Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 723: The robot is taking the lead


This time, Qinglong Technology Company really intends to show the image of itself as a top technology company to the outside world, and brought out robots that were not originally intended to be marketed.

In the eyes of Ye Zishu, there is no need to introduce such immature products, or products with little practicality, to the market.

Obviously, Qinglong Technology Company has a different view on this. They believe that it is because it is not mature enough that it can be sold to the world with peace of mind. If it is too mature, it may not be able to export.

Even if this restriction does not come from the national level, it will come from his boss, because the impact of practical robots is too great, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a revolutionary product.

It is impossible to sell such a strategic product casually, so they think that the current state should be just right. Although it is not practical, it has many other functions.

Like the 10 million yuan robot they sold to the outside world, the appearance and movement are not much different from normal people, which is why this robot has sold tens of millions of yuan.

But in fact, this robot can't do heavy work. It can only do some work of serving tea and water. It does complicated work and has a slow response speed, which is not as good as humans.

The inability to do heavy work is mainly due to insufficient strength of the mechanical structure. Don’t think that just increasing the structural strength is enough. This kind of humanoid robot is a systematic project. Strengthening one aspect will actually cause discomfort in other aspects.

For example, the enhancement of materials must be driven by more advanced motors, and the motors are more powerful, but the sensitivity must be maintained. The most important thing is that there are thousands of sensor cells on human skin, and robots are very fast with current technology. Difficult to do.

Although the sensor technology of Qinglong Technology Company is at the leading level in the world, there is no way to make the sensor so small. Where humans do things by feeling, robots cannot do it.

There is also a reason for the slow response speed. The previous 90-nanometer process chip, even with an advanced architecture design, still has great obstacles in driving the robot, acting like a mentally retarded person.

Later, Xuanwu Technology Company introduced the 28-nanometer process chip manufacturing technology, and Qinglong Technology Company finally came up with more advanced chips here, but there are still inherent deficiencies in driving robots.

In order to make use of the limited computing power so that the robot is not much different from humans on the surface, they separate the motion calculation chip from the central processing chip, but this also has certain problems.

That is, the movements do not look much different from human beings, but as long as they are slightly complicated, problems will arise, and the performance will not be so natural.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Zishu thinks it is not very practical. It is not a big problem to buy it and go back to serve tea and water, but if you want to replace most of the work of human beings,

That is wishful thinking.

Coupled with the lack of memory space, this kind of robot is very forgetful. Although the space of hundreds of gigabytes in our computer can be used for a long time, the space of a robot may only store half an hour of data.

Of course, you can continue to increase the capacity of accessories, but it doesn't make much sense, because no matter how much you increase it, it is limited after all. There is not much difference between a robot's one-day memory and one-hour memory.

Moreover, the more data stored, the stronger the computing power is required, and a super high data throughput is required. Otherwise, it will take a long time just to search for data.

We can wait more than ten seconds to operate the computer, but every time the robot takes so long, it behaves very stupidly. No one likes such a robot.

In this regard, Qinglong Technology uses the key memory list mode, so that the robot can record more important things and forget many less important memories.

But even so, the overall performance has just reached an acceptable level, that is to say, on the surface, it doesn't look so demented, but forgetfulness definitely exists.

With the current level of technology, if he does not provide a complete set of technology, there is still a long way to go to achieve a substantial breakthrough.

It's just that he didn't stop Qinglong Technology from doing research in this area, because many technologies are not only applied in this area, but can also be used in other places.

The emergence of each technology actually has its significance, and the amount of value generated depends on how to use this technology reasonably, and artificial intelligence has a great say in this aspect.

After the automatic artificial intelligence was upgraded, it began to be applied in the field of scientific research. The more technologies he mastered, the stronger the scientific research assistance provided by artificial intelligence.

It can even expand derivative technologies from existing technologies, which greatly strengthens the scientific research strength and efficiency of his entire system, and promotes the development of its industries at a faster speed.

It's just that he didn't expect that such a weak robot in his opinion would cause a global shock, and the influence of public opinion would be far greater than when they released cross-age electronic products.

Originally, Qinglong Technology Company was just trying to test the market response, and at the same time established its own brand image, completely distanced Qinglong Technology Company from other technology companies, forming a trend of crushing the brand image.

What they really want is to sell drones globally, because drones are undoubtedly much more valuable than robots, which are expensive and less useful.

Cheap drones only cost more than 2,000 yuan, and the most expensive drone products only cost 1 million yuan, which can meet the needs of various groups of people for drones.

