Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 702 Tianwen Medical College's independent enrollment work

When Ye Ziqi saw Ye Zishu's car turning around in the complex road environment of the urban area, it was very flexible, and it was so accurate that it was amazing. Even the old drivers did not have such precise driving ability.

In the end, I have to admit that in the field of autonomous driving, this car is indeed thousands of miles away from her car, but her car is still amazing in the eyes of outsiders.

Ever since Huanyu Group produced the Tianqiong car, Ye Shu has ordered 6 cars for his family and security team, and received orders for 50 cars from outside.

You must know that the FOB price of Tianqiong Automobile is as high as 50 million yuan. If the customer buys it back, he will have to pay a large amount of other fees, and the actual price is much higher than this.

However, there are still such sales. I don’t know if it’s because Ye Zishu’s publicity is good, or everyone really recognizes Huanyu Group’s technology. Anyway, this alone has brought them 3.1 billion yuan in revenue.

This is just the beginning. I believe that there are definitely more than this number of people in the world who can afford Tianqiong cars. For ordinary people, Tianqiong is too extravagant.

But for the rich, it is just a relatively expensive toy, but it highlights their status and is an item worth having.

In fact, in addition to manual driving and fully automatic driving, this car also has a human-machine collaborative driving function. On the surface, it looks like a human is driving, but in fact many details are corrected by artificial intelligence.

It's just that for most people, this function doesn't have much effect, but in special cases, this function can play an important role.

After all, artificial intelligence is not a human being, and cannot fully understand the driver's intentions. In a dangerous situation, there may be a large deviation in how to make a choice.

At this time, if someone is driving, artificial intelligence can more accurately understand the driver's intention, and under the collaborative operation of man and machine, it can better complete the driver's intention.

It is precisely because such a function is not used under normal circumstances, only his car has a human-machine collaboration function, and other cars equipped with assisted driving have not used it.

Take Ye Ziqi to the headquarters of Baihe Software Company and settle him in the hotel here. Compared with the hotels outside, the safety of the hotel here is more guaranteed, and it is also closer to his office.

However, Ye Ziqi and his party also need to pay, but this money is paid by Ye Zishu. If Ye Zishu lives, there is no need to spend money, because he is also a half employee of Baihe Software Company.

"Would you like to take a rest first, or go out and do something?" Ye Zishu asked after setting up Ye Ziqi.

"Things start tomorrow, and I'm not tired, why don't you go to your office to play?" Ye Ziqi asked.

Hearing her words reminded him of Ye Zihua, and at first he liked to stay in his office, but after a long time, he felt very bored.

"If you don't feel bored, I don't have any objections." Ye Shu said.

Seeing that his elder brother agreed, Ye Ziqi ordered the staff who came with him to move about on their own, and then took two security personnel, followed Ye Zishu out of the hotel, and drove directly to Ye Zishu's office.

Ye Zishu's office is in a particularly good location. It belongs to the top floor of the tallest building here. It has a very wide view. Looking out of the window, you can overlook most of the entire Baihu Technology Company.

It was built like a garden here, and now it is July again, and the grass is already growing outside, and it is also a great enjoyment to see the full screen of green.

It's just that Ye Zishu was pressed for time, and he didn't have much time to enjoy the beautiful scenery here. As a result, Ye Ziqi watched it, but he liked it very much. Sitting on the sofa, looking at the beautiful scenery outside, drinking tea, let alone enjoying it.

Ye Zishu drank a cup of tea with Ye Ziqi, and then went back to the desk to start working. It was already July, and the things in hand were not finished yet.

I want to finish writing all the books around August, but I still can't relax, so even if Ye Ziqi comes over,

He also wanted to find time to write something.

With something on his mind, it's hard to be as leisurely as Ye Ziqi, but fortunately, Ye Ziqi is used to it, and he didn't care when he saw his elder brother busy, just took out a magazine and read it while drinking tea.

