Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 701 Completely crushed the confidence of competitors

During this period of time, it was not only Xuanwu Technology Company that was busy, Qinglong Technology Company was no less busy than them, because they needed to upgrade many of their electronic products.

The new product launch event that was originally planned to be held in August had to be postponed to September due to the need to accumulate production capacity, otherwise Xuanwu Technology Company would be a bit busy.

The launch of Xuanwu Technology's 28nm process chip production line is a disastrous event for most of the chip manufacturers in the world, and many chip manufacturers are going to close their doors.

Last year, many companies purchased a large number of 90nm production lines from Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., and they will face the fate of being eliminated before their factories are completed.

Regardless of the fact that the 90nm production line can have some uses, in fact it is not. If there is no comparison, everyone will accept it. However, with such a large generation gap, 90nm is useless except for the production of chips that are only needed for antiques.

In the chip industry, the strong are always strong. As long as they can't keep up with the pace, it means that they can't make money. What's more, the production line they just spent a lot of money on has not yet produced profits.

Now we have to face the competition of 28nm chips, or we have to spend much higher funds than before to buy production lines, or we can just close the door.

The price of the 28nm production line is much higher than that of the 90nm production line. After all, it is several generations higher. Before that, the 90nm production line of Xuanwu Technology Company could sell 20 billion yuan.

Now Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. plans to sell the 28-nanometer production line at a price of 100 billion yuan, which is five times higher than the price of 90-nanometer production line.

Even considering the previous and current exchange rate changes, the price is more than three times higher than the previous price, but it is difficult to increase the product price by so much, and the pressure in the middle needs to be borne by the manufacturer.

This is not the most frightening thing. What they are afraid of is that they have purchased a 28nm production line now. Before their production line is installed and put into production, Xuanwu Technology will launch more advanced chip manufacturing technology.

Then they will never be able to catch up, and the money will have to be spent all the time. This way of walking the dog will completely drag them down who are already in financial difficulties.

But they don't have the ability to bargain with Xuanwu Technology. If they have a large chip sales market, they can ask Xuanwu Technology to follow their requirements.

Obviously, they don't have this ability, so they can't pose any threat to Xuanwu Technology Company, and there is no room for bargaining with Xuanwu Technology Company.

Either accept Xuanwu Technology's offer, or shut up, this is the reality they have to accept, so many chip manufacturing factories saw this news and made a decision directly.

That is to continue the construction of the 90-nanometer factory purchased so far to manufacture 90-nanometer chips. As for more advanced chips, they plan to completely give up.

In this chip manufacturing competition, it can be regarded as a complete admission of defeat, because this competition is completely unequal. Xuanwu Technology is not a pure chip manufacturing equipment provider, but a chip manufacturer itself.

They also understood that these chip manufacturers already had a competitive relationship with Xuanwu Technology, and it was considered an extrajudicial favor for them to sell equipment to them.

If you want to use the chip production line purchased from others to compete with others in the chip manufacturing industry, how can this approach not cause counterattacks from others.

Is this coming without a counterattack? They just saw the hope of producing 90-nanometer chips, and they directly eliminated 90-nanometer chips and advanced the chip manufacturing process to 28-nanometer.

Moreover, such an expensive production line has made many chip manufacturers completely desperate. Although Xuanwu Technology said that it may reduce costs next year, when will they wait until next year?

Even if the cost is reduced, it will not be too much. If it is 80 billion yuan, the price is still beyond the reach of many chip manufacturers, unless it waits for three to five years.

Others have eliminated 28 nanometers in order to pick up leaks at a lower price.

Regardless of the fact that Intel was the leader in the chip field before, there are many other chip manufacturers, which can be regarded as a temporary existence, but they actually did not make much money.

In the past, the consumer semiconductor industry was not very developed, even if the number of computer sales was not very large, and there were so many manufacturers sharing it together, the actual profit was not much.

Many companies purchased 90nm production lines before, and they have basically emptied their corporate funds, and have been unable to invest more funds in the competition for the 28nm process.

Therefore, when Xuanwu Technology announced that the 28nm process line has been completed, many chip manufacturers have given up and continued to struggle in the manufacturing field.

Either just continue to manufacture the purchased 90-nanometer chips, and earn some money back anyway, or simply sell the production line and see if anyone takes over.

However, those companies that already have a chip design business are very straightforward. They just gave up the chip manufacturing business and completely shifted their energy to chip design. When the time comes, they can directly find Xuanwu Technology Company as an OEM.

So far, Xuanwu Technology has basically achieved a monopoly in the field of chip manufacturing. Unlike before, there are still a large group of companies thinking about competing with them in this field.

As for their desire to develop 28nm or even higher chip manufacturing equipment by themselves, that is just a dream. When they develop it, even if Xuanwu Technology does not deliberately target it, the day lily will be cold.

No one can guarantee that Xuanwu Technology does not have more advanced chip manufacturing technology. Generally speaking, large companies like them have strong technical reserves.

Being able to come up with 28-nanometer chip manufacturing technology means that they are likely to have mastered, or will soon master, 14-nanometer chip manufacturing technology.

Now, no matter whether it is a chip manufacturer or a chip equipment manufacturer, they dare not continue to jump in. The weak ones have already considered changing careers, and the strengths are not bad. They want to switch to the design field.