Leaving aside other things, the e-commerce company under Phoenix Technology has purchased a batch of logistics drone products for their terminal delivery services.

If the UAV terminal delivery service performs well, it is possible to continue to increase procurement efforts, and the procurement volume will be in units of 100,000.

The price of a terminal logistics distribution drone like this is as high as 100,000 yuan, with a load capacity of 100 kilograms. It is equipped with advanced avionics systems and has a very high technical content.

With a maximum flight radius of 20 kilometers when fully loaded, it can be used for express delivery services in vast rural areas, providing home-delivered formula services for residents living in rural areas.

If the county logistics center is equipped with 10,000 such drones, it will be able to meet the logistics and distribution services in the entire county area, which has a very positive significance for logistics and distribution.

Qinglong Technology Company believes that the drones needed for logistics and distribution alone can bring them tens of billions of dollars in revenue every year. If the e-commerce platform economy is more developed in the future, it is not impossible to reach hundreds of billions of dollars.

As a result, the drone business they were extremely optimistic about was actually occupied by robots that they just used as a display to occupy the main battlefield of public opinion, which was a bit overwhelming.

The domestic media, whether it is a big newspaper or a tabloid, almost all gave the front page headlines to the robot, and some people even directly used "The Beginning of the Robot Age" as the news headline.

The domestic media are almost all enjoying the scene of the arrival of robots. Some expressed concern that they may compete with humans for job opportunities, causing a large number of people to lose their jobs, and social stability will become worse and worse.

It may also cause a more serious imbalance in wealth distribution. Some people even directly use the leaf book as an example, thinking that technological development is a good thing, but if technological exploitation occurs, it will seriously violate the original intention of technology to create a better life.

Everyone knows that Qinglong Technology Company is the industry of Yeshu. If a large number of robots replace human work, Yeshu's personal wealth will further expand, but the common people may be further impoverished.

This kind of development is not sustainable, and the government must do something to prevent the development of science and technology from causing alternative exploitation and causing social unrest.

This is the media with a sense of anxiety, and of course there are also optimistic media. They think that there is no need to worry about these problems, because these problems will be adjusted and resolved by themselves.

For example, although primary labor is replaced by robots, it can allow humans to engage in more innovative jobs and earn higher incomes. At the same time, the state increases the proportion of science and technology tax collection, increases poverty alleviation efforts, and so on.

Because the whole society is in a state of dynamic balance, once the balance cannot be maintained, let alone ordinary people suffer, the entire superstructure will collapse, which is what the whole society does not want to see.

At that time, in order to maintain balance, the superstructure will inevitably adjust itself and actively tilt its interests to the lower level. This is an inevitable result, otherwise it will not be sustainable.

We should be thankful that such technology has appeared in our country. If it appears abroad but we don't have it, it will really be a huge disaster.

So their conclusion is that not only can we not stop the development of robots, but we must also strengthen support so that we can continue to maintain our leading position in the field of robots.

In addition to these paper media's numerous reports, the domestic Internet is also full of opinions, but more people still feel that society is developing too fast.

In the past few years, everyone has clearly felt that the speed of social development is too fast. In terms of salary, the salary has doubled and increased in the past two years, which was never thought of before.

Although the price of goods has inevitably risen a lot, compared with their salary increase, it is still much inferior. Everyone feels that life is much better than before.

In addition, Wancheng Foundation's large-scale infrastructure construction has made it easier for many low-level people to obtain job opportunities, and their family income has also increased a lot. Everyone can really feel these.

The spirit of the whole society has undergone fundamental changes in the past few years. Everyone's yearning for a better life has become more and more real, and the positive sentiment in society is very high.

But everyone has never thought that the robot age is coming so fast, it can be said to be caught off guard, so that almost everyone has not made any mental preparations.

Voices on the Internet have always been mixed. Some expressed surprise, some did not have a clear view of good or bad, some expressed concern, and some remained optimistic.

However, most of the domestic media and Internet forums have a positive attitude towards this. The reason is simple, that is, our country's social system has determined that a situation like capitalism will never occur.

Some people even think that if robots participate in production labor on a large scale, it means that many people can live a comfortable life without working hard.

Compared with the overall optimistic attitude in China, the overseas media are mostly worried. The reason is simple. They are not leading this revolution, and they are likely to be at a disadvantage in international economic competition.

Everyone understands that only when the technological revolution occurs in one's own country can it bring relatively good results. If it happens in other countries, it is hard to predict whether it will be good or bad.

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