This magazine was passed by when passing by the hall. It is a fashion magazine issued by Shengshi Media Group. As for why there is a fashion magazine in the hall, Ye Zishu is not clear.

As for Ye Zishu's office, apart from the necessary furniture and decorations arranged by the administrative department, there is nothing superfluous, and it looks a bit empty.

Shengshi Media Group now produces more and more newspapers and magazines, covering all aspects of society. It is said that there are as many as hundreds of them, and it has become a veritable leader in the domestic paper media field.

However, their overall revenue is indeed not high. With the increase in popularity, they got rid of the previous loss-making state, but they did not make much money, and basically maintained a balance in revenue.

In fact, it is impossible for them to make large-scale profits with their mentality of wanting to make newspapers and magazines the best. Basically, the little money they earn is invested in it.

Paper media is different from TV media in that they don't actually make much money, but if they don't hesitate to invest in capital, they spend a lot of money, and maintaining a break-even balance will be their state for a long time.

Fortunately, the entire Shengshi Cultural Group has no objection to this. Shengshi Cultural Group has many profitable businesses, and it supports Shengshi Media Group without any pressure at all.

It is precisely because there is no pressure to survive, that I can devote all my mind to quality. Every newspaper, every magazine is done with my heart, and I never think about trying to make money.

As a result, Shengshi Media Group has only been established for less than two years, but the speed of its development is impressive.

Not only do they have a large number of media content platforms, but each platform is doing very well, and there is no smell of money at all, which fundamentally surpasses many domestic media platforms.

In addition, they also spare no expense to create high-quality content, and strive to ensure that each platform is at the forefront of the industry while ensuring its own characteristics, providing advanced guidance for all aspects of domestic development.

For example, their fashion magazines have a very high sales volume in China. The circulation of each fashion magazine exceeds one million, which is quite rare in China.

After several years of rapid development, many people have gradually got rid of their previous status and began to pursue a high-quality life, but they are not as rich in resources as the rich.

Before these fashion magazines existed, many of them relied on imported film and television dramas to choose their own attire, but the things in the film and television dramas were not mainly fashion guidelines.

At this time, the fashion magazines of Shengshi Media Group provided a lot of fashion references for the domestic middle class, and also guided the fashion concepts of these middle classes.

All the industries under his banner have inherited his pioneering spirit, and he has never disdained to copy others' opinions. Even if they refer to other people's things, they must have their own characteristics and opinions.

This concept is not only reflected in his technology research and development and industrial development, but also in content production, so the newspapers and magazines of Shengshi Media Group are definitely not the product of copycats.

"Brother, are you writing a medical book?" Ye Ziqi asked suddenly.

Ye Zishu looked back at Ye Ziqi, smiled and said, "How long have you been peeking?"

"I have been standing and reading for more than a minute. Seeing that you are so devoted to writing, I can't help but look at it a few more times. Are you writing a medical book?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"Well, this is a book written for Tianwen Medical College, which is the college under construction in our county." Ye Zishu replied with a smile.

As soon as he said that, Ye Ziqi knew where it was. At that time, it caused a huge sensation in their county, but when they learned that it was a private college, everyone's enthusiasm decreased a lot.

In many people's minds, the level of education in private colleges and universities is limited. If children are likely to be admitted to public colleges and universities, they will definitely not go to private colleges and universities. This is almost a consensus.

This concept will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the enrollment of Tianwen Medical College. The only thing that is more gratifying is that Tianwen Medical College is also in the national unified admission colleges, but it is still in the second college.

If you only rely on the college entrance examination, it may be difficult to obtain many talents. Therefore, as private colleges and universities, they also have a considerable number of independent enrollment places, accounting for half of them.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and Tianwen Medical College has sent a large number of recruiting teachers to various high schools in the country to find top talents. As long as they come to study, not only do they not need to spend money, but they can also get high bonuses based on their academic performance.

Now Tianwen Medical College only attracts talents in four aspects, the first is the beautiful campus, which is unique in China.

