Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 699: Three Shocking News

Not long after this news, Baihu Technology officially announced to the outside world that it is preparing to build a global positioning and navigation system, which is expected to be completed and put into commercial operation this year.

When this announcement came out, there was naturally an uproar. The positioning and navigation system cannot be made by just any company. All other countries build it with the strength of one country.

But now a little-known company wants to build something that requires the power of the whole country alone, which feels like bragging no matter how you look at it.

So everyone began to search for the origin of Baihu Technology Company, but unfortunately they did not know the secret of this company after searching for a long time, but only knew that it was a purely private enterprise.

This is even more outrageous. If it is a state-owned enterprise, everyone thinks that it may not be bragging, but a private enterprise wants to do this, which is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

However, there are also people who have a different opinion, because the name of Baihu Technology Company is too special, which makes people with quick brains think about it, because they think of Phoenix, Qilin, Xuanwu, Qinglong and so on.

Although there are quite a few people who like to use this ancient mythical beast as their company name, the most famous one is naturally Ye Zishu, so some people think that the boss behind this may be Ye Zishu.

Because although other people also have a company named after the beast, but absolutely no one has the ability to do this, and only Ye Zishu has this possibility.

In terms of financial strength, no one in the country can match it, and in terms of technical capabilities, it is still the same. In addition, it is a purely private enterprise, and it can almost give an accurate answer.

It's just that these people guessed it, but didn't say it out. Since Baihu Technology Company didn't openly reveal the person behind it, it shows that things are not simple.

However, with the rise of the Internet, it is not an easy task to keep a secret. Sure enough, a stunned young man expressed his guess on the Internet, and got the approval of a large group of people.

Many people think that this is the only way to make sense. If it were any other private enterprise, they would not dare to say such big words.

In this way, Baihu Technology Company stood on the cusp of the storm, but Baihu Technology Company had already predicted this matter, and despite the wind and rain outside, they remained steadfast.

The reason for releasing this information to the public is that the positioning and navigation satellite system of Baihu Technology Company is going to be commercialized after all, and it is impossible to hide it, and there is no need to hide it.

Not only did Baihu Technology not come out to respond to everyone's concerns, because there was no need to explain it at all, but a few days later, it sent another message announcing that it would establish a global remote sensing satellite system this year.

It seems that the popularity is not enough. Just one day later, Baihu Technology released another news, announcing that it will start building a global communication satellite system next year to provide high-quality satellite communication services for users around the world.

Although this information did not explain in detail how the system was built, it was just telling the outside world that there was such a thing, but to the outside world, it was three blockbusters.

In fact, it is difficult to conceal things like satellite launches, because the orbits required for satellite launches, and the required communication electromagnetic frequencies, etc., all need to be reported to international organizations.

Including the main purpose of the satellite, it is impossible to quietly carry out this kind of public resource occupation, so it is simply announced to the public.

There are two main purposes of doing this. The first one is to announce in advance to help seek wider commercial cooperation. These satellite systems must be commercialized if they want to make money. With a private enterprise, it is impossible to afford long-term losses.

Even the White Tiger Technology Company wants to list the name of Ye Zishu, because his name is very useful, and he not only represents huge wealth, but also represents advanced technology.

If the name of Ye Zishu is displayed, it will definitely overturn all doubts about Baihu Technology Company, at least no one will openly question it.

It’s just that Ye Zishu absolutely does not allow this. He hopes that the companies under his umbrella will still gain a competitive advantage in the market based on their own abilities.

He has done his due diligence in providing advanced technology, and there is no need to use his reputation for consumption.

However, after many netizens speculated, it is actually the same whether they say it or not. Although it has not been recognized by Baihu Technology Company, it has not been denied, and Ye Zishu has not given any information on social platforms.

The second is to cover up the current big moves of the White Tiger Technology Company. During this period of time, the White Tiger Technology Company has been frantically building factories in several places in the country, and the industrial group is getting bigger and bigger.

It has attracted the attention of many people. If you want to cover it up, you must come up with several plausible reasons, and the current satellite business is the best choice.

They hope to leave the impression to the outside world as the world's largest commercial satellite research and development and manufacturing enterprise. As for whether it can achieve this goal, it is hard to say, at least it should be able to play a role.

Although the first two news released by Baihu Technology Company have caused a lot of public opinion, they are still too far away for ordinary people, and they have no personal experience.

But the third article, which is about starting to build an advanced global communication satellite system next year, has caused huge waves in the field of commercial communications, involving all stakeholders.

