Zishu read the key parts himself, which also met his expectations.

As for carefully looking at all parts of each chip, he has no patience, because it takes a lot of time, and he doesn't have much effort.

Moreover, it can pass the detection of the intelligent chip design software system, which shows that there is no problem in logic. In addition, the structure itself is relatively special, so it is easy to detect problems.

After the development of many communication chips was completed, Ye Zishu began to arrange the next chip research and development tasks, especially CPU and GPU, both of which are relatively large categories.

It requires much more manpower than communication chips, and the mode of group research and development is still retained, but it is no longer a team to develop a chip, but divided into two large project teams to develop CPU and GPU respectively.

At the same time, a team was drawn out to bring in new colleagues to develop photosensitive chips. This area is slightly less important than CPU and GPU, and the investment in human resources is relatively small, so the development time can be extended appropriately.

After explaining the next research and development tasks, Ye Zishu bought a plane ticket and went directly to Shenzhen to inspect the construction of Xuanwu Technology's chip production line.

According to Wu Chaoqiang's report from the phone, their chip production line has been built and is ready to start trial production on March 15. If there is a problem, it needs to be adjusted again.

Ren Zhengfei heard that Ye Zishu was going to Xuanwu Technology to inspect the chip production line, and he also asked to go with him, because this is of great significance to Qinglong Technology.

So the two of them each took a secretary and landed directly at Bao'an Airport by plane. Wu Chaoqiang came to pick up the plane in person. The first time he saw Wu Chaoqiang, he felt that he was in good spirits on happy occasions.

After nearly two years, the chip production line is finally settled. Although trial production has not yet been carried out, he is very confident about it.

Now everything is stuck in the chip manufacturing link. Once the chip manufacturing link is opened up, the entire industrial chain will be completely opened up, and a steady stream of profits will flow into the pockets of Xuanwu Technology.

Just maintaining basic production like now, as for making a lot of money, it is impossible. To put it bluntly, it is in a half-dead state, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"It looks like

You are in a good mood! "Leaf Book said jokingly.

"That's for sure, I finally saw a glimmer of light." Wu Chaoqiang said with emotion.

He didn't know how this period of time came. He thought that a large amount of funds would be recorded in the establishment of an ordinary electronics industry chain, but he was directly stuck by Laomei's chip embargo.

For chip manufacturing, Wu Chaoqiang is even more anxious than Ren Zhengfei. Qinglong Technology Company has a small number of employees and only needs to maintain research and development expenses.

And Xuanwu Technology Company not only needs to invest funds in research and development, but also maintains a huge industrial system and a large number of employees to maintain, which is too difficult.

If it weren't for the full support of a wealthy boss behind him, he would feel that his spirit would collapse. Fortunately, he finally survived, and the electronic semiconductor industry chain was finally opened up.

Ye Zishu heard Wu Chaoqiang's infinitely emotional words, patted him on the shoulder, made a strange expression, and said: "You have worked hard during this period, and it looks like I will give you a raise next year."

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, both Wu Chaoqiang and Ren Zhengfei laughed. They were not happy about the salary increase. Their salaries are not low, and a little increase will not bring more changes to their lives.

But Ye Zishu's words combined with his facial expressions made him laugh. I didn't expect that the usually serious boss would have such a funny side.

However, what Ye Zishu said is also true. Among the heads of many companies under him, the head of Xuanwu Technology Company is the most difficult to do and has the most things to do.

The problem is that it is not the most profitable company under its umbrella. It can be said that all the dirty work is done by Xuanwu Technology, while other companies enjoy the convenience brought by Xuanwu Technology.

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not. Now I just want to have time to rest. Maybe even my daughter doesn't remember me." Wu Chaoqiang said with a smile.

"Then you will be disappointed, you still need to expand chip manufacturing capacity, followed by RAM and ROM memory research and development, as well as mechanical hard disk and screen research and development and production tasks.

All these tasks need to be put into production in July, and you are still under a lot of pressure, so you want to take a good rest. This year is probably enough, but next year is possible. "Leaf Book said.

Wu Chaoqiang also knows this situation, and he definitely won't be able to take a good rest this year, and he doesn't really want to rest now, because these industries are all independent industries of Xuanwu Technology Company.

Compared with chip foundry and ordinary electronics manufacturing, these independent businesses will bring greater profit margins to the company. If done well, it is entirely possible to dominate the global market.

