Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 715: No pity at all


When he got home, Pei Qing hadn't left work yet, so he checked the refrigerator and found that there were still some ingredients in it, so he simply processed these ingredients, so that he could cook them directly when Pei Qing came back.

After dealing with these, Ye Zishu returned to his study to continue working. Compared with super maglev trains and high-speed rail trains, there are many more types of ships.

In fact, his original intention was to organize the basic technical information, including materials, key components, and shipbuilding equipment. With these things, shipbuilding will become very simple.

However, Huanyu Group has never done this business after all. Even if it recruits talents from other shipyards, its experience in building large ships is lacklustre.

If they were allowed to study slowly, it would take a long time, and he couldn't wait any longer. Now that the domestic export trade volume is very large, it is basically handed over to foreign shipping companies.

This approach is fine in normal times. If something happens and people are unwilling to transport it, the domestic export business will be hit hard and we have to guard against it.

He never wanted to put potential dangers under others. Although many people in this era seem a little unreasonable, he didn't care about it and only followed his own ideas.

In the future, my country's bulk commodity import and export business will continue to skyrocket, and the demand for sea transportation will be very large. It is necessary to establish our own ocean transportation company as soon as possible to undertake this transportation task.

Therefore, he had to carry out a detailed design of every available ocean-going freighter. The Huanyu Group could start working directly after obtaining these technical materials, instead of slowly designing.

He must ensure that Huanyu Group can complete the construction of the entire industrial chain within one year, and has the ability to manufacture all ocean-going cargo ships.

Therefore, the whole process may take longer than the ultra-high-speed maglev train. As long as you have time, you have to do something, which is called stealing time.

Just as Ye Zishu was immersed in work, the door of the study was opened, and Pei Qing said, "When did you come back, are you hungry?"

Ye Zishu glanced at the time, it was already six o'clock, and said with a smile: "I have only been home for two hours, and I went to see Dongzi at noon, and stopped by his house for a meal."

After hearing what he said, Pei Qing's eyes showed a hint of envy. She knew that Ye Zishu had a bad impression of her family, so she never suggested visiting her house, and she never mentioned it either.

Obviously Guo Dongsheng and Guo Dongmei are better than her in this aspect, but she can't change it. The original family is like this, and it can't be changed with a few words.

She has moved out for a long time, and her family doesn't really care much about how she is doing outside. Apart from asking for money every month, they basically don't ask about other things.

to be honest,

In fact, she herself was a little disheartened, and then she didn't need them to call, and transferred the money at a fixed time every month.

20,000 yuan per month is enough for them to live a comfortable life. Don't think about more. There have been troubles because of this, but her attitude is very firm.

From this point of view, Pei Qing is actually a poor person, which also caused her to focus on Ye Zishu and her career all the time. Only in this way can she have the value of existence.

Ye Zishu didn't notice the envy in her eyes, but continued with a smile, "I saw some dishes in the refrigerator when I came back, so I prepared them. You can cook them directly when you come back."

Hearing what he said, the smile on Pei Qing's face became even wider, which showed that Ye Zishu still cared about her very much. You must know that the most troublesome part of cooking is picking vegetables. In fact, it doesn't take much time to cook vegetables.

"Then I'll do it!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Well, I'll finish it right away." Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

Seeing Pei Qing go out, Ye Zishu continued to bury his head in his work. He is still in the stage of sorting out the materials and technical information. After sorting out the materials, he will start sorting out the ship's power system.

As long as these two problems are solved, most of the technical problems of shipbuilding will be solved. Except for special ships, there are very high requirements in design, and there are many supporting facilities, such as lng ships.

Ordinary ships are not that complicated, and it is also possible to draw a ladle from a gourd, but what he wants is not only to build it, but also to be easy to use, which is reflected in various aspects.

Among them, reducing maintenance costs, saving energy consumption, and the stability of ships in various environments, etc., these are not simply imitated, but more scientific calculations are required.

Leaf Book will not only provide their own design, but also provide many advanced algorithm technologies to help them improve their overall shipbuilding capabilities. If they want to design other ships in the future, these technologies will come in handy.

In fact, the shipbuilding industry as a whole is not a high-profit industry. Like large oil tankers, the price per ton is only about 4,000 yuan, and the price of a ton of steel is several thousand yuan.

Of course, the tonnage of a ship is not equal to the weight of the ship.

In addition to labor costs and other expenses, in fact, he can't make much money. The reason why he wants to enter is because it can provide more employment, and he doesn't want to be stuck in this area.

In his previous life, he has seen too many so-called sanctions, which are all-encompassing and a little frenzied. For the sake of caution, even if we don't make much money, we can't do without it.

Not to mention a fairly acceptable industry like shipbuilding, even small objects used in daily life, our country must have a certain right to speak.

Not to mention that domestic labor costs are relatively low now, and it is still profitable to do these industries. Even if the per capita income is high in the future, these industries cannot be completely abandoned.

It's just that at that time, more automated equipment will be used to replace manpower in order to continue to maintain sufficient competitiveness. Other countries may not need to do this, but we must.