In Tianwen Medical College, the student dormitory is not a room for several people, but it is built like a residence. Except for the inability to cook, other aspects are no different from living at home. Each student can be assigned an independent bedroom.

The average living area is as high as 30 square meters, which is the first time in China. Anyway, there is money and land, and it is a county seat, so there is no need to make the living conditions so poor.

The second is the strong financial advantage. In order to attract talents, their scholarships are not only higher, but also cover a wider range. As long as the grades meet the standards, almost all of them can get scholarships.

If you work hard, going to their school will not cost your family a penny, but you can save a lot of money when you graduate.

The third is the advanced educational facilities. They adopt a combination of theory and practice. From the sophomore year, they have to follow the teacher to conduct simple experiments, and then gradually increase the difficulty of the experiments according to the course content.

Generally speaking, after graduating from a university, the ability achieved can be comparable to that of domestic graduate students, that is to say, they can independently operate some experiments that are not particularly complicated, which is different from domestic undergraduate courses that focus on theoretical courses.

The fourth is the distribution of graduation packages. Now domestic colleges and universities have gradually canceled the distribution of packages. Only some special universities still maintain the system of package distribution.

If they are assigned to ordinary enterprises, everyone will not be particularly excited. Now that the marketization trend is becoming more and more obvious, although college talents are not assigned, they do not have to worry about finding a job.

However, the company assigned by Tianwen Medical College is the famous Taiji Group. This year, it will definitely be ranked first in the world's top 500 and the most profitable pharmaceutical giant in the world.

If it is said that everyone didn’t know much about Taiji Group before, but this year, there are relatively few people who don’t know about Taiji Group. At least many people’s lives have begun to be closely related to them.

In addition, there are Tai Chi hospitals all over the country and even in the counties. It is difficult not to know about them. Even the family members of many students are members of Tai Chi Medical Company.

Therefore, when many recruiting teachers were sent to high schools across the country to find good seedlings, they were still warmly welcomed by the high school authorities, and the effect was very good.

It's just that when they recruit independently, they don't use the student's grades as the only criterion, but they will have a comprehensive evaluation of the students, and the evaluation content is given by the intelligent education system.

The content of the assessment is very complex and diverse. It mainly tests the students' psychological quality, concentration and IQ, and then combines their academic performance to give a comprehensive score.

Their independent enrollment will be based on this comprehensive score. As long as the comprehensive score reaches a standard value, they can be admitted to Tianwen Medical College. During this process, some students who are not top grades have also obtained admission places.

As long as they get the admission quota, even if these students don't take the college entrance examination, they can still go to Tianwen Medical College to study, and even some excellent ones get the admission notice on the spot.

Therefore, the admission quota of Tianwen Medical School is not fixed, but has strong flexibility. If there are not enough talents, they would rather recruit less.

If there are a large number of talents who meet the requirements in a certain year, then they will recruit a lot more. Anyway, their 5,000-mu campus can accommodate a large number of students, depending on whether there are enough satisfied talents.

Now that the college entrance examination is about to come, Tianwen Medical College has completed the self-enrollment work, because this work will end before the college entrance examination, so as to avoid a collision between the two.

As of the end of their self-enrolment, a total of 2,000 people have been recruited. In fact, they have not met their expectations. They originally planned to recruit about 2,500 people. There are only so many people who meet the comprehensive scoring standards, and some people are still unwilling to come.

For many people with outstanding grades, when choosing between Tianwen Medical College and other top universities in China, many people will choose universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University.

This situation is difficult to change in a short period of time. No matter how good the conditions offered by Tianwen Medical College are, it is useless. After all, no one wants to bet on their own future.

The self-enrollment was able to recruit about 2,000 students, which is actually the result of their great efforts, but I don’t know how many students will be left when they report to the school.

If their college entrance examination results are very satisfactory, they probably will not go to Tianwen Medical College. This kind of helplessness is currently insurmountable by Tianwen Medical College.

