Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 710: First Negotiation, Unhappy Parting


In fact, the reactions of major cities in China are also expected. Most of Yezishu’s industries were located in the capital and Guangdong. It is acceptable for everyone to develop in these two places.

After all, one of these two places is at the forefront of reform and opening up, and the other is a political and cultural center, with rich resources in universities, so the development of these industries is not very jealous.

As he has deployed many industries in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, even ah next to him has also deployed heavyweight industries. At first, it was okay because of its small scale.

But since last year, the situation has changed, and these industries have successively produced huge profits, making the economic growth of these places very fast.

The rapid growth last year can also be said that the foundation of these places is relatively weak, and a very high growth rate can be achieved with a little effort, but this year's data is still very exaggerated.

Hunan is actually better. Although the grain and oil industry has been arranged, the prospects are very good, but due to various factors, they cannot expand production quickly, and their development has been limited to a certain extent.

Although there is also a large-scale growth, it is not that exaggerated, but the economic growth of the other two provinces is more exaggerated, and the performance is extremely outstanding.

Thanks to Kirin Basic Industry Group, Hubei is unique in the field of high-precision manufacturing. Although these equipment will not be sold, but due to the large-scale investment in its entire system, the revenue of this area has grown very fast.

In addition, they also operate industries such as chemical industry, metal smelting, and material manufacturing. With the development of the domestic economy and the increase in demand for industries within the system, these industries have also achieved tremendous development.

This year is not the stage for these industries to really exert their strength, because many of them are still in the construction stage. Although the technology is advanced, the scale of production capacity is not very large. The stage of real strength should be next year.

In addition to Kirin Basic Industry Group, the development of Kirin Paper Industry Group is also in full swing. In the first half of the year, it achieved revenue of more than 150 billion yuan. It is not a big problem to achieve revenue of 300 billion yuan this year.

Among the three provinces, Jiangxi is the most exaggerated. The textile industry continues to develop, the pharmaceutical industry has sprung up, medical equipment is also developing rapidly, and the energy industry is also struggling to develop.

Especially in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries, the speed of development this year is too exaggerated, and the performance is particularly obvious, and these industries are either very stable industries or high-tech industries.

This is divided by the headquarters. In actual operation, the three provinces are actually arranged in a staggered manner, which makes the overall anti-risk ability stronger. From the perspective of gdp performance, the difference will not be very different.

Although there is no exact data yet, Ye Zishu predicts that the total gdp data of the three provinces will exceed the 10 trillion yuan mark this year, and the probability is very high.

Such a large economy,

The economic belt in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River has begun to emerge. If the layout of ah is included, the scale will be even larger, even surpassing the two previous economic zones, and becoming the largest economic zone in the country.

These places, which were still suffering before, are now suddenly emerging, and anyone who sees them is jealous. Moreover, the development potential of these industries is huge, and there is even greater room for future growth.

If nothing else, in the next three years, the total economic volume of the three provinces will exceed the 20 trillion yuan mark, becoming the leading economically developed region in China.

It can be said that Ye Zishu has changed the original industrial development layout in the country by virtue of its own power. Now it is the traffic that restricts the development of these places.

Although Wancheng Foundation has signed a framework agreement for the construction of more than 100,000 kilometers of expressways, these three provinces are the first to start construction. After the traffic problem is no longer a problem, the development potential will be stronger.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu did not go into politics, otherwise he would definitely be envious of such a situation, and would definitely think of pulling the investment here to his own territory.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some local governments reacted, but he already had a relatively complete plan, and it was impossible to change it just because of some preferential conditions.

Compared with making money, he feels that being able to make the industrial layout develop according to his own ideas gives him a greater sense of accomplishment. How much money he makes now is no longer exciting for him.

The most obvious change is when he returns home during the Chinese New Year and sees that the small county town has started to build according to the planning of a modern city. This kind of change is what he wants to see, and it makes him feel full of accomplishment.

After spending a whole day with Pei Qing, after dinner, Ye Zishu went back to his study to start working and finished writing the medical book, which made him feel relaxed both physically and mentally.

His next job is to sort out shipbuilding technology for Huanyu Group. This part of the industry will basically be located in the Bohai Bay area, and only ship repair and maintenance bases will be built in other areas.

The previous industries were basically located in the south, and the layout was not very balanced, so all the shipbuilding business was placed in Bohai Bay to support the economic development of several northern provinces.

This is also a plan for the future. If the state-owned enterprises really want to carry out a thorough reform, the most laid-off workers should be in the former industrial centers in the north, and industries with a large number of workers must be established in these places.

The shipbuilding industry meets his requirements. The shipbuilding industry is also a heavy industry, which is very in line with the industrial characteristics of these places. Secondly, shipbuilding is both technology-intensive and labor-intensive, and it is also a capital-intensive industry.

In fact, this is not his first layout. Many of his heavy industries have layouts in these places. This time, he intends to put the shipbuilding industry here, just to further strengthen the previous layout.

