Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 724 The robot market is performing amazingly


Whether it is domestic or foreign, it is clearly felt that the competition for the commanding heights of robots will be the top priority of future industrialization development.

No one has started this before, and everyone is still in peace. The developed countries have accumulated a solid foundation by taking the lead in industrialization, and they can freely carve out meat all over the world.

But robots have the ability to change this state. The simplest application of robots is to replace manual laborers, making manual services and labor-intensive industries cheaper.

This is especially evident in developed countries, where labor costs have become unbearable, forcing many people to become all-rounders, because it is too expensive to hire people.

The industrial transfer in developed countries is also because labor costs are too high, so they can only relocate industries with low profits to countries with lower labor costs in order to gain a competitive advantage.

If these jobs could be replaced by a large number of cheap robots, there would be less trouble, and the entire economic system would be more complete.

The use of complex robots has a higher value, because with the development of robots, there must be a rapid improvement in artificial intelligence technology, and the operation of the entire society will be completely different logic.

Of course, it is currently quite difficult to make this point bigger, and everyone is still focusing on the position of manual labor substitutes, because this is relatively easy to achieve.

Ye Zishu also took the time to understand the public opinion situation. After reading it, I don't know whether this matter is a good thing or a bad thing, but I can be sure that the intensity of technological competition will be even higher.

Sure enough, within a few days, Boston Dynamics, which was established in 1992, received a huge financing, with a financing scale of up to US$5 billion.

This is the most intuitive reaction to this incident. Every country is unwilling to fall behind in this robot competition and wants to take the initiative. Investment in this field will increase rapidly in the future.

This is still a well-known case. In the past few days, major countries in the world have stepped up similar actions. Companies with ready-made research robots will increase investment and speed up research.

Countries without similar enterprises are also actively seeking ways to recruit talents and establish relevant departments and companies. Capitalists have also given the green light to actively invest in this. The state is also actively formulating relevant financial subsidies to guide capital to actively invest.

On the surface, it looks much calmer. Everyone thinks it is just fermenting in public opinion. In fact, as long as there are powerful and ambitious capitals and countries, no one is idle.

As for the sales of Qinglong Technology's robots, it also exceeded many people's expectations. In just a few days, 10,000 low-end service robots were sold, bringing Qinglong Technology's revenue of 1 billion yuan.

100,000 yuan for an individual,

It may be a big sum, but for commercial enterprises, it is actually not expensive, but the gimmick brought can attract a large number of consumers to come to watch.

The companies under him bought a batch of them first and put them in their sales outlets. For example, the clothing sales store under Qilin Textile Industry Group has such robots.

Such a cute robot is placed in front of the window, and people who pass by are interested in it at first sight. They didn't intend to enter the store to have a look, but they chose to come in to have a look. This is a business opportunity.

Although such a service robot is not very flexible, its IQ is not low. Relying on the background artificial intelligence service, it can communicate with customers smoothly.

The most surprising thing is that it can not only answer customers' boring questions fluently, but also provide customers with consumption suggestions for all the products in the store, and it is also reasonable.

With such a robot, it can not only attract customers into the store, but also provide additional sales services. It is a little helper for the store manager. Compared with manual recommendations, some customers prefer the recommendations of robots.

Because these robots can understand the relevant data clearly by looking at the body shape of the customer, and the background will form a large number of feasible clothing and other suggestions.

The clothing scheme recommended by the service robot is often more able to hit the hearts of consumers. Customers who originally did not want to buy clothing, under the advice of the service robot, not only bought it, but often bought it as a set.

For this kind of service robot, 100,000 yuan is only purchased for robot hardware and basic software services, such as simple communication, without high professional knowledge.

In order for the robot to exert its due professional capabilities, it is necessary to purchase additional related services, and these service providers are Phoenix Technology, because artificial intelligence technology is currently in their hands.

It means that Qinglong Technology Company actually only sells hardware and simple basic software services, while value-added services are provided by Phoenix Technology Company and benefited from them.

In the beginning, everyone was not very interested in this kind of robot, because apart from looking cute and cute on the surface, it felt useless, clumsy and unable to do things.

In fact, it was beyond everyone's expectations. When everyone found out that the sales of stores that bought robots doubled, while the sales of stores that did not buy service robots showed a slight decline.

Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the problem. Even if they don't increase sales for themselves, they have to stabilize their sales, otherwise what awaits them is chronic blood loss.

As a result, more and more stores have purchased service robots. Rich stores have several, so that they can receive more customers, and those without money have to put one, at least with a selling point.

In such a case of involution, the global offline business behavior has undergone great changes, and more and more offline sales companies have found that service robots are already one of the devices they cannot do without.

So the orders were scattered to Qinglong Technology Company like snowflakes, but they hadn't prepared enough production capacity before, because they didn't think they would sell much before.

Due to lack of preparation, if you want to buy their products, you can only queue up first, and the queuing qualification is to pay a 30% deposit. If you cancel the order, it means that the 30% deposit will not be returned.

But even so, the number of robot orders of Qinglong Technology Company has been scheduled for two months, and there is a trend of more and more delays.

In response to this situation, Qinglong Technology can only rely on Xuanwu Technology to expand its production in order to meet the current global demand for service robots.

Fortunately, it is not very difficult to manufacture this kind of basic *** robot, because there is no particularly complicated structure at all, and there are no expensive materials. If calculated according to the cost of materials, it is actually very cheap.

