Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 716 Open and honest negotiations


After dinner, Ye Zishu received the news that the negotiations would continue at the old place tomorrow morning, and Ye Zishu also agreed. It is better to have a conclusion on this matter as soon as possible.

Watching TV with Pei Qing at night, the two of them are actually not that fond of watching TV, they just take advantage of the opportunity to accompany each other.

At nine o'clock, Pei Qing went back to read, and Ye Zishu went back to work in the study. He was busy until 12 o'clock before going to bed. If he was alone, he would definitely be busy until four o'clock in the morning.

However, he also took advantage of the opportunity of more sleep time to study in the virtual library. During this time, he began to learn about quantum knowledge.

Since writing these medical works, he plans to stop studying these contents for a while, and prepare to change his mind and understand the knowledge of quantum.

Not to mention advanced applications, quantum communication and quantum computing alone are enough to bring changes to society, especially quantum communication, which is widely used in the military field.

He plans to use this technology on the communication satellite system, when the communication satellite will integrate the two modes of electromagnetic communication and quantum communication.

Electromagnetic communication is mainly used in the civilian field, while quantum communication will be used in the military field. He believes that the most suitable place is submarine communication.

If electromagnetic waves are used, it is difficult to communicate with the submarine under the sea in real time. Once the submarine floats up to receive information, it may be exposed.

Nowadays, ultra-low frequency communication is generally used, and low-frequency electromagnetic waves have better penetration to achieve the purpose of communication, but the communication rate is very low, and only simple information reception can be performed.

If quantum communication is used, there will be no such troubles. Not only will it be more secure, but any obstacle will not be able to block quantum communication, because it cannot interfere with it and has a high degree of stability.

Quantum computing is more important. At present, it is limited by the computing power of classical computers. In fact, artificial intelligence technology has come to an end. Even if he has better ideas and technologies, it is difficult to continue to improve.

Because in the case of upgrading, the computing power is not enough to support, not only the cost is high, but also the benefits are very low, which is not an optimal state.

If there is a quantum computer and the generality problem is solved, artificial intelligence will be much more effective than it is now, even if it is not improved at the software level.

In addition to these two, he also needs to find more advanced large-capacity storage technology. The remote sensing satellite system generates a large amount of data every moment, and it is impossible to store it for a long time.

Now the storage media used for long-term data storage and backup is tape, mainly because of its low price and huge storage capacity, which meets commercial needs.

However, it is not enough to use it for remote sensing data storage.

No matter how cheap the price is, the storage speed is too slow, and no matter how fast the tape spins, it still belongs to the mechanical category and is bound to be limited by the mechanical structure.

He had thought about using dna storage technology before. In fact, someone had tried dna information storage technology as early as 1988 and achieved certain results.

But the advantages and disadvantages are also obvious. The advantage is that the density of stored information is high. One kilogram of dna material can store all the data of human beings decades later.

The shortcomings are also obvious, the cost is high, and he still has a way to solve this, but the speed of reading information is not fast, which is a fatal shortcoming for him.

So what he wants to do is not to build information storage technology completely according to the appearance of biological dna, but to build a set of advanced bionic dna storage technology.

Instead of simply using phosphate polyester to build, because the stability is poor, it is also prone to mutations. Small-scale mutations can also be prevented by the verification system, but if there are many and dense mutations, it is very difficult to solve.

So he first needs to find a suitable material, which needs to reach the molecular level, has a high degree of stability, and at the same time needs to access data quickly.

Only by realizing data storage at the molecular level can the requirement of high density be realized. How to realize fast data storage, he believes that it can be achieved by rapidly changing the molecular state.

The change of this molecular position must have the characteristics of detectability, main structure stability, and easy changeability. The reason is very simple. The changeability means that information can be written without too complicated technology.

Detectability means that the data in the storage can be read out. The stability of the main structure means that no matter how many times it is read and written, the overall mechanism constructed by many molecules will not change, which can ensure the security of the overall information storage.

So to say a thousand words and ten thousand means to find material materials that meet so many conditions. If you find everything, you can do it easily, and if you can't find it, you can avoid talking about it.

For this reason, he plans to study computational materials science. It is definitely unrealistic to find such materials from nature, and artificial synthesis is needed to meet these requirements.

Seeing Pei Qing fall asleep, Ye Zishu directly entered the virtual space to start a new learning journey, and he would be the first to see if there was any ready-made technology.

It is good to have ready-made technology, at least you don't need to spend a lot of time learning theoretical knowledge, and you also need to learn theoretical knowledge, knowing it is not enough.

But he can't spend a lot of time looking for ready-made technology. If he doesn't find it, it will be a waste of time, so he sets a time limit and spends no more than one hour of virtual space time per day on this work.

If there is no result, stop and learn theoretical knowledge. Although this is not perfect, it will not be nothing. It is a compromise arrangement.

The next day, Ye Zishu ate the breakfast made by Pei Qing, and drove directly to the place where the meeting was held yesterday. When he came, there were already all the people here. It wasn't that Ye Zishu was late, but they were early.

Seeing Ye Zishu approaching, the negotiation started immediately. This time, there was no extravagant talk, and we went straight to the point, so everyone stopped playing tricks.