If he has time, he may sort out the technology of the civil aviation passenger aircraft manufacturing industry in advance, and this part of the industry will be placed in Sichuan to speed up the economic development of Southwest my country.

If it develops well, the civil aviation airliner manufacturing business may reach an output value of tens of billions of yuan. Coupled with some of his previous layouts here, it should be able to play a good role as an economic accelerator.

When Ye Zishu was busy until 10 o'clock, Pei Qing came in with the snacks she made, advised him to go to bed early, and went out directly.

Basically, Pei Qing can't read the things written by Ye Zi, because no one knows whether the things he wrote can be read or not. In this respect, Pei Qing has a good sense of proportion.

If it was Ye Ziqi, he would probably move a stool and sit by the side to watch. This is the difference between a woman and a younger sister. Ye Zishu responded and continued to work.

After working until 12 o'clock, Ye Zishu stretched himself, turned off the computer, left the study room, washed up in the bathroom outside, and walked softly to the bedroom.

She thought that Pei Qing had already gone to bed, so she avoided disturbing her sleep, and went to wash up outside, but when she opened the door, she found that Pei Qing was still lying on the bedside reading a book, not feeling sleepy at all.

"I thought you were already asleep." Ye Zishu said.

"I plan to wait for you until 12 o'clock. If you don't come to sleep, I won't wait for you." Pei Qing put the book aside, lifted the quilt and patted it, and said with a smile.

Ye Zishu didn't say much, and went to bed quickly, then hugged Pei Qing, and kissed her fiercely. I won't describe the following things, anyway, the two of them were satisfied in the end.

The next morning, after eating the breakfast made by Pei Qing, Ye Zishu went out directly and drove to the place where the meeting was held. This meeting was of a high level, and he was alone, so he had to be careful.

Entering the venue, I found that there were already a lot of people here, but Ye Zishu hardly knew anyone. This kind of meeting can be described as good or bad.

The advantage is that he doesn't have to worry about the face of his acquaintances, and can completely follow the business rules to negotiate, so that he can win more benefits for himself.

The downside is that once serious differences arise and cooperation cannot be reached for a long time, there will be no acquaintance recognized by both parties to smooth things over, and they may break up unhappy.

Seeing Ye Zishu approaching, the person who hosted the meeting looked at the scene. Basically, all the personnel had arrived, and directly announced the start of the negotiation, leaving Ye Zishu without a sip of tea.

The next negotiation was exactly as he expected, and the other party insisted on calculating the licensing price based on the actual R\u0026D and construction costs, because they could reduce a lot of costs in this way.

You must know that the total cost of his system does not exceed 40 billion yuan, while the old m's system exceeds 200 billion yuan, which is even more advanced than the other party.

If we talk about cost, it is definitely not in the interests of Ye Zishu. This completely wipes out his value, which is unacceptable to him.

Therefore, he insisted on calculating according to the actual market value. The two sides explained their positions very politely at the beginning, but when they entered the substantive negotiation stage later, the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

In fact, they have a natural psychological advantage over Ye Zishu, because after all, Ye Zishu is just a businessman, while behind the opponent is the country and the military.

Originally, Ye Zishu also planned to make concessions, because if the negotiation is completely based on market value, the possibility of negotiation is relatively low, and the best result is to make concessions.

But in the middle, someone actually used his identity to suppress him, which made him annoyed instantly, and the originally planned concession was shelved directly, and the smell of gunpowder began at this time.

Ye Zishuben is a master who eats soft but not tough. The most annoying thing is that others use his status and righteousness to oppress him. He can respect righteousness, but it is not others who put this on his neck, which makes him disgusted.

Although the future business of Baihu Technology Company depends on them, the relationship will be very unfavorable to the future business development of Baihu Technology Company, but if you lose at this time, if you compromise at this time, Baihu Technology Company will not be able to do a good job in the future .

So the two sides quarreled for half an hour, each refusing to give in, and Ye Zishu didn't bother to continue arguing here, he didn't have that much time, so he said: "Since we can't reach an agreement, let's go here and let us know when there is a new plan." I."

After speaking, he left the meeting room directly. Before he came, he knew that there would be disagreements, but he didn't expect to encounter such a situation, and there was no need to continue the discussion.

He wasn't afraid that they would get stuck, and he would quit at the worst. If he wanted to use this to control himself, there was no way.

The other party did not expect Ye Zishu to be so aggressive. This is completely different from the results of the other party's previous analysis. Ye Zishu gave the outside world the impression that he was calm and rarely made radical remarks. He should have a good temper.

Just now, using power to suppress others was one of their negotiating strategies, but they didn't expect to completely anger Ye Zishu, so they simply stopped talking, and the existence itself would be confiscated.

Seeing the back of Ye Zishu leaving, the person in charge of the meeting coughed twice and said: "It was indeed a bit too much just now, go back and review it, and come up with a new plan at the same time. This matter can't be delayed for too long."

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