Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 708 Advanced Technology Helps Taiji Medical


After the two warmed up, Pei Qing began to report to Ye Zishu on the development of Taiji Group during this period. The last time Ye Zishu had time to pay attention was April, and now it has been several months.

The development momentum of Taiji Group's pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment industry is still unabated. The revenue in the second quarter is higher than that in the first quarter, and this speed of development can basically be maintained throughout the year.

If there are no new products, there is a high probability that there will be a decline next year. Pei Qing and Ye Zishu agree on this point.

Now with the medical research and development system provided by Ye Zishu, Taiji Group is actively organizing a scientific research team to continue to tackle the problems of diseases that have not yet been solved.

It’s just that in comparison, their efficiency is much slower than Yeshu’s. Even with a complete set of advanced system support, it still requires constant experimentation and repeated adjustments to come up with a satisfactory solution.

In any case, Taiji Group is finally able to independently research and develop high-end pharmaceutical products, which is considered a great progress, and with the support of the pharmaceutical research and development system, the efficiency is much higher than traditional methods.

In order to support the development of its industries, Taiji Group has ordered three supercomputers from Qinglong Technology Company, because it found that one is not enough.

One is dedicated to pharmaceutical research and development, one is dedicated to the development of its medical industry, the other is used for genetic research, and the previous one is used to manage its business needs.

It can be said that Taiji Group is the company that uses the most supercomputers in the world except Phoenix Technology, and it is likely to continue to increase in the future.

Moreover, they are different from Phoenix Technology Company, which is completely for their own use. Although Phoenix Technology Company has more supercomputers, most of them provide computing power services to the outside world, and there are actually not many for their own use.

And there are five of them specially for him to use. It can be said that Taiji Group is the most frequently used supercomputer enterprise, and there is not one of them yet.

In addition to continuing to cultivate in the field of medicine and medical equipment, their medical industry has also developed well during this period. The first batch of more than 5,000 hospitals have all started to operate.

For this reason, they have invested a total of trillions of yuan. Although the cost of these buildings is not high, the investment in adding advanced medical equipment is much higher than that in buildings.

It's just that as more hospitals are opened, their losses are getting bigger. The current revenue is basically only enough to pay the staff, and the balance is not much.

According to Pei Qing, according to the current operating income, Taiji Group's medical industry may cause Taiji Group to lose money for 10 consecutive years.

Pei Qing doesn't care about this, because the medical industry is in a state of loss in name,

However, the pharmaceutical and medical device industries are still making good profits, and the overall losses are not so serious.

She understood Ye Shu's ideas, so she unswervingly supported this approach, but other management didn't understand it very well, and complained a lot about it.

It's just that both the boss and the president have the same idea, and the complaints are only in private. Although this issue has been raised in public, they haven't been entangled with it for a long time.

No matter how open-minded Ye Zishu is to its management, it is still a private company in the final analysis. The management may raise problems out of their own responsibilities, but they will not pester them endlessly. That is to make themselves uncomfortable.

The biggest problem in the medical industry now is the shortage of medical personnel. Although they have recruited a lot of people, the number of professionals in the country is still there. If so many hospitals are added at once, no matter how much they move, they will not be able to fill the vacancies.

The hospitals built by Taiji Group are all very large, with complete departments. According to the traditional method, each hospital needs at least 1,000 medical staff, which is the minimum requirement.

However, the average number of medical staff in each hospital is only more than 200, which is seriously lower than the expected target. The reason why it can operate is entirely dependent on the support of advanced medical equipment and medical systems.

Disease diagnosis is handed over to the medical diagnosis system, and the prescription of medicine can also be handed over to this system, while surgery is handed over to fully automatic surgical equipment.

This not only greatly reduces the threshold for practitioners, but also makes the originally tiring work relatively easier, allowing them to operate with so few medical staff.

But these people add up to a large number, up to millions. If the number of non-professionals such as cleaning is added, the number of employees in the entire medical industry has reached 1.5 million.

Hearing that they have such a large number of personnel, I am impressed by Taiji Group's ability to recruit people. Non-medical personnel are better, as long as they have money, they can find suitable people.

But millions of medical personnel are not so easy to find. It can be said that the Taiji Group has spent a lot of energy to complete this minimum goal.

Just according to Pei Qing's introduction, although they did recruit so many people, the proportion of experienced medical staff is relatively small. These are the baby lumps of other hospitals, so they are very close.

And if it goes too far, the relationship with other hospitals will be very stiff. If they are only in the medical industry, they don't need to worry about it, but they still have medicine and medical equipment business, so they still can't break the skin.

Therefore, both parties generally have a tacit understanding, knowing that if they want to operate the hospital, they must poach people, and it is impossible to stop them. Taiji Group can't let these hospitals delay their opening.