-----Off Topic-----

Please subscribe! When Ye Ziqi saw Ye Zishu's car turning around in the complex road environment of the urban area, it was very flexible, and it was so accurate that it was amazing. Even the old drivers did not have such precise driving ability.

In the end, I have to admit that in the field of autonomous driving, this car is indeed thousands of miles away from her car, but her car is still amazing in the eyes of outsiders.

Ever since Huanyu Group produced the Tianqiong car, Ye Shu has ordered 6 cars for his family and security team, and received orders for 50 cars from outside.

You must know that the FOB price of Tianqiong Automobile is as high as 50 million yuan. If the customer buys it back, he will have to pay a large amount of other fees, and the actual price is much higher than this.

However, there are still such sales. I don’t know if it’s because Ye Zishu’s publicity is good, or everyone really recognizes Huanyu Group’s technology. Anyway, this alone has brought them 3.1 billion yuan in revenue.

This is just the beginning. I believe that there are definitely more than this number of people in the world who can afford Tianqiong cars. For ordinary people, Tianqiong is too extravagant.

But for the rich, it is just a relatively expensive toy, but it highlights their status and is an item worth having.

In fact, in addition to manual driving and fully automatic driving, this car also has a human-machine collaborative driving function. On the surface, it looks like a human is driving, but in fact many details are corrected by artificial intelligence.

It's just that for most people, this function doesn't have much effect, but in special cases, this function can play an important role.

After all, artificial intelligence is not a human being, and cannot fully understand the driver's intentions. In a dangerous situation, there may be a large deviation in how to make a choice.

At this time, if someone is driving, artificial intelligence can more accurately understand the driver's intention, and under the collaborative operation of man and machine, it can better complete the driver's intention.

It is precisely because such a function is not used under normal circumstances, only his car has a human-machine collaboration function, and other cars equipped with assisted driving have not used it.

Take Ye Ziqi to the headquarters of Baihe Software Company and settle him in the hotel here. Compared with the hotels outside, the safety of the hotel here is more guaranteed, and it is also closer to his office.

However, Ye Ziqi and his party also need to pay, but this money is paid by Ye Zishu. If Ye Zishu lives, there is no need to spend money, because he is also a half employee of Baihe Software Company.

"Would you like to take a rest first, or go out and do something?" Ye Zishu asked after setting up Ye Ziqi.

"Things start tomorrow, and I'm not tired, why don't you go to your office to play?" Ye Ziqi asked.

Hearing her words reminded him of Ye Zihua, and at first he liked to stay in his office, but after a long time, he felt very bored.

"If you don't feel bored, I don't have any objections." Ye Shu said.

Seeing that his elder brother agreed, Ye Ziqi ordered the staff who came with him to move about on their own, and then took two security personnel, followed Ye Zishu out of the hotel, and drove directly to Ye Zishu's office.

Ye Zishu's office is in a particularly good location. It belongs to the top floor of the tallest building here. It has a very wide view. Looking out of the window, you can overlook most of the entire Baihu Technology Company.

It was built like a garden here, and now it is July again, and the grass is already growing outside, and it is also a great enjoyment to see the full screen of green.

It's just that Ye Zishu was pressed for time, and he didn't have much time to enjoy the beautiful scenery here. As a result, Ye Ziqi watched it, but he liked it very much. Sitting on the sofa, looking at the beautiful scenery outside, drinking tea, let alone enjoying it.

Ye Zishu drank a cup of tea with Ye Ziqi, and then went back to the desk to start working. It was already July, and the things in hand were not finished yet.

He wanted to finish writing all the books around August, but he still couldn't relax, so even if Ye Ziqi came over, he still wanted to find time to write something.

With something on his mind, it's hard to be as leisurely as Ye Ziqi, but fortunately, Ye Ziqi is used to it, and he didn't care when he saw his elder brother busy, just took out a magazine and read it while drinking tea.

