Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 298 Temporarily closed, as a bargaining chip (1/4)

Hearing Ye Zishu's urging, Wu Chaoqiang couldn't help asking: "Is it too urgent, vacant production capacity will cause huge waste of funds."

Regardless of the rapid development of personal computers in foreign countries, in fact, the number of personal computers per year is not very large, and the number is less than 50 million per year worldwide.

Wu Chaoqiang feels that the current semiconductor industry base in Nanshan District is sufficient, and there is no need to build another industrial base in a short period of time. There are still some places in Nanshan District that can be used.

However, Ye Zishu seems to be driven by someone behind it, expanding its production almost non-stop. As the actual manager, Wu Chaoqiang feels that stability is the main priority.

"According to the previous market situation, your idea is correct, but when the products of Qinglong Technology Company come out, the situation will change fundamentally.

In the past, personal computers were mainly used for work, and there were very few personal entertainment attributes. This limited the large-scale popularization of personal computers, and it is normal that the sales volume is not high.

However, after Qinglong Technology Company's personal computer products came out, they were not only working tools, but also became a way of home entertainment, which greatly expanded the existence value of personal computers.

In addition, the Internet is about to enter a stage of rapid development, which further promotes the popularity of personal computers in households, and the personal computer market will expand by 2 to 3 times in a short period of time.

In addition, the overall price of personal computers will be much lower than before, coupled with stronger performance than before, and the emergence of more advanced application software, the stock market will quickly face the need for replacement.

So in the next year, I expect the PC market to expand by about 2 times compared to the current one, and it will continue to increase for many years to come, eventually reaching 200 million units. "Leaf Book said.

According to the experience of the previous life, such an achievement is not easy to achieve, because the countries that can relatively easily purchase personal computers are all developed countries and wealthy countries with rich oil resources.

my country has the largest population, but the number of people who can easily consume personal computers is still very limited. It is not easy to sell 200 million units a year.

However, the products of Qinglong Technology Company can be said to be leap-forward products, which are too different from the previous generation, and the price is generally cheaper than the old-fashioned ones before.

This provides consumers with a strong impulse and motivation to buy, coupled with richer entertainment content, so that more people have reasons to buy personal computers.

As long as sales are up,

It is very difficult to go down again, because everyone is used to the days with computers, and if you don't touch the computer for a day, you may feel uncomfortable all over.

The computer replacement cycle is generally 3 to 5 years. Although the computer seems to be used for 10 years without major problems, many of the latest application software, especially games, will force consumers to eliminate products with weaker performance.

Even if the sales volume in the first year showed explosive growth due to the superior performance, and then the sales volume fell back, but the annual sales volume of 100 million units can still be maintained.

The extra production capacity will be applied to smartphones, and it will not be particularly wasteful. In addition, there will be new application fields such as automotive chips, as well as the manufacture of other industrial chips.

In this way, the production capacity that is currently advanced and will definitely be backward in the future will be used to produce chips that do not require high manufacturing processes, and then build more advanced chip factories to meet the latest chip manufacturing needs.

Before Wu Chaoqiang could refute, Ren Zhengfei couldn't help but said: "Mr. Ye, your goal is a bit high, which makes me feel a lot of pressure."

Just kidding, Ren Zhengfei felt outrageous when he heard the annual sales of 200 million units. Regardless of the fact that Ye Zishu seems to be a prediction, if the sales volume of Qinglong Technology Company is far behind by then, it will lose face.

Therefore, in Ren Zhengfei's view, an annual sales volume of 100 million units is a relatively reasonable figure, which also includes the sales volume of other computer manufacturers. Specifically, for Qinglong Technology Company, an annual sales volume of 50 million units is not bad.

When Wu Chaoqiang heard Ren Zhengfei's words, his hesitant expression suddenly calmed down. Apparently, his opinion was not the same as Ren Zhengfei's, and he felt that Ye Zishu's estimate was too high.

Ye Zishu thought about it, maybe he was a little too optimistic, but he hoped to quickly occupy the market, reduce other computer brands to niche brands, and it would be best to just disappear.

So he thought for a while and said: "Before, I thought it was better to adopt an open attitude, at least it would not cause excessive rebound from competitors, and it would also help us quickly monopolize the relevant market.

But now I think the strategy needs to be changed. Xuanwu Technology's semiconductor chips, screens, memory, storage and other components should not be sold externally for the time being.

The CPU and GPU of Qinglong Technology Company are not for sale for the time being, but for internal use only, so that we can take advantage of it in the early stage.

If there is no external pressure on us in the future, it means that other manufacturers must be immersed in research and development, hoping to catch up with us in research and development.

This is better. After they spend a lot of money and time to catch up, we will launch more advanced products and directly drag each other to death.

If they can't handle the first wave and use the government to put pressure on us, then we also have the conditions for negotiation, at least the global market will be completely opened to us. "

Previously, Ye Zishu thought of an open business model, which might quickly squeeze out the living space of foreign basic semiconductors, leaving most of the computer assembly companies.

But he has changed his mind now. If it is opened now, it means that it lacks a bargaining chip. If there is another market ban, it will be very difficult to deal with.

Because a large number of parts and components have been sold to related companies before, and then they closed their own markets and used the purchased parts internally to temporarily meet their domestic needs.

Then they started to organize semiconductor-related companies to focus on research and development, which would buy them one to two years of time. If they organize global scientific research forces to tackle key problems, they may really be able to break through.

If it starts to adopt a closed state, once other semiconductor and computer manufacturers can't bear it, they will definitely put pressure on Xuanwu Technology to sell them chip manufacturing equipment.

Otherwise, administrative intervention will be adopted. This is the stage of bargaining between the two sides. Ye Zishu is not afraid of their technological breakthroughs. Anyway, their side will definitely be better.

I am afraid that they will really close the market, or even force their allies to close the market, which will be a fatal blow to his semiconductor industry chain.

Relying on the domestic market, it is impossible to support such a huge semiconductor industry chain. Even if it is sold to other third world countries, the market may not be so big, and it cannot satisfy his appetite at all.

If he repents after the negotiation, he can take measures to directly lock the other party's semiconductor equipment, because the other party broke the agreement before, and his actions are legitimate.

It would be even better if other semiconductor manufacturers and computer companies are prepared to try their best and not use administrative power, just to keep them out of business for a few years.

Even if they have accumulated a lot of wealth before, if their income drops sharply in a few years, it will be difficult to continue the business. It is better to change careers as soon as possible while they have some money in their accounts.

"Will this be a huge pressure?" Wu Chaoqiang said.

When Ye Zishu heard what Wu Chaoqiang said, he explained his thoughts above, which made Wu Chaoqiang feel that there was room for manipulation, and immediately had no opinion.

And Ye Zishu continued: "Actually, we can still be half-open, that is, not open equipment, only open OEM, and provide OEM for their semiconductor manufacturers, so that we can abolish the global semiconductor equipment R \u0026 D and manufacturing business."

This is equivalent to holding their lifeline in their own hands, and it will be difficult for them to jump out of Wuzhishan. If the other party doesn't follow the rules, don't blame him and be polite.

Even if they are contracted for them, Qinglong Technology's chip performance is enough to beat them. This is also the reason for Ye Zishu's opening of the foundry business.

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