Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 726: Isn’t there still you here?


When she came back from get off work in the evening, Pei Qing cooked the meals. When the two of them were eating, Pei Qing said with a smile, "I heard that Qinglong Technology Company has dug up a cornucopia!"

Ye Zishu knew what she was talking about, and said angrily: "What kind of cornucopia is this? Compared with yours, it is far behind."

Pei Qing didn't take it seriously, and said directly: "You can't say that, although we are indeed developing very well now, but there is very little room for future growth.

You can't rely on these medicines to scrape the flesh of the people all over the world. I feel that the business development of Taiji Group is about to enter a bottleneck period.

We are not like other pharmaceutical companies, there are basically no drugs that can cure diseases simply and neatly, and they are all things that hang patients and keep investing money.

Although our approach has increased our reputation in the pharmaceutical industry, it will also rapidly reduce the number of our customers. If there is no new drug supplement, there may be a decline in the future.

To be honest, the entire Tai Chi Group is still in the carnival of rapid business growth, and as the president, I am actually a little anxious, fearing that this is the turning point of our prosperity and decline. "

After listening to her words carefully, Ye Zishu knew that what she said was not entirely correct. There is indeed such a possibility in their pharmaceutical business, but there is still a lot of room for development in other businesses.

At present, in the field of medical equipment, the best sellers are personal smart wearable devices. Even so, there is still room for growth in the future. With the advanced level of their wearable devices, the annual sales volume may exceed hundreds of millions of units in the future.

Although their current domestic prices are much cheaper than those abroad, they are still too expensive compared to domestic income, and there is a lot of room for domestic growth in the future.

In the past, Ye Zishu planned to sell 2,000 yuan in China, but Pei Qing did not agree. The reason is very simple. The price gap between domestic and foreign countries is too large, which is not conducive to the development of international business.

The price gap is allowed, but it should not be too large. This will make overseas users feel that they have been taken advantage of, and it will be a huge blow to the company's reputation.

Therefore, their domestic price is 12,000 yuan, although there is a difference of 5,000 yuan from the 17,000 yuan abroad, but this level is still acceptable.

Moreover, the price is not blatantly shown, but the method of promotion and discount is adopted. The actual price is the same, so that the acceptance level of foreign consumers is much higher, and there will not be too much criticism.

In fact, not only this business, but many of their businesses do not have a large domestic market. As long as the domestic economy develops, there is still a lot of room for growth.

So he thinks that Pei Qing's thoughts are too pessimistic. Of course, Ye Zishu also understands Pei Qing's thoughts. She can definitely think of such a reason.

I still have to say that, just to get some benefits from him.

He is not disgusted with this. After all, the company still belongs to him in name, and the development of Taiji Group will have greater benefits in enhancing his influence.

However, he didn't take the blame, but said: "You are not short of money now, and you can definitely develop businesses other than the existing business, not to mention that the existing business has not developed to the extreme, and there is still room for improvement."

Pei Qing knew that what he said was not for her to invest casually. He had said a long time ago that he had no objection to investing in new businesses, but he absolutely could not invest in irrelevant industries.

After Ye Zishu said this, Pei Qing was silent for a while, as if she was having a difficult ideological struggle, after thinking for a while, she seemed to have figured it out.

So he said: "Since you said that, can we enter the field of medicinal food and functional drinks? These two businesses should be related to our main business?"

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu hadn't finished chewing the food in his mouth, so he stared at her dumbfounded. He didn't expect her to think of this, even Ye Zishu was surprised.

In fact, he has no idea about these. Anyway, the beverage industry is handed over to Kirin Beverage Industry Group, and many recipes are given, but the focus is on taste, and health is also taken into consideration.

In the field of functional drinks, what he remembers is Red Bull, but he also drank Red Bull, but he didn’t feel much about it, so he no longer pays special attention to functional drinks.

He hadn't thought about the field of medicinal diet at all, because in his opinion, since there are many advanced medicinal products, why bother to make some medicinal diets that are not very effective, it is completely superfluous.

But now that he heard what Pei Qing said, he thought about it and felt that it made sense. It's not that these effects are great, but that they can improve the economy.

How to develop the economy? It is to constantly create demand and change methods to allow consumers to have products and services that can be consumed, so that even if everyone has money, they will not be unable to spend it.

He also opposes excessive borrowing by the people, because the individual's ability to resist risks is very weak, and once unpredictable economic problems arise, it is very likely that they will face pressure that they cannot bear personally.

He also opposed the excessive savings of the people, because it was very unfavorable to economic development. If the products produced could not be sold, it meant that there would be fewer jobs. As one of them, the people would be the first to feel the difficulties brought about by the economic downturn.

If you want to balance the two, you must do a good job in social security, so that even if people encounter difficulties, they don't have to rely too much on savings to get through. The insurance industry plays a very important role in this.

It’s just that the insurance industry in the previous life was really difficult to describe, so the idea of ​​letting Tidal Investment Company enter the insurance industry came up, and hoped that they would set an industry benchmark and treat this as the ballast of society, not just a business to make money.

