Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 698: The third-stage rocket is successfully recovered

Ye Zishu was busy until four o'clock in the morning, and there were still many people on night shift here, so he was not lonely, but he still planned to go back to sleep, and come over to have a look when he got up.

The main reason is that the dawn in the northwest region is a little slow. Waiting, it may take three or four hours, which is enough for him to have a good sleep, and he will not be late even after having breakfast.

Back at the hostel, Ye Zishu simply washed up, then lay down on the bed, and entered the virtual space to study. The learning content has also changed a lot.

After compiling these medical books, the next task is to sort out the technical information of shipbuilding for Huanyu Group, so he now spends a certain amount of time every day collecting technical information in this regard.

When he got up the next day, it was already eight o'clock, and the sky was already bright outside. Ye Zishu felt that eating breakfast would delay his time, so he took a few steamed buns and went directly to the monitoring center.

When I arrived at the scene and looked at the screen, I found that the third-stage rocket was still in orbit, but it had already begun to adjust its attitude and cut in for the landing.

If you want to land on the recovery platform accurately, you need to plan the route perfectly, and even take into account the weather factors, otherwise the wind in the sky can blow the rocket far away, and you need to consume a lot of energy to get back on track.

Obviously, after the launch, there must not be much energy left by the rocket. After resisting the high-speed fall, there will be very little energy left, and it will not be able to make large-scale attitude and route adjustments at all.

This is also the reason why it is so difficult to recover the third-stage rocket. If there is an accident, all previous efforts may be wasted. It is best to predict the variable factors in advance.

It's just that the accuracy of my country's weather reports needs to be improved, especially the high-altitude weather forecast, which requires more advanced weather satellites, but it is much better now than before.

The National Meteorological Administration has purchased the supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company, which has greatly improved its computing power. At the same time, it has also purchased a weather forecast system to further improve the accuracy of weather forecasts.

"The maritime monitoring ship is still floating in the sea?" Ye Zishu asked Lu Desheng.

Lu Desheng nodded and said: "Yes, in order to be able to recover smoothly, there must be assistance from monitoring ships, otherwise the data acquisition is not accurate enough."

Ye Zishu nodded, but felt that it was a bit hard to do this. In fact, this launch can basically be declared a success, and there may be frequent launch tasks in the future.

If this monitoring method is used, these offshore survey ships may have to float at sea all the time, and the monitoring ships are generally not very large, and their ability to resist risks is relatively weak.

It's just that there is no way at present. After the navigation and positioning satellite system is established, the maritime survey can be cancelled. With the guidance and positioning satellite system and ground-based observation stations, sufficient data can be obtained.

If the remote sensing satellite system is added, the picture that appears on the screen now is not a simulated picture, but a real picture taken by the remote sensing satellite system.

Ye Zishu was about to take the notebook out of the bag and continue working, but was told that it would soon enter the best entry point, which meant that the third-stage rocket would officially return soon.

He was not in the mood to continue working, so he just sat down, quietly looked at the big screen, stared at the changes in the data on it, and kept calculating in his mind.

Suddenly there was a burst of applause in the hall. This was to express satisfaction with the completion of the third-stage rocket's accurate grasp of the best entry point. The completion of this step means half of the success.

Next, if the climatic and environmental factors do not change significantly, with the degree of intelligence on the third-stage rocket, the problem should not be too big.

However, after the warm applause, the scene immediately fell into silence. Many people watched the big screen quietly, and the data on it was also changing at a faster speed.

The simulation screen shows that the speed of the rocket landing is getting faster and faster. When it reaches a critical value, the rocket engine will start immediately and start to reduce the speed to avoid greater speed.

If the speed is higher, the frictional high temperature generated will cause more serious damage to the rocket body.

Speed ​​has to be controlled, but the rocket motors don't run all the time.

Instead, it is performing frequent ignition and shutdown, which is not only to slow down the speed, but also to continuously adjust the attitude, so that the rocket body generally maintains the state when it landed, so that it does not take a long time to adjust the attitude at the end.

After a period of time, the third-stage rocket is about to enter the terminal stage, and the rocket engine starts to work for a long time, reducing the speed continuously, and the firepower of the rocket engine is getting stronger and stronger.

This time is the most dangerous time, but from the data point of view, the rocket is generally consistent with the planned return route, and there is not much deviation.

Ye Zishu was also staring at the screen at this time, for fear of missing every piece of data. After a while, the screen changed from the previous simulation screen to a real screen, indicating that the rocket was not far from the ground.

Fortunately, the speed of the rocket has slowed down, and the jets have been fired frequently to make final attitude adjustments and make final preparations for a safe landing.

