Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 709 Making money is not the most important thing


The above are all existing businesses, and Pei Qing also talked about some follow-up arrangements. Regardless of the fact that Taiji Medical has nearly 6,000 hospitals, it is actually not a lot for the huge population.

In the future, they will continue to build hospitals according to the pace of urbanization, but not just large-scale general hospitals, but will be dominated by community hospitals and supplemented by large-scale general hospitals.

The construction cost of general hospitals is too high, and there is no need for too dense distribution. By increasing the number of community hospitals, most patients can be diverted to reduce the service pressure of general hospitals.

According to their plan, at least 1,000 medical units will be added every year. This is not certain, and the specific number depends on the actual situation.

In this regard, they are cooperating with Wancheng Foundation, so that Wancheng Foundation will take medical institutions into consideration during urbanization construction, and communicate well with Taiji Group when designing and planning.

According to their requirements, it is basically guaranteed that residents can find medical institutions within 30 minutes on foot, and large comprehensive medical institutions within 30 minutes by car.

Only such a setting density can completely solve domestic medical problems. Anyway, Taiji Group is not short of money, and the money in hand must be invested, so it is better to plan ahead.

In fact, New Oriental Education Group is also cooperating with Wancheng Foundation, allowing Wancheng Foundation to take educational institutions into consideration when planning its construction, and the two parties communicate closely during the design stage.

According to their requirements, there is a kindergarten within a 10-minute walk, an elementary school within a 20-minute walk, and a middle school within a 30-minute walk.

The number of students to be accommodated should be set according to half of the maximum number of residents that can be accommodated in the area. This standard is actually very high.

Because this is based on the maximum number of residents that can be accommodated, rather than the number of houses, it can basically ensure that two children in each family can easily go to school.

This is naturally his request, because now is the age of the only child, and according to his plan, it will actually cause a huge waste of resources, and the construction of these institutions requires money.

Now that he has the opportunity to participate in the construction of urbanization, it is impossible to let this kind of thing happen. He would rather these public resources be temporarily idle, but also to do a good job, otherwise they will be occupied by other commercial purposes.

Fortunately, this part of the cost will be paid by the New Oriental Education Group, Wancheng Foundation naturally has no objection, and the New Oriental Education Group is not short of money at present, and can fully afford the bill.

Last year, New Oriental Education Group earned 200 billion yuan in revenue. According to their performance in the first two quarters, this year's revenue will double. It is a high probability event to achieve 400 billion yuan in revenue.

And Ye Zishu does not intend to take money from them,

It is impossible to hold so much money in their hands, and it also needs to be invested. Since the profit purpose is not strong, they are willing to invest in the future.

Pei Qing also told him about the promotion of national medical insurance. As a representative of the National People's Congress, she had actually submitted the bill a long time ago, but considering the practical difficulties, she has yet to reach a conclusion.

The main difficulties come from three aspects. The first is that there are still a large number of state-owned enterprises in the country. Many state-owned enterprises are actually small societies with everything in them. If these are not sorted out, it will naturally be difficult to implement.

Regardless of the booming development of his industries, in terms of quantity, it is still incomparable with the number of domestic state-owned enterprises, but the ability of state-owned enterprises to create value is much weaker than his industries.

However, there are quite a few people who rely on state-owned enterprises to survive, and it is not easy to solve this problem. Especially in recent years, the domestic economy is not bad, and the government's fiscal revenue is not bad, but this matter has been delayed even longer.

Ye Zishu did not express any opinion on this situation. He should not be the one to say this. Anyway, it will be a matter of time to carry out reforms, especially when the industries under his banner are used as a reference.

It is impossible for any government to allow a long-term existence to eat dry food. No matter how rich the finances are, it is impossible to have unlimited blood transfusions. Sooner or later, companies that are losing money will have to carry out reforms.

The second aspect is that it is difficult for private enterprises to collect medical insurance fees, and it is even more difficult to collect taxes, not to mention the welfare costs such as medical insurance. Many private enterprises have resistance.

But this is only temporary. The country has already started to cooperate with Baihe Software Company. With the support of artificial intelligence and big data, it becomes more and more difficult to evade taxes, and the welfare can also be regulated.

However, it will take time. Unlike his industries, other private enterprises are basically at the end of the industrial chain and earn very low profits. They need to be given some time to adapt.

The third aspect is the vast rural areas. Urban residents actually still have the awareness of paying for medical insurance. Even if they don’t have the concept of medical insurance, they all know the importance of this matter, and their resistance is not too great.

However, it is very difficult to get the majority of residents in rural areas to pay for medical insurance. To do this well, the government must provide a large amount of financial subsidies in the early stage.

Let rural residents gradually adapt to the operation mode of the emerging social welfare structure, and they can no longer rely on the previous single-handed struggle. In such a fierce society, they will definitely become more and more vulnerable.

However, the level of financial support still needs to be assessed in detail. Whether the government can afford it and how much the governments at all levels will pay is also an issue that needs to be discussed.

In a word, although this matter has been recognized by many people and they think it is the general trend, it is not so easy to implement it.

What's more, how to implement the method is also a question worthy of discussion. In fact, it is not a big problem whether there is medical insurance for common diseases, because it doesn't cost much at all, and residents can still afford it.

What really costs money is serious diseases, and the cost of treatment is high. The government also knows how Tai Chi Group is making money this year, and the income basically comes from medical income for serious diseases.