What is really valuable is the smart program. The smart program provided by Phoenix Technology Company to Qinglong Technology Company is actually free of charge, but it makes the original pile of scrap iron worthless.

In turn, Phoenix Technology can also collect a lot of value-added service fees from these robots, which is why Phoenix Technology is willing to provide basic intelligent software without charging any fees.

For a 100,000 yuan service robot, the hardware cost is only 20,000 yuan, while Xuanwu Technology can earn 60,000 yuan for each one it produces, and the remaining 40,000 yuan goes to Qinglong Technology.

For the value-added services provided by Phoenix Technology, each machine can receive at least 10,000 yuan per year, depending on the type and frequency of the service.

If a store uses a service robot and there is no boom in sales, then the service fee will not be very high, because the service frequency used is very low, and the service fee paid in turn will be higher.

Although the robot was developed by Qinglong Technology Company, they did not keep the production price very low. After all, they are brother companies, and everyone can obtain excess profits to maintain a harmonious relationship.

All the products of Qinglong Technology Company are manufactured by Xuanwu Technology Company. If the price is too low, there is a high possibility of a rebound.

It is basically impossible not to help Qinglong Technology Company to produce, after all, it affects the interests of the boss, but Xuanwu Technology Company can do it themselves, they have the strength.

It's just that they have been getting along well before, everyone eats meat together, and the distribution of benefits is more reasonable, so Xuanwu Technology Company will not come out to compete with Qinglong Technology Company for jobs.

Even if it is difficult to upgrade a new chip architecture, it is not impossible. If you cannot reach the level of Qinglong Technology Company, you can ask the boss for help.

Anyway, in Ye Zishu's eyes, as long as his business is generally profitable, it doesn't matter which company earns more or less.

It is precisely because of this reason that the cooperation of his industries is generally relatively harmonious, and the interests of all parties can be taken care of, so that one company will not be fat and oily, and other companies can only drink soup.

The industrial group under Xuanwu Technology Company is very large, as long as they start to expand production capacity, the speed will be very fast.

In just half a month, they expanded the monthly production capacity of robots to 200,000 units, a full 20-fold increase from the previous monthly production capacity of only 10,000 units.

The orders received by Qinglong Technology Company have already reached 2 million units, with a total value of 200 billion yuan, and the orders are still increasing continuously.

When Ye Zishu looked up the robot business information of Qinglong Technology Company when he was bored, he was also shocked by this number, which was completely beyond his expectation.

According to this trend, 5 million units of this cheapest robot alone can be sold every year, which is a bit terrifying.

The reasons for this situation are simple. First, it is cheap. 100,000 yuan is not very expensive for merchants, and they are fully able to afford it. If it is more than one million yuan, there will not be so many orders.

The second is practicality. Although robots cannot do many things that humans can do, they can do a very good job in sales, even better than ordinary human salespeople.

The third is freshness. The imagination about robots has long existed, but human beings have never been able to realize it. Now science fiction has come into reality. Even if there is still some gap with the ideal, it makes up for human curiosity.

Some consumers even ask robots to provide services by name, especially to buy some hidden products. They don’t need to feel strange eyes when choosing robots, but they feel much better.

The most important thing is that the robot is willing to chat with consumers, even if it is a boring topic, they can still chat in full swing, making consumers feel at home.

The fourth is the trend. Robots have become so cheap that they have fully met the standard of entering thousands of households. Many people realize that robots have begun to enter their lives, which is inevitable.

Although many people worry that robots pose a threat to human beings, they are honest and enjoy the services brought by robots, and they are still a little bit bored.

The fifth is introversion. Human beings are introverted all the time. As long as there is a relationship of interest between humans on the earth, involution cannot be eliminated. Even if everyone thinks that they all buy robots, it will not bring significant changes to the overall income.

But in order not to let themselves be left behind, even if they know that buying robots is a loss-making business in general, many merchants will still buy them, because if they don’t buy them, their competitiveness will be weaker, which is tantamount to giving up the market automatically.

For the above reasons, the robots of Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. suddenly became popular. This is also thanks to Kirin Textile Industry Group, who were the first to try it out, and drove the development of the entire robot industry.

Now even Taiji Group's terminal sales network is gradually increasing the number of service robots, but the output is insufficient and they cannot get enough goods.

This is still the cheapest service robot, and it wins the market space only by relying on advanced artificial intelligence services. If this factor is excluded, it is simply useless.

Robots worth more than 1 million yuan have more practicality, because they are no longer simple iron bumps, and use bionic skin on the outside. Although there is still a gap compared with real skin, this is already a huge improvement.

In addition, the robot's limbs are very complete. The 100,000 yuan robot moves on wheels and has no movable arms. The service depends entirely on a mouth.

The 1 million yuan service robot actually has all the functions that ordinary waiters need. Although it is not flexible enough compared with humans, there are still many things that can be done.

Taiji Group's terminal sales stores have purchased such robots, and they plan to place one in each store, so as to ensure that their stores can operate normally 24 hours a day.

In the past, they only had a sales network of health products, which actually opened within 24 hours, but now they are planning to build a sales network of medicines and health products from the previous sales network of health products.

For pharmacies, it is necessary to be able to open 24 hours, because customers need to buy medicines, regardless of time, as long as they are sick, even in the middle of the night, they have to buy medicines.

In this way, ordinary employees go to work during the day, and when they get off work at night, they can leave this robot alone to watch the night shift and realize 24-hour non-stop business.

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