Taiji Group generally only poachs one or two experienced medical personnel to serve as the director of Taiji Hospital and other high-level positions. These positions really need experienced people.

The remaining personnel are generally those who have been in the industry for less than five years. They may have been experienced in other industries for five years, but in the medical industry, five years is actually a rookie.

It was in this kind of tacit understanding that the Taiji Group recruited millions of people, and other hospitals also carried out a round of slimming. Both sides were happy, but no major conflicts arose.

Don't think that the quality of medical service is poor due to the small number of people. With such a small number of people, their favorable rate is as high as 95%, which is much higher than that of domestic medical institutions.

There are mainly two types of bad reviews. One is that the medical expenses of Tai Chi Hospital are too high. These people mainly have not purchased membership before and need to bear all the expenses themselves, which is naturally very high.

There are always people who are unwilling to pay this money, thinking that the disease can keep them away, but when things come to an end, some people dislike the high medical expenses, and no one can solve this.

The introduction of membership is to share the role of risk. For those who are not willing to buy membership, Taiji Group can only pay according to the market fee, which is naturally very expensive.

The second is the disease that Tai Chi Group cannot treat. The medical products that Ye Zishu brought out at the beginning did not cover all major diseases, but were selected according to the number of patients.

For some relatively rare diseases, Tai Chi medical institutions have no way to completely treat them. They can only take mitigation or delay measures. At the same time, they will summarize the situation and report it to the headquarters of Tai Chi Group, so that they can arrange relevant research and development work.

Some of the rest complained about the poor service attitude, but the proportion was very small. Tai Chi Medical Institutions are already short of manpower, and it is impossible to care for every patient. Negligence is inevitable.

But compared to public hospitals, they have done a good job in this aspect. After all, they are private institutions, and service satisfaction is an important indicator for their assessment, which is related to whether their bonuses are generous.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu also heaved a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of at the beginning was that he could not find enough manpower to open so many hospitals at once, and it would be difficult to solve the problem in this regard.

Although it is not perfect now, it is finally holding up. As for continuing to improve service quality, we need to take it slowly. Now that domestic colleges and universities are gradually expanding their enrollment, the manpower problem will gradually improve.

Then it came to the matter of Tianwen Medical College. Those experts and professors who signed the agreement before had begun to implement the agreement one after another during the summer vacation. Most of them left their original units and joined Tianwen Medical College.

Of course, there are also some people who choose to breach the contract. This is something that cannot be helped. It is normal for the plan to fail to keep up with the changes. Tianwen Medical College understands this.

Fortunately, this will not affect the overall situation. At present, Tianwen Medical College has confirmed as many as 2,000 faculty members, including both domestic and foreign scholars. The overall quality is very high.

After all, the annual salary they offer is not low, with an average annual salary of up to one million yuan, which is definitely top-notch in China, and not bad in the international arena.

Only by being willing to invest in this area can so many outstanding talents be gathered in a short period of time. The salary of these scholars alone is as high as 2 billion yuan per year.

In addition to these scholars, there are many supporting positions with much lower requirements. Generally, fresh graduates are recruited to fill the positions, and the administrative management is held by personnel from New Oriental Education Group.

They are responsible for the daily work of the school. They are service-oriented positions and have little say in teaching and scientific research. The highest decision-making body for this part of the work is the school's academic committee.

The academic committee is entirely composed of experts and scholars with strong experience and academic ability in the school. It is re-elected every three years. It cannot be repeated for more than two terms, so as to avoid the situation of academic monopoly.

In the election of the academic committee, New Oriental Education Group has a certain right to speak, the main purpose is to balance the interests of all parties and avoid a situation of dominance.

If the school wants to develop well, it must accommodate various schools of thought, so that all schools of thought have good opportunities for development in the school. This is the purpose of giving New Oriental Education Group the right to speak.

The most typical problem is the problem of Chinese and Western medicine. Western medicine thinks that Chinese medicine is only empirical medicine, not scientific, but Chinese medicine can indeed solve problems that Western medicine cannot.

Although the systematic medicine written by Ye Zishu provides a modern scientific basis for Chinese medicine, systematic medicine is not strictly modern medicine. It is more accurate to say that it is medical philosophy.

It is not filled with medical data, but with various medical concepts. If you think it is right, it is right, and if you think it is wrong, it can indeed solve the problem.

Therefore, if you want to learn to understand systematic medicine, you need a high understanding. If you understand it thoroughly, learning other medicines, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, has a strong guiding significance.

What Ye Shu dislikes the most is the idea of ​​making factions in academics. In his eyes, the academics proposed by any school have value. Before they are absolutely wrong, they should not be easily denied and suppressed.

Only by making colleges and universities more academically inclusive can a hundred flowers bloom, especially for such highly academic colleges and universities, this must be absolutely guaranteed.

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