Naturally, the government wants to establish an efficient and sustainable medical insurance system, and to cover as many diseases as possible, or even include all diseases in the medical insurance.

According to the current treatment cost, even if the Taiji Group's pharmaceutical company makes a lot of profit, the overall burden is actually heavy. The best way is to implement the contract system.

In view of Taiji Group's strong pharmaceutical and medical equipment research and development capabilities, it is more feasible to implement the contract system, so that the government can control fiscal expenditures within a reasonable range.

But this may be unfair to other pharmaceutical companies, and the result is that one company dominates. Although there is actually no problem in this, as long as a tacit understanding is formed, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that everyone has a different view on this, because everyone's perspective is different, and the problem is naturally different, so this plan will face many problems.

The other is the centralized procurement model in the previous life, which seems to reduce medical costs, but in fact it does not play a big role overall, and pharmaceutical companies have ways to avoid this.

For example, the production of medicines included in the centralized procurement is insufficient, but new medicines are launched in a modified form, which are actually no different from the original medicines. In this way, hospitals cannot always get low-priced centrally-purchased medicines and can only buy new medicines at a higher price.

What's more, hospitals can't make money from medicines, so they will try their best to make money from other aspects, such as increasing inspection items. No matter what the disease is, go for the inspection first, and the money will still be spent.

Therefore, there is no perfect medical system in this world. We can only choose a relatively better plan from various plans. It depends on how the government views this matter. Anyway, it is not up to Ye Zishu to decide.

Anyway, according to his point of view, the contracting system is naturally more suitable, not entirely because of this plan Taiji Group will benefit the most, in fact, Taiji Group will benefit greatly from any model.

As long as the strength is strong enough, no matter what the model is, it will not lack the interests of the Taiji Group. The reason why he loves this is that it is easy to find the person responsible.

The more interested parties are involved, the more difficult things are to deal with. Don't think that each of them is small and easy to deal with. In fact, it is not the most difficult situation to deal with.

He told Pei Qing that it is possible to actively promote the establishment of the medical insurance system, but do not participate too much, and try to write clearly the pros and cons of various schemes in the proposal, as a reference

Pei Qing mentioned a plan of the Taiji Group, which is to open a chain of pharmacies, and to deal in Western medicine and Chinese herbal medicines at the same time. This is actually nothing, they can make their own decisions.

The original business was not so fast, because they had too many things to do, and they didn't have so much energy to do it, but they had to do it.

Previously, Taiji Group's Chinese herbal medicine planting business could only meet its own needs. After this round of expansion, there will definitely be surplus production capacity in the future.

In addition, the cell-directed induction technology given by Ye Zishu allows Taiji Group to realize the ability to produce animal Chinese medicinal materials on a large scale, making their Chinese medicinal materials more comprehensive.

In the past, it was very difficult to obtain satisfactory deer antler, tiger bone, rhino horn, etc., but these animal Chinese medicinal materials can exert miraculous effects in special prescriptions.

In terms of herbal medicine and animal medicinal materials, Taiji Group has relatively complete conditions. If it only meets its own needs, it is a serious waste.

Because these Chinese medicinal materials can not only be used to make medicines, but also can be used to make meals. They have a very good market among the people, and their own business is much better than those who bluff and deceive with fake and shoddy products.

If this business is managed well, it will also generate a trillion-dollar market. There is no need for Taiji Group to let go of such an important business, so it plans to implement this plan from next year.

Ye Zishu has no objection to this. This was one of the original plans of the Taiji Group, but it has not been implemented. Now that they are not short of money, and many businesses are on the right track, it is just right to do this.

In the end, Pei Qing said that the governments of some big cities hoped that they would move the headquarters of pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies to these cities, and let Ye Zishu make up their minds, and the discounts they gave were quite large.

As long as they move there, not only can they enjoy more preferential taxation, but they can also obtain large tracts of land for free, and government services also implement one-to-one contact.

It's just that Ye Shu's idea is not just how much money he can make for himself. Some of the measures they use to attract other businessmen are meaningless to him. He didn't start the industry entirely for money.

The headquarters of Taiji Pharmaceutical Company and Taiji Medical Equipment Company are both in his hometown, and many production factories are located in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei. The GDP of the three provinces will be outstanding this year.

It can even be said that relying on the industries he set up there, the three provinces will achieve leapfrog development, and even Guangdong, which is at the forefront of reform and opening up, will be surpassed.

What he wants is this effect. Don't throw all the good things in his bowl, but also leave opportunities for other provinces to develop. Industries with high added value and low transportation requirements are very suitable for inland provinces.

Among the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, his hometown receives the most care. The headquarters of the textile industry, energy industry, electrical industry, medical equipment, medicine, battery, environmental protection and other industries are all there. These are stable and profitable industries. .

Of course, the other two provinces are not bad. Most of the high-tech industries such as grain and oil, beverages, cutting-edge equipment manufacturing, chemistry, smelting, papermaking, and software are located in these two provinces.

ah is not bad either. Although Huanyu Group's automobile industry bases are widely distributed, most of its business is located along the river in ah, such as Anqing, Chizhou, Wuhu, etc., all of which have their industrial layout.

There is also Fengming Technology Company in Hefei. Although it may not provide as many jobs as the automobile manufacturing industry, it still earns a lot of money. It is a huge industry for a city.

Now he is deploying the energy industry and food industry in Henan. For Henan, it is also a rare development opportunity, which is the embodiment of his will.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing naturally had no objection. As he said, although making money is important, it is not the most important thing.

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