This process took less than ten seconds, and then saw the third-stage rocket slowly land on the recovery platform. The scene did not burst into applause immediately, but suddenly became quieter.

After waiting for about a minute, I found that there was no picture on the screen that everyone didn't want to see, and the scene burst into violent applause, which lasted for more than a minute.

So far, the recovery of the third-stage rocket has been initially successful. The data shows that there is still 10% of the fuel in the third-stage rocket, and there is still enough margin to deal with emergencies.

Hearing the warm applause at the scene, many people even hugged each other fiercely to release their inner excitement. Even Lu Desheng beside him was blushing, which was exciting.

Because this marks that my country's rocket manufacturing technology and launch technology are already at the top level in the world, and compared with the previous level, it is a leapfrog development.

There are not only credits to advanced materials, but also credits to excellent rocket design, more advanced intelligent attitude adjustment system, and those staff who diligently provide technical support for the rocket, especially the staff floating on the sea. credit.

Without the perfect work in every link and step, there would be no such excellent launch experiment. Everything is so perfect, so perfect that many staff members feel like they are dreaming.

Only by hugging each other can we truly realize that all this is real, not a dream, but a real thing that actually happened before their eyes.

Ye Zishu understood their excitement, but he had expected it long ago, but he didn't show that excitement. Looking at the excited Lu Desheng next to him, he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

The leaders of the launch base next to them were not much better, but they didn't hug each other excitedly like the employees in the hall, but their eyes were a little moist.

When the applause stopped, the leader of the launch base immediately walked to Ye Zishu's side, held his hand in both hands, shook it excitedly, and kept saying thanks.

Because of the achievements in front of him, the young man in front of him deserves the most credit. However, Ye Zishu is modest, and he is more willing to attribute the credit to all the staff who worked hard for this and the scientific researchers behind him.

In terms of the level of hard work, he is actually the most comfortable. He just sorted out some technical materials. Of course, he must be the greatest in terms of contribution.

Next, the launch base planned to hold a celebration banquet, mainly to entertain Ye Zishu, but Ye Zishu refused, saying that it was unnecessary, and it was just a trivial task for him.

The main reason is that he didn't intend to waste any more time and returned to Xi'an on the same day. Lu Desheng was still there and needed to discuss future launch arrangements.

It is already June, and half of the year is about to pass, and there are still 99 satellites that have not been launched. The launch task is very difficult.

When Ye Zishu returned to his office, he saw that the authoritative newspapers in our country reported on the launch experiment, and the online news also came out simultaneously.

Ye Zishu read the comments, and there were some people who popularized it and told everyone how amazing this experiment was.

In the past few decades, the number of satellites launched by countries around the world is actually very limited. It is not that everyone does not need so many satellites, but that the launch cost is too high and the burden is too heavy.

Now that the rocket can achieve full three-stage recovery, it means that the cost of rocket launch will be greatly reduced. However, as a country that has mastered this stunt alone, it will definitely reduce the price significantly, but it will not become the price of cabbage.

It was preliminarily agreed here to reduce the cost of commercial launches to half of the original, mainly to obtain more international commercial launch orders. As long as others have not mastered this technology, they can continue to earn this money.

It took about half an hour for the domestic news to come out. There were reports on the launch test on the international news platform. In fact, there was no need for domestic reports. In fact, other countries were also closely monitoring the launch test.

However, this news was re-reported based on domestic news reports, and it immediately attracted a lot of attention internationally.

Ordinary people just watched the excitement, but those commercial satellite companies saw the business opportunities in it. The reduction of satellite launch costs can effectively promote the demand for commercial satellites. These commercial satellite companies will usher in greater development opportunities.

On the same day, a commercial satellite company started its activities. It needs to confirm whether it is willing to undertake international commercial launch missions, and at the same time determine the charging standard for commercial launches here.

The reply they got was that the mission schedule here is full, and commercial launches will not be undertaken for the time being. If there is spare launch capacity, other arrangements will be made.

This year's launch missions must be full, and next year's launch missions will depend on whether Baihu Technology decides to establish a global communication satellite system. If it is implemented, then their launches next year may be almost occupied.

During this interval, there is still a certain amount of launch capacity vacant, and whether it will undertake commercial launches is not something that Yeshu should be able to control.

Ye Zishu didn't care about it after learning about the dynamics of public opinion, but he didn't know that the impact of this incident was far more than that. In recent years, the development speed of our country in the field of civilian technology is obvious to all.

Now even heavyweight technologies such as rocket launch technology have made breakthroughs, and the impact brought about is much greater and far-reaching than civilian technological breakthroughs.

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