Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 721 Keep everything in one hand


When having dinner with Pei Qing, Ye Zishu asked about the review of medical books. The school season is coming soon. If the textbook review is not passed, it will be too late.

The course content of the freshman year is relatively basic. Although I have added a lot of my own things in it, it is not too much, and it is quite satisfactory.

It stands to reason that the review should be relatively fast, and with the support of detailed papers, it should not be difficult for domestic experts and scholars, and there is not much doubt.

"Actually, the course content of the freshman year has been reviewed and submitted to the Ministry of Education for review, and it should not take long to pass.

It’s just that the content of the books you submitted this time is too much, and it’s difficult to finish the review in a short time.

Especially for the papers you provided, it is not enough to understand the principles inside, and experiments are needed to verify whether what you said is correct, and it will take more time. "Pei Qing said.

He still accepts this statement, but he thinks that some of them can indeed be verified by experimental means, but some are not so easy to verify through experiments.

For example, in the acupuncture theory he provided, acupuncture points really exist, which has been confirmed by traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, but it is difficult to find them through anatomy.

Because the human body is not static, once dead, it is impossible to find the state before death, and it cannot be verified through anatomy.

Not to mention the theory provided by Ye Zishu, not all papers give detailed data, but explain his understanding of the entire system, such as the meridian system in the human body.

And for this purpose, a large number of operable technical references are provided to verify the value of his theory. However, according to the existing scientific definition, the correspondence between the appearance and the theory does not mean that the theory is correct.

It can only be said that it echoes to a certain extent, so aside from these appearances, whether the theory can derive other technologies is a long verification process.

There are many others. If the whole system is to be fully verified, let alone a year or two, it may take decades of work, and it may not be able to prove that his theory is completely correct.

Some of the reasons for this situation are that it is really difficult to explain too clearly, because he knows that things that can be easily verified in the virtual laboratory are difficult to verify in the real world.

There are some things that he is unwilling to explain too clearly, and whether he can understand them all depends on one's understanding. The most typical one is his book on systematic medicine.

Although compared with the ancient medical books, it is much clearer and the explanations are self-contained, but it is not easy to understand.


What do they think of the systems medicine I write about? "Leaf Book asked.

Hearing him mention this, Pei Qing immediately became interested. His other books are actually not very controversial, because they are too in line with the current scientific framework, and they only need to be verified step by step.

However, the book of systematic medicine is not supported by any papers, nor is it explained by any data. It is full of Chinese, and some parts of the text are understandable, but they seem to be incomprehensible.

During this period of time, Pei Qing used her spare time to read this book. She felt that what was said in it made sense, but after she closed her eyes and sorted it out, she found that there were still many things she didn't understand.

She also wanted to find a time to discuss the content of this book with him, but he was busy most of the time except for eating time, so he had no chance to discuss the content of this book at all.

Now that he mentioned this, Pei Qing naturally didn't miss this opportunity, so she said: "There are great differences among the expert group when it comes to this book.

Most of the people who appreciate it are from traditional Chinese medicine scholars. They think your book is a systematic summary of our country's traditional medical skills, which is of great value.

Those who are noncommittal are all scholars engaged in Western medicine. They think that your theory seems to be justified, but there is no verifiable data to support it. You must treat it with caution and do not mislead others. "

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu asked curiously: "Is there no strong objection?"

Noncommittal is already a very neutral word, which means that it is not clear whether the content is true or not, and it is not easy to treat it as a scientific category for the time being.

In other words, neither agree nor disagree, which is interesting. It shows that the content inside is reasonable from the perspective of logical self-consistency, but from the perspective of experimental science, it is not operable.

"That's not true, because the content in this book does have some truth, it plays an outline role, and there is nothing wrong with its logical self-consistency.

What's more, there are so many works in front of you, which shows that you will definitely not be aimless, and they dare not say that you don't understand anything, even if they don't agree, they don't dare to say that you are wrong.

Because once you say it is wrong, you have to find out the wrong arguments, and you cannot deny your theory without any basis.

However, they also think that your book is not suitable for use as a teaching material in the college curriculum, and can only be used as an extracurricular reference. "Pei Qing said.

He was not very sad about this. When he chose to write this book, he considered the possibility of such a situation, so he couldn't help but write it.