In fact, a few years ago there was already an upsurge in building a global satellite communication system, and many well-known Western companies were involved in it one after another, each launching its own global satellite communication system.

It's just that the technical requirements are too high, and many companies are still in the stage of technology research and development. So far, no company has built it. The current communication satellites are scattered and cannot provide services covering the whole world.

The news from Baihu Technology is mixed for these companies. The good thing is that it proves that this path may be right. For some weaker companies, it is the capital for financing.

Although everyone does not know whether Baihu Technology Company is Ye Zishu's company, it has been acquiesced on the Internet, and many companies and organizations have actually acquiesced.

However, Ye Zishu has two well-known communication technology giants, Lingtong Technology Company and Huawei Technology Company, which are absolutely at the top level in the field of communication technology in the world.

Now even Yeshushu is going to build a global communication satellite system, which shows that this field has great potential, and with Yeshushu's current reputation, no one would think that he will do business that loses money.

As long as you tell these reasons, you can bargain with capital and get more capital support. After all, whoever completes the construction first in this field will occupy a dominant position.

The disadvantages are also obvious, that is, they have to face the competition of Baihu Technology Company. It would be fine if it was other companies, but it is hard to say that this company is behind Ye Zishu.

For these companies, the pressure is very high. If the competition is not won, then the previous investment will be in vain, and the company may face the risk of bankruptcy.

However, this does not affect their bargaining when raising funds. Capital is profit-seeking, and they are willing to take risks. Before the outcome is determined, capital cannot shrink back.

So during this period of time, it can be seen that many companies have begun to disclose their communication satellite research and development progress to the outside world. Among them, Motorola's "Iridium Project" has the fastest progress, and other companies are also at different speeds.

And these companies have been in frequent contact with various capitals recently, and they hope to get more financial support by taking this opportunity, which is fruitful.

In addition, communication operators in various countries are more affected by this news. Lingtong Technology's 3G communication technology has been released for a long time, and most countries are still waiting to see.

Now Baihu Technology Company is going to build the world's most advanced communication satellite system. That's right, Baihu Technology Company specially marked the most advanced three words in the news to emphasize this point.

If countries like these continue to delay in the field of 3G construction, they may face competition from the communication satellite system of Baihu Technology Company, and at that time it may really be a waste of money.

Interestingly, just ten days after Baihu Technology announced this news, Lingtong Technology released a message saying that it had reached a satellite communication technology cooperation with Baihu Technology.

In the mobile phone terminal chip, a satellite communication receiving module is added, so that consumers can easily receive satellite communication signals with ordinary mobile phones and enjoy satellite communication services.

This news has turned the concerns of many operators into reality. If the integration is really realized, it means that these operators can be completely abandoned, and Baihu Technology can occupy their mobile communication market.

Although they don't know how difficult this technology is, and they don't know how much the future fee will be, but this sense of crisis lingers in their heads.

So they looked at the 3G mobile communication network that was being built in full swing in China, and they seemed to realize something, so they started to tackle key problems with their governments, hoping to make 3G mobile communication technology available in their country as soon as possible.

In their view, the fact that China has not stopped building 3G mobile communication networks can only explain two situations. The first is that the communication satellite system is not yet perfect and cannot completely replace the 3G mobile communication network.

The second is that the two have reached some kind of agreement, and there is a certain consensus on the distribution of benefits. Especially considering that Baihu Technology Company and Lingtong Technology Company are both in the industry of Leaf Book, this guess is more real.

If Baihu Technology really kills the 3G mobile communication technology, the interests of Lingtong Technology will be greatly damaged. Both the left and right are the meat of Ye Shu, and there is no reason to give up one of them.

If they actively introduce Lingtong Technology's 3G mobile communication technology and equipment, it means that they have reached a tacit agreement with Baihu Technology, which is the key to their active actions.

If there are interests involved, no matter how advanced the technology of Baihu Technology Company is, or even the possibility of completely replacing it, they must abide by certain rules, and their interests can be guaranteed.

The most feared thing in the world is the attack of dimensionality reduction. This is the case in business, on the battlefield, and in the competition between countries. The feeling of powerlessness will completely break people's minds.

Lingtong Technology Company has made many countries feel this way before, but they can still do something to resist, but the plan of White Tiger Technology Company is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

This kind of technology that has nothing to do with national borders, the dimensionality reduction blow, made him feel more powerless, and he could only change his previous thoughts. He did not expect the three news from Baihu Technology Company to have such a huge impact.

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