This magazine was passed by when passing by the hall. It is a fashion magazine issued by Shengshi Media Group. As for why there is a fashion magazine in the hall, Ye Zishu is not clear.

As for Ye Zishu's office, apart from the necessary furniture and decorations arranged by the administrative department, there is nothing superfluous, and it looks a bit empty.

Shengshi Media Group now produces more and more newspapers and magazines, covering all aspects of society. It is said that there are as many as hundreds of them, and it has become a veritable leader in the domestic paper media field.

However, their overall revenue is indeed not high. With the increase in popularity, they got rid of the previous loss-making state, but they did not make much money, and basically maintained a balance in revenue.

In fact, it is impossible for them to make large-scale profits with their mentality of wanting to make newspapers and magazines the best. Basically, the little money they earn is invested in it.

Paper media is different from TV media in that they don't actually make much money, but if they don't hesitate to invest in capital, they spend a lot of money, and maintaining a break-even balance will be their state for a long time.

Fortunately, the entire Shengshi Cultural Group has no objection to this. Shengshi Cultural Group has many profitable businesses, and it supports Shengshi Media Group without any pressure at all.

It is precisely because there is no pressure to survive, that I can devote all my mind to quality. Every newspaper, every magazine is done with my heart, and I never think about trying to make money.

As a result, Shengshi Media Group has only been established for less than two years, but the speed of its development is impressive.

Not only do they have a large number of media content platforms, but each platform is doing very well, and there is no smell of money at all, which fundamentally surpasses many domestic media platforms.

In addition, they also spare no expense to create high-quality content, and strive to ensure that each platform is at the forefront of the industry while ensuring its own characteristics, providing advanced guidance for all aspects of domestic development.

For example, their fashion magazines have a very high sales volume in China. The circulation of each fashion magazine exceeds one million, which is quite rare in China.

After several years of rapid development, many people have gradually got rid of their previous status and began to pursue a high-quality life, but they are not as rich in resources as the rich.

Before these fashion magazines existed, many of them relied on imported film and television dramas to choose their own attire, but the things in the film and television dramas were not mainly fashion guidelines.

At this time, the fashion magazines of Shengshi Media Group provided a lot of fashion references for the domestic middle class, and also guided the fashion concepts of these middle classes.

All the industries under his banner have inherited his pioneering spirit, and he has never disdained to copy others' opinions. Even if they refer to other people's things, they must have their own characteristics and opinions.

This concept is not only reflected in his technology research and development and industrial development, but also in content production, so the newspapers and magazines of Shengshi Media Group are definitely not the product of copycats.

"Brother, are you writing a medical book?" Ye Ziqi asked suddenly.

Ye Zishu looked back at Ye Ziqi, smiled and said, "How long have you been peeking?"

"I have been standing and reading for more than a minute. Seeing that you are so devoted to writing, I can't help but look at it a few more times. Are you writing a medical book?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"Well, this is a book written for Tianwen Medical College, which is the college under construction in our county." Ye Zishu replied with a smile.

As soon as he said that, Ye Ziqi knew where it was. At that time, it caused a huge sensation in their county, but when they learned that it was a private college, everyone's enthusiasm decreased a lot.

In many people's minds, the level of education in private colleges and universities is limited. If children are likely to be admitted to public colleges and universities, they will definitely not go to private colleges and universities. This is almost a consensus.

This concept will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the enrollment of Tianwen Medical College. The only thing that is more gratifying is that Tianwen Medical College is also in the national unified admission colleges, but it is still in the second college.

If you only rely on the college entrance examination, it may be difficult to obtain many talents. Therefore, as private colleges and universities, they also have a considerable number of independent enrollment places, accounting for half of them.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and Tianwen Medical College has sent a large number of recruiting teachers to various high schools in the country to find top talents. As long as they come to study, not only do they not need to spend money, but they can also get high bonuses based on their academic performance.

Now Tianwen Medical College only attracts talents in four aspects, the first is the beautiful campus, which is unique in China.