After open and honest negotiations, the total value of the satellite positioning system was estimated at 100 billion yuan, and both parties made concessions, and Ye Zishu did not care about it.

Then there is the issue of apportionment ratio. This link took a lot of time. After half an hour of back and forth, the ratio was set at 50%, which means that they are willing to bear a cost of 50 billion yuan for this.

But it's not a one-time payment to Baifu Technology Company, because they can't afford that much money in a short time, after all, there must be a plan for spending money.

So it was negotiated to pay 5 billion yuan a year, which is more expensive than a one-time payment. This is because the time cost is included, and the daily service fee is also included.

After the main issues are negotiated, the rest is the minutiae, such as the pricing of the navigation chip. They can't pay so much money and have to bear the high price of the navigation chip.

In this regard, Ye Zishu only talked about a principled framework, because there are too many details, and it is difficult to fully discuss it in a short time. He intends to hand over this part of the work to the management of Baihu Technology Company.

The two parties did not expect that in the case of being honest with each other, they completed this difficult task in less than one morning, and their mutual favorability increased a lot in an instant.

It shows that everyone is taking the overall situation into consideration, so Ye Zishu brought up the issue of the remote sensing satellite system. If it is not for military use, he cannot possibly need such an advanced remote sensing satellite system.

If it is for civilian use, the accuracy does not need to be so high, and the shooting frequency does not need to be so fast. It is enough to scan the earth once a day, and it is even considered fast.

It can be said that the high technical requirements of the remote sensing satellite system are entirely for them, so they can no longer share the cost according to the ratio of 50%, otherwise, it will not be able to earn back the cost only by relying on the civilian or commercial field.

66 satellites, each satellite 2 billion yuan, the total cost is 132 billion yuan, if calculated according to technology, the price will be even higher.

Ye Zishu introduced the basic situation of the remote sensing satellite system, and let them fully understand the advanced nature of this satellite system, so that it is easy to negotiate the price.

Sure enough, when they heard the data from Ye Zishu, the eyes of the people at the scene were almost brightened. They were so advanced that they felt a bit out of tune with this era.

But when he said that the cost of this system was as high as 132 billion yuan, he suddenly felt a little out of sorts. It was too expensive, and they faintly felt a little bad.

Sure enough, Ye Zishu thinks that the total value of this system is 200 billion yuan, which should not be too much, and he thinks that there is no need to continue the discussion in this regard, because he has already made concessions.

They still wanted to negotiate the price, but Ye Zishu was unmoved and still insisted on this valuation. What he said directly was his bottom line, and he just didn't want to continue to argue.

Seeing that he was not willing to pay, they gave up. In fact, according to the valuation given by Ye Zishu, it is not very expensive. The premium has not exceeded 100%, which is very low in the high-tech field.

What's more, this satellite system is far beyond the existing technology. Having such a system means that no ants running on the earth can escape the eyes of this satellite system.

For them, it is of great significance and has extremely high strategic value, so seeing that he did not make any concessions, he recognized this valuation, because they really needed it, and the price was acceptable.

It's just that in terms of apportionment ratio, the other party wants to keep the 50% ratio, which Ye Shu is definitely not willing to do. If it's not for them, if it's just for civilian use, there's no need to be so advanced at all.

There is even no need to launch so many satellites, only three satellites are enough, and the investment cost is only a few billion yuan. The investment gap in the middle is too big.

If the ratio is 50%, it means that Baihu Technology Company will not only make no money, but will lose a lot of money. It is impossible for him to agree to this plan.

The plan given by Ye Zishu is that they will bear 90% of the cost. If they really want to agree, it means that they need to pay 10 billion yuan for this every year.

Although the domestic economy has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the budget they have obtained has increased, they can't spend it like this. If there are a few more systems like this, no one can stand it.

After all, it is impossible for their budget to be spent on it. There are still a lot of weapons and equipment to be purchased, and the living conditions of soldiers need to be improved. There are many places to spend money.

After some intense bargaining, Ye Zishu finally agreed to share 80% of the share. As for less, he disagreed, because if it was lowered, Baihu Technology Company would not be able to make money.

Now Baihu Technology Company is already heavily in debt. If they don't want to make money as soon as possible, their debt scale will be even greater, and they will not be able to do follow-up work.

To be honest, he is actually not confident that he can earn 40 billion yuan from the civilian commercial field, because the pricing in the civilian commercial field is market-oriented, and if the price is too high, no one is willing to cooperate.

Generally speaking, these two sets of satellite systems are the least profitable of all his commercial projects, but the reality is that it is difficult for him to ask for a high price, and it is not appropriate to ask for a price that is too high.

They didn't intend to have lunch either, and immediately began to discuss the details of the remote sensing satellite system, such as the regulations on civil accuracy, which must be determined by them.

Leaf Book can't be completely left to them, because if the accuracy of civilian use is too low, it will not be competitive in the market, at least it must be market competitive, otherwise they will not be able to make money from the civilian commercial market.

After the talk, Ye Zishu was already very hungry. He was planning to go home for dinner, so he hurriedly had a meal here at the hotel to solve the problem of food and clothing first.

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