It's just not easy to switch to the field of chip design. There is another opponent they have to face in the field of chip design, and that is Qinglong Technology Company.

Qinglong Technology's chips have occupied all the consumer electronics fields, leaving almost no opportunities for others. In the most profitable consumer electronics chip field, they have no chances.

Fortunately, although Qinglong Technology Company also has industrial chips, these chips do not have absolute dominance like the consumer electronics chip field, which can be regarded as giving some chip companies a chance to survive.

As more and more chip manufacturing companies announce to abandon the chip manufacturing business, everyone knows that the chip manufacturing industry has completely changed, and Xuanwu Technology will dominate in the future.

I don't know how long this situation will last. The chip manufacturing business is a huge cake. There must be capital and will not be reconciled to this industry being completely dominated by Xuanwu Technology.

It's just that Xuanwu Technology Company is too far ahead in this field now, and it is absolutely impossible to gain a competitive advantage in the short term, but people's creativity is infinite.

If Xuanwu Technology cannot surpass Xuanwu Technology on the current track, it is not ruled out that it will switch to other tracks, such as carbon-based chips or photonic chips. These are fields with good development prospects.

Since it is impossible to gain an advantage in the traditional chip track, changing the track is the best choice for many capitals who are unwilling to give up, but no one knows how long the other track will produce results.

Now I just hope that Xuanwu Technology Company will be immersed in the existing achievements and cannot extricate themselves, so that they can develop silently and leave enough time for themselves.

It will not be too late to completely overthrow Xuanwu Technology after their own results come out. If they really develop a photonic chip, it is really possible to achieve dimensionality reduction.

Of course, with advanced chips, there must also be a strong ecosystem support, and the most successful company in the field of software and Internet applications is Phoenix Technology.

And Phoenix Technology Company is also a company of Leaf Book, and it is a natural ally of Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company, but they don't think so much, because these new tracks want to be successful.

These are all things to say later. On July 1st, Ye Ziqi was coming here on a business trip. Ye Zishu took the company's reception car and went to the airport to pick her up.

When he saw Ye Ziqi for the first time, he felt that he was much more capable than when he was in the Chinese New Year. Before that, he was just the image of a little girl next door, and there was no heroic look between her eyebrows and eyes.

Although she still retains a bit of a student atmosphere, her temperament is obviously different from before. It can be seen that managing the foundation during this time has made her grow a lot.

There are 7 people who followed Ye Ziqi this time, four of them are security personnel, and the remaining three are employees of the foundation, and they are relatively young, around 30 years old.

Arranging the other personnel in the company's reception car, Ye Ziqi got into Ye Zishu's car, looked around the inside of the car, and said, "Brother, your car is really worth 100 million yuan?"

"Why, not like?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

"That's what it feels like, it's not as good-looking as the interior of my car." Ye Ziqi said.

The car Ye Ziqi mentioned was the Tianqiong car Ye Zishu gave her. When it was originally designed, the interior was indeed more luxurious than his car, but it was only luxurious on the surface.

For the ignorant Ye Ziqi, it is normal to think that the Tianqiong car is better than the Tianyu car, and this is the effect he wants.

After all, this car is for your own use, as long as you are comfortable, and Tianqiong is to be sold to the outside world. Of course, it must be based on the needs of consumers, and the interior is specially made to have a more high-end feel.

"I don't know, Tianqiong car and my Tianyu car are both designed by me. I said this car is worth 100 million yuan, and it is worth this price. You can't look at the surface of everything." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what the elder brother said, Ye Ziqi asked: "Then tell me, what's the secret of this car?"

Originally he didn't intend to continue the discussion, but Ye Ziqi said so, Ye Zishu could only say: "Then I will show you the magic of this car!"

After speaking, Ye Zishu said, "Xiao Ling, you will be in charge of driving from now on."

As soon as the words fell, a female voice came and said, "Okay, boss!"

At this time, a green light lights up on the front dashboard, indicating that the car has been completely taken over by artificial intelligence, and the driver can completely give up the operation.

When Ye Zishu saw the light turned on, he left the steering wheel with both hands, and did not put his feet next to the pedals. However, the way the car operated just now remained the same, and there was no difference before and after taking over.

"How is it?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Tianqiong also has autopilot technology!" Ye Ziqi said.

"That's different. What you are using is assisted driving, not automatic driving, because it can't be fully automated yet, but this car is fully automated. You will know when you get to the city." Ye Zi said the book.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqi didn't speak next, but carefully observed the car's automatic driving experience, and saw that Ye Zishu didn't have to sit upright during the whole process, so that he could take over at any time if an accident happened.

This reflects that Ye Zishu is very confident in the car's automatic driving, and Ye Zishu thinks that if he can't even respond to the automatic driving and deal with it in a timely manner, even if he takes over, it will be useless.

Because the driving state controlled by artificial intelligence is much more sensitive than manual driving, and the judgment it makes is more comprehensive and clear than that of humans, so there is no need for him to take over at any time.

Apart from chatting with Ye Zishu, Ye Ziqi kept his eyes on the front and side of the car all the time, wanting to see how the car's automatic driving can avoid complex road conditions, especially in urban areas, where the road conditions are much more complicated.

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