In Tianwen Medical College, the student dormitory is not a room for several people, but it is built like a residence. Except for the inability to cook, other aspects are no different from living at home. Each student can be assigned an independent bedroom.

The average living area is as high as 30 square meters, which is the first time in China. Anyway, there is money and land, and it is a county seat, so there is no need to make the living conditions so poor.

The second is the strong financial advantage. In order to attract talents, their scholarships are not only higher, but also cover a wider range. As long as the grades meet the standards, almost all of them can get scholarships.

If you work hard, going to their school will not cost your family a penny, but you can save a lot of money when you graduate.

The third is the advanced educational facilities. They adopt a combination of theory and practice. From the sophomore year, they have to follow the teacher to conduct simple experiments, and then gradually increase the difficulty of the experiments according to the course content.

Generally speaking, after graduating from a university, the ability achieved can be comparable to that of domestic graduate students, that is to say, they can independently operate some experiments that are not particularly complicated, which is different from domestic undergraduate courses that focus on theoretical courses.

The fourth is the distribution of graduation packages. Now domestic colleges and universities have gradually canceled the distribution of packages. Only some special universities still maintain the system of package distribution.

If they are assigned to ordinary enterprises, everyone will not be particularly excited. Now that the marketization trend is becoming more and more obvious, although college talents are not assigned, they do not have to worry about finding jobs.

However, the company assigned by Tianwen Medical College is the famous Taiji Group. This year, it will definitely be ranked first in the world's top 500 and the most profitable pharmaceutical giant in the world.

If it is said that everyone didn’t know much about Taiji Group before, but this year, there are relatively few people who don’t know about Taiji Group. At least many people’s lives have begun to be closely related to them.

In addition, there are Tai Chi hospitals all over the country and even in the counties. It is difficult not to know about them. Even the family members of many students are members of Tai Chi Medical Company.

Therefore, when many recruiting teachers were sent to high schools across the country to find good seedlings, they were still warmly welcomed by the high school authorities, and the effect was very good.

It's just that when they recruit independently, they don't use the student's grades as the only criterion, but they will have a comprehensive evaluation of the students, and the evaluation content is given by the intelligent education system.

The content of the assessment is very complex and diverse. It mainly tests the students' psychological quality, concentration and IQ, and then combines their academic performance to give a comprehensive score.

Their self-enrollment will be based on this comprehensive score. As long as the comprehensive score reaches a standard value, they can be admitted to Tianwen Medical College. During this process, some students who are not top grades have also obtained admission places.

As long as they get the admission quota, even if these students don't take the college entrance examination, they can still go to Tianwen Medical College to study, and even some excellent ones get the admission notice on the spot.

Therefore, the admission quota of Tianwen Medical School is not fixed, but has strong flexibility. If there are not enough talents, they would rather recruit less.

If there are a large number of talents who meet the requirements in a certain year, then they will recruit a lot more. Anyway, their 5,000-mu campus can accommodate a large number of students, depending on whether there are enough satisfied talents.

Now that the college entrance examination is about to come, Tianwen Medical College has completed the self-enrollment work, because this work will end before the college entrance examination, so as to avoid a collision between the two.

As of the end of their self-enrolment, a total of 2,000 people have been recruited. In fact, they have not met their expectations. They originally planned to recruit about 2,500 people. There are only so many people who meet the comprehensive scoring standards, and some people are still unwilling to come.

For many people with outstanding grades, when choosing between Tianwen Medical College and other top universities in China, many people will choose universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University.

This situation is difficult to change in a short period of time. No matter how good the conditions offered by Tianwen Medical College are, it is useless. After all, no one wants to bet on their own future.

The self-enrollment was able to recruit about 2,000 students, which is actually the result of their great efforts, but I don’t know how many students will be left when they report to the school.

If their college entrance examination results are very satisfactory, they probably will not go to Tianwen Medical College. This kind of helplessness is currently insurmountable by Tianwen Medical College.

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