What a huge market this will be. As the person in charge of the company, he is very clear. Even if he is asked to rest now, he will not rest, at least he has to get through this period of time.

"I understand that no matter what, these industries will definitely be completed in July, and there will be no delay." Wu Chaoqiang assured.

"It's good that you have this confidence. This year will be a critical year for your company. When this year's tasks are completed, your development pattern will be fully opened." Ye Zishu said.

Then a group of people boarded the car arranged by Xuanwu Technology Company and headed to the headquarters of Xuanwu Technology Company. This time they will stay for several days, and they will arrange their accommodation and luggage first.

Not long after the car drove into Nanshan District, it entered the park of Xuanwu Technology Company. In fact, the park has no specific boundaries, because whenever necessary, Nanshan District will allocate land to Xuanwu Technology Company in time.

So what Ye Shu saw was that the fringe areas were still full of construction sites, and all kinds of machinery and equipment were busy on the construction sites.

After passing through the busy construction site, you enter a built-up area, where you can't see the factory like it used to be.

Various residential buildings stand on both sides of the street, and there are also various commercial venues and facilities, but many of them have not opened, because currently Xuanwu Technology Company does not have so many employees.

The first phase was prepared according to 200,000 employees. At present, they only maintain the number of 50,000 employees, which leads to the fact that many facilities have not been put into use after they are built.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu asked, "How is your new employee recruitment and training going?"

It has been a month since he proposed to expand production capacity, which is not a short time in the field of industrial manufacturing.

"At present, 200,000 employees have been recruited, and they are undergoing step-by-step training. Ordinary electronics manufacturing workers only need to train for one month, and they can basically operate online.

It is rare that other complex production line workers need longer training time, so this batch of 200,000 people is mainly prepared for the subsequent production lines of screens, hard drives, memory, chips, etc. "Wu Chaoqiang said.

Leaf Book understands this. If you want to work in these production lines, the minimum education requirement is high school, and even key positions require college graduates.

It is quite necessary to train these production line workers in advance. After these production lines are completed, as long as they are familiar with the line, they can quickly form production capacity.

As for those assembly lines, the requirements for employees are much lower, even as long as they can read and write. Anyway, it is the work under hand, and it can be done according to the fixed process, and the complexity is not high.

"Is there not enough training venues?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

Wu Chaoqiang nodded, and said: "Part of it is training in our empty factory, and part of it is renting someone else's venue for training.

At present, all the training work has been handed over to New Oriental Education Group. They are currently building a vocational education school in Nanshan District, which is expected to be completed in the middle of this year. "

"500,000 people may be just the beginning, so in terms of personnel recruitment and training, you still need to continue to strengthen. In the future, it may expand to 2 million, or even more." Ye Shu said.

The staff size of 500,000 is just an appetizer. In Nanshan District alone, the total number of employees may reach millions.

"If it really has such a large scale, it is estimated that the Nanshan District is not enough. We need to choose another place to build a new industrial base." Wu Chaoqiang thought for a while and said.

In the previous life, the permanent population of Nanshan District was only about 1.7 million. The population was too large and the living environment was very bad. Therefore, when the industrial scale reached a certain level, it was necessary to find another place to build a new industrial base.

"It's up to you to decide. It's best to put it in Guangdong. Industrial agglomeration can reduce a lot of costs, and it's also good for your management." Ye Shu said.

In fact, other districts in Shenzhen are also possible. Even if it is not in Shenzhen, the nearby Dongguan, Zhuhai, Guangzhou, and Foshan can all be used as new bases.

As for other provinces, he has not considered them yet. One is that the distance is too far away, and the other is that the preferential policies and support received may not be as good as the above places.

In business, it is better to be familiar than raw. Xuanwu Technology has laid a certain foundation here in Guangdong. There is no need to go to completely unfamiliar places and take greater risks.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Wu Chaoqiang nodded and said, "We will investigate the surrounding areas and cities of Shenzhen, and make a decision after seeing the conditions."

"Then you guys have to hurry up, the construction of the new industrial base will start in the second half of the year, and it may be opened next year, so it can't be delayed for too long." Ye Zishu said.

For the next development speed of Xuanwu Technology Company, Ye Zishu is much more confident than Wu Chaoqiang, so in terms of production capacity, he does not want to have too much bottleneck, and must ensure sufficient supply.

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