The reason why he wrote it was not to ask for approval from many people. Whether it is recognized or not, this book exists objectively. If you don’t believe it, you are not a person with predestined relationship.

"I don't care about this, but I still hope that within the Tai Chi Group, you will hand out a copy of this book. If you have nothing to do, read more, especially for practitioners in Tai Chi medical institutions. There is no harm in reading more." Ye Zishu said calmly .

This book only has 200,000 words, but it took him a month to write it. Every word in it has cost him a lot of energy, and he can't fully understand it after reading it just once or twice.

Therefore, this book needs to be read often in order to keep it fresh. Only when you firmly believe that it is correct can you better integrate into the scene of this book and have more experience.

"Actually, I would like to ask, your other works are very clear and detailed, and it is not difficult to understand, but why is it completely different when writing this book?" Pei Qing asked.

"Some things don't need to be written too clearly, because the more clear they are, the less room for imagination, and what they learn is only my personal understanding.

When writing this book, I tried to abandon my personal understanding and elevate it to a higher level. Although it is difficult to understand, everyone will have different gains from it. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

For a book of 200,000 words, one day is enough at his writing speed, but he wrote it for a full month, which shows how hard he is, almost the result of careful consideration of every word.

"Not only that?" Pei Qing asked with a smile.

Or Pei Qing knew him well, and when he heard Pei Qing say that, he smiled and said, "What else can I do?"

Seeing his cheap expression, Pei Qing rolled his eyes at him angrily, and said: "You always like to keep your hands in things, I think you are still too cautious."

Ye Zishu did not approve of this, and he shook his head and said: "This world is both open and closed, and conquest and exploitation are happening all the time.

Unless there is a great unification in the world, without so much prejudice and arrogance, and without so much exploitation and slavery, I will not have such concerns.

In fact, I am also quite contradictory. The more advanced technology a human being possesses, the more it will have a tendency to self-destruct. Of course, this may also be the common fate of intelligent life. "

After hearing what he said, Pei Qing fell silent, with a pensive expression on her face, Ye Zishu didn't speak, and continued to eat with her head buried.

After a long time, Pei Qing suddenly realized: "No wonder these books you wrote are all about curing diseases and saving lives, but there is nothing about serious harm."

Don't think that medical books must be methods of curing diseases and saving lives. In fact, they can also have a lot of destructive content, the most typical one is the study of virology.

When writing about virology, Ye Zishu did not elaborate too much on the virus itself. The relevant content was based on existing theories in today’s society, and most of the content was focused on how to prevent the spread of the virus and how to treat it.

It is because he feels that if he explains the virus too clearly, it may not bring good results. There are always people who like to use this technology as a weapon to achieve their own goals.

This is also the reason why he said the above words. He has to consider whether his results will be used inappropriately, even if he knows that doing so may be futile, but he can delay it for a while.

He doesn't care whether others say that he is too cautious or pedantic. He always believes that once human beings master abilities that do not match their own strength, they are dangerous.

This includes wealth, power, technology, etc. Once they do not match their own strength, they will easily expand and cause some bad effects.

Among them, wealth and power, he believes that the harm caused is acceptable, but if too advanced technology is used in an inappropriate place, the consequences may be devastating.

Just like a few decades ago, scientists never dreamed that the theory they worked out through untold hardships was the result of competing research by various countries, which turned out to be the creation of an atomic bomb.

As a scientist, he hopes that his achievements will be used in the right way, but he knows that such an idea is unrealistic, so he would rather the world develop slower than disclose too advanced technologies or theories.

He will keep all the cross-age technologies in his hands. This has formed his habit, even artificial intelligence, a seemingly harmless technology, is the same for him.

Regarding Pei Qing's statement, he neither admitted nor denied, but said with a smile: "Do you think I am a god? I can do anything?"

"You are a god in my heart, and if you are not a god, you are the son of a god!" Pei Qing said with an expression of admiration.

Ye Zishu rolled his eyes at her words, and then said: "We are all ordinary people, just a passer-by in the world of mortals, don't take yourself too seriously, you will fall into the trap of self-worship gone."

After saying this, Ye Zishu didn't let Pei Qing talk, but planned to end the topic, so he continued: "Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, let's eat quickly!"

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