Based on the concept of traditional Chinese medicine in our country, medicated diet still has considerable market potential in our country, and can even become a unique form of catering culture in our country.

Although he also owns the catering group "Zhonghua Xiaodangjia", their business basically has nothing to do with medicinal cuisine, and they do not have the management ability of medicinal cuisine.

Since it is definitely not a bluffing thing to do, he will never make false propaganda for business. Since the propaganda must be effective, this is his business logic criterion.

But how to make medicinal diet is actually quite difficult. Medicinal diet is not medicine, but it is closely related to medicine. The grasp of this needs to be very precise. Once the grasp is not accurate, it is very easy to cause accidents.

To do this well, you need to do the following two points. The first point is to have a very clear concept of medicated diet and a very deep understanding of medicated diet.

He thinks that it is not enough to just copy from the ancient recipes. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the various ingredients used in order to really make a good medicinal diet and let it exert its proper effect.

The second point is that according to the actual needs of different customers, it is necessary to be able to accurately control it and play the role of a real medicinal diet. This has high requirements for the ability of the practitioners, and it is not just a chef.

The first point is that the Taiji Group is still a bit basic. After all, they have planted so many Chinese medicinal materials, most of which cannot be casually added to the medicinal diet as raw materials, because they have extremely high medicinal properties.

There are also many mild-tempered Chinese herbal medicines, which are very suitable as raw materials for medicinal diets. In terms of Chinese herbal medicine research, Tai Chi Group should be at the forefront.

But how to match it, the knowledge is great. In fact, the ingredients with strong medicinal properties can also be used as medicinal food, but the amount must be controlled accurately, and they cannot be treated as ordinary medicinal food. Different people eat different effects. of.

Ye Zishu thought so much, he felt that the business of medicinal food was quite troublesome, and it was not as simple as Pei Qing himself thought, unless they were doing business following the trend, then it didn't matter.

"What worries do you have to think for so long?" Pei Qing asked.

"I have no objection to you launching these two businesses. After all, compared with other companies, you are at least much more professional, and you can be regarded as more relevant.

But I think these two businesses are not very easy to do, because if we want to do it, we must do our best and be the most professional. To meet this standard, are you sure you have the ability? "Leaf Book asked.

After listening to what he said, Pei Qing also thought about this issue carefully. In fact, she didn't think about these two businesses for too long. They just treated the problems that the group might encounter during this period of time as business development.

It can be said that only she and Ye Zishu know about this idea at the moment, and she hasn't even mentioned it to the management of the company because she wants to ask Ye Zishu's opinion first.

However, Ye Zishu didn't object, which was actually half the battle, so she said coquettishly: "Isn't there still you here? I believe you must have a way to solve the problem!"

When Ye Zishu heard this, he almost choked himself. This was the business she proposed, and it felt like sending him a task, which made him wonder if it was intentional.

Ye Zishu really didn't want to take on this job, not because he couldn't do it, but because he was so busy these days that he really didn't want to be entangled in all kinds of things.

Seeing Ye Zishu's expression, Pei Qing knew that he was resistant, and immediately said: "Actually, it's not as complicated as you think, you only need to provide the formula for functional drinks, and we will make the rest by ourselves.

The medicated diet is actually not that complicated. I know that a qualified medicated diet must have higher requirements for the operator, but we can develop an auxiliary system to guide the chef to operate.

It is even possible to use personal diagnostic equipment to obtain user data, and provide differentiated suggestions according to their different needs. These can be digitized and informatized, so it should not be difficult. "

Hearing what she said, Ye Shu didn't expect that what was thought to be quite complicated at first didn't seem to be that complicated. If she refused, it would be a bit unreasonable.

So I could only say: "I didn't expect you to have such a solution, okay, I'll take care of this for you later."

Seeing that he agreed, Pei Qing immediately laughed happily, and hurriedly put a few chopsticks in his bowl, making Ye Zishu feel that it would be okay if he didn't deal with it as soon as possible.

After the meal, Ye Zishu didn't help to clean up the dishes, nor did he watch TV with Pei Qing for a while, but went straight back to his study to finish the matter as soon as possible.

When he came to the study, he first went to the virtual library to search for relevant information. This time, he was lucky, and he didn't fail. He directly found several energy drink formulas that he thought were good.

It's just that the main materials used in the formula are relatively complex and do not exist in nature. They require specialized technology to produce, which virtually increases his workload.

And he also needs to conduct experiments in the virtual laboratory to see if there is any additional damage to the human body, and only after confirming that it is harmless can he take it out.

As for the medicinal food, it was not so easy. After searching for a while, he couldn't find what he wanted, so he stopped looking and prepared to do it himself. He was still a little confident in this aspect, but it took more time.

No matter how complex functional beverages are, they can be produced industrially, but medicinal diets cannot. Therefore, all materials that exist on the earth must be used, and they must also meet the characteristics of medicinal diets.

The requirement seems simple, but it is not easy to find in the virtual library. Of course, it may also be that such materials are not worth storing, and there are no such materials at all.

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