Only by adhering to the development of the entire industrial chain and adhering to the independence of a complete set of industrial systems can we stand firm despite the ups and downs outside.

He even started to solve the energy problem. In the future, except for other minerals that need to be purchased from outside, the rest can be self-satisfied through technical means.

Of course, these are all precautions. In fact, as long as we have absolute technical strength, the whole world will rely on us. At the same time, strengthening our penetration into the global economy is also a means.

It's just that this kind of method that usually looks good, once it really encounters a situation like the Cold War, it may not be effective, because it is no longer an economic issue.

That's why he made multiple preparations, not only to strengthen economic integration in peacetime, but also to prevent our development from having a huge impact under special circumstances.

Half an hour later, Ye Zishu stopped what he was doing. Apart from the study, Pei Qing was serving food from the kitchen. Ye Zishu hurried to the kitchen to help bring out the food.

Regardless of whether one is the world's super rich and the other is the president of the world's top company, the food is no different from that of an ordinary family, just some stir-fried meat with vegetables, all bought from ordinary vegetable markets.

It's not that they really want to be so frugal, but it's hard to buy high-end products if they want to sell them. They can't buy abalone, ginseng and bird's nest every day.

Moreover, these things are rare and good things in the eyes of outsiders, but in the eyes of Ye Zishu, he can actually synthesize all the nutrients contained in them, and the effect is much better than eating these things.

Besides, they are still young and have not reached such a nourishing level. Foods with Chinese medicinal properties need to be eaten carefully. Eating too much is not a good thing.

In addition to these reasons, he also knows that it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Although he does not deliberately want to be frugal, he will not deliberately pursue luxury. The most important thing is to maintain a normal mind.

"I heard that Dongmei went to Wancheng Jiye and was too busy to touch the ground. This is really hard for her." Pei Qing looked at Ye Zishu and said.

"There is no one who succeeds casually. It is normal to suffer. Even though she was born as a top student at Tsinghua University, if she does not have this opportunity to exercise, it is still difficult to take on a big job." Ye Zishu said.

"You don't care about fragrance and jade at all!" Pei Qing said angrily.

"I'm not as hateful as you said, at least his brother has laid the foundation for her. This time, he transferred her to let Guo Dongsheng recuperate his body so that there is no real problem.

The second is to allow her to go to more important positions to exercise, so that if she wants to be reused in the future, she will not be incompetent and have no opportunities.

The third is that when Guo Dongsheng was in office, although he did a good job, it was still a bit rough. As a high-achieving student, she was able to further refine the management of Wancheng Foundation.

Now Wancheng Foundation has taken advantage of its wealth and strength, but in the long run, with the rise of other capital, it will not be enough just to rely on wealth and strength.

In order to gain an advantage in the fiercer market competition in the future, every detail must be in place and the best in the industry, so as to be invincible with strong capital.

If there is no foresight, there will be near-term worries. The country has faintly intended to relax the development of real estate. When the time comes, this industry will compete with each other. It is necessary to further lay a solid foundation and prepare for the future.

The fourth is to hope that she can further diversify the operation of Wancheng Foundation. Before that, the main business was real estate and supporting industrial chains. Although there are other businesses, the scale is not very large.

In contrast, as a management major, she is more comfortable with this kind of diversified management. If it is Guo Dongsheng, it may be even harder. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing grasped the main point from such a long series of words, so she asked: "Where do you plan to arrange Dongmei in the future?"

Ye Zishu heard this, glanced at Pei Qing, and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet, but it's always right to reserve more talents. If I need them, I won't be able to find them."

Although Pei Qing didn't say anything after hearing this, she didn't think so in her heart. In fact, she was not stupid. Ye Zishu is still the president of Qilin Industrial Group.

But according to his current behavior, basically he rarely asks this group company, saying that there is no difference between having a president and not having one. This situation cannot last for a long time.

Right now, Kirin Industrial Group's entire stall is not very big, and the autonomy given to the subordinates is very high. However, in the future, the industry will further develop, and it will not be suitable to continue like this.

The president of this group company will be handed over sooner or later. It is not clear who will be handed over at that time, but she thinks there is a high probability that Guo Dongmei will take over.

On the one hand, this shows that the Guo family has an unusual position in his heart, and on the other hand, it also shows that the Qilin Industrial Group has an unusual position in his heart, otherwise there is no need to be so cautious in the selection of the president.

The presidents of these conglomerates like his were recruited from the outside at first, and they didn't even think about training for a period of time, and they all went straight to work.

This is the difference. Only the more important things are, the more cautious they will be. They must be handed over to someone they trust, and they are afraid that the person they trust will not be able to do it.

"That's true. You don't have much time to spend on industrial management, and you like to think about what you want. It is very necessary to reserve more talents." Pei Qing agreed with a smile.

Hearing what she said about himself, Ye Zishu smiled and did not refute. He must have a big plan, but it is impossible to do this in a side-by-side manner.

A wise man is bound to make a mistake, and he doesn't feel ashamed, and the things he thinks about come out are actually developing very well.

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