Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 722 Far underestimated the difficulty of simulating the real world


Originally, Ye Shu thought that it would take a week to increase the realism of the simulated world to more than 50%, but he far underestimated the difficulty.

Even if he puts what he has learned into it, it is still far from reaching the goal in his heart. Although there is no exact indicator to indicate what the 50% authenticity is, he still feels that it is far from it.

As for his desire to achieve 80% authenticity, it is far away. He feels that his knowledge reserve is far lower than he imagined. It turns out that his knowledge is also so barren.

So he stopped working and started to stay in the virtual space whenever he was free. At the beginning, he would learn more knowledge from the virtual classroom. It doesn’t matter even if he doesn’t understand it, as long as it is correct.

These contents include physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc. All courses related to science and engineering are the goals he wants to understand.

Even if the virtual space can be used for three days a day, he still feels that his time is too tight, because there are so many things he wants to learn, so much that he doubts whether to proceed.

The complexity brought about by wanting to simulate the world is indeed beyond his imagination, adding all the mysteries of the world explored in the real world before, the degree of realism has only reached about 10%.

We must know that the higher the degree of reality is, the more difficult it is. In the end, even if the time and energy consumed by increasing the degree of reality by 1%, are far beyond the conditions required for the simulation of the previous 10% degree of reality.

Pei Qing also noticed something strange about him during this time. Before that, he was almost working except for work. He was like a robot that couldn't stop, and he never complained about being tired.

But during this period of time, he discovered that he spent most of his time sleeping. Sometimes when he came back from get off work, he was found sleeping on the sofa, and sometimes sleeping on a chair in the study.

At first she thought that Ye Zishu was sick, so she hurriedly asked him to see a doctor, even though he said repeatedly that he was fine, she dragged him to the hospital for a checkup, and found that he was very healthy.

"I told you that when I sleep, I am thinking about problems. Only in this way can I be in a state of meditation, and my brain can let go of everything and enter a deeper state of thinking." Ye Shu explained.

"Okay, as long as you have nothing to do, I don't bother with you?" Pei Qing said angrily.

"I know you're worried about me, but I'm a doctor myself, so I don't know if I'm sick?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Don't you know that doctors don't heal themselves?" Pei Qing said.

When Ye Zishu heard what Pei Qing said, he didn't continue to refute. It's meaningless to refute this kind of thing, as long as she knows that she cares about herself, it's fine.

Seeing his silence, Pei Qing didn't say any more, but asked: "Soon Tianwen Medical School will start,

Do you want to take a look? "

"Forget it, I have encountered a lot of difficulties now, and I need to spend a long time thinking, so I don't plan to waste time." Ye Zishu shook his head and said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing didn't force it. During this time, the teachers of Tianwen Medical College were also studying the medical books he wrote. In fact, they really wanted to meet him and discuss issues face to face.

However, he has been busy all the time. Originally, he wanted to use the opportunity of the start of school to let him go out for a walk. At the same time, he could communicate with the teachers of the college and improve the level of teachers in the school.

Now that he said that he had encountered a big problem, Pei Qing didn't force it. Maybe the abnormality during this period was caused by this.

Time flies by, and September comes quietly, Ye Zishu is still the same as before, except for eating and sleeping, most of the day is spent studying in the virtual space.

Although the study during this period was very hard, even much harder than the 10 years he stayed in his hometown before, the result was very gratifying.

After unremitting efforts to study, although he swallowed the jujube, his own level of understanding is actually not very high, but it does not prevent him from using the knowledge he learned in the system.

By the beginning of September, the authenticity of the entire system had increased to 20%. On the surface, it was no longer so fake. If you show it to outsiders, it is actually difficult to find flaws.

It's just that he's not making a game scene, and it looks flawless on the surface, which is far from meeting his requirements, so he continues to study and strives to achieve the first goal as soon as possible, which is 50% authenticity.

But the problem came again. Originally, he thought that the five supercomputers he personally used would be enough to support the operation of this system.

The result is unexpected. At present, there is only 20% of the real simulation degree, and the five supercomputers are a bit overwhelmed, and the calculation ratio has reached 80%.

He didn't dare to continue to improve, because many of his systems depended on the artificial intelligence run by these supercomputers. If it collapsed, the problem would be serious.

Originally, he wanted to continue adding supercomputers, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, because according to the growth rate of computing power demand, hundreds of supercomputers would not be enough by then.

As the simulation of the world continues to increase in realism, the demand for computing power has shown an exponential growth. Relying on classical computer technology, it is impossible to solve the bottleneck problem of computing power.

Only quantum computers, a technology that is separated from classical computers, can meet his needs, but he does not have ready-made quantum computer technology.

A quantum computer that can take on major tasks must not be a laboratory product, but must be sufficiently mature and stable, and must be sufficiently accurate, at least to reach the accuracy of a classical computer.

Next, his work was almost completely changed to be carried out in the virtual space. In the virtual laboratory, a copy of the system built in the real world was copied.

Next, his work is divided into two parts. One is to continue to learn knowledge and improve his understanding of the real world as much as possible. This is his most important job at present.

Another job is to look for advanced quantum computer manufacturing technology. Now he doesn't care how much he is ahead of the world, as long as it can meet his current needs, he doesn't have much time to think carefully.

Time flew by again, and in mid-September, the new product conference of Qinglong Technology Company was finally held grandly. At this conference, the smartphone that Yeshu thought it would be released was not released.

Because the analysis of Qinglong Technology Company believes that the current scale of 3G network construction has not reached expectations, not to mention foreign ones, they are still in full swing.

Even though the country is much ahead of schedule, due to the vast territory of the country and the relatively conservative investment scale before, the actual coverage area is not as large as imagined.

That is to say, the number of people covered by mobile networks in the world is currently limited, and the launch of smartphones now does not have a good effect, so it is temporarily decided to move to next year.

The biggest highlight of this press conference is actually the service robot. With the technological advantages of the entire industrial system and the leading artificial intelligence technology, they still have a lot of research results in this area.

It's just that Ye Zishu thinks that although such a robot is more eye-catching, it is difficult to take on a big role. If it were him, he would definitely not push it to the market, and he couldn't afford to lose that person.

However, Qinglong Technology Company is different from his thinking. Although there is a certain relationship between the role of robots and the market size, they do not completely correspond.

Because many people buy robots not to replace their labor, but just as a partner. Compared with smart devices such as smart speakers, robots are undoubtedly much more advanced.

This time they launched a variety of robots, which are basically positioned according to the degree of bionics. The general robot also starts at 100,000 yuan, and it does not play a big role.

It can only be used as a guide in some service windows, guiding consumers how to handle business, reminding consumers of some necessary information, or chatting with waiting consumers to relieve boredom.

There were many such robots in the previous life, but the price was much higher than this figure. Qinglong Technology Company believes that the price of 100,000 yuan still has a large market size in the service industry.

Next came robots with higher and higher levels of bionics, whose prices have increased significantly. The price of the highest bionic robot has reached 10 million yuan.

Leaf Book visited their future laboratory last time, and knew about the development progress of these robots. The robots in the laboratory are much higher than the robots in this press conference.

The robots at the press conference don’t have much practical effect. Even a robot priced at 10 million yuan is just a vase. The main reason for the high price is that it needs to be customized.

If there are rich people who like the person they like, or their loved ones have passed away, but they can't explain how they miss them, they can pay a high price for Qinglong Technology Company to customize their image.

However, due to internal materials, it is difficult to be as flexible as us humans, but actions such as walking and talking are basically not much different from humans.

In fact, it's not that it can't be done, but that it's unwilling to take it out prematurely to avoid causing too much panic. This order was issued by Ye Zishu, and it can only be sold on the market if he agrees.

In addition to robots, another highlight is drones, which are also of various types and can meet the needs of all walks of life. It is also a great boon for photographers.

Except for these new products, the rest are basically upgrades to existing products. After all, this major chip upgrade has almost updated their products.

Let these products have more advanced performance, especially electronic products such as personal computers and servers, which are already in an advantageous position, and further enhance their competitiveness.

In his busy schedule, Ye Zishu watched the video of their new product launch event. He definitely didn't have time to watch the live broadcast. The originally four-hour video was finished in less than half an hour.

Generally speaking, he is quite satisfied, but he is a little surprised that the robot is taken out now. Is there really a market for such a vase-like robot?

Anyway, judging from his personal needs, he is absolutely unwilling to spend money on these robots, which are completely impractical and expensive, basically reaching millions of dollars.

But no matter what, in the field of robotics, Qinglong Technology Company has demonstrated its own strength to the outside world, and its image as a high-tech enterprise has become more popular.

As long as this image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the brand value of Qinglong Technology will increase a lot, and people will be more willing to buy their products than before, because these products will be endowed with special value.

Human beings are so superficial, don’t think that only domestic people are greedy for vanity, as long as people are greedy for vanity, products with the same function and quality are obviously more willing to sell products with high brand awareness.

And establishing the image of the world's top high-tech plays an important role in establishing their brand, and sometimes it is much more effective